Infinity Armament

Vol 5 Chapter 7: Strengthen (below)

King Kong nodded: "I support Shen's view. It is also time to strengthen our attributes. But even if it is to strengthen, it must be decided according to different people. Gentle because of the relationship of lovers bracelets, we must strengthen our physique, and then It is the will, indulging you to learn to divide the bones, although there is no melee skills, but the general attack power is greatly increased, you can add more agility. After the battle, if the distribution according to the ladder, is Honglang and I are in front, gentle centered You are at the end. But since Hong Lang is the main attack, I intend to take the main control route."

The main control route is a skill like a heavy blow, but the ability to stun is strong. According to the meaning of King Kong, he intends to learn a control skill again, so that the strong killing effect of Honglang is better.

It’s just King Kong’s heavy hitting skills. The lethality is really low. Even if the level rises higher, it has no effect on the stun time. There is no potential for upgrading. Therefore, King Kong does not intend to strengthen the will attribute too much, but intends to strengthen the agile attribute, quickly approaching the opponent through high-speed movement, and hit the special effect on the opponent in the first time, creating favorable conditions for the companion. This is the idea of ​​King Kong.

Gentle also said: "I think this idea is good, if this is the case, it is best to choose the ability to seal the enemy's ability to move, just in line with my entanglement."

Shen Yu and Hong Lang also agreed.

Just then, a low voice sounded: "That... what about me?"

Everyone looked back and turned out to be a fat man.

Sinking, I remembered that they had a heated discussion and even forgot the fat man.

Pat the fat shoulder, Shen Xiao smiled: "Everyone here has chosen their own road, Honglang main attack, King Kong master, gentle centering strategy, I am logistics support, long-range attack. These positions are not our prior The agreement is based on the tacit understanding of the characteristics and performance of everyone in the battle. So what about you? Have you found your own position? If you don’t... then unfortunately, you will stop at the reserve team forever. Sorry, I can't help you in this matter, you have to find your own position."

The fat man looked at the sinking for a while, thinking about it, he said with a bite: "I am a slow response, people are stupid, have no ability, courage is still small, almost nothing. I have been the brave since I entered the **** city. It’s probably the last mission... I can’t do anything that requires fierce confrontation; I need to do things with my mind, I can’t do it; I need to be flexible, I can’t handle it; but fortunately, I finally I can find something that I can do."

He said, he slowly raised his head: "I am the tallest in all people, I have mental strength armor skills. I can't do anything to beat people, beating things... I can still do it. Honglang brother is not strong enough. I have a hypocritical mask, let me come... do the top shield."

Everyone stays for one.

The meaning of the fat man is actually...

"Hell." Hong Lang shouted out: "Is the sun coming out from the west? The dead fat man is going to do the most unrewarding work? Fuck he wants to give us a meat shield!"

Gentle smile: "Don't say it, it really suits him. But... a super-fat-proof meat shield, our team is really interesting."

Indulging in a meaningful meaning: "The fear of a dead meat shield, a gorilla with a lot of thoughts, plus a gentle queen with a high-speed nerve reaction ability, who can turn away at any time... is really interesting."

Honglang felt meditation on his chin: "It seems that Laozi is the only normal person."

"If the melee adventurer who is the lowest and least resistant to the physique is also called normal, then you are a normal person." King Kong Road.

Gentle supplement: "Plus the captain who has not even had an attacking skill so far... Hey!"

Collective silence.


In the following time, everyone started to act according to the plan.

The first is to sell all the two refinement scrolls and sell 16,000 **** points. As a result, there are 50,500 blood points in the official team. Because we still need to maintain the needs of everyone this month, in addition to buying a batch of drugs and special props, plus the need to reserve the next mission and indulge the needs of soldiers, it is decided to leave 15,000 blood points for backup. Then, spent nine thousand points to buy a C-level skill for King Kong.

The skill level is 1 level. After hitting the target, the target seal effect is achieved. The target cannot use the skill (excluding the equipment skill), the duration is 3-5 seconds, and the target loses the movement ability. The duration is 3-6 seconds. After the time is released, Continue to cause a 10% movement speed to weaken for a minute. Skill damage is half the power value damage, and skill priority is 32.

This skill, coupled with King Kong's heavy blow, gentle entanglement, if used to deal with a single adventurer, can basically kill his opponent.

Then Shen Yan adjusted the three thousand blood points to the fat man, which is a reward for his performance in the final battle. The remaining **** spots that can be used for reinforcement are 28,000.

