Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 266: The Master on the Ship

On the river, a warship was moving at a high speed. Soldiers patrolled back and forth in an orderly manner. However, because of the battle yesterday, they inevitably discussed and some of them were confused about the current situation.

However, the discussion of ordinary soldiers was just a complaint at most, which did not affect the overall situation at all.

The main positions of the entire warship were now occupied by female guards. Even if someone wanted to plot a rebellion, they could not gather troops.

Not to mention that for the sake of safety, Qin Ming also specially armed Sun Ji's guards and used the plot equipment in the cabin to improve the quality of their equipment.

Originally, they had been training with Sun Ji for many years, resulting in all of them being elite monsters, and now they have powerful equipment.

It can be said that the combat effectiveness of the guards at this time is by no means ordinary.

Just when the warship was approaching the port of Shu according to the plan, Qin Ming rarely came out to bask in the sun on the warship.

Standing at the bow with his arms open to the sun, bare-chested, Qin Ming let out a long sigh of relief.

The days of lingering life had made him a little exhausted, after all, he had to take a good breath.

After a period of photosynthesis, Qin Ming, who was stretching his muscles, finally turned around and left the bow and walked towards the cabin.

Now he only needed to protect the warship and successfully return to the port, and send Liu Adou to Liu Bei, and this promotion mission would be perfectly completed.

When the pressure on his head completely disappeared, he would naturally have countless time to slowly fight with the members of the hunting team who came in to kill him!

Qin Ming, who kept calculating the next route of action in his mind and made sure everything was correct, strode through the cabin.

But before he walked out of the cabin and entered Sun Ji's resting place, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Because a sharp dagger had silently touched him and gently crossed his neck!

Feeling the cold touch on his neck, Qin Ming's eyes twitched slightly, and his muscles were already tense.

Even though he was very decadent during this period and completely immersed in the gentle countryside, his vigilance had decreased.

But his A-level fighting skills were here, and it was still difficult for ordinary people to get close to him silently.

The attacker was able to approach him quietly and put the weapon across his neck, which made Qin Ming instantly confirm one thing in his heart, that is, the attacker was a master!

Before Qin Ming, whose brain was running at high speed, guessed the identity of the person behind him.

The attacker with the weapon on his head had already spoken coldly.

"Don't move! Watch out for your head!"

"…………Who are you?"

"Who am I don't matter to you. Now I'm asking you questions. I ask, and you answer."

As the weapon tightened and directly stuck to Qin Ming's skin, the voice from behind became more and more serious.

"Are you the captain of Miss Sun's new personal guard?"


"So you must know where Adou is now, right?"


"Take me to him! Don't play tricks on the way! I don't want to kill anyone!"

As the voice fell, Qin Ming suddenly felt a pain in his back. It turned out that another weapon had been pressed against his waist from behind.

Feeling the sharpness of the weapon behind him, Qin Ming's expressionless face had gradually become sharper.

He had roughly guessed the identity of the person behind him.

Being able to sneak up on him showed that the person was quite powerful.

Now asking about Liu Adou's whereabouts again, it also showed that he cared about Liu Adou very much.

Caring about Liu Adou, being powerful, and secretly hiding on the ship...

"Zhao Zilong?!"

Qin Ming's voice suddenly sounded. Hearing these three words, Zhao Yun, who was holding Qin Ming's back with a spear from behind, was instinctively stunned.

Just when he was stunned, Qin Ming, who had been honest all the time, suddenly made a move.

He reached out and grabbed the short sword on his neck, and his tough palm tightly grasped the blade, and suddenly pulled it open.

Qin Ming, who forcibly broke the blockade in this simple and crude way, turned around with flames wrapped around his arm, and directly gave Zhao Yun behind him a big swing punch!

Zhao Yun's pupils shrank when he heard the wind. Although he was surprised by Qin Ming's action and did not expect him to dare to grab the sword with one hand, he still reacted quickly.

Zhao Yun raised his arm to protect his head and used his arm to forcibly block this big swing punch. He suddenly kicked out with one leg and hit Qin Ming's chest!

At the same time, Qin Ming, who missed the first attack, also kicked out with all his strength at this moment, hitting Zhao Yun's chest.

With a bang, the two staggered and retreated at the same time.

After retreating four or five steps, he kicked the ground with one leg and barely stabilized his figure.

Looking up and looking at each other, Zhao Yun suddenly roared, put away the short sword in his hand, turned around and raised the spear, and stabbed with a snake-like tongue.

Qin Ming, who was wearing arm armor on his arm, raised his hand to block the attack. With a series of crisp sounds, he fought against the spear for several rounds.

The spear hit the target continuously, as fast as lightning.

The arm blocked the attack, and the defense was impenetrable.

The two people who started the battle in the cabin could not do anything to each other for a while, but Zhao Yun still had a slight advantage in the situation.

After all, Qin Ming was unarmed, while Zhao Yun was holding a two-meter-long spear. Qin Ming was at a disadvantage in terms of weapons.

Even a single knife against a spear would result in nine deaths and one injury! Not to mention fighting with a spear with bare hands!

Qin Ming couldn't rush forward at all. Every time he tried to close the distance and fight closely, he would be forced back by the long spear that was throwing out spear flowers. Seeing that it was impossible to rush forward, he immediately chose to change his strategy.

Seizing the opportunity, he dodged the long spear's stab and grabbed the spear shaft.

Qin Ming's eyes flashed with fire, and his other arm swept along the spear shaft.

The raging fire wrapped around his palm turned into a blade, and just shot along the spear shaft to Zhao Yun in front, forcing Zhao Yun to let go of his hands holding the gun.

While dodging sideways, the sonic hand knife that passed along the spear shaft brought a lot of sparks along the way, just passed by Zhao Yun and slashed fiercely on the wall behind.

Seeing that Zhao Yun finally let go of his weapon, Qin Ming took this opportunity to grab the long spear in his hand, and swung his hand to throw the weapon out, completely disarming Zhao Yun.

But he never thought that before he could throw the long spear out, the tail of the spear had been kicked by Zhao Yun.

Under the huge force, the Dragon Gallbladder Spear just spun up and broke free from Qin Ming's hand and flew out.

Qin Ming's eyes widened when he saw this scene. Without thinking, he threw out his arms and shot a large sonic hand knife directly to the front, trying to force Zhao Yun, who jumped up to grab the spear, to retreat.

But before the sonic hand knife hit his body, Zhao Yun stretched out his hand to grab the spear shaft, and the long spear on his arm was already blazing, slashing down like a dragon!

C-level skill! Three parts of the world!


There was a loud noise, and the sonic hand knife shot from the front was split in half by the long spear on the spot.

Zhao Yun, who was broken by the sonic hand knife from the front, fell heavily to the ground with his spear. The long spear that fell heavily to the ground shook out countless cracks in the ship's planks.

Unfortunately, this fierce move did not hit Qin Ming. Qin Ming, who took a step back to avoid it and distanced himself from Zhao Yun, looked at Zhao Yun standing up with a spear in his hand and narrowed his eyes instinctively.

Zhao Yun on the opposite side looked at Qin Ming and was very serious at the moment. He knew that he had met a good opponent.

He clenched the spear with his hands, and because of the excessive force, the veins on the back of his hands even bulged.

The two sides looked at each other and suddenly attacked at the same time in the next second.

The long spear rotated and the fire flew!

B-level skill! Nezha makes trouble in the sea!

The wind swept through the hands while charging!

A-level skill! Supersonic hand knife!


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