"What the horse sees is determined by the run!"

The mighty Di Xin took the lead, and tens of thousands of cavalry behind him ignored barriers and even time and space restrictions, and launched a desperate charge towards the guy who disturbed their final peace.

Di Xin himself was extremely powerful, and he also had Wen Zhong, Chonghou Hu, Zhang Guifang, Er Lai, Fei Lian and other generals under his command.

The elites of Dashang are the elites among the elites.

The human emperor's destiny in Di Xin merged with the sun black bird's destiny condensed when the army charged, shaking the sky for a moment.

"Di Xin..."

Those immortal gods who survived the brutal divine war in ancient times couldn't help but silently chant the same name at the same time!

In the distant Western Buddha's Holy Land, a group of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were frightened. They couldn't help but recall the horror of the ancient divine war. On the contrary, the disciples under the Bodhisattva were unaware of it. Most of these disciples have been replaced for several generations, and they are not aware of it at all. Find out what really happened in ancient times.


The Buddha's kind face could no longer be maintained and turned into a ferocious rat head with red eyes.

This is his true manifestation.

The Buddha in ancient times turned out to be a rat spirit.

The coffin board of Ran Deng Ancient Buddha could no longer hold it down, and with the help of the Human Emperor's luck, Deng was finally defeated.

Red blood flowed out of the coffin and was continuously absorbed back into the coffin.

Taking his wife Saraswati with him, he took the road to the south and planned to go to the Brahma Buddha in Kyushu from the south. At this moment, his body suddenly broke into pieces and kept reorganizing, and finally turned into an Erawan Buddha. However, the four faces of the Erawan Buddha had a certain The whole face was cut off.

Shiva Buddha turned into a huge Linga with his head cut off, with blood flowing continuously.

Buddha Vishnu turned into a half-bright little sun, as if it would go out at any moment.

Maitreya Buddha, who had arrived in the Western Region, was suddenly disemboweled and looked extremely painful, as if he could no longer laugh.

In the glorious heaven, the half-skeletal Emperor screamed in pain. The flesh and blood on his originally intact body peeled off piece by piece. The Emperor frantically rushed into the immortals and swallowed dozens of them. Only then did he stabilize half of his body.

But this scene brought the remaining immortals to death.

Although the immortals and gods claim to be the masters of the upper world, in the final analysis they are nothing more than food for the Emperor of Heaven.

In other small worlds, including the one where Our Lady of Wudang was hiding, a series of events such as landslides, tsunamis, and skyfalls also occurred like earthquakes.

"Di Xin is already dead, who must have touched his last obsession!"

"No matter what, there must never be another Human Emperor in the human race!"

"at all costs!"

The gods and Buddhas in the sky quickly reached a consensus.

Through special channels, Buddha even communicated directly with the Emperor of Heaven.

They knew very well that apart from their enemies, the only thing that could inspire Di Xin's destiny as a human emperor again was another stream of destiny.

There are no two suns in the sky, and no two masters on the earth.

What's more, he is the co-owner of heaven, earth and man!

Such a co-owner, even in Di Xin's era, could no longer tolerate a second one. Therefore, what could arouse Di Xin's residual reaction must be another human emperor's destiny!

But they immortals will never allow a new Human Emperor to appear!

"My Buddha is merciful! All Buddhists listen to the order. My Buddha is prospering at this time! All the pagodas listen to the order. Within three years, they must unite Xiniu Hezhou and conquer the east and the east!"

Buddha made up his mind.

"Follow the Buddha's decree!"

Many Buddhists realized the seriousness of the matter and took orders one after another.

In the heaven, the Emperor of Heaven, who had returned to his half-skeleton state, finally calmed down, took out a shining golden heart, and handed it to the white-haired Xingjun: "Taibai Xingjun, go down to the world in person and give it to Li Jing!"

ah? I?

The white-haired Xingjun's expression almost turned into a meme, but he never dared to disobey the Emperor of Heaven, so he could only follow the order and leave.

However, it is easier to come down than to go up. This is like being demoted for disciplinary violations. Being punished and demoted from deputy county to deputy department. It is not impossible to rise again, but it is not very likely.

But what can Taibai Xingjun do?

He could only follow the order and leave. After all, there was still a possibility of living if he went down. If he didn't obey, he would be eaten soon!

Heavenly Realm and Buddhism quickly made arrangements for this matter, but the Wudang Virgin did not act so urgently.

In the final analysis, the first ones to bear the brunt of this matter were Tianjie and Buddhism, who were the victors of the last divine war. The Demon Sect, which suffered heavy losses and was the weakest in the background, could hide behind relatively calmly.

