Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 385 Emperor! Lucar!


Another loud noise was heard. Zhen Yuanzhai, who had chosen to trade injuries for injuries while resisting the attacks of several people, suddenly burst out.

First, the raging fire opened the way, and then the drunken eight immortals fist followed.

With two fatal combos, Zhen Yuanzhai did not give the adventurers a chance to recover from their injuries by special means this time, and he directly killed an adventurer in seconds!

However, while the adventurer was burned to charcoal, he was also hit by several other people.

Zhen Yuanzhai, who was already injured, was injured again and flew out rolling.

As soon as his body landed on the ground, he had already jumped up with one hand to avoid the pursuit of several wave punches.

Zhen Yuanzhai, who landed steadily on the ground, looked at the seven adventurers who came from all around, and was a little breathless for a while, and blood slowly flowed down his forehead.

The adventurers who chased him kept a certain distance from Zhen Yuanzhai, and no one dared to attack rashly.

After all, the opponent's burst just now really scared them.

Eight against one and he was killed! This old man's combat experience is too terrifying!

And this is still injured! If there is no injury! Is this really something that people can fight? !

Before, when the adventurers of the God of Death team attacked the superpower team, they relied on the method of pulling relationships to get close and secretly poisoning, and then directly destroyed Zhen Yuanzhai.

The poison used on him came from the Three Kingdoms War Chronicles world! The poison of the Golden Scorpion King! It is a consumable with an ordinary gold grade!

Even so, Zhen Yuanzhai was only half destroyed, and he was still able to endure the poison and fight back and forth with so many adventurers.

And now Zhen Yuanzhai's poison has been lifted, even if he is injured, his combat effectiveness has not decreased but increased.

The eight adventurers who tried to challenge him head-on immediately realized what the gold content of the old fighting master is.

Zhen Yuanzhai was not bragging before. If it was twenty years ago, he could really wipe out all the adventurers.

Because Zhen Yuanzhai, who was in his prime, was a monster who could be ranked among the top fighters with his fists and feet!

Just imagine! If his attributes were 70 points! With S-level fighting skills! How brutal would the scene be!

Zhen Yuanzhai had to choose the drunken boxing that relied on skills to fight because he was old and his physical fitness declined.

And when he was young! He specialized in the powerful boxing of Baji + Pijia! Overwhelming people with momentum!

The two sides confronted each other tensely. After more than ten seconds of silence, one of the adventurers suddenly roared.

"Don't hesitate! Come together! He can't bear it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the adventurer rushed up first. Seeing this, the other few people gritted their teeth and chose to follow without hesitation.

The seven people launched a joint attack and once again fought with Zhen Yuanzhai.

Relying on the advantage of his short stature, Zhen Yuanzhai kept moving in the punches and kicks, constantly blocking and counterattacking, looking calm and at ease.

His goal from the beginning was not to defeat the enemy! But to hold the enemy back!

As long as he could hold the opponent back and prevent him from entering the room to cause damage, he would win.

When the new apprentice who had merged with the potion broke through the barrier, Zhen Yuanzhai felt that the guys in front of him would be very surprised.

Number advantage? When have you ever heard that the guys who practiced iron shirts would be afraid of number advantage?

Masters beat horizontal training! Horizontal training beats people! People beat masters! Those who practice horizontal training kung fu! What they fight is a fucking human sea!

Zhen Yuanzhai's delaying tactics went very well. With the way of bursting to kill one person, he successfully made his opponents timid and afraid to attack with all their strength.

In addition to his extraordinary fighting skills, there was no hope of defeating a few people, but it was easy to hold them back for a while and not be defeated by them.

…………Assuming there are no other incidents.

“Enough! A bunch of useless things! Get out of here!”

Just as the fight was going on here, a loud shout suddenly came from the gate of the courtyard.

And as soon as the voice sounded, it was followed by a sound of wind.

Several adventurers who heard the noise hurriedly turned their heads to look over there, but they only saw a giant energy ball coming towards them.

They couldn’t dodge at all, and were knocked out by the energy ball on the spot.

Zhen Yuanzhai, who quickly dodged, looked at the shattered wall behind him, and couldn’t help shrinking his pupils, looking forward with a serious expression.

And over there, a big man with his hands stretched forward and posing a shooting posture also slowly straightened his waist at this moment.

Skill! Emperor Caesarpo!

The one coming! Fighting Emperor Lugar!

He shook his hand and pulled off the cloak on his body, revealing his true appearance.

One eye is a mechanical prosthetic eye, which is emitting red light, and even one arm is a mechanical arm. Lugar is nearly two meters tall and has well-developed muscles.

His skin was gray, and he looked at Zhen Yuanzhai expressionlessly, his eyes were very cold.

"A bunch of useless things, you can't even deal with an old man, what's the use of you, just relying on you as a bunch of trash, you want to recruit me to join the group?"

Hearing this, the faces of several adventurers from the Street Fighter team next to him froze.

"Lord Rugal, this guy's strength is extraordinary......"

"Hmph! Stop explaining! If it weren't for the fact that you have special powers I've never seen before! And if it weren't for the fact that you have saved me! I wouldn't help you do such a despicable thing! Group hunting fighters? Only hyenas will group hunt!"

Raising one hand suddenly, along with the activation of the newly acquired ability, a violent power wave spread out in all directions with Rugal as the center.

This power is nothing else! It is one of the ultimate powers in the world of Street Fighter! Killing intention wave!

Raising his head, looking down at Zhen Yuanzhai with contempt, Rugal's expression was very cold.

