"No, look, this is your idol, our ace reporter Gao Yi. Although he is indeed not as handsome as me, don't dislike it..."

When Gao Yi arrived at the editorial office, Pan Tian, ​​who was wearing thick clothes, pulled him into the office and gave a nonsensical introduction to the new intern.

Of course, this introduction is actually unnecessary.

Gao Yi recognized the young woman with her head lowered at a glance. She was the "gas station clerk" he met in "The Fog of Heart" - Xiao Hong.

At this moment, Xiaohong was no longer dressed like a store clerk. Instead, she was wearing a rather serious white shirt and a cheap black suit, with a somewhat long red tie on her chest.

It looks like you have just entered the workplace and are at a loss, but you want to try your best to behave professionally.

Of course, her signature nervousness and silence are indispensable.


With great difficulty, Xiao Hong raised her head and suppressed a greeting.

Gao Yi tilted his head slightly and found the required information from the "entry documents" on Pan Tian's desk:

"Wen Xiaohong...is that right?"


The intern named Wen Xiaohong seemed to have gathered a wave of courage and forced herself to answer loudly.

But soon, she realized that her voice was too loud, attracting several eyes from outside the office, and she lowered her head again in shame.

Editor Pan on the side saw this and hurriedly came up to take over the topic:

"Hey, our Xiaohong may have done it. She joined the job in the morning and has already helped with a lot of work. If it weren't for her, she would probably have to work overtime until ten o'clock tonight!"

"I know, can you go out for a while? I have something I want to talk to her about."

Gao Yi interrupted Pan Tian's words and pointed to the side with his chin. Standing there was the new intern who was blushing slightly because of the praise.

"This is my office..." Pan Tian grinned, and then suddenly thought of something, and said "Oh~".

Then, he gave Gao Yi an "I understand you" look, walked out of the office with a lewd smile, and closed the door behind him.

It seemed that in his eyes, he, the "ace reporter", wanted to communicate with the "little fans" who suddenly appeared.

Okay, I created some unnecessary misunderstandings again.

After Pan Tian walked away and went to the other end of the editorial department to check the work progress, Gao Yi turned around and asked Xiao Hong:

"Why are you here?"

"I...I didn't even have time to thank you in the dungeon before, but I was suddenly teleported back to reality, and I've been looking for you..."

Xiaohong lowered her head and intertwined her index fingers with her hands, still looking like she was not good at communicating with others.

This is true. Gao Yi still remembers the [Missing Person Notice] he saw on the player forum.

I originally wanted to finish the things at hand before meeting each other, but I didn't expect to meet each other here.

After thinking about it, Gao Yi asked again:

"Then how did you find this place?"

"I found a player who had helped me before and showed him the portrait. He told me your name, and then I found this editorial office on the Internet..."

Xiao Hong kept lowering her head, raised her eyes tremblingly, and observed Gao Yi's expression extremely carefully, as if she was very worried that her words would make people angry:

"I saw that this editorial department was recruiting interns. Just because I stayed in the previous copy for too long, I was deemed to be absent from work without excuse and was fired from the store, so..."

"The player who is helping you...is he dressed in red, wearing round sunglasses, and looks like a magician?"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Gao Yi's mind, and he interrupted Xiao Hong's increasingly quiet narration and asked.

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Hong nodded, like a bobblehead doll that was violently slapped.

As expected, the person who provided Xiao Hong with tickets and sold Gao Yi's information was Zhao Qian.

It seems that the speculation about him "peddling information" is not wrong.

"He was a very nice person. He said he would help me inquire about it, and he only charged me fifty game coins..."

"How much?" Gao Yi's voice suddenly rose.

Good guy, this Zhao Qian really dares to speak. He obviously knows the information about Gao Yi, but he wants to pay fifty game coins to change the hands.

Gao Yi's question startled Xiaohong again, causing her already narrow shoulders to squeeze together even more, and her voice became trembling again:

"Actually, it's not a lot. He gave it to me when I didn't have any tickets before. In fact, [Mystery of the Heart] got a lot of game coins... and he seems to have a daughter..."

As she said this, Xiao Hong remembered something, flipped her wrist, and took out a pile of game coins and potions, mixed with two pieces of equipment, and piled them on Pan Tian's desk:

"Thank you...If it weren't for you, I might have been locked up in that copy for the rest of my life...These are all my things..."

Looking at the shy and frank Xiao Hong in front of him, Gao Yi couldn't help but shook his head:

"Then you gave me everything, what are you going to do with the next copy?"


He couldn't help but sigh. The Xiaohong in front of him should be about the same age as himself, but he obviously lacked social experience.

He was sold by people like Zhao Qian, and he was still helping to count the money.

But then again, people like Gao Yi who have been severely beaten by society since childhood are in the minority.

On the other hand, being a guarantor for someone and owing debts for no reason seems to be no better than the other party...

"Okay, okay, if you want to repay me, work hard, and don't be locked in the dungeon in the future."

Gao Yi waved his hand to signal Xiaohong to put away the things on the table, and suddenly thought of something.

Just now I was still thinking about going to the [Super Treasure Appraisal Conference] tomorrow. If I go alone as a reporter, it may seem unconvincing.

Now that Xiaohong appears, doesn't it solve the problem?

I originally thought that as a player, it might be inconvenient to take an ordinary person with me.

But now, the ready-made assistant is standing here.

Although he doesn't seem to be very strong, he is obedient and sensible, and his psychological quality seems to be good.

Clapping his hands, Gao Yi looked at Wen Xiaohong who was packing up the game coins:

"Do you have anything to do tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow... Tomorrow is Monday, Uncle Pan told me to come to work directly..."

Xiaohong's face showed a trace of confusion, and she tilted her head and recalled.

Hearing this, Gao Yi took out his notebook and began to write something quickly:

"Okay, you will go out with me tomorrow and act as a photographer as your first working day."

"Ah......?" Xiao Hong was frightened by this sudden arrangement, and she didn't know where to put her hands. "But...then...what should I do to prepare?"

"No, you go first, go to bed early tonight, and we will meet in Beijiang District tomorrow morning...I will send you the address later."

Gao Yi closed his notebook while speaking, and turned to walk out of the office.

"Then...where are you going now?"

Gao Yi searched for information on his mobile phone while looking for the address, and turned to look at Xiao Hong:

"Me? I'm going to the museum now."


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