Gao Yi, who had made up his mind to consume, first contacted several sellers on the forum.

The first few people he found were selling [E-level Evolution Potion].

Most of the quotations were around 40~50 game coins, which was really expensive.

According to the seller, [E-level Evolution Potion] can provide 3%~6% evolution rate for E-level players.

There are some differences in the specific effects. It seems that the higher the evolution rate, the smaller the improvement.

Gao Yi found two sellers willing to provide delivery services and bought four bottles - the takeaway industry is really developed now.

Of course, it is impossible to let others deliver directly to the apartment, so all kinds of disguises will lose their meaning.

After a little thought, Gao Yi chose to let the seller deliver the goods to two supermarket lockers in the city center.

After putting them in, just provide the password, and then you only need to wait for the crowds to pick them up.

As for payment, you can also use the same method.

If you are really worried that someone is observing through surveillance or tracking from a distance, Gao Yi can find someone else to pick it up on your behalf.

Even if you take a step back, you still have a [Mist Mask] that can change your face, so you can find a solution anyway.

In fact, you can buy four bottles at a time from these two sellers, but Gao Yi decided to buy two bottles in two batches.

This is also considered not putting all your eggs in one basket.

In the end, he spent 178 game coins and had a balance of 322.

Of course, Gao Yi was not without concerns that the other party would take the money without doing the work, but it seems that this [Nankang City Player Forum] has a corresponding supervision mechanism.

Although the "player" group has only appeared in the city for three months, it has already had its own operating mechanism.

On the other hand, Gao Yi vaguely felt that this "forum" was not that simple, and there might be some official forces behind it.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the huge bounty order and its extremely strong organizational ability.

This is obviously not something that an individual can accomplish.

At noon, Zhao Qian used the expression "completely legal".

"Maybe it's the relevant government departments behind it. Fortunately, I didn't use my mobile phone number..."

Gao Yi whispered to himself and made two more notes in his notebook.

To be honest, he is not an anarchist, but he is indeed wary of various official agencies.

If Gao Yi really believed that any crime could be solved through judicial procedures, he would not be an investigative reporter.

Think about it, the "Jinhuang Security" fraud company was able to carry out sales activities and distribute flyers everywhere.

The backers behind it are obviously not small people.

In any case, Gao Yi is not the kind of person who will be "recruited", which is also a very stubborn part of his character.

Of course, if this [Player Forum] has official endorsement, Gao Yi can be more assured.

Although these "players" have gained superpowers and their abilities have evolved in all aspects.

But that is only relative to ordinary people.

It's too bullying to compare with regular troops. As long as a few security guards or police equipped with Taylor guns come, they can easily subdue players like Gao Yi with limited bonuses.

Not to mention that no matter how strong a person's power is, there is a limit. Even if you are really invulnerable, don't you need to sleep, eat, and go to the toilet?

No one can stay vigilant 24 hours a day, and no one can never make mistakes.

Although Gao Yi didn't want to have too many disputes with the official forces, it would be foolish to be their enemy.

Putting all this aside, Gao Yi still wanted to spend all his money and convert it into combat power.

He had his eyes on a blue piece of equipment called [Stunt Belt] for the remaining 300 game coins.

Its effect is to slightly increase agility and reaction speed when worn.

When used actively, it can release the body's potential within three minutes, greatly enhancing the wearer's agility.

Of course, according to the seller, there is a negative effect, and physical fatigue will accumulate after wearing it for a long time.

If worn continuously for twelve hours, the knees will not be able to bend directly for the next twelve hours.

The price is 299 game coins, which is just within Gao Yi's tolerance range.

"Three hundred thousand, this is enough for me to buy a car..."

Gao Yi only felt that his heart was bleeding uncontrollably, watching the white silver being spent like this.

But to be honest, this deal is worth it.

"Agility" is exactly the bonus that Gao Yi wants to get most at this time.

Under the premise that [Armchair Detective] greatly improves the five senses, Gao Yi can quickly obtain and process the situation and information nearby.

But after knowing where there is danger, where there is an enemy, and what he should do, if he does not have enough speed to act, it is still useless.

This [Stunt Belt] just meets Gao Yi's pursuit of agility.

On the other hand, its active skills can also be matched with the active skills of [Armchair Detective].

Using the two together, Gao Yi may be able to attack and act in the state of "bullet time".

It is not impossible to dodge bullets in cosplay The Matrix.

After calculating the pros and cons, Gao Yi contacted the seller as [Investigator-Snake] and asked how to trade.

The forum name of this seller is [Graduate Student], and judging from the wording, he should not be very old.

Another reason why Gao Yi chose him to trade is that during the communication with him, he felt that the other party was really short of money to sell things.

This means that this [graduate student] is not too equipped to deal with waste, which means that his combat power should not be too exaggerated.

It can eliminate the possibility of some black-eating black-no, why do you subconsciously think of yourself as a black.

Gao Yi shook his head and looked at the transaction time and place given by the other party again.

[8 o'clock in the evening, Hulong Mall Building A, 3rd Floor Rest Area]

"Specially chose a place with dense crowds of people, and insisted on trading in person. It seems that the other party is more afraid of me..."

Gao Yi quickly settled the account. This player who can take out 300 game coins at a time obviously makes the other party very vigilant.

But in this case, it should also mean that the other party just wants to complete the transaction in an ordinary way, and there is a high probability that there will be no more trouble.

Looking at the time, it is already past two o'clock in the afternoon.

The other two [Evolution Potion] sellers will find someone to deliver the goods and then communicate, which will take at least three or four hours.

At that time, I can take the subway to the city center and pick up the goods directly.

For appearance, it should not be necessary to use the [Mist Mask], just cover yourself up and disguise yourself.

As a professional investigative reporter, facial disguise and clothing changes are common operations for Gao Yi.

Although it is impossible to disguise yourself as someone else, it is still very simple to simply change the original appearance.

Of course, you can't go too far, otherwise the supermarket security will think you are trading contraband.

On the other hand, there shouldn't be too many problems with the transaction with the [graduate student].

At that time, you can also consider whether to use the camouflage effect of the [Mist Mask].

This has two advantages, one is to ensure the concealment of your identity, and the other is to add credibility to the current [Investigator-Snake] vest.

Gao Yi also considered this aspect when choosing "Snake" as his name. The identity given by the [Mist Mask] is random, and even men and women cannot be changed.

And "Snake" is also one of the animals that has no gender and appearance characteristics.

Venomous snakes and green snakes may be female, while pythons and cobras may be male.

Of course, this may be a bit too much.

But Gao Yi's style is to be prepared for everything.

Otherwise, with the strength of the curse of the goddess of luck, he would have died long ago.

Speaking of bad luck, can today's transactions really be completed normally...

I still have no idea, but no matter what, I will do my best.

While there is still time, should I take a break?

Thinking of this, Gao Yi took a deep breath and looked at his bed.

Relaxing his body again, he opened his hands and fell on the warm and soft mattress.

Go to sleep, go to sleep.

Gao Yi didn't know that after these two hours of sleep, he couldn't fall asleep peacefully for a long time.


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