The Incompetent Mother just issued a decree and asked the Yin Queen Zhu Yuyan to hide her power and bide her time and prepare.

"Support a force, hide your strength and bide your time, separate yourself from at least one state, and wait for my decree!"

The voice of Our Lady of Wudang appeared in Zhu Yuyan's mind.

"Ah~zun~zunyindi... decree~ah..."

Zhu Yuyan's voice was intermittent.

The sudden appearance of God's voice in her mind nearly scared her to the point of peeing.

She fought with her two limbs, forced herself to concentrate, and replied.

Regarding the Yin Emperor Wudang Virgin, Yin Queen Zhu Yuyan is still afraid. After all, even Dong Huang has never entered her mind, but Wudang Virgin did.

Mother Wudang didn't know what happened to Zhu Yuyan, and she couldn't sense Zhu Yuyan's myriad thoughts.

To be honest, she didn't care about any of this.

In the eyes of the Holy Mother Wu Dang, whether they are the Yin Queen or not, they are just her slaves. Does the master need to care about the slaves' thoughts and feelings?

The Holy Mother Wu Dang only cares about ambition and revenge!

Revenge is to avenge the destruction of Jiejiao; as for ambition, she wants the Heavenly Court, Buddhism, and the Human Emperor to perish together, and she will become the only great god who controls everything!

Even gods have ambitions!

At this time, the Holy Mother Wu Dang is just like those scumbags who only care about venting their animal desires but don't care about women's feelings at all. They just enter Zhu Yuyan's brain and leave her orders.

But Dong Huang is not that kind of scumbag. He keenly perceives Zhu Yuyan's state and has a strong interest in Zhu Yuyan's abnormality.

For a time, Zhu Yuyan completely lost her sense of proportion.

Zhu Yuyan coquettishly rolled her eyes at Dong Huang: "It was the Holy Mother Wu Dang who contacted me. Don't let her notice anything unusual!"

"Then you have to give her a good verbal attack."

Dong Huang laughed.

Zhu Yuyan couldn't help rolling her eyes.

However, the Holy Mother Wu Dang still couldn't sense Zhu Yuyan's true state, but continued to issue orders.

"The location pointed by this sea chart is my former dojo. Within ten years, prepare a hundred pairs of pure saints and pure men to be sent there. I and the emperors will come!"

The Holy Mother Wu Dang sent a sea chart to Zhu Yuyan's mind, and then there was no sound.

Zhu Yuyan hurriedly reported the situation.

"Go to sea!"

Dong Huang's focus is always different.

However, Dong Huang doesn't care about going to sea to kill gods.

Dong Huang has not been playing soy sauce during this period. After taking down the richly accumulated Hou Xin, Dong Huang's strength has broken through to the ninth level of myth.

Hou Xin also reached the peak of the eighth level of mythology, but she was delayed in cultivation because of her pregnancy.

In any case, Dong Huang's strength has reached a level that even the human ceiling of this mission world may not be able to break through, so he is naturally full of confidence.

Moreover, the sea was originally Dong Huang's home court, and Hou Xin's pet was a dragon.

With such strength and luck, Dong Huang would naturally not be afraid of the so-called dedication of those who were losers in the past.

"You draw the sea map on Meixian... on Wanwan's back, let me see."

Dong Huang wanted to catch a few so-called gods to play with, and he was in a playful mood.

"Hate it!"

Wanwan coquettishly pinched Dong Huang's waist, but still bent down obediently to serve as a canvas for her master.

Wanwan's master Zhu Yuyan was even more obedient than Wanwan.

Because, after Dong Huang's thorough education, Zhu Yuyan's [Heavenly Demonic Law], which had not been improved for decades, broke through again and reached the eighteenth level.

This is the highest level that mortals have cultivated except for gods throughout the ages.

Compared with the mysterious Yin Emperor Wu Dang Shengmu, Zhu Yuyan felt that Dong Huang was more like a god.

Of course, for someone like Zhu Yuyan, it is naturally impossible to be so easily loyal. Unless Dong Huang really kills the gods one day or develops feelings for him over time, she will always keep a hand.

But people like her can serve Dong Huang very comfortably just by acting.

Besides, Dong Huang does not need their sincerity. At most, he will kill them directly when the mission is over.


After watching for a while, Dong Huang found it interesting and could not help but pick up the giant pen and draw with Zhu Yuyan.

With Dong Huang's assistance, the sea chart was quickly drawn.

