Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 80 My last name is Wang, Wang next door

Carelessly throwing away the corpse in his hand, Qin Ming looked up and stopped in a hurry. At this moment, he was looking at the traces of the sonic hand knife next to him. The ascetic monk with a fearful look on his face could not help but raise his eyebrows.

His guess was indeed correct! This so-called hidden task! There is indeed a pit in it! It is not as simple as it looks!

The more greedy you are for this task! The faster you will die!

Because this group of Wangyue disciples! Obviously, there are special means to communicate with each other remotely!

The more people you kill! The more likely it is that the masters of Wangyue Sect will come to you!

And the six adventurers are obviously too greedy. They think they can do whatever they want with the support of the plot characters, which has brought disaster upon themselves.

The ascetic monk in front of him! He is the master notified by the three Wangyue disciples before they died!

He is also one of the main characters in the story of the Fatal Fury world! Wangyue Sect Master: Wangyue Shuangjiao!

Name: Moon-Moon Twin Horns (Fatal Fury World)

Strength 25

Constitution 25

Agility 25

Spirit 40

Skills: Orthodox Wudao Style (D-level~C-level), Hearing Evil God Formation (B-level), Muzan Bullet (B-level)

Introduction: The leader of the Moon-Moon lineage, and one of the few survivors who participated in the battle between Moon-Moon and Shiranui and survived by chance.

A few meters apart, the two looked at each other silently.

Moon-Moon Twin Horns, holding the tin staff tightly in his hand, looked very fierce at this moment.

His unkind facial features, coupled with a scarlet tattoo on his left cheek, made him look like an evil ghost.

And this is also the negative impact of years of fighting ghosts and coexisting with ghosts.

Shaking the tin staff in his hand and holding it horizontally in front of him, Moon-Moon Twin Horns stared at Qin Ming and suddenly spoke in a cold voice.

"Are you the big brother Qin they are talking about?"

Hearing this question, Qin Ming shrugged slightly, with an innocent look on his face.

"What Brother Qin? I haven't heard of him. My last name is Wang, Lao Wang."

"Wang? Then why are you here?"

"I saw bloodstains when I passed by here, and then I found a body in the bushes, so I came here to see what was going on. There were people blocking the road and killing people in broad daylight. It's really lawless."

Slapping his chest hard, Qin Ming grinned and showed a bright smile.

"What I, Lao Wang, can't stand the most! It's these evildoers who do evil! Of course, they must be brought to justice!"

"Oh, so that's the case. Thank you very much."

Hearing Qin Ming's answer, the fierce expression on Wangyue Shuangjiao's face eased slightly. After putting down the tin staff in his hand, he nodded gently to Qin Ming to express his gratitude.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming also hurriedly raised his hand to clasp his fists in return.



Just when Qin Ming clasped his fists and bowed his head! A harsh wind sound suddenly sounded!

Wangyue Shuangjiao released his mental power, and a translucent afterimage rushed out of his body! Waving the tin staff in his hand, he rushed towards this side crazily!

Skill! Evil stick dance!

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming's face froze, and he raised his hand without thinking, and threw out a gas wheel in an instant.

Skill! Sonic hand knife!


The two collided and died together.

Then, before the smoke from the explosion dissipated, the thick smoke suddenly tore through it, and Wangyue rushed out with the tin staff in his horns on the spot, and his body turned into a fireball and shot towards this side.

Skill! Vortex Flame Formation!

Facing this sudden attack, he threw out a sonic hand knife to try to stop it, but failed to stop the opponent's sprint. Instead, Qin Ming, whose sonic hand knife was smashed on the spot, had no choice but to raise his arms and choose to forcefully parry.

With a loud bang, the two collided brazenly, and Qin Ming was directly knocked back and slid several meters away.

Before he could struggle to stand firm, Wangyue Shuangjiao rushed over again, waving his staff and fighting with him.

Qin Ming's C-level military fighting skills can only be said to be average, at least not comparable to real fighters.

However, Wangyuemen's boxing and kicking skills are also ordinary, after all, they don't rely on this to fight.

Therefore, as the two of them are now fighting face to face, they are evenly matched for a while, and it is difficult to tell who is better.

Finally, as Wangyue Shuangjiao turned around and stabbed the staff, Qin Ming hit him with a straight punch, and his fist and the staff collided fiercely.

In the shock wave, the two guys retreated at the same time.

Qin Ming slid two meters and stood firm quickly, and raised his fist again.

The opposite Wangyue Shuangjiao rotated his body to distance himself, and raised his weapon the moment he landed.

Seeing Qin Ming's arm shaking, ready to kill again, Wangyue Shuangjiao suddenly put down his weapon, raised his other hand and shouted.

"Okay! Stop fighting!"


Hearing this, Qin Ming suddenly stopped and looked at the other party with a bit of surprise.

The opposite side, Wangyue Shuangjiao, leaned on the staff and saluted Qin Ming slightly, and said in a deep voice.

"Your kung fu has no trace of the Shishika style, but is full of open and close, all military routines. It seems that you are not from the Shishika school. I was offensive when I tried to test you just now. Please don't be offended."

Just now, Wangyue Shuangjiao suddenly chose to attack Qin Ming, mainly just to test his strength.

After all, he didn't believe that there was such nonsense that a master would pass by by chance.

However, Qin Ming's self-contained fighting style, without any trace of the Shishika style, made him a little confused.

The man in front of him was different from the six guys who had just been killed. Although the six thieves were not well-trained, their moves had the shadow of the Shiranui School, especially the leader, who could even use Shiranui's signature skill, Ninja Bee, and he was obviously from the Shiranui School.

And this guy in front of him used military boxing, air knife, and a strange ability to suck people and counter-attack, which was a unique bloodline power.

This guy really had nothing to do with the Shiranui School. Could he really be just a passing expert?

Looking at Qin Ming with some hesitation, Wangyue Shuangjiao hesitated for a moment, and finally did not choose to continue to attack.

He was not sure of Qin Ming's identity, so he did not want to cause trouble at this juncture. After all, a Shiranui School that targeted his own family was already difficult enough.

And this was also the situation Qin Ming had expected.

He did not know any Shiranui moves, and he did not even know Shiranui boxing and kicking skills, and he did not kill anyone.

The other party can't just accuse me of being a member of Shiranui without any evidence, right?

I just killed two Shiranui disciples as soon as I appeared! Doesn't this prove that I have nothing to do with Shiranui?

Well, since it doesn't matter! Let's just part ways in peace!

I completed the task and went back to report, and the big boss in front of me also successfully killed the thief and avenged his hatred. Everyone has a bright future, and no one should affect anyone else!

As for why Qin Ming had to hide here all the time, and even helped to kill Long and his group?

Are you kidding! What if Long and his group were caught! They came to me with the Moon-Watching Double Horns! What if they said that I ordered them to do this!

Qin Ming didn't want to be targeted by a plot character! Therefore, this tail must be dealt with cleanly!

Long and his group must die! They must not be caught!

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