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Chapter 53 [Western City Strange Things] Chinese Restaurant

The night was getting heavier, and the thick stratus clouds ruthlessly obscured the moonlight, leaving the city in darkness.

After passing through an abandoned warehouse and crossing the small river where countless people had disappeared, Gao Yi and his partner finally returned to the center of West City.

Near the amusement park, they found a Chinese restaurant and sat down inside - of course, the axe had been wrapped and disguised.

There were two reasons for choosing this place.

First, in Gao Yi's previous speculation, the amusement park that appeared after eleven years should have problems, and this restaurant happened to be built next to the amusement park.

While eating, you can also observe and stay alert.

Second, because this is Chinese food.......

Of course, Gao Yi had never heard of any of the items on the menu, so he had to choose some ordinary meals according to the names.

As for the money to pay the bill, it was a small matter. Gao Yi had found some in the table in the office before, probably left by the previous teacher.

Considering that he should not have time to collect his salary for substitute teaching, and today's class was indeed good, this little money should not matter too much.

Let's take a step back and say that at most, it's just a matter of brushing up the label experience of [Laolai]...

The two of them were sitting at the outermost side of the restaurant. Outside the huge floor-to-ceiling window, the lights of the already decorated playground were bright and lively.

After confirming that no one was listening nearby and no players were following, the man finally began to tell his story.

The man's name was Wang Wuzhou, and he also entered this [Western City Strange Stories] with a ticket.

However, according to him, the ticket was bought because the last copy was completed very poorly, resulting in no ticket income.

He kept delaying until the countdown was about to end, and then hurriedly bought the ticket.

I don't know where it came from, whether it was still the charlatan Zhao Qian.

Wang Wuzhou entered the copy as a lumberjack, and it seems that he also served as a basketball player.

This seems to explain the origin of his overalls and giant axe.

Not long after exploring the lumberyard, Wang Wuzhou was pulled by several workers to play basketball.

He thought this was a good opportunity and quickly took the opportunity to find out the basic information of the copy.

"I usually play basketball, and I'm actually quite confident..."

"But I didn't expect that the basketball skills of that group of people were ridiculously strong, and the rules were a little different from mine. I couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all, and I was driven off the bench after a while."

Wang Wuzhou's words were somewhat helpless, and it was obvious that he was not willing to be crushed by his basketball skills.

Gao Yi, who was listening and recording, recalled something and flipped his notebook forward.

[With the successful conclusion of the 43rd West City Basketball Tournament, the Lumberjack Alliance team won the final championship...]

The information in the radio in the morning actually worked again, and it seemed that it could explain the other party's problem.

However, Gao Yi still did not interrupt the rhythm of the other party's narration, and continued to listen to Wang Wuzhou's story.

"The ball suddenly ran out of air, so they asked me to go to the storage room to get the pump... It was quite complicated, with a bunch of scary things. Anyway, I saw a red balloon in the corner."

"Is there anything else written on it?"

"Yes, yes, yellow words, what is written [The best in West City]."

Hearing Gao Yi's question, Wang Wuzhou slapped the table as if he remembered something, and scared the waiter who came to serve the food.

He hurriedly apologized and took the plate.

To be honest, this table of Chinese food was something that the two Nankang people had never seen before.

Chicken nuggets wrapped in thick syrup, sticky fried rice, some kind of cross-shaped, stuffed...fried food.

After looking at each other, the two hungry people still didn't pick and choose.

The following story is actually not complicated. Wang Wuzhou realized the weirdness of this copy and saw Bill the Clown for the first time.

Afterwards, he found a lumberjack whose child was missing, and after chatting with him, he looked through the child's diary.

Following various clues, Wang Wuzhou went to a bar and wanted to talk to the bartender there.

It was not dark yet, and the bar had not opened yet. He wanted to find a place to wait, so when he pushed open the door of a grocery store, he fell into the illusion of the clown.

"At first I could still realize that this was fake, but those past cases and victims appeared in front of me..."

"Wait a minute." Gao Yi interrupted the other party, "Are you a... policeman?"

"Uh... something like that..."

Wang Wuzhou showed an embarrassed look on his face, as if he was a little embarrassed about the slip of the tongue during the conversation.

It must be said that he really didn't set up much defense for Gao Yi, the "lifesaver", and basically answered whatever he asked.

Gao Yi also reacted that he was not doing a secret visit in reality, so there was no reason to be afraid of the police.

It's no wonder that he just reacted a little too much. In his previous career, the police often didn't have a good face for him, an investigative reporter who broke into private homes and tracked and explored for many years.

"Um...was the mask you were wearing equipment?"

Wang Wuzhou asked, trying to change the subject.

At this moment, Gao Yi had naturally taken off the [Mist Mask]. This equipment was indeed not suitable for daily wear.

"It is, but I can't tell you what its effect is."

"No, no, no..." Wang Wuzhou waved his hand quickly and picked up a piece of chicken for himself:

"I was wondering, why didn't you just kill me at that time?"

"Do you want to die?" Gao Yi picked up a piece of golden fried food with a strange shape, and took a bite, and it turned out to be fried crab legs.

"No, but... this copy is a sword, I really didn't expect to meet someone like you..."

Wang Wuzhou used his free left hand to circle in front of him for a few times, and it took him a long time to think of what words to use: "Good Samaritan."

"Didn't I explain to you that I plan to kill that clown and pursue a higher level of main quests."

I don't know if it's because he's too hungry, Gao Yi actually thinks that this hot and sour soup with ingredients that violate ancestral teachings is quite delicious.

It is worth mentioning that since explaining the situation to the other party, Gao Yi's [Enthusiastic Citizen] label experience has been growing slightly.

Now, it has reached level three, and is expected to become the first label with three abilities.

After he had another spoonful, he looked up at Wang Wuzhou and asked the question that had lasted for the entire dungeon:

"So what does the 'Sword' represent? Will there be any bonus for killing other players?"

Wang Wuzhou's eyes became a little strange, and he looked up at Gao Yi without even swallowing the special dumplings in his mouth.

This look was like looking at a child who didn't know how many continents there were in the world.

"You really don't know?"

"I really don't know."

It can be seen that when Wang Wuzhou swallowed this dumpling, he also swallowed a lot of questions:

"In short, killing other players in the 'Sword' dungeon will not only get more potions and game coins, but also plunder their extra features and an equipment."


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