Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 3 You listen to my excuses

Sikong Mansion.

Dong Huang went straight to Dong Zhuo's bedroom without any hindrance.

Although it was already midnight, Dong Zhuo's bedroom was still brightly lit. Through the silhouette reflected on the window paper, you could clearly see a tall, fat figure playing with a dozen petite and colorful figures. "You run ahead of me." "Chasing behind" mini-game.

Obviously, Dong Zhuo planned to stay up all night again today.

For Dong Zhuo, who has struggled in the frontier for most of his life and finally entered the colorful world of Luoyang, staying up all night has become his daily routine recently!

After learning about his eldest nephew's request for an audience from the maid, Dong Zhuo was not angry at being disturbed. Instead, he casually invited Dong Huang into the bedroom.

"Huang'er, come to me so late. What's the emergency?"

In the bedroom, Dong Zhuo, who was only wearing a pair of calf-nosed trousers, hugged two beautiful girls in cool clothes and asked indifferently.

Seeing that Dong Huang only glanced at the maid and was not in a hurry to speak, Dong Zhuo suddenly showed a knowing smile, pushed the two women in front of Dong Huang, and laughed and said: "Whichever one you like, just take it away!" She's just a woman, why do we uncles and nephews need to be so famous?"

Dong Zhuo's generosity made Dong Huang, who didn't want to be in the same camp as him, couldn't help but roll his eyes.

What a pity, he just looked at the woman not to get her, but to hint Dong Zhuo to drive out the idle people!

"You all get out!"

Dong Huang decided to drive them away directly.

Seeing that Dong Huang didn't even want a woman, Dong Zhuo's expression suddenly became solemn, he waved his hand to drive out the rest, showing his yellow teeth, and said solemnly: "Something happened? But what little tricks did the mother and son in the palace do? They contacted Lu Zhi? Or have you contacted Huangfu Song? Or have you contacted Yuan Wei and Yang Ci?"

Although Dong Zhuo looks like a reckless man, he is not really a reckless man.

In fact, it is impossible for a reckless man to rise step by step from a Liangzhou native who was a second-class citizen of the Han Dynasty, to gain the trust of the general He Jin and the fourth and third prince of the Yuan family, Yuan Kai, and to win the trust of many tigers and wolves. The support of the heroes of the Qiang people!

In terms of his scheming, forbearance, cruelty and observation of words, Dong Zhuo is not inferior to most of the old yin of this era. At least better than most modern people!

"Uncle and nephew are thinking, in the Han Dynasty, how could the powerful ministers who held military power have a good end? Not to mention how to enter the family recently, Huo Guang, the younger brother of the champion, deposed the second emperor, Yan Ran, the younger brother of the Queen Mother Dou, needless to say The great general Dou Xian, who is not the one who will die and destroy his family?"

"Now that my uncle, with his humble and reckless body, bullies the court and abolishes the throne, my Dong family may be wiped out in the future!"

Dong Huang advised him worriedly.

"Our family and Empress Dowager Dong can be considered relatives. If Liu Xie is established, he can also be considered a relative of Liu Xie. And without me, how could he become the emperor? How dare he do anything against us?"

Dong Zhuo had obviously thought about this issue for a long time and immediately expressed his thoughts.

"Huo Guang, Dou Xian, or He Jin, which one is not a relative?"

Dong Huang asked aggressively.

Seeing that Dong Zhuo was at a loss for words, Dong Huang struck while the iron was hot: "It is impossible for my uncle to give up his military power, otherwise Duan Jiong will end up! Then a petty official can kill my uncle! But if he doesn't give up his military power, will Lu Bu and his like be bribed by others? Just like when he was bribed by his uncle, he committed regicide and harmed his uncle for the time being. As far as the little emperor is concerned, as he grows up, he can be a puppet with peace of mind? "

"Uncle, is there room for others to sleep soundly on the side of the bed?"

While Dong Huang was talking fiercely, he also did not forget to give Lu Bu eye drops.

Lu Bu had already defected to Dong Zhuo before Dong Huang came to this world. Dong Huang had always been extremely wary of this rebellious boy who not only had tremendous military strength but also had the best cavalry skills in the world. Whenever he had the opportunity, he would secretly give some eye drops and dig holes. , poaching people is a daily operation.


Faced with Dong Huang's pointed question, Dong Zhuo was once again stunned.

Military power was Dong Zhuo's lifeblood. When Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty was still alive, Dong Zhuo was able to disobey orders and not surrender military power, let alone now!

