Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 369 The temptation given by the Eight Heroes

"It's you!"

Looking at the two people who appeared in front of her, or more precisely, seeing the woman in a long dress with bandages on her body, Fujido Kasumi, who was still injured, stood up excitedly and instinctively took a defensive posture.

It's not her fault that she was so nervous, because the person who came over was none other than Weiss, who had beaten her up yesterday and almost killed her!

And she came with Weiss! And Mai Zhuo!

Looking at the nervous Fujido Kasumi, Weiss rolled her eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to her at all. She pulled out a chair and sat on it.

And it was Fujido Kasumi's chair!

Obviously, this woman is still full of malice, likes to bully others, and is a pure bad thing.

Seeing this, Mai Zhuo next to him also pulled out a chair and sat down, and his cold eyes quickly locked on Qin Ming opposite.

"Qin Ming, long time no see."

Qin Ming, who was eating barbecue, twitched his eyebrows when he heard the words.

"We just met yesterday."

"I'm just being polite."

"Oh, long time no see, why did you bring her here? What? Does she want to continue fighting with me?"

As he spoke, Qin Ming turned his head and looked at Weiss, his eyebrows twitching, his eyes became very playful.

"Do you still want to continue massaging me, ma'am?"

Qin Ming thought that Weiss would be furious after hearing the teasing, and even fight with him on the spot.

However, as he finished speaking, he found that Weiss on the opposite side was not angry, but instead supported her elbow on the table, supported her face with one hand, and looked at him with a smile.

"That depends on how much money you can pay, sir."

"What? Do you charge by money?"

"Yes, the price is different, and the service is also different. If you pay enough, I have special services."

As soon as Weiss's teasing voice fell, Mai Zhuo, who couldn't stand it anymore, had already elbowed her hard with a stern face.

Weiss, who was beaten, covered her waist and turned around to glare at Mai Zhuo with an unhappy look.

"What are you doing! Why don't you follow the rules! Are you dissatisfied with me chatting with others! Why don't you hit him! Why are you hitting me!"

Mai Zhuo looked up at Qin Ming opposite him, looked up and down at Qin Ming's appearance, and quickly retracted his gaze.

"Because I think it's safer to hit you than to hit him."

"Tsk, a guy who bullies the weak and fears the strong."

With her hands on her chest, Weiss suddenly shook her head and turned her head away.

Mai Zhuo, who saw this scene, had a blank expression on his face and rolled his eyes.

Qin Ming, who was sitting opposite, frowned when he saw this.

"What are you two doing here? Just say it."

Hearing Qin Ming get straight to the point, Mai Zhuo and Weiss, who were fighting, finally turned their eyes back and locked on Qin Ming.

After staring at Qin Ming for a few seconds, Mai Zhuo spoke with a serious face.

"Get you to join the gang."

"Join the gang?"

"Yes, you have been targeted by Goenitz. Now you can only choose to join the gang, otherwise he will kill you."

Hearing the three words Goenitz, Qin Ming's pupils shrank suddenly, and his face finally showed a serious look.

"Goenitz has targeted me? And called you to come to me to join the gang?"

"That's right."

"And if I don't agree, he will come to kill me."


"I don't believe it! I don't believe he will make trouble at this critical moment!"

Leaning back on the chair, the solemn expression on Qin Ming's face suddenly disappeared.

"If he really intends to turn against you if the talks fail, then it will not be you who will come to the door, but him. He is giving you the job of getting me to join the gang, right?"

Qin Ming's words made Weiss and Mai Zhuo's faces change slightly. Mai Zhuo sighed suddenly and nodded gently.

"Yes, he gave us this task."

"What will you do if I don't agree?"

"Under normal circumstances, we will force you to join us, but you are very strong and we may not be able to beat you, so we are willing to give you some benefits."

While speaking, Mai Zhuo pointed at Wei Si who was sitting next to him.

"As long as you agree to help us, we can give Wei Si to you."

As soon as these words came out, Wei Si, who was originally leaning on her face and watching the two people's negotiation leisurely, was suddenly stunned.

After reacting, she reached out and grabbed Mai Zhuo's collar.

"Mai Zhuo! What do you mean!"

Facing Wei Si's roar, Mai Zhuo didn't even pay attention to her, but turned his head to continue looking at Qin Ming.

"Anyway, she can't beat you, she is not a good thing, and she goes against me every day. If you like her, you can take her away. If she resists, I can help you deal with her."

As Mai Zhuo's voice fell, Qin Ming finally came back to his senses from the shock.

"What the hell? Are you guys from the Eight Heroes playing like this? You can take her away if you win? If I can beat you too..."

"That's fine, but we can only choose one of the two. Either you choose her and I'll help you deal with her, or you choose me and beat me, and you help me deal with her. If you choose both, you'd better beat both of us at once! Otherwise, you'll die!"

"Hiss... Hey? No! Why is it that no matter who you choose, I'll help you deal with her?"

