Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 302 Sudden Cooperation

Hidden Mission: Police and Bandits in One Nest

Mission Level: B-level

Mission Requirements: Find a way to get the new mayor, Mike Hag, to agree to cooperate with the Crazy Gear Gang and let the two coexist in the city.

Mission Completion Reward: 5,000 points, 5 free attribute points

Introduction: Justice and evil, light and darkness, the two are destined to not coexist... right?

The hidden mission has been triggered, which is of course a good thing, but it is not easy to complete this mission!

After all, this Jessica is easy to say, she is probably suffering from Stockholm disease, and at this moment, she is so close to Kasamoto Eri, as long as Kasamoto Eri is sent out, it will be easy to sleep... convince her!

But the problem is that the most difficult part of this mission is not how to convince Jessica to join the gang! But to convince her father! The mayor Mike Hag who hates evil!

For justice, in order not to bow to evil, he didn't even care that his daughter was being held hostage by a group of thugs, and directly chose to force his shot and try to snatch her back.

Even if he was very strong and famous, he was sure that the other party would not dare to really break up.

But what if? What if he really encountered a brainless robber?

What if you just chose to come to the door, and the other party chose to kill the hostage, or raped his daughter?

Qin Ming didn't believe that the other party had not considered this kind of thing, and since he still chose to take action by force and was not willing to compromise with this side.

This means that in the eyes of the other party, justice is absolutely not to be tarnished.

Facing this kind of righteous partner who doesn't even care about his own daughter, if Qin Ming really takes Jessica, who has turned over a new leaf and successfully joined the gang, to negotiate with him, the other party must not kill her on the spot!

Qin Ming had a headache for a while about how to complete this hidden task.

Before he stretched out his hand to rub his forehead and figured out what to do next, the high-speed car suddenly stopped.

Qin Ming was stunned when he felt the car stop suddenly, and quickly looked up and looked forward.

As a result, he found that two figures appeared on the road ahead.

Those two people were the two adventurers who had fought with him before, and he killed one of them and drove away two of them in a three-on-one situation.

Seeing that the other party had blocked his way, Qin Ming frowned and quickly opened the car door and walked out.

While taking big steps forward, Qin Ming mobilized the blood in his body, and blood mist was boiling on his arms in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the two uninvited adventurers on the opposite side changed their faces for a while.

The two who had seen how terrifying the fighting power of the big man in front of them was suddenly raised their hands and shouted at the same time.

"Please wait! Wait! Don't do it yet! The two of us have something to talk to you about!"

"Huh? Talk?"

The enemy who had fought to death before suddenly said that he wanted to negotiate with him, which made Qin Ming stunned and stopped abruptly.

"What to talk about?"

"Let's talk about cooperation."

"Cooperation? Me and you?"

"Yes, we are all adventurers, and this time it's a peaceful mode, there is no conflict of interest, so why can't we cooperate?"

Grinning, Feng Mo, who was hit in the chest by Qin Ming's punch before and was almost killed on the spot, now has a very bright smile on his face, and he really doesn't bear any grudges at all.

"Brother, everyone comes here to make money, there is no need to fight and kill, if there is a benefit, we can make it together."

The Feng Mo and the Fire Bird who took the initiative to walk towards Qin Ming ignored Qin Ming's vigilant eyes, and suddenly spoke after approaching.

"Look, you are now a member of the Crazy Gear Gang, and we are a member of the protagonist's side. We have our own information in our hands, so why don't we exchange information and help each other? How about helping each other to lay out a layout?"

Facing competitors, there are often two ways to deal with them.

One is to squeeze him out, and the other is to win him over.

Feng Mo and Huo Niao had personally experienced Qin Ming's fighting power. They knew that this guy was very capable and could not beat him even if they fought together. They chose the latter without hesitation and could only choose the latter now.

"What's your name, brother?"


"Hyena? What a good name! Which team are you in?"

"…………King of Fighters."

"Oh, you are a master of the King of Fighters team. No wonder you are so powerful. We are both in the Hero Team. Our abilities basically come from the plot world of World Heroes."

Feng Mo, who said a few polite words, saw Qin Ming frowning and looking at him with a serious look on his face, and finally talked about business.

"Brother Hyena, do you want to kill a few more bosses?"

"Hmm? How do you kill more?"

"You are a member of the Crazy Gear Gang. It is easy to get into trouble if you kill members of your own gang. If you are discovered, it will be the end. But we are different. As long as you provide us with the location and create opportunities, we can take the protagonist or hunt them alone to quickly earn the key."

At this point, Feng Mo paused for a second, and then added another sentence.

"Of course, we will not let you work in vain. We will also secretly provide you with the location of the three protagonists and find a way to make them alone. As for whether you will go alone to take risks and hunt, or choose to call people to kill them, it depends on you."

Raising his hand and gently patting Qin Ming's thick arm, Feng Mo smiled brightly.

"We pass information to each other and create killing opportunities for each other. We both share the boss of the Crazy Gear Gang equally, and you only have the key to the three protagonists. We all benefit from each other, how about it?"

Qin Ming was stunned by Feng Mo's words. Now he finally understood what the other party meant by cooperation.

This is actually the plan to be each other's internal correspondent! Trap all the plot characters on both sides!

With his eyes flickering, he mentally confirmed the feasibility of this matter, and found that there seemed to be no problem. Qin Ming seemed to be really capable of doing this, and nodded lightly.

"Yes, but the goods must be inspected first."

"What kind of test?"

"Each of you will provide a BOSS location first."

"Okay! This is no problem!"

Feng Mo, who had a smile on his face after hearing this, quickly took out the small map he had prepared from his arms and handed it to Qin Ming.

"This piece of paper contains all the detailed information about one of the protagonists, Kai, a disciple of Wushen style, and a detailed location. At night, we will find a way to lure him there alone. As for whether we can seize the opportunity to kill him, then It’s up to you. If you can’t seize the opportunity and eat the cake, it’s not up to us.”

Qin Ming nodded slightly when he heard this, grabbed the pen handed over by the other party, raised his hand, tore off a corner of the paper, and wrote down an address.

"This is information about Damud, the first level BOSS of the Crazy Gear Gang. He is the one who can't be beaten the most among the BOSSs. But he is always surrounded by a bunch of boys. I will buy him a drink later. It will be at twelve o'clock in the evening. It’s time for the show to end. He will definitely not have many brothers around him by then. You can guard this road. Whether you can eat it depends on you. If you two can’t even deal with him, then there is no need for us to continue to cooperate. ”

Feng Mo, who raised his hand to catch the paper, grinned and quickly raised his hand to shake Qin Ming's hand.

"Then I wish us happy cooperation in advance! Brother Hyena!"

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