Dong Huang compared the inaccurate sea chart and estimated the location. The location was probably in the sea vertically eastward from the center point of the two lines of Fusang Mountain in Yingzhou and the Palace of the Holy Mother of Fire.

Fusang can probably correspond to Mount Fuji, but it has been on fire all year round. Dong Huang sent people to explore it. There are some fire-attributed monsters in this big volcano, but there are no Fusang trees, nor as many secrets as the Qin world.

Dong Huang guessed that the secrets of this world may have been exposed.

Buddhism, heaven, Jiejiao, etc. are already big secrets.

Dong Huang can do art leisurely, but Jia Xu can't.

Because the target of Emperor Xin's attack is Jia Xu and others.

The excavation of Chaoge this time was presided over by Jia Xu himself.

Jia Xu organized the indigenous residents to dig out the ancient Chaoge City, and even dug out the ancient battlefield suspected of the ancient battle between immortals and gods, and finally found the place where Emperor Xin died, which led to the scene at the beginning.

Facing the mighty army of the Shang Dynasty, Jia Xu was not afraid. He had seen that these were just the obsessions of the unwilling heroic souls protected by the remaining luck of the Human Emperor.

Hu Che'er and Qin Yilu, the two lackeys, protected Jia Xu at the first time. Jia Xu calmly opened the shadow of death and ordered the god of death, Otsutsuki Hamura, Sima Yi and others to fight, and mobilized the power of luck and military formation brought by his status to deal with the power of the Human Emperor of the Heavenly Destiny Black Bird.

A duel between the dead began immediately.

Although Emperor Xin was strong, it was only the last wisp of obsession after all, and Jia Xu, whether it was a divine position or a real position, could borrow part of Dayu's luck.

In the end, Emperor Xin's last wisp of Human Emperor luck dissipated, and the souls of a group of Shang Dynasty warriors dissipated with it.

And in this short confrontation, Jia Xu's ghost had suffered heavy losses, and Sima Yi had been resurrected several times.

However, Jia Xu did not gain nothing from this battle.

Jia Xu used his ability to use the ghosts of the dead as nourishment to intercept the residual souls of most of the Great Shang warriors, so that they could be reborn on the ghosts.

Although it takes more than ten ghosts to get a relatively complete Great Shang warrior ghost, their combat power is high!

Especially Emperor Xin and those generals, their real combat power is definitely stronger than the generals of this era, even if they become ghosts, they are still very powerful.

Jia Xu simply let Emperor Xin's residual soul merge with the God of Death, which immediately made the dry and somewhat mentally retarded God of Death more powerful and domineering.

Seeing that there was a chance, Jia Xu immediately increased the intensity of the sacrifice, and forcibly turned the quasi-mythical seventh-level God of Death into the peak of the seventh-level mythical Hades, and his image also changed greatly, from a white-haired wanderer to the image of an oriental king.

Jia Xu even used this method to help Otsutsuki Hagoromo, Sima Yi and others upgrade. Otsutsuki Hagoromo merged with Wen Zhong and broke through the window paper, becoming the seventh-level Taishi of the myth.

Under the influence of the Pluto clone and the Taishi clone, Jia Xu's strength finally broke through to the seventh-level myth.

But the whole person looked more underworld, with a chilly smell all over his body, and he didn't look like a good person.

After absorbing these dead souls, Jia Xu stretched out his hand, and a white fox phantom and two ferocious and roaring residual souls appeared in his hand.

"You will not have a good end if you blaspheme the dead soul!"

The white fox phantom screamed.

Jia Xu, who had absorbed the residual soul of Emperor Xin, knew that this was the residual soul of Daji.

Even after death, Emperor Xin still wanted to protect Daji, which made Daji's residual soul have a little spiritual consciousness.

As for the other two residual souls, they were the residual souls of Fei Lian and E Lai.

These three residual souls were gifts from Jia Xu to Dong Huang and Dian Wei.

But before giving them away, it would be better to tame Daji's wildness.

As for Daji's blasphemy against the dead souls, Jia Xu didn't care at all.

If it were Dong Huang, he might let these residual souls dissipate and set up monuments and tombs for them out of respect for the ancient sages and warriors, but who is Jia Xu?

He didn't mind taking out the souls of living people and sacrificing them without hesitation if the souls were not of sufficient level. Not attacking the souls of Dayu soldiers was his bottom line. As for the so-called ancient heroes...

Ha, it's just food.

Dong Huang never knew that Jia Xu had done such a big thing while he was playing with painting art.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

Dong Huang would not treat his subordinates harshly for outsiders.

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