Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 390: Wind of Natural Disaster!

The final of the King of Fighters Tournament has officially begun.

However, due to yesterday's riot, there were not many people at the final today, and only fighters came.

Some of the eight winning teams and the other eliminated teams came here, while the others did not want to come, but could not come.

Either they were injured or killed.

Although yesterday's riot was a direct fight between the three artifact forces and the heavenly kingdom forces, adventurers don't care about any rules.

Harming the innocent? They want to harm the innocent!

If they don't harm the innocent, where can they get so many spoils.

Let alone irrelevant fighters! As long as there is a chance! Even if it is a fighter on their side! They dare to stab!

In the huge arena, a group of fighters gathered here, all talking in a low voice.

Almost everyone of them was attacked yesterday, and the strength of the comers was not bad.

If Kagura Chizuru had not been prepared in advance, secretly applied for the mobilization of the security forces, and warned the fighters in advance, and even sent her own adventurers to hunt down the opponents, the number of people who died yesterday would never be so small.

Just as the fighters were discussing, footsteps suddenly sounded, and as the figure swayed, a beautiful figure appeared on the high platform.

And she was the organizer of this competition, Kagura Chizuru.

Seeing the real owner appear, the fighters below looked up.

Under the attention of the crowd, Kagura Chizuru, who was wearing a shrine maiden costume and had an extremely serious expression, finally spoke solemnly.

"Everyone, we meet again. I have visited you one by one before and told you about the evil plot of the Heavenly Kingdom God Clan. Now, I believe you have personally experienced their cruelty and terror. This time, I summoned you to join forces to fight against him and prevent the Great Snake from resurrecting and destroying the world!"

After Kagura Chizuru finished speaking, there was silence below. The fighters were silent and no one spoke to support her.

Seeing this, Kagura Chizuru couldn't help but roll her eyes and added a few more words.

"Of course, this matter will not be done in vain. As long as you are willing to help, there will be 3 million US dollars for each person after the matter is completed. Moreover, Goenitz's strength is very terrifying, extraordinary and terrifying. Rugal knows that the arrogant arms dealer had his eyes taken out by Goenitz, and he only used three moves. I think facing such a master, you must be very eager to challenge him."

Save the world? Uphold justice? Don't be kidding! Everyone is not a three-year-old child! Not a Japanese high school student! Who would fall for this!

It's useless to talk nonsense, and Kagura Chizuru didn't expect to get help from others by tricking them.

Her methods of asking for help are very practical. The vulgar ones are just giving money, and the elegant ones are cheating with the excuse of challenging masters.

Which fighter can resist such temptation when they can fight while paying money?

At least the fighters who came to participate in the competition below are completely tempted at this time.

Three million US dollars is not a small amount, not to mention that they can challenge masters, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

You should know that not all fighters are rich. On the contrary, most fighters are relatively poor and usually have to work part-time as side jobs.

Their main job is fighters, which is an upgraded version of street urchins.

There are many kinds of side jobs. The advanced ones are singers, martial arts gym owners, and bar owners.

The lower ones are boxers who practice boxing, street singers who sing on the street, and even bodyguards or thugs.

Kagura Chizuru's way of asking for help can be said to be hitting the nail on the head, giving the fighters face and giving them a good excuse to take action.

Whispering to each other, the fighters below kept nodding, obviously moved by Kagura Chizuru's invitation.

As the discussion became louder and louder, they began to find various excuses to participate in the action.

Challenging the strong, maintaining the world, defending justice, or helping friends to avenge, there are many excuses, but no one talks about money, after all, it hurts face to say it for money.

Just when more and more fighters are willing to join, causing Kagura Chizuru to smile, the fighting arena where everyone is suddenly trembled violently.

Feeling this scene, everyone turned around in confusion and looked around, while Kagura Chizuru's face changed and she looked up at the sky.

She understood! The enemy is coming!


The terrifying wind whistled! Even the clouds in the sky quickly turned into a whirlpool!

Accompanied by the harsh sound of the wind! A huge tornado connecting the sky and the earth! It was formed so quickly! It enveloped the entire fighting arena!

The buildings on the edge were ruthlessly torn apart! The rubble mixed with the building debris flew in the wind!

A man-made natural disaster! Just like that, in front of everyone's shocked eyes! It appeared out of thin air!

In the middle of the tornado, in the core of the huge storm eye in the sky, a middle-aged man wearing a modified priest's uniform, with short hair and a gentle smile on his face, descended from the sky with the wind.

The leader of the Eight Heroes! Breath of Storm Goenitz! Appeared!

The so-called Eight Heroes! Actually represents eight kinds of disasters!

The Four Heavenly Kings! That is, Earth, Wind, Thunder and Fire! Symbolize natural disasters!

And the other four little kings! Beast Death, Madness and Darkness! Symbolize man-made disasters!

When the bloodlines of these eight heroes are completely developed! The user will not only have terrifying combat power! At the same time, you will also gain the power to control natural and man-made disasters! Can control the power of nature to create man-made disasters!