"Because I saved your life and I'm your benefactor. You won't beat me because of another woman, right? I'm on your side. Shouldn't friends help each other and deal with outsiders together?"

"Yeah! You make sense!"

Hearing Mai Zhuo's righteous words, Qin Ming nodded vigorously and was instantly convinced by her words.

Seeing him nod, Mai Zhuo also nodded.

Seeing the two people reach a cooperation, Kasamoto Eri, who felt that there was something good to gain, also nodded.

Only Weiss and Fujido Kasumi were shocked. Weiss couldn't believe that she was sold out by the two people in such a casual way.

Fujido Kasumi was shocked by the tricks they played. It turns out that finding a partner can be forced by force!

Mai Zhuo didn't feel any psychological pressure to sell Weiss in a few words and use it as a bargaining chip to invite Qin Ming to join.

After all, now that the enemy is at hand, the organization is in urgent need of combat power. In order to win over Qin Ming to join, Weiss can suffer a little grievance, anyway, it's not her who is wronged.

The mission given by Goenitz must be completed. If it is not completed, it will be more troublesome. Therefore, Maizhuo will do whatever it takes, especially when this means does not include himself.

The most important thing is that with the execution of the plan to revive Orochi, the lives of Weiss and Maizhuo have actually entered the countdown.

If the plan succeeds, the Orochi will be resurrected, and they will die.

If the plan fails, everyone will be defeated, and they will still die.

They will die anyway, so what else is there to worry about? At the last moment, she can go crazy, and she can play however she wants!

Especially playing with Weiss, her mortal enemy!

She didn't bring Weiss here tied up! That's because she was afraid that she couldn't beat Weiss! Otherwise, she would have done it long ago!

Unlike Goenitz, Goenitz cares about how to revive Orochi, but Maizhuo and Weiss, at this last moment, care about how to settle their grievances.

Weiss, who was sold as a bargaining chip on the spot, sat there without saying a word.

Seeing her stunned look, Maizhuo beside her felt relieved.

Fight! Don't you like fighting? Why don't you continue fighting!

I just killed her childhood sweetheart, friends, family, and neighbors, but she went against me every day, and relied on her strength to attack me at any time.

Now it's good! She met a guy she couldn't beat at all! He didn't fall for her tricks at all! Mai Zhuo wanted to see how she could bully others with her strange strength!

In the last moments of her life, seeing Weiss being defeated, Mai Zhuo suddenly felt that his life was complete, and even the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

But it was obvious that Mai Zhuo smiled too early.

Before she could smile, Weiss, who was sitting next to her, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back on the chair.

"Okay, I don't care. Anyway, I can't beat you, and I can also give you a gift for joining the gang. See this guy next to you? I'll give her to you too. If she doesn't listen, I can help you hold her down."

After saying this, Mai Zhuo, who was sitting next to him, instantly lost his smile and slowly turned to look at Weiss.

"You have to go against me, right?"

Weiss also turned to look at her silently after hearing this, with a very gentle smile on her face, and even narrowed her eyes.

"You did it to me first!"

"If I don't kill your family, Goenitz will kill them, and the means are more cruel. At least I kill people without pain."

"I don't care about that! I just know that I have a grudge against you! Even if it's death! I have to watch you die before I die!"

"Even if you sleep with a bear?"

"Even if you sleep with a bear!"

With a snap, the two people who broke down the talk again pressed their palms hard together.

Their heads collided, and the veins on their foreheads bulged, and they began to wrestle for the countless times.

Mai Zhuo's fingers instantly pierced the back of Weiss's hand, causing blood to flow.

Weiss used brute force to squeeze Mai Zhuo's palm, causing Mai Zhuo's eyes to tremble constantly due to the pain.

The two of them were at loggerheads, neither of them willing to give in.

This made the bear sitting opposite... Qin Ming look confused.

Before he could recover from his shock, Kasamoto Eri suddenly approached from the side and whispered in his ear.

"Count me in, I'll help you press Mai Zhuo's legs."

"Why are you everywhere! Still not messy enough? Go eat your chicken leg!"

Grabbing the chicken leg and inserting it into Kasamoto Eri's mouth, he forced the female hooligan away. Looking at the two members of the Eight Heroes who were already hugging each other and fighting each other, and still not giving in to each other, Qin Ming rubbed his forehead and fell into deep thought.

Join the Eight Heroes? Hiss! It seems that it is not impossible!

Otherwise, continue to be the villain this time?

There is no way to kill the members of the Eight Heroes and get the blood of the Heavenly Kingdom God Clan.

Killing the protagonists and getting the three legendary artifacts seems to be a good idea.

Qin Ming swore! He was not fascinated by the bait offered by the two guys who were fighting each other in front of him!

He was determined! He always made decisions with his brain! It was not a cerebellum!

He just thought it was more profitable to join the Eight Heroes team!

So he decided! This time he would join the villain camp!

"I agree to join, so when will the benefits be collected... I mean! When are we going to see Lord Goenitz!"

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