Before moving to Luoyang, military power was the most important asset that allowed him to qualify as a dog for Yuan Wei and other noble families. If there was no army at that time, he would not even be qualified to be a dog for Yuan Wei and others. No!

Now, his military power has been extremely expanded, and he has controlled the Liangzhou Army, the Central Army of the Han Dynasty, and the Bingzhou Army in one fell swoop, becoming the biggest giant of the Han Dynasty. After he came to Luoyang City, the former high-ranking Gonggun princes seemed to be at his mercy. A dog that drank?

Didn't you see that even his former leader Yuan Wei was as cautious around him as a local dog who was afraid of being punished?

Power is more addictive than women. The feeling of changing from a dog to a dog's owner makes Dong Zhuo extremely intoxicated and trapped in it, unable to extricate himself.

"Then... you are no longer useless?"

For a moment, Dong Zhuo's tone was a little panicked.

"Abolish it, of course it must be abolished! If it is not abolished, people in the world will think that my uncle is afraid and that he is a stern person and a soft-hearted person. By then, the authority brought by my uncle's reliance on the intimidation of the army will probably be lost in one day!"

"Once my uncle loses his deterrence, I'm afraid the army will be the first to betray him. After all, the Liangzhou soldiers account for less than 30% of the army controlled by my uncle at this time. Most of them are still affiliated to the Xiyuan Army, the North-South Army and the Bingzhou Army of the Central Army of the Han Dynasty. !”

On the issue of abolition, Dong Huang's attitude was very firm.

Dong Huang knew very well that since Dong Zhuo spoke up in the court, the issue of abolishing the establishment was no longer simply an issue of abolishing the establishment, but had become a fatal political issue.

For Dong Zhuo, who had a shallow foundation, there was no turning back when he opened his bow!

And for Dong Huang, who could only rely on Dong Zhuo, it was even more related to his wealth and life!

"I thought you were persuaded by someone to persuade me not to depose the emperor? If there is such a person, you must kill him! He wants our Dong family to be wiped out!"

Dong Zhuo, who was looking panicked just a second ago, suddenly looked ferocious and roared, his ferocious expression really startled Dong Huang.

Only then did Dong Huang realize that Dong Zhuo's questions and fears just now were just a test!

Dong Zhuo is still the insidious and cunning Dong Zhuo. His idea of ​​deposing the emperor has been carefully considered for a long time, and his will to depose the emperor has never wavered!

Anyone who wants to stand in his way will be considered an enemy by him!

"Huang'er, what do you think we should do?"

Perhaps because he realized that he had scared his good nephew, or because he was satisfied with Dong Huang, Dong Zhuo's tone suddenly became much kinder.

"My nephew's idea is that Liu Bian must be abolished, but Liu Bian's mother and son do not necessarily have to be killed. As long as they are alive, Empress Dowager Dong and Liu Xiecai will be afraid that we will turn to establish Liu Bian again! We There’s just one more choice!”

"However, since Liu Bian has been deposed, of course it is impossible to establish him again, but Liu Bian can be allowed to have more sons! Once Liu Xie grows up, shows signs of restlessness or wants to take charge, he can die When the time comes and we appoint Liu Bian’s youngest son, my uncle can continue to be regent on the grounds that the emperor is young!”

"Furthermore, because Liu Bian has a cowardly character and was imprisoned by his uncle, it is impossible for outsiders to know whether his child is his son or the son of his uncle. When Li Daitao is dead, won't this great man in the world have the surname Dong? "

"Of course, Liu Xie can't give up easily. He can ask him to make Bai'er his queen! If Bai'er succeeds in the future, he can make him the crown prince..."

Bai'er is Dong Bai, the only descendant left by Dong Zhuo's son who died young. She is only five years old this year. She is a pretty little girl who was promised to Liu Xie, who is nearly nine years old. She is not too old in terms of age. Big question!


Before Dong Huang finished speaking about his plan, Dong Zhuo had already put his hands on his hands and laughed: "We will discuss Bai'er's matter later, but Li Daitao's strategy is feasible!"

Dong Zhuo, who was already ambitious, was aroused by Dong Huang's words to become even more ambitious!

Originally, due to limited horizons, Dong Zhuo only wanted to be a powerful minister and be happy for a while; but now, he saw another way, a way that he did not dare to think of before!

It can only be said that when it comes to the lower limit, Dong Zhuo, an ancient man, is still no match for Dong Huang, a modern man who has been bombarded with information.

