Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 372 Stormy Father and Daughter

With a creak, the door opened, and Qin Ming, with a stern face, led Kasamoto Eri and strode in from outside.

Hearing the noise coming from this side, a large number of people in the room turned their heads and looked over here at the same time.

And they were all adventurers, adventurers belonging to the Eight Heroes.

Looking at Qin Ming who came in, everyone's eyes were very complicated, with fear, vigilance, and hostility.

And Goenitz, who was standing on the high platform and issuing tasks, smiled slightly and spoke first.

"Mr. Qin Ming has worked hard. Have you solved another team?"

Qin Ming nodded and sat down casually.

"Well, it's solved."

"Is it tricky? He has dealt with several teams of our people."

"It's a little tricky, but only a little."

"I knew it would be absolutely no problem to hand it over to you. This is the third team you have solved. Mr. Qin Ming is really good."

Holding the Bible in his hand, Goenitz was more and more satisfied with Qin Ming.

He is ruthless and strong. The most important thing is that he doesn't have much to do. He does the work as soon as it is assigned to him, and never picks and chooses.

This kind of person is simply a natural fighting partner! It's so comfortable to use!

To be honest, Goenitz admires Qin Ming very much, and he also entrusted Qin Ming with important tasks.

And his attention naturally caused dissatisfaction among other adventurers.

After all, there is only one benefit, but there are so many competitors, so whoever shows his talent will be hostile to everyone, and there is nothing to do about it.

In fact, other adventurers are also ruthless, and some of them are even more ruthless than Qin Ming.

But they are not as valued as Qin Ming in front of Goenitz, and the reason is very simple, that is, their strength is not enough.

Qin Ming has no shortcomings in his ability, so he dares to take any work, but they can't.

Qin Ming can take on the characters in the plot, and even win the battle. His strength limit is very high, but they don't have this ability.

Therefore, no matter how well they complete their tasks, they are destined to not attract Goenitz's attention.

After all, for fighters, strength is the most important thing.

If you have the strength, being ruthless is called decisive killing, and being gentle is called having the demeanor of a warrior, and whatever you do is right.

On the contrary, if you don't have the strength, being ruthless is too cruel, and being gentle is indecisive, and whatever you do is wrong.

The other party did not regard you as an existence of the same level, but just a small minion, a subordinate.

So no matter how well a small minion performs, what's the use.

Seeing that Qin Ming had completed the task perfectly again, Goenitz nodded with satisfaction, and the next second he suddenly stretched out his hand to signal Qin Ming to follow him into the backyard.

Qin Ming did not say much when he saw this, and immediately followed in, leaving only a group of very jealous adventurers, who had no choice but to continue to receive tasks from Weiss and Maizhuo.

After entering the backyard, Qin Ming instinctively turned his head and looked around at Goenitz who stopped in front of him.

He found that this was actually a small book storage room, with a large number of books on both sides, and they were all myths and historical legends from various countries.

In front of these books, there was a beautiful black lady wearing a blue-black nun's uniform, carefully arranging the books.

Hearing the noise behind her, the beautiful lady turned her head quickly. When she saw Goenitz, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she hurriedly put down the book in her hand and walked over.


"Well, are you busy? This is my guest, a loyal believer of God, Qin Ming."

Goenitz smiled and introduced Qin Ming, his tone was unprecedentedly soft.

This kind of softness was different from the usual one. Although Goenitz always smiled and looked very kind, he always had a sense of nobility as a God's agent.

At this time, his gentleness came from the heart, and he no longer had the arrogance of a God's agent, but only the kindness of an elder.

Hearing her father's introduction, the black lady wearing a blue-black nun's uniform hurriedly put her hands in front of her and saluted Qin Ming.

"Hello, sir."

Qin Ming immediately nodded in return.

"Hello, nice to meet you for the first time."

Seeing that the two of them were having a pleasant meeting, Goenitz smiled and spoke again.

"Okay, Sharan, I have something to talk to this gentleman about. You should go and prepare for the Holy Communion tonight."

"Yes, then Sharan will take her leave."

The black-haired beauty named Sharan turned and left obediently.

Goenitz watched her leave, his eyes were as gentle as ever, and he did not take his eyes away for a long time.

This made Qin Ming, who saw this scene, frown.

"Who is she?"

"My adopted daughter, an abandoned baby in front of the church in the strong wind at night."

"She is very beautiful."

"Well, I know, so you'd better not have any ideas about her. You can provoke Mai Zhuo and Weiss, and I don't care about what happens between you, but if you dare to harass my adopted daughter, I will take off one of your eyes."

Turning his head to look at Qin Ming with a smile, Goenitz's smile once again returned to the fake smile of the past.

This made Qin Ming, who saw this scene, tremble at the corner of his mouth.

"Don't worry, this kind of woman is not within my hunting range."

