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Chapter 69 [Western City Strange Things] Sleepiness and Adventure

Finally leaving the "Scary Clown Haunted House", Gao Yi and Wang Wuzhou also chose to temporarily separate.

The reason is not complicated. First of all, Gao Yi's subsequent actions are indeed more suitable for acting alone.

Secondly, someone has to be responsible for dealing with the police who came.

After all, someone died here, and no matter how useless the Xicheng police are, they can't just turn a blind eye.

Wang Wuzhou said, "We are all colleagues, I can send them away with a few words," and took on this job.

Although this colleague is in a different country, era and position, he looks quite confident...

Let him go.

It is worth mentioning that Gao Yi originally planned to share the equipment and potions that the nails exploded with the other party, but was rejected by Wang Wuzhou.

The general meaning is that you are basically the only one who took action, and you spent so much money, so there is no reason for you to share it.

Wang Wuzhou said it very firmly, and Gao Yi said a few polite words, and then he didn't insist.

What the other party said does make sense, after all, he was the one who was beaten and used the equipment and potions.

On the other hand, Wang Wuzhou always felt that he owed something, and it was even more impossible for him to compete with Gao Yi at this time. Forcing it on him would make the conversation awkward.

The two chatted for a few more words about their plans for the future, told each other where they planned to go, and how to meet and contact each other, and then separated temporarily.

Gao Yi's wounds have healed, except for the skin on his left arm, which is lighter in color, and the wound on his face has not completely disappeared.

Fortunately, the scars are not deep, and he should slowly return to his original state.

Gao Yi is not the type who cares about his appearance very much, but leaving a scar on his face will make his friendly smile, which he is very good at, less convincing.

The negative effects of the active skills of the two equipment have also weakened, but they still exist.

The legs don't hurt, but the knees have become very stiff.

Although it is not to the extent of the zombie movies where you can only jump forward with your legs together, but walking is still a bit awkward.

Then there is the increase in body temperature brought by the [Reckless Arm Guard].

It wasn't that painful, it was just like having a fever, and my head was a little dizzy.

Considering that I had worn it for so long and used the active ability, the sequelae were just this, which was actually quite fortunate.

I should thank that bottle of [C-level physical healing potion], which was indeed a C-level potion, and was much stronger than the E-level potion I drank before.

If it was used on ordinary people, it might be able to cure some extremely troublesome diseases.

Of course, this bottle was exchanged for several new equipment and features, as well as more potions and game coins, so it was not a loss.

It was already late, and it was almost dawn in West City.

In this city with a high mortality rate and missing rate, there were very few pedestrians on the streets at this time, not to mention this sudden night rain.

The rain had become lighter than a few hours ago. Gao Yi wore the old hat he found in the haunted house to protect himself from the rain, but it was inevitable that his clothes would get wet.

Looking around, there were only a few drunks lying on the roadside, drinking beer wrapped in brown paper bags and burping at passers-by.

Laughing teenagers imitated wolf howls under street lights, competing with each other to see whose howl was louder in the night sky.

There were a few people who wanted to make trouble for Gao Yi, but the bloodstained clothes were still a bit intimidating.

In order to avoid scaring passers-by, Gao Yi had left his coat in the haunted house, but if you look closely, you can still see dark red blood on the dark sweater inside.

About half of it was Gao Yi's, and half was the nail.

Dragging his stiff knees, Gao Yi finally crossed the street with sparse street lights and returned to the original house, Mrs. Smith's house, in the rain.

Such a large single-family house, only two rooms were lit at this moment, which seemed quite deserted.

Knocked on the door, waited for about three minutes, and listened to the footsteps and slowly went downstairs with difficulty.

Gao Yi felt a little guilty. He came home so late and had to trouble the other party to open the door.

In fact, it was his own fault. He didn't even think about leaving the key when he left.

After all, Gao Yi's attention was attracted by the "disaster" and the weird broadcast at that time, so he naturally didn't have the energy to think about these details.

After waiting for a while, Mrs. Smith finally opened the locked door and looked out with a smile on her face.

Of course, Gao Yi also equipped the [Friend of Elderly Women], smiled, and started the greetings he was good at.

Although most of the wounds on his body have healed, the damage to his clothes cannot be covered up.

The deception enhancement of [Laolai] worked again, and a set of "brave and fell to the ground" rhetoric still convinced Mrs. Smith.

Gao Yi said that he wanted to take a shower and rest, and temporarily refused the dinner reserved by Mrs. Smith.

It must be a lie to say that he was not hungry.

Gao Yi is now literally hungry and exhausted. The [C-level physical healing potion] is indeed very effective, but the large amount of energy consumed makes Gao Yi, who is already hungry, even hungrier.

Covered in blood and dust, he is extremely eager to take a shower.

Gao Yi is a very clean person in daily life, but he has a high tolerance for dirt in extreme cases, which he has developed in his career as an investigative reporter.

But if you ask him what he wants most now, it must be sleep.

Calculating, Gao Yi has only slept for a few hours in the past two days of real time, plus more than a day of dungeon time.

If it weren't for becoming a player, with the improvement of the "evolution rate", his physical fitness has also improved to a certain extent.

It is estimated that Gao Yi had already fainted somewhere.

He said goodbye to Wang Wuzhou and returned here first, also wanting to take a rest.

Although it is still in the dungeon, the total time of this [Western City Strange Stories] is 48 hours, so there is still more than a day.

Of course, considering that if another player dies, the dungeon will end, in fact, there may not be enough time...

But Gao Yi is too sleepy, this kind of physiological fatigue is almost unbearable.

"Let's sleep for a while, just afraid that the clown will come to disgust people again. If it doesn't work, I will sleep with [Mist Mask]..."

Gao Yi murmured, without even taking off his clothes, and hurried to the bed.

This furniture, the first one he touched when he entered the dungeon, looks so tempting at this moment.

Lie on it, lie on it, roll over, and then fall asleep under the soft blanket, enjoying the warmth and the fragrance of fluff...

Gao Yi took off his slippers, stretched his waist, and was ready to pounce on it to rest.

But at this moment, the hearing bonus given by [Armchair Detective] suddenly took effect.

In the next room, a boy's voice was faintly heard.

"Little ghost calling madman, little ghost calling madman, ready, leave immediately!"

The boy obviously lowered his voice intentionally, and there was also some kind of electric current sound in it.

Is he using an intercom?

"Madman received, we are already in place, meet at the old place in half an hour."

The guess was correct, he was indeed communicating on the intercom.

The rustling sound of fabric friction and the sound of zipper tightening were heard urgently.

Obviously, the boy was making the final preparations to leave.

"It's the youngest son in this family..."

Sitting on the bed, Gao Yi sorted out the information.

The brother of this youngest son disappeared a few years ago, and his parents also left him.

In the morning, he could hear the voice on the radio... It was probably related to his age, and he should also be the hunting target of Bill the Clown.

In a horror movie, a group of children went out late at night without telling their parents, either to commit suicide or to commit suicide.

If nothing unexpected happens, it will also be a plot pointing to the core of the copy - the plot about Bill the Clown.

Flip your wrist to summon the light curtain.

[I: Survive in "West City" for 48 hours (34:27:31) or the number of remaining players in the copy is less than or equal to five (6/5)]

Gao Yi sighed deeply and reluctantly left the warm bed:

"Forget it, I will deal with that clown right away, then return to reality and go home to sleep in my own bed..."

He comforted himself like this.


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