Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 73 Powerful Sonic Knife

Seeing that his flying fist failed to win, Andy frowned and quickly raised his hand and threw another flying punch.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming on the opposite side changed his strategy on the spot. Instead of shooting with both hands, he waved with one hand.

As the two arms were thrown out one after another, small sonic hand knives were shot out one after another!

Although this small sonic hand knife is not powerful enough! But the advantage is that the attack frequency is fast enough!

The first sonic hand knife hit the flying fist, directly destroying the energy ball. Although it was immediately scattered, the energy ball also exploded on the spot due to the loss of internal energy balance.

Before Andy, who was behind him, could throw a second energy ball, Qin Ming's sonic hand knife that followed him had already hit him in the face!

Looking at the long-range skill in front of him, whose attack frequency was almost twice as high as his own, Andy's face turned pale. Now he no longer dared to confront Qin Ming, and quickly rolled away to avoid the situation.

The sonic hand knife that passed by him cut hard on the wooden stake behind him, directly splitting the wooden stake into two, causing the disciples around him to exclaim.

Andy, who was moving around continuously, dodged several sonic hand-knife shots in an erratic manner, and used his sensitivity to forcefully close the distance with Qin Ming.

That’s right! Battle experienced Andy! Seeing that Dui Bo can't stand up to Qin Ming! Without hesitation, he chose to fight in person!

The moment he touched his face, Qin Ming finally saw his attributes clearly.

That's better than Mari and Mai Shiranui! It is obviously a much higher attribute!

Name: Andy Bogarde (World of Wolves)

Strength 35

Physique 30

Agility 40

Spirit 25

Skills: Shadow Slashing Fist (Level C), Flying Fist (Level C), Air Breaking Bullet (Level C), Rising Dragon Bullet (Level C), Extremely Flying Fist (Level B), Super Breaking Bullet (Level B)

Introduction: One of the two main protagonists of The Legend of the Hungry Wolf! Andy the hungry wolf!

Face-to-face! near! After closing the distance, he thrust instantly! He even left a trail of afterimages behind him!

Andy directly hit Qin Ming with his elbow, and followed up with a Shadow Cutting Fist!

This lightning-fast thrust was obviously not something Qin Ming, who had only 10 points of agility, could react to, and his chest was hit on the spot.

Before he could stagger back, Andy had quickly changed his moves, jumped up, with fire in his hands, twisted his body like a windmill, and turned his palm into a knife to slash Qin Ming's head from top to bottom.

Skill! Dragon bomb!

The lethality of this hand knife was astonishing, and it made Qin Ming's head sink.

Before he could struggle to stand firm, Andy, who quickly landed on the ground, had already followed up with two more moves.

Close to the body! Flying punch!


Pick up again! Instant Shadow Cutting Fist!

In one second, four moves were launched at the same time, and one set of consecutive attacks was a smooth move! Extremely handsome!

It's just that Andy's last palm slash was fierce. Although he successfully hit the target, he couldn't completely withdraw it this time.

Because the arm that hit Qin Ming's chest fiercely had been caught by Qin Ming!

Under Andy's stunned eyes, Qin Mingqiang withstood the opponent's attack and bit the opponent's arm with one bite!

There was a harsh crunching sound, and Andy's face was distorted in pain. He hit Qin Ming's head with a punch, forcing Qin Ming to take a step back, and finally distanced himself.

However, Andy, who withdrew his arm forcefully, suddenly changed his expression at this moment.

Because he suddenly discovered that he actually felt that his body was exuding a sense of powerlessness at this moment!

speed! strength! Even physical fitness and mental state! It’s all gone down a notch!

"This is!"

Andy, who had never seen such a weird move before, raised his head in surprise, but happened to see Qin Ming on the opposite side wipe his mouth hard, look up to the sky and let out a sigh of relief.

The next second, the clothes swelled up! This ordinary man was originally only 1.7 meters tall! The size actually increased to two meters in height!

B-level skills! Absorb the essence! Launched successfully!

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

Qin Ming, who forcibly deducted 5 points of the opponent's attributes and increased his own attributes by 5 points, suddenly lowered his head and roared.

The next second! His arms wave! Continuously shoot out one after another sonic hand knives! Crazy slash forward Andy!

Andy, who had been able to easily dodge such straight-line shooting before, now had his agility deducted to 35 points and was starting to have difficulty reacting.

He dodged left and right, dodging four sonic hand knives in succession. Unfortunately, he was hit by the fifth one, and his whole body was directly blown away.

What's even more terrible is that before he could struggle to regain his footing, a series of sonic hand knives were fired at him one after another!

The buzzing sounds are continuous! There are more than a dozen continuous bombings!

Qin Ming, who was approaching while shooting, then closed to a certain distance, kicked off his legs and suddenly spread his arms, and two huge streams of air gathered in his palms at high speed.

After two seconds of charging! The skill was suddenly thrown out by him!

Charge up! Really~sonic hand knife!

Buzz! The huge spiral cutter wheel that is half a meter wide shoots! It directly blows up a lot of smoke and dust from the ground!

And looking at the super-large sonic hand knife that was slashing at him crazily, Andy was so blasted that he could only protect his head with both hands, and desperately mobilized the energy in his body to defend himself. He gathered strength with both hands and threw out a large energy ball with all his strength.

The energy ball with a diameter of half a meter rotated at high speed and shot forward with a whooshing sound, just in time to collide with the sonic hand knife that was slashing towards it.

Super sure to kill! Super flying punch!


As the two forces collided in mid-air, the bricks and stones on the ground were directly shattered by the energy that exploded, and a large pit of several meters in radius was formed on the spot.

And before the smoke and dust dissipated, a much dimmer spiral gas wheel suddenly broke through the smoke and hit Andy's body directly in the stunned expression on the opposite side.

It was also a B-level skill! It was also a long-range wave!

But the result of this fight! It was Qin Ming's victory!

The reason is very simple, because Qin Ming's current strength is already 40 points! Andy was deducted only 30 points! The strength of the two is not equal at all!

Not to mention that Qin Ming's move is a charging skill! It takes up to two seconds of charging! To activate the B-level skill! Do you think it is so easy to block!

Among the skills of the same level! The power of the charging skill is definitely higher than other skills!

But if you want to launch it perfectly! It is also very difficult!

Caught off guard, Andy was hit by the super-sized sonic hand knife, and his whole body was directly blown into a C shape, and flew backwards on the spot.

His body broke through the wooden wall, and Andy flew directly into the room, rolling on the ground for several rounds.

When he finally stopped, he covered his chest with his hands, and blood gushed out of his mouth!

Although the power of the charged sonic hand knife had been greatly reduced after the fight, Andy, who took this move with his body, was still seriously injured!

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