"However, will Lord Gonggun and the princes of the world really let us do whatever we want? Will they have any conspiracy behind our backs?"

Dong Zhuo, who was so moved by what Dong Huang said, was not dazzled by the prospects painted by Dong Huang, but cautiously raised his own questions.

Four hundred years before the Han Dynasty and after the Han Dynasty, the Han family had already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Dong Zhuo was also worried that if he accidentally played with it, he would just become another Wang Mang in the end.

"As long as my uncle is in power, there will be conspiracy! We are not even from a humble family. We are just crude warriors. Moreover, we are from Liangzhou who are despised by the gentry in the Central Plains. We are not destined to be in the same league as Yuan Wei and other gentry from the Thirteen Families of the Five Classics. , they will never recognize us!"

Dong Huang sneered and immediately suggested: "However, my uncle is not without people who can be used. The Liangzhou gentry and the Jinwen School suppressed by the Thirteen Five Classics School can be my uncle's help! After all, a three-legged toad is not good. Look, there are plenty of people who want to be officials with both legs! My uncle can vigorously promote these people to check and balance the modern literature school, and he can even manipulate the little emperor to abolish several modern classics and let several ancient classics families take over, and watch the gentry fight among themselves! "

The Zibaihuguan Conference of the Eastern Han Dynasty established the official orthodox status of the 13 schools of Jinwen Classics in the Five Classics. Since then, these 13 families have monopolized the interpretation power of the classics and top political resources, forming four families such as the Yuan family and the Yang family. Monopoly families with disciples like Shi Sangong and former officials all over the world once surpassed the Han Emperor in central and local influence.

As a last resort, Emperor Huan and Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty did not hesitate to launch the party's ban, opened up Hongdu sects, and reused eunuchs and relatives, so that they could take back a little power from them.

There are those who have vested interests, and naturally there are down-and-out people whose interests have been harmed. Most of these down-and-out people can be labeled as the ancient literature school.

With top political resources relying on blood, sex, and mother-to-child transmission, more and more unsuccessful people have joined the big family of the Ancient Literature School. This has given the Ancient Literature School a broad mass base among lower-level intellectuals.

The famous Zheng Xuan, Ma Rong, Lu Zhi, and Cai Yong are all masters of the ancient literature school.

Therefore, as long as Dong Zhuo is bold enough, there will be no shortage of people to use!

"In addition, my uncle can also let the Dong family and his cronies serve as state shepherds, and gradually control Liangzhou, Yizhou, Jingzhou, Bingzhou, and Yuzhou, the states that defend Sili, eradicate dissidents, cultivate wings, and provide aid to my uncle. and the barrier; while my uncle manages the center with peace of mind, strengthens his troops and horses, and holds the emperor under his command to command the princes."

"When the time is right, my uncle can make a few kings with different surnames and princes to test the reaction of the people in the world! I think Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao of the Yuan family are ambitious, ambitious and talented people. They can be placed in the Runan family where the Yuan family started. Let’s test the water by sealing a king from the land!”

"At that time, if there is no big reaction in the world, my uncle can naturally be crowned king or even emperor; if there is great chaos in the world and the princes rise up, Yuan Shu and others will be the targets of public criticism. My uncle can completely control Guanzhong to strengthen Qin, and sit down Watch the melee among the princes and wait for the opportunity to clear the territory."

"When that day comes, even if my uncle doesn't speak, the little emperor will beg his uncle to give up the throne to his uncle!"

Dong Huang continued to fool around.

To be honest, Dong Huang's strategy was a bit naive and even a little clever, but it didn't matter to Dong Huang whether the strategy was good or not.

For Dong Huang, the most important thing is to allow him to survive and obtain as many war points as possible within three years! As for what will happen in the future, Dong Huang doesn't care!

"As expected of my Qilin'er!"

Dong Zhuo laughed and patted Dong Huang on the shoulder.

Dong Huang's ideas opened the door to a new world for Dong Zhuo. Although in his opinion, some of Dong Huang's ideas were a bit naive and some of them were incomplete, but overall they were still very practical.

"Did you come up with all this?"

After he finished laughing, Dong Zhuo's expression suddenly changed and he asked in confusion.

In his impression, Dong Huang, who he had watched grow up, was a brave, brainless, lustful and cruel man. Recently, he had become somewhat unfamiliar to him. To say that there was nothing fishy here, he couldn't. Do not believe.