After saying this, Goenitz not only did not feel relieved, but frowned, and his tone became very dissatisfied.

"What? My adopted daughter is not pretty enough? Is she not in your eyes?"

"No, I don't like dealing with such religious women."


"I'm afraid she will force me to recite scriptures at night."

"............Then you really can't provoke Sharan, because she will force others to recite the Bible during the day, under the pretext of cleansing the soul."

Speaking of Sharan, Goenitz smiled again.

Qin Ming, who looked up and glanced at the room, suddenly spoke.

"Is she also a fighting force for the resurrection of the gods?"

"No, she doesn't believe in the big snake at all, she believes in Christianity."

"Oh? Can you tolerate this?"

"Of course, I won't force others to believe in anyone. I just need others to maintain the most basic reverence for the gods. Besides, when the gods are resurrected, the world will be thoroughly baptized. If there are guilty people, the gods will judge them personally, without my help."

"Baptism? Aren't you afraid that Sharan will also be washed away?"

Qin Ming's words made Goenitz, who was moving, stop suddenly.

Holding the Bible in one hand, Goenitz lowered his head and remained silent for a few seconds before speaking softly.

"That is Sharan's own fate. I have no right to interfere. If the gods punish her, let alone me, I will not resist. Qin Ming, you have never seen a god, so you can never imagine how powerful it is."

While speaking, Goenitz, who had already brought Qin Ming to the table, suddenly opened the map on the table and pointed to one of the marked areas.

"Qin Ming, I'm meeting you alone this time not for a chat, but for a new mission. Kagura Chizuru is trying to talk to Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami, trying to get them to put aside their conflicts and cooperate. As for Iori Yagami, I will send Weiss and Maizo to find a way to provoke his hatred. As for Kyo Kusanagi, I hope you can deal with it. No matter what method you use, you can destroy the cooperation between Kyo Kusanagi and Kagura Chizuru. If you can do it! It's best to kill Kyo Kusanagi!"

When he said this, Goenitz suddenly fell silent, as if he remembered something, and looked up at Qin Ming with a very serious expression.

"A friendly reminder to you, don't try to kill Kagura Chizuru, she is not something you can deal with. The last time I attacked her and her sister, her sister used her life to help her merge with the eight-foot mirror. Now she can perform the foundation of zero. If you don't want to die, don't challenge her."

This is the first time Qin Ming has met someone who can make Goenitz, who has always been calm, show such a serious expression on his face.

Therefore, he did not say much, nodded quickly, and turned around to leave.

But before he walked out of the room, there was a knock on the door. It turned out to be Sharan, the adopted daughter of Goenitz, who came in with tea.

Qin Ming nodded and greeted Sharan, and passed by her.

When he was about to leave the room, his steps suddenly paused, and the next second he quickly turned his head to look at Sharan, and the sunglasses on his face were directly turned on.

He was very curious about the attributes of this Sharan.

[Name: Storm Child-Shalan]

[Strength: 25]

[Constitution: 25]

[Agility: 25]

[Spirit: 40]

[Skills: Wind Affinity (A-level) Storm Flow Fighting Technique (B-level) True-Eight Young Girls (A-level)]

[Introduction: An unfortunate girl who was born with the awakening of wind power. She was abandoned by her parents as a monster, but fortunately she met a real monster]

Looking at Sharan's attributes, Qin Ming couldn't help but be stunned.

Before he could react, he suddenly heard Goenitz's voice, which was a little cold.

"It's not a good habit to steal other people's privacy, Qin Ming, don't do it again,"

Hearing this, Qin Ming looked up at Goenitz in astonishment, with a look of shock on his face.

Because he was afraid of being noticed by Goenitz, Qin Ming didn't dare to use glasses to peek at his attributes, but he never thought that Goenitz could actually feel it when he peeped at others!

Qin Ming, who didn't turn off the ability of glasses, also saw Goenitz's attributes when he looked up.

To be precise, Goenitz, who was smiling but had cold eyes, took the initiative to show him his attributes.

[Name: Breathing Storm - Goenitz]

[Strength: 60]

[Constitution: 60]

[Agility: 80]

[Spirit: 60]

[Skills: Storm Flow Fighting (A-level) True Eight Maidens - Jiao (A-level) True Eight Maidens - Target (A-level) True Eight Maidens - Real Counter (S-level)]

[Bloodline: Perfect Heavenly Bloodline - Wind (S-level)]

[Introduction: The Messenger of God? No, to mortals only, he is God! TV... God of Wind! ]

Looking at the terrifying attributes displayed in front of him, feeling Goenitz's threatening gaze, Qin Ming nodded and turned away.

It's confirmed that this is not something that can be won in a one-on-one fight. Goenitz is indeed a top-notch master! Just like that Gangquan!

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