Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 254 Shocking News

Seeing that no one was willing to practice martial arts with her, Sun Ji turned around and walked into the cabin in boredom.

The guards and armored soldiers around him scattered and began to stand guard.

Qin Ming, who was standing in the crowd watching, wanted to try to move forward.

However, he was forced to retreat by two armored soldiers holding long-handled swords just after he approached the main cabin.

Qin Ming, who was driven away, shook his head helplessly and could only pick up the mop again, thinking about new approaches while working.

Time passed, and it was noon in a blink of an eye.

Qin Ming, who kept thinking about how to approach the main cabin, was getting more and more headaches.

He had also considered secretly killing an armored soldier and putting on his armor to sneak in.

After all, they were wrapped like dumplings, with only their eyes exposed. As long as you don’t take the initiative to show your feet, who can tell whether you are one of them?

But seeing that the armored soldiers actually acted in groups of two, and would chant slogans when passing by their companions, the most important thing is that there were more than a dozen slogans! They were asked randomly!

Qin Ming no longer had any illusions about the possibility of sneaking in.

With the defensive strength of these soldiers, how could he sneak in? No way!

And this is only the outermost line of defense! There might be some screening methods inside!

Especially after learning that Zhao Yun had already boarded the ship! The security had been specially strengthened!

The method of changing clothes and lurking can only be used among ordinary soldiers. Facing this group of elite soldiers, it is completely useless.

Those who can be sneaked in quietly by an outsider are not elite soldiers.

Therefore, seeing that the infiltration was ineffective and half a day had been wasted, the pursuers could come at any time. Qin Ming, who was unwilling to drag it on, began to plan to use the satellite phone and prepare to directly mobilize people to rush the position.

Just as he was moving back and forth on the ship and recording the structure of the ship by virtue of his status, an accident suddenly occurred.

Qin Ming, who was wiping the deck with a mop, was suddenly stopped by a soldier.

Qin Ming looked up quickly when he heard the voice, and found that it was a female soldier who called him!

The only female soldier on the ship was the female guard under Sun Ji, and because they were guards, their status was not low.

Seeing that this guard, who had a good status and had nothing to do with the logistics soldiers, actually called him, Qin Ming couldn't help showing a puzzled look on his face.

The female soldier, who was wearing tight fish scale armor and had a very cold expression, turned her head quickly at this time.

"Sweeper! Come on! Follow me to the main cabin!"


"I said follow me to the main cabin! There is work for you to do there!"

As she spoke, the female guard had already waved her hand vigorously and turned around and walked away first.

Qin Ming, who had not expected such a good thing, hurriedly followed and sneaked into the heavily guarded main cabin.

Then he entered and immediately found that there was really work waiting for him here.

And not only him, but all the deck logistics soldiers on this ship have basically arrived.

Because at this moment, the cabin was emitting a strong smell of wine. Several barrels of fine wine were knocked over for some reason, causing the wine inside to flow all over the floor.

Now there were not only armored soldiers and female soldiers standing in the cabin, but also Miss Sun Ji, who was folding her arms and frowning without saying a word.

There was also a plump beautiful woman standing next to her, who was constantly apologizing in a low voice.

In her arms, there was a child who put his head on her chest and didn't dare to look up.

"I'm sorry, Miss! I'm so sorry! I didn't take good care of the young master!"

Listening to the beautiful woman's self-blame apology, Sun Ji couldn't help but sigh and waved helplessly.

"Okay, this has nothing to do with you. I can't keep an eye on this naughty boy, not to mention you. Ling! Ask the logistics soldiers to clean it up! Get rid of the smell of alcohol!"


"Also, keep a close eye on Adou! Don't let him run around again!"


After giving all the instructions, Sun Ji turned around and prepared to leave with a stern face.

But when she walked to the door, her steps suddenly stopped, and she suddenly turned her head to look at the side in confusion.

"Huh? You are also a logistics soldier?"

Hearing the question, Qin Ming, who was standing in the crowd, was stunned and subconsciously pointed at his nose.

After confirming that the other party was asking him, his eyes gradually widened.

Looking at Sun Ji, who was looking at him with a puzzled look, Qin Ming suddenly took out a pair of sunglasses hesitantly and put them on his eyes gently.


Name: Sun Ji (Three Kingdoms War)

Strength 40

Constitution 40

Agility 60

Spirit 40

Skills: Rage (B-level) Phantom Thrust (C-level) Chain Phoenix Dance Stick (A-level)

Introduction: The sister of the King of Wu, although she is a woman, she loves fighting. She learned a good stick technique from her elder brother Sun Ce. She has a hot temper and is consistent inside and out.

Current favorability: 650!

Looking at the attributes that appeared in front of him, Qin Ming silently reached out and took off his sunglasses, and didn't say a word for a while.

Seeing this scene, the deputy general Zhou Dun, who was standing next to him with a long-handled broadsword, couldn't help but frowned and suddenly growled.

"Hey! Soldier! The young lady is asking you a question! Answer quickly!"

Hearing Zhou Dun's words, without waiting for Qin Ming to respond, Sun Ji on the side had already stretched out her hand and waved, and spoke first.

"Okay, okay, it's normal for a logistics soldier to be at a loss when I ask him questions, or it would be strange if he could answer fluently. Boy, are you a soldier in my main cabin?"

As Sun Ji asked for the second time, Qin Ming, who finally came back to his senses from the shock, finally responded this time.

"No, I'm a peripheral deck soldier, and I was called here to work."

"Oh, a deck soldier... OK, from now on you will be a logistics soldier responsible for the sanitation of the main cabin. I think this guy is quite pleasing to the eye, Ling, arrange some work for him."

"Yes, Miss."

After giving the order, Sun Ji turned her head to look at Qin Ming again, and then turned around with a strange expression and left with people.

For some reason, although it was just the first time they met, she felt that this low-ranking logistics soldier in front of her was very pleasing to the eye.

Or it should be said that he was extremely pleasing to the eye, just like the first time she saw the legendary hero Guan Yu and the fierce general Zhao Yun.

However, the latter was mainly because Sun Ji, who had always wanted to go to the battlefield, admired the reputation of the fierce generals on the battlefield.

But where did this logistics soldier get his reputation?

How could he have such a big reaction to a guy he had never seen before? It was really strange?

Sun Ji walked away quickly with a puzzled look on her face, leaving Qin Ming with an extremely strange expression, standing there stupidly.

The effect of his title of Fu Hu Shang Jiang took effect! And it even took effect on the hostile existence! The first scene big boss Sun Ji!

This first scene guarding big boss! In the cognition of the nightmare space! It was actually considered a member of the protagonist camp!

Come to think of it, it made sense! After all, she is Liu Bei's wife! Of course she is one of us!

In fact, if it was just the title effect that took effect, Qin Ming would not be so shocked now.

What really made him dumbfounded was that Sun Ji's favorability towards him was now 650 points.

And Sun Ji's love favorability! It was only a few 600!

In other words, Sun Ji's favorability towards him! It's already an explosion after just the first meeting!

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