Tornado at the moment! That's it!

A strong wind appears! Everything is destroyed! The Eight Heroes of the Wind appear!

"Everyone, there is no need to go to the trouble of looking for me. Even if you want to prevent my Lord from being resurrected, how about we settle our grievances here."

Goenitz, who fell with the wind and landed gently next to Kagura Chizuru, turned to look at Kagura Chizuru, who was retreating cautiously, eyes full of hatred, holding a Bible in his hand, and the smile on his face was as gentle as ever.

"It just so happens that my Lord's resurrection requires energy, a lot of energy. Since you are determined to go against the gods, then your souls should become sacrifices!"


As soon as the words were spoken, the sound of chaotic footsteps could be heard. A large number of adventurers rushed out of the storm and came towards this side with great force.

Seeing this scene, the adventurers on Kagura Chizuru's side also quickly drew their weapons and started to confront them.

The fighters gathered together with pale faces and panicked expressions.

After all, Kagura Chizuru just told them that Goenitz was very strong. They thought that the other party was at best a magician or a cultist.

Who would have thought that the other party really has the power of God! This kind of power is something that humans can resist!

Looking at the panicked fighters, Goenitz narrowed his eyes and smiled, and suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"I'm giving you one last chance. Leave here, don't get involved in the war between us, and don't risk your life for no reason. This is my last mercy."

While he was talking, a gap had been ripped out of the tornado, exposing the outside world.

"If you are not even willing to seize this last chance, then you will die in this storm without any bones left."

Kagura Chizuru is rich, so she can call in a lot of reinforcements.

It's just that although Gonitz has no money, he has the strength and the power to control natural disasters.

Goenitz did not believe that in the face of natural disasters, every fighter could risk death for a slogan.

Which one is more important, money or life, Goenitz felt that they would definitely be able to tell the difference, especially after seeing the tornado.

Facts have proved that Goenitz's guess was correct. Not to mention the fighters, even the many adventurers who tried to come in to get some benefits turned pale when they saw the tornado that connected the sky and the earth in front of them.

Seeing Goenitz opening a passage, people in the crowd who were silent for a moment began to escape, including fighters and adventurers.

It only took a moment, and the crowd that was still dark just now had already disappeared.

Those who dare to stay in the storm at this time are either highly skilled and brave people, or they are pure desperate gamblers.

Looking at the remaining masters, Goenitz raised the corners of his mouth and suddenly raised his hand to close the tornado.

Then his face turned gloomy and he spoke in a low voice.

"Then gentlemen, let us continue the mythical battle that has been going on for thousands of years! Kill!"

As soon as Goenitz finished speaking, the adventurers on his side had already rushed forward crazily. Those among them, who had been recruited by him over the years, were trying to gain the power of the Celestial Clan, or even completely become members of the Celestial Clan. The fighters are all very powerful.

Especially Mai Zhuo and Wei Si who took the lead, after opening the bloodline of the Kingdom of Heaven, they are all standard top-notch warriors.

Seeing them killing them, the fighters and adventurers here looked at each other and launched a charge without hesitation.

On the ring, in the tornado, the fight between the two sides has officially begun!


While the gravel was flying, Goenitz rushed up and killed Kagura Chizuru straight away.

Seeing the arrival of her enemy, Kagura Chizuru did not hesitate to activate her final trump card.

With her hands clasped in front of her, a mirror made of pure energy appeared out of thin air in front of her.

One of the three artifacts! Eight-foot mirror!

Kagura Chizuru, who directly chose to open the artifact and activate the power of the artifact, suddenly transformed into several figures in a flash and rushed towards Goenitz from all angles.

That’s right! Not one! But several ways!

When fighting Qin Ming before, Kagura Chizuru didn't use the power of the artifact at all, at least not completely.

At that time, she could only be regarded as a talented fighter of the Kagura family, not a guardian of the artifact.

She at this time! She took out the eight-foot mirror! He is the true master of the eight-foot mirror of this generation!

After counting the body! There are eight figures! Keep shuttling around Goenitz!

The eight figures are all real! But they are all fake! Each one attacks! Everyone is showing off their skills!

As long as you are hit by one of them, what awaits your opponent next will be a series of blows like a storm.

Even with the space sealing ability of the Eight-Foot Mirror, the person hit will be unable to display any abilities and can only be reduced to a pure human sandbag.

If Kagura Chizuru doesn't have the magic mirror in hand, he is just a first-class warrior with special abilities.

So at this time, with the help of the Eight-Foot Mirror, she has become a truly super-class warrior!

It's just that there are differences in strength among people of the same level. If Kagura Chizuru can defeat Goenitz with this move, then why should she bother to find helpers?

The eight-fold phantom power of the eight-foot mirror is truly terrifying! But it was of no use at this time!

Because even if Kagura Chizuru splits into eight, she still can't hit Goenitz even once!

Because Goenitz represents the wind disaster! His specialty is speed!

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