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Chapter 88 Return, mist mask, and long-lost sleep

Given the last glance at the night scene of West City, Gao Yi waved the [Return Ticket] in his hand.

As the white light flashed, [West City Strange Stories], this second dungeon trip has ended.

Take a deep breath, digest the two bottles of potions just drunk, and forget all the previous experiences.

In any case, after returning to the real world, Gao Yi knew that he was still in danger.

Take out the mobile phone and confirm the time.

[9:21 pm]

Ah, familiar modern technology, mobile phones are really good things.

While sighing, he also roughly confirmed the speed of time flow: one hour in the dungeon, one minute in reality?

Combined with the experience of [Heart Strange Fog], Gao Yi roughly estimated the time ratio.

In other words, twenty minutes have passed since the battle in Hulong Mall.

The key point now is to return home safely without exposing the identity of the "player".

He did not forget that he entered this [West City Strange Stories] just to avoid being hunted down.

Although he cooperated with two... well, now a member of the Investigation Bureau in the dungeon, it does not mean that he will not be held accountable for fighting with players in the mall.

Although Gao Yi is not a very cautious person, he will still avoid risks that can be avoided.

If he is really caught and taken back for human dissection, there will be no place to complain.

As for escaping, it is not a big deal from the appearance.

[Mist Mask] ensures that the face shown in the mall is a young woman, and the place where he chooses to transform is also specially found in the toilet without surveillance at the door.

But such a person suddenly appeared, made a big fuss, and disappeared mysteriously under siege, which will inevitably lead to investigation.

At that time, suspicious people around the mall will be a little dangerous.

And now Gao Yi is undoubtedly a suspicious person in the literal sense.

Even if he drank a bottle of recovery potion and got a new set of clothes, Gao Yi is still in a state of "looking wrong".

His face was pale, his body was weak, his steps were unsteady, and although his various hideous wounds had healed, traces were still visible.

Not to mention that he had swum in the sewage for several laps, and rolled back and forth on the stinking rocky ground for several times.

Now the smell on his body was also not very pleasant.

"No, I'll swim back from the sewer to see if I can contact the four turtles..."

Gao Yi said an irrelevant cold joke while looking up and observing his surroundings.

[Return Ticket] did put him in a safe place, away from the previous disputes.

At this moment, Gao Yi was standing in the middle of two large commercial buildings on the west side of Hulong Mall.

The narrow, dark passage was filled with large trash cans on both sides, and there was a passage for transporting goods and waste next to the building.

A thick layer of black oil condensed on the ground, and the air was filled with a strange smell of disinfectant and rotten food.

The bad news is that this place is indeed a bit disgusting, and the good news is that this is also one of the few uninhabited places in the entire business district.

It's not that you can't use the active effect of [Mist Mask] again. During Gao Yi's exploration, he found that these equipment actually don't have a clear "cooling time".

In theory, it's not impossible to use it all the time.

The problem is that you have to bear its increasingly heavy negative effects.

Judging from the many equipment used during this period, the higher the equipment level, the greater the negative effect.

As a purple equipment, [Mist Mask] will not cause direct damage to the user like [Director's Whistle].

But its "personality confusion" effect is superimposed, which is likely to produce unforeseen situations.

"However, I will only turn it on for a while and turn it off when I leave the dangerous area. There shouldn't be too much negative effect."

Gao Yi rubbed his shoulders again, struggling with his thoughts.

He did have a lot of plans in his mind, such as buying a bottle of wine and pouring it on himself, pretending to be a drunk.

Steal a trash can and push it out to pretend to be a cleaner.

Or just sleep here for a night and become a homeless person.

Forget it, considering his current physical condition, it's a better choice to be conservative.

More importantly, Gao Yi is now hungry and sleepy, and he really can't stand it.

In the past 72 hours, he only took a nap, not to mention eating. He hasn't had dinner for a long time.

"There should be eggs in the refrigerator that I got from the fraud company, and there is also water noodles, soy sauce and sesame oil. I'll eat two... no, three fried eggs today!"

Gao Yi imagined a sumptuous dinner and took out the [Mist Mask].

But when he saw this mask that had been used several times, he was stunned.

Its appearance has changed?

The previous [Mist Mask] had a blurred gray shadow on the top, but now it has turned into white mist.

The mist kept surging, covering the entire surface of the mask, and a few faint rays of light could be seen in the depths.

"Is it because the equipment itself has evolved, or because..."

Gao Yi turned his left wrist and checked his latest changes.

