Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 55: Call of the Dragon

The explosion of the space station made Edmund angry. m

He really didn't expect Shen Duo to be so determined, decisive, and said that the bomb would blow.

And this guy immediately went away after the bombing. Obviously, even the chance of the last spaceship was abandoned. It was because of this that Eva would not have thought of filling up a space blockade - of course, it might not have been unexpected.

However, the facts have already been created. In the face of this last and only chance of escaping, Edmund can no longer be as tight as before without killing the ship.

For him, as long as he escaped from the planet, all the remaining people will eventually be wiped out by the Galactic Empire. When there is no opponent, the living person is the winner.

Of course, their points will be difficult to meet the mission requirements, but it does not matter, there are anti-killing props, the Inferno sect can still return.

They lose the task, but they win the bet, and the latter is the most important.

So at this moment, seeing Shen Yu leave, