Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 400 Angel's super killer move

On the street, a lively girl with very fashionable and bold clothes and short white hair was striding forward with a straight face.

Behind her, a large man more than two meters tall could be vaguely seen, following her furtively.

It's unknown what Qin Ming's stalking skills are, but based on his size, he is destined to be unable to hide well.

Faced with a black bear like him who hides behind corn stalks and extremely deceives himself in following him, Angel, who was being followed while walking in front, had already noticed it.

At this time, Angel, after trying to get rid of Qin Ming but failing, had already begun to shake people urgently.

Holding the intercom in her ear, Angel walked forward and spoke in a low voice.

"Hey, I was discovered. The black and brown bear who won the championship this time was very vigilant and quickly discovered me in the crowd. He is following me now. Come and support me... What? You guys? It's too far away to make it here, so you're obviously afraid that you won't be able to defeat him! I'm telling you, I'll turn into a ghost too! Go back and ask for your lives! You... Why would you rather face a ghost than face him?"

Angel quickly finished talking to his companions and found that none of them were willing to come to save him. Angel's face turned completely dark.

This time she was ordered to follow the fighters and secretly collect information about them.

The Sound Nest Organization attempts to collect the blood of powerful fighters to develop powerful clones. Top fighters such as Yagami An and Kusanagi Kyo are basically among their hunting targets.

As the player who won the championship this time, Qin Ming naturally successfully attracted the attention of the Sound Nest organization, and the top management seemed to attach great importance to Qin Ming's terrifying defense ability and self-healing ability.

After all, these two abilities are perfect for creating super soldiers.

That's why the Sound Nest Organization sent Angel, a relatively capable middle-level employee in the organization, to collect Qin Ming's intelligence in more detail.

But who would have thought that before he had time to collect them, Angel, who had just approached, attracted Qin Ming's attention for some reason.

Now that he couldn't get rid of him, and he couldn't hope for rescue, Angel, who had no idea how he had been exposed, gritted his teeth.

She secretly glanced behind her, and looked at Qin Ming, who was standing behind the telephone pole, successfully covering his head, but completely unable to cover his burly figure, and a fierce light flashed in her eyes.

If you can't escape, you can only fight. Although the guy opposite has high attack and defense, and his ability to heal is amazing.

But she, Angel, is not a vegetarian either. Her powerful body has been modified through special technology, and she is also very good at frontal combat.

With a sneak attack, Angel was sure to make Qin Ming temporarily lose his fighting ability, and even forcibly broke off one of his legs.

After all, as one of the middle-level members of the Sound Nest organization, she is a well-known hand-to-hand combat expert in the organization! People gave me the nickname "Meat Tank"!

Angel turned around and walked around a corner, and immediately disappeared from Qin Ming's sight. He quickly turned around and stood at the corner, raising his hands in a fighting posture.

Qin Ming, who didn't know this, watched Angel disappear, hurriedly walked out from behind the telephone pole, and followed closely.

He tried to follow Angel to find the Sound Nest organization branch here, and make a fortune before leaving.

By the way, Angel was also asked to sign and make a pledge in the King of Fighters manual. After all, this is a hidden figure and a rare one.

What? Maybe she doesn't want to?

how? Do you think Qin Ming is discussing with the other party?

Quickly arriving at the corner, Qin Ming stuck his head out vigilantly and looked towards the other side of the corner.

Then, when he just poked his head out, he saw Angel's stern face and the fist that was instantly waved at the first glance.


Angel is not tall, and although she has a very good figure, she doesn't look too heavy.

However, even though this figure does not look very burly, the punch delivered at this moment can be described as earth-shattering.

A harsh sonic boom sounded, and Angel's punch exploded with terrifying speed and power. Qin Ming, who was unprepared, was hit directly in the face by the punch, and his whole body was beaten in the next second. Staggered back three or four steps!

Before Qin Ming could raise his hand to cover his nose and recover from the shock, Angel, who had succeeded in the sneak attack, screamed strangely and flew out with a kick.

Kick and sweep the neck from the upper part! Kick to the waist in the middle! Kick and sweep the knee in the lower part!

Aiming at Qin Ming, who was unsteady on his feet, Angel came up with a series of hits.

After Qin Ming reacted, he raised his arm to block the attack, and then a flying knee hit Qin Ming's crossed arms.

Another loud bang was heard, and Qin Ming was knocked off his legs and slid more than a meter away.

Feeling the terrifying force coming from his arm, Qin Ming had a look of disbelief on his face.

This woman! What a terrifying power!

[Name: Angel]

【Strength: 50】

[Physique: 50]

[Agility: 30]


[Skills: Extreme Body Transformation (Level A) Angel Fighting Technique (Level B) Liberal Loyalty Test (Level B) The Once Beautiful Land (Level B) Survival Banquet (Level A)]

[Introduction: Angel considers herself a literary young man, so she gave her moves many literary names, but it turns out that her playing style is not literary at all]

Double A-level skills! The basic attribute of 50 strength and body!

This Angel! She is actually a fighter who is not inferior to a first-class fighter!

And she is the same as Qin Ming! A reckless player who takes the frontal hard steel style!

Through a short confrontation, feeling the terrifying brute force that Angel burst out, Qin Ming almost immediately confirmed one thing, that is, the woman in front of him! The strength is definitely not as simple as 50 points!

The extreme physical transformation skill on her body! It is a passive ability to strengthen the body!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Raising his arms and blocking continuously, Qin Ming fought and retreated.

And Angel, who kept punching and kicking, and each attack could bring a harsh wind sound, became more and more excited.


Amid the strange cry, seeing that Angel could not attack by force, he directly burst out a special move from the front, and came up with a set of B-level skills: the loyalty test of liberals!

To put it bluntly, it was a series of punches and kicks!

Her set of combos was simple and unpretentious, and there was nothing outstanding about it, but the problem was that this woman was too strong! Ridiculously big!

Even with Qin Ming's defensive power, he could withstand this set of continuous attacks, but he felt his arm was numb.

Seeing Angel burst out with her ultimate move, she actually tried to continue to attack him.

Qin Ming, who was no longer on the defensive, finally chose to take the initiative to attack, swinging his arm and punching.

This punch was so powerful that it made a whistling sound just after it was thrown.

But before the fist hit the target, Angel on the opposite side had already seen a bright light.

The next second, she raised her knees and pressed her elbows. In an instant, she relied on high leg lifts, elbows and knees to force Qin Ming's arm that was sweeping towards her neck, and then turned around and pulled Qin Ming, swinging him hard to the back.

She actually used a blocking counterattack!

Although she was just a little girl, Angel's fighting skills were extremely sophisticated.

Because as an experimental modified body of the Nest Organization, Angel's fighting skills were carefully matched for her by researchers.

And he has been undergoing high-intensity training.

Therefore, whether it is fighting techniques or combat experience, Angel is not ordinary high. The number of fighting includes all kinds of comprehensive melee methods such as continuous attack, burst, counterattack, etc.

The only thing missing is the long-range output method. After all, Angel's position when undergoing transformation is a pure melee fighter, and there are others responsible for long-range attack.

A blocking and grabbing instantly threw Qin Ming to the ground, and the ground made a loud noise.

At the same time, a unique energy was transmitted into Qin Ming's body through this instant of fall, which actually caused his body to show signs of temporary paralysis.

This is not a special blood power! It is the ability of the high-tech gloves of the sound nest worn by Angel! It is the power of technology!

And this paralysis glove! It is also a prop specially tailored for Angel by the sound nest organization to make up for Angel's ability weaknesses!

Only relying on this pair of special gloves! Angel can perfectly exert her strongest skills!

That is…………

Angel, who had knocked Qin Ming to the ground, did not immediately pursue him. Instead, he excitedly crossed his legs and lowered his arms, and began to accumulate strength.

Sliding out, Angel opened his arms, as if he was a wrestler who had gained an absolute advantage on the wrestling stage, interacting with the non-existent audience around him.

Interacting on the left, interacting on the right, and then shaking his arms vigorously, aiming at Qin Ming, who was struggling to stand up next to him, and slapped him straight down.

Elbow down! Aim at Qin Ming's neck! Free fall relying on weight!

A-level super-kill! People's elbow strike…………Survival banquet!



A loud noise was heard, and with Qin Ming, who had fallen to the ground, as the center, the ground was instantly smashed into a spider web-like crack that spread out ten meters away!

Angel's People's Elbow Strike! The power is no longer just terrifying!

It was originally an A-level skill! Another melee explosion! The most important thing is that it takes up to two seconds to charge when it is activated!

The buff of this skill is already full! There are many restrictions to successfully activate it!

But correspondingly! Once it is successfully activated! The lethality is also very strong!

At the last moment, Qin Ming moved his body to avoid the vital part of his neck and took the blow with his strong chest. His eyes were directly hit and his tongue almost spit out.

There were obvious signs of collapse in the chest!

Angel's move! He actually directly injured Qin Ming head-on! And the injury was not light!

However, there was a price to achieve this brilliant victory. That was Angel's excited elbow. The moment his elbow successfully hit Qin Ming's chest, his facial features were wrinkled together.

Raising his hand and trembling to cover his elbow, Angel turned over and rolled off Qin Ming, curling up in pain on the spot.

She shrank into a caterpillar, and Qin Ming beside her also covered his chest and shrank into a ball.

The two guys lay on the ground with their backs facing each other, and they all fell into silence.

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