[Player nickname: Gao Yi]

[Player level: D]

[Evolution rate: 1%]

Yes, after fighting with Zhang Tu, Gao Yi drank two more bottles of evolution potion.

Now he is already a real D-level player.

There should be a lot of bonuses to physical fitness, but considering Gao Yi's current physical condition, it is really difficult to experiment.

As for the various functions and panel changes, we can only wait until we get home to test them again.

After hesitating for a moment, Gao Yi put the [Mist Mask] on his face.

Close your eyes slightly as usual and gently rub your thumbs on your temples.

But the change occurred at this moment.

Gaoyi did not directly change its appearance like before.

In his mind, instead, a human face made of chaotic mist appeared, changing as he imagined.

Although it is not possible to "pin the face" too accurately, it is possible to roughly control the gender and age.

"If this continues, I might be able to turn into a specific person in the future, or even into an inhuman creature..."

Gao Yi thought about the future, focused his mind, and identified his gender as male. He was of medium build and about thirty years old.

This is the most common and unnoticeable image.

Opening his eyes again, Gao Yi looked down and saw that the clothes on his body were very different from what he had imagined.

He touched his chin and saw that the fine beard was still there. Although the wound on his face could not be touched, it still hurt when touched.

Likewise, physical fatigue and systemic pain cannot be dispelled.

But the good news is that I can finally go home.

With a long sigh, I left the alley filled with trash cans and the dense flow of people in the shopping mall at night.

Gao Yi took advantage of the fact that the subway was still running and headed home.

Near the "Youth" apartment building, at a corner without crowds or surveillance, the effect of the [Mist Mask] was lifted.

After all, there are more or less acquaintances in the apartment building, and seeing strangers entering, especially entering your own room, will cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Dragging his tired and hungry body, Gao Yi slowly walked into the apartment building step by step.

On the first floor of the apartment, there was a counter-shaped window connected to the outside of the landlady's room.

When she had nothing to do, my mother-in-law would sit here, watch TV shows, read books, and say hello to the residents coming and going.

If there is any express delivery, payment or rental cancellation, you must come here to register.

But after her mother-in-law broke her ribs, her granddaughter seemed to have taken over.

It was almost eleven o'clock, and Li Zhaozhao, who was wearing school uniform, was writing homework on the counter. He heard a sound coming from the door and subconsciously looked up.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. Gao Yi's miserable physical condition and the wounds that cannot be covered by clothes are enough for everyone to tell that he "has a story."

"How... do you need me to call the police?"

Li Zhaozhao whispered doubts in the first half of the sentence, and asked in a loud voice with concern in the second half.

"No, no, I'm fine..." Gao Yiqiang cheered up, but he couldn't let the other party call the police at this time:

"It was a work-related injury, a minor accident."

"Work-related injury...then, do you need any medicine? There seems to be a first-aid kit at home."

The confusion in his tone remained, Li Zhaozhao frowned, as if recalling the location of the medicine.

"Hey, don't bother. Remember the medicine I gave to my mother-in-law? I still have it myself, and everything will be fine... Say hello to Grandma Chen for me..."

Gao Yi said, dragging his heavy shadow into the stairwell.

After thinking for a while, he stepped back and looked at the diligent student who was still doing homework late at night:

"Study hard, otherwise you will have to be like me when you work in the future."

Saying some encouraging words, Gao Yi walked up the stairs with difficulty and walked towards the corridor as the voice-activated light sounded.

Stop at the door of room 307 and take out the key.

I almost forgot and checked the arrangement under the carpet and on the door lock.

After confirming that no one had sneaked in, Gao Yi completely relaxed and entered the room.

Tired, so tired.

His legs could no longer move at all. With his last willpower, Gao Yi entered the bedroom.

He didn't even bother to take off his clothes, so he just lay on the bed in a daze.

The sheets and duvet covers have to be washed again, and the floor has to be mopped... I'm so hungry, forget it, let's talk about it when I wake up...

Squirmingly, he arched towards the head of the bed and finally found the pillow.

So comfortable, so warm....

After such a long period of dungeons and battles, Gao Yi, who was highly nervous, was finally able to relax and get some undisturbed sleep.

My eyes are getting darker and darker, and fatigue is inevitable.

Sweet dreams were already beckoning to him, and Hypnos opened his arms to him.

But at this moment, a fierce sound suddenly woke up Gao Yi, who was already wrapped in sheep and white clouds.

Doorbell, damn, why would anyone ring the doorbell at this hour?


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