(There was a specific way of writing and functioning. After reading it, it was all digital, and it was too cumbersome. I really showed it to everyone. I guess everyone has a headache. If you think about it, these numbers still have their own spare and understanding. Let's just talk about the approximate properties here. I don't like to skip it. I will try to shorten the process of strengthening in the future, just write the results, and I will make notes here.)

After the enhancement, the team member properties are as follows:

Hong Lang: strength 40 (50), physical 25, agility 25 (37), spirit 25, will 37 (42), consumes blood seven points.

King Kong: Strength 15 (20), Constitution 35, Agility 40 (45), Spirit 30 (35), Will 15. It consumes four thousand points of blood.

Gentle: Strength 18, physique 37 (40), Agility 28, Spirit 25, Will 25 (33), purchase a basic fighting refinement scroll. It consumes 10,000 points of blood. In the end, she added all the skill points to the winding skills and raised the winding skills to 4 and a half.

The skill is wrapped around level 4, using a whip weapon to entangle the target, so that the target is temporarily unable to use the skill attack, while causing 7 damage per second to the target. Skill maintenance time depends on the mental strength gap between the two sides, skill level and opponent's willpower. The greater the gap, the longer the maintenance time, the upper limit time is 18 seconds, and the mental energy is consumed by 3 points. Skill effect priority 26.

The level 4 winding skill originally had only 16 points of priority, but the lover's bracelet made the skill's priority increase by 10 points. In the entire slum area, adventurers who can interrupt the entanglement skills are afraid that they will not find a few more.

Sinking: Strength 15 (35), Constitution 35, Agility 33, Spirit 35, Will 35 (38). It consumes six thousand points of blood.

Then Shen Shen put the heart of the crystal on the touch of the vampire, after consuming a thousand **** points, this blood-sucking sergeant immediately turned into a transparent colorless dagger. The name of the vampire touch has thus become: the touch of the vampire (permanent invisible blessing). Except for indulging and formal team members, no one can ever see the existence of this weapon.

As a result, the average size of the nudes of the 641 team members is 28.65. This kind of attribute, not to mention that there are not many in the slum area, is to put it in the ordinary area is absolutely true. Even if the spur team captain Xie Rongjun, his nakedness attribute is only an average of 37 points, the average attribute of the team is estimated to be lower, can be 35 is not bad.

Attributes are the foundation of everything. A sufficiently powerful attribute is an important sign that adventurers are different from ordinary people. Only at this moment, they can really feel the gap between themselves and ordinary people.

After the agility is added to 30 points or more, the adventurers are running like a gust of wind. If you go to the Olympics, even the king of the trapeze, Bolt, will be discouraged. Their physical strength is also stronger, their body defense ability is higher, and the general collision damage has basically no effect on them.

Finally, the fat man at the end of the crane is stunned.

According to everyone's thoughts, the fat man does not need to strengthen the property anymore, anyway, he is also a sly goods. He currently has six thousand **** points in his hand. Since he decided to take the pure defense route, Shen Yu gave him a suggestion: buy a strong defensive equipment.

Double D-level heavy shield defense, 900 durability, can be used to block attacks and resist damage. Can't resist special effects, damage reduces durability, and charge can be repaired. The durability is zero, the shield is broken, and it cannot be repaired after breaking. Using this shield requires 42 points of basic physique.

The fat man's physique is still two points enough to use, Shen Yan can only transfer 600 points from the public points, help the fat to add the body to 42 points and use it.

After finishing this, Shen looked at the remaining points in the team and smiled: "There are still nine hundred and nine hundred points left. This money is still fast. I haven’t felt anything yet. I have spent no more than 40,000. No. But don't worry about it, we still have to find a way to continue to spend the money. In addition to some essential drug items, what else needs to be added?"

Gentle said: "To add to the public equipment, I have an idea."

"Tell me."

"This mission is actually very difficult. We can finish it. Except for everyone's concerted efforts, the map with a value of 200 points can also play a big role. This makes me realize that information is always very important. Every time we come out The task is actually equivalent to fighting a war. In addition to a strategic vision, the war needs to have good detail, just like indulging your delicate talents, and these are also inseparable from information support. So I think We should use a lot of props like maps. But most importantly, we need a complete information processing terminal."

"Information processing terminal?" The eyes of Shen Yan smashed.

Gentle smile, shouting at the young man in the distant store: "Hey, Ali, take out the things I just saw."

No one thought that the information processing terminal that gentleness refers to is actually that thing.

A miniature handheld computer.

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