"My nephew's counselor taught me this. His name is Jia Xu, courtesy name Wenhe, from Wuwei, Liangzhou. He is quite resourceful! Now he is just a Langguan, and I want to recommend him to my uncle."

Regarding Dong Zhuo's questions, Dong Huang was well prepared and immediately pushed Jia Xu out. In order to gain Dong Zhuo's trust, he also specifically named Jia Xu as a native of Liangzhou!

Despite the harsh living environment and widespread discrimination by the Han gentry, Liangzhou people have always been very united and attached great importance to the township party, and would join the group to keep warm when outside.

"Promote me to a captain, as long as I'm still under your command. It's rare that you can find a useful counselor!"

Dong Zhuo nodded thoughtfully and made arrangements casually.

He already had his son-in-law Li Ru as his adviser, so he naturally didn't need to compete with his nephew for a mediocre Jia Xu.

This world is not a copied historical world, but a parallel world that combines elements of romance, legends and games. Dong Zhuo in this world has two sons-in-law, and Li Ru is one of them.

"But, are you really just coming to me so late because of Jia Wenhe's persuasion?"

Dong Zhuo stared at this strange nephew closely and wondered.

Although Dong Huang introduced Jia Xu's rhetoric, Dong Zhuo still didn't believe that Dong Huang would change his gender and not do anything serious at night, have a long talk with an old man, and then come to see him again in the middle of the night!

This is not the Dong Huang he knows! ! !

"Actually... there is another reason..."

Dong Huang scratched his head in embarrassment: "Actually, my nephew drank some wine and went to the Queen Mother He's palace, and couldn't hold it back for a while..."

"Hahahaha! This is the nephew I know!"

Dong Zhuo laughed heartily, but didn't care about Dong Huang's behavior. But after he finished laughing, he suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but ask: "Will Liu Bian's concubine Tang Ji also fall in love with you..."

"No, absolutely not!"

Dong Huang waved his hands quickly, even Dong Zhuo couldn't taint his innocence out of thin air!

Dong Huang is a well-known eight-foot man, how could he only be interested in other people's wives!

"Really not? How did I hear that you sent someone to look at He Jin's daughter-in-law? Are you really..."

Dong Zhuo looked at Dong Huang suspiciously.


At this time, Dong Huang felt that even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he would not be able to escape.

There is a saying that He Jin's daughter-in-law Yin is indeed a charming woman, but...but he hasn't eaten it yet!

The reason why Dong Huang remembered the Yin family was entirely because he knew that this woman had been attracted by Cao Cao for a long time in history. Cao Cao not only risked his life to rescue this woman when He Jin was being exterminated, but also raised her for her. He married He Jin’s grandson He Yan and betrothed his daughter to him!

Being able to be favored by Boss Cao and even raising a son for her, Dong Huang naturally became slightly interested in her and made a move.

But because he was too busy, Dong Huang really didn't have time to do anything to her!

After all, isn’t the Guoyong Pavilion delicious?

Isn’t the Queen Mother sweet?

Isn’t Zhen Ji’s sister sweet?

"The mother of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty married Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty after she gave birth to a child! Preferring wives is nothing among the Han!"

Dong Zhuo gave a word of relief indifferently, and then advised him with sincerity: "Huang'er, you are not young anymore. It's time to start a family. However, neither Empress Dowager He, Concubine Tang, nor the Yin family are suitable. Your wife! How about I ask the Yuan family to marry you a legitimate daughter?"

"It's better to marry Princess Wannian... Cai Yong's daughter."

Dong Huang is not interested in the so-called legitimate daughter of the Yuan family, and of course he doesn't think that the arrogant Yuan family would be willing to marry their legitimate daughter to a Liangzhou warrior. Anyway, the Yuan family will most likely be defeated by Dong Zhuo. If you really have an idea, save him when the time comes. It doesn't matter if the next two are taken as concubines.

Dong Huang was more optimistic about Princess Wannian, recommended by Empress Dowager He and the only daughter of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, followed by Cai Zhaoji.

The former can bring political bonus points, while the latter is likely to become a new attendant, bringing considerable bonuses!

"Then Princess Wannian, Cai Yong is quite respectful to me. Besides, his daughter has already been married to someone else!"

Dong Zhuo decided.

After finishing speaking, Dong Zhuo seemed to realize something, and couldn't help but add: "Don't have any evil thoughts just because Cai Yong's daughter is getting married soon! After they get married, you can't have any evil thoughts." thought!"

Dong Huang:......

I'm really not that kind of person!

Listen to my excuses!

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