"Fighting Grandmaster Zhen Yuanzhai, right, old man, we meet again."

Hearing this, Zhen Yuanzhai, who was already stunned on the opposite side, finally woke up from his dream.

"Rucard? You're not dead!"

"Of course I'm not dead, but you'll be dead soon, and an old guy like you with a serious decline in physical strength is not even qualified to be made into a statue for my collection. Old man, you were born twenty years earlier."

Rucard's words made Zhen Yuanzhai's face gradually gloomy.

Zhen Yuanzhai, who had witnessed the bloody battle between Rucard, Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami, and knew the combat power of the other party, understood that things were going to be bad.

This guy who has reached the peak of first-line combat power, is about to become a top-notch warrior, and is still taking the hard-line route, is simply his nemesis.

Take a deep breath, take a sip of wine, and Zhen Yuanzhai, who has recovered from the shock, raises his hand and poses the drunken fist starting posture.

Rucard, who saw this scene, raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Oh? Facing me alone, instead of choosing to run away, you tried to fight? Zhen Yuanzhai, you have good courage, but you still think that I am now! Is it still the same me as before!"

Opening his hand and grabbing fiercely, blood-colored waves spun around Rucard.

Lugar, who activated the killing wave, had a red light flashing in his eyes.

"I am now completely transformed! Can you stop me?"

Shake your hands! Wave amplification! Caesar Emperor Wave!

A huge energy ball of nearly one meter whistled out at a very fast speed, instantly plowing a straight gully on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Zhen Yuanzhai raised his arms to block the Dantian, but who would have thought that with the collision of the two, Zhen Yuanzhai was actually blown away!

He struggled to get up without waiting for the tumble to the ground! One energy ball after another has whistled in! Each one is powerful and heavy! The lethality is amazing!

[Skill: Incomplete killing wave]

[Level: A]

[Effect: After activation, specify one of your own attributes to be amplified, and the amplification effect is 100%]

[Introduction: Come and comprehend this supreme boxing with your life! ]

At this moment, Lugar activated the skill! It is the power that is amplified! Unparalleled power!

With his hands swung quickly, Zhen Yuanzhai was blown to the ground. From the beginning to the end, Rugal, who had not moved his feet at all, threw nearly twenty energy balls.

Zhen Yuanzhai, who was running around Rugal, was chased and blown up for three rounds, and finally got closer to the enemy.

He roared, and suddenly stopped moving while sliding. The next second, a blazing fire burned on his body, and he just spun and crashed into Rugal.

A-level skill! Bomb Bar Summon!

Looking at the big fireball rushing towards him at high speed, Rugal's pupils shrank. Instead of choosing to dodge, he took the initiative to reach out and grab the fireball.

Killing intention fluctuation amplification! Physical fitness!


In the whistling wind! Rugal, who was forced to withstand the attack of the ultimate move, was knocked back three meters away.

But that was the end. With the end of the rotation, the blazing fire on his body dissipated, and Zhen Yuanzhai raised his head in disbelief.

His ultimate move! Lucard took it with his body!

Looking at Zhen Yuanzhai who was looking at him in surprise, Lucard grabbed his head and smiled ferociously.

"Have you used up all your moves? Then it's my turn!"

Lifting Zhen Yuanzhai with one hand, with a flash of blood in his eyes, the killing intention increased: strength!

Skill! Clan annihilation cut!

With blood in his hand! He instantly cut Zhen Yuanzhai!

Instantly, Lucard gave Zhen Yuanzhai three claws and one kick! He kicked Zhen Yuanzhai away with a kick!

In just a moment, Zhen Yuanzhai was severely injured.

The compatibility of the two is too bad. One is a skill route, and the other is a tough route. If the attributes are equal, the former is undoubtedly popular.

But once the latter's attributes can constitute a crushing, then the so-called skills will become a complete joke.

And this is the situation at this time! Zhen Yuanzhai's ultimate move! Even Rucard with a killing intention fluctuation can't be beaten!

Looking at Zhen Yuanzhai who fell to the ground, Lucard crossed his arms, narrowed his eyes, and revealed a hint of mockery in his eyes.

"Is this the strength of the so-called martial arts master? You have disappointed me a little, Zhen Yuanzhai, can your so-called peak skills block my punch!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lucard suddenly turned around and waved his hand, and a green energy shield suddenly condensed in his hand.

At the moment when the shield appeared, a small energy ball had already shot at a high speed and was offset by the shield on the spot.

Lucard, who shook his hand to disperse the energy in his hand, looked at Athena Asamiya who appeared out of thin air on the opposite side, and raised his eyebrows.

"Little girl, do you also want to challenge me without knowing your own strength?"

Hearing this, Athena Asamiya did not give an answer. Seeing that her master was in trouble, she rushed out of the encirclement against the attack, and her body suddenly disappeared strangely.

Teleport close + Flash Crystal Wave!

Relying on teleportation to suddenly get close to the enemy's face, and then using the Flash Crystal Wave that combines offense and defense on the spot, this is a common method used by Athena Asamiya, and it has repeatedly achieved remarkable results, always able to catch the enemy off guard.

However, this time, Athena Asamiya's trick was frustrated, or to be more precise, she was not able to try it out at all.

Because she teleported close to the enemy's face, she had not had time to activate her ability. As soon as her body lit up, her neck was pinched by someone, forcibly interrupting her ultimate move.

He stretched out his hand like lightning and accurately grabbed Athena who appeared out of thin air.

Rugal suddenly turned his head and looked at him, his eyes ferocious.

"You are too slow! Woman!"

The killing intention wave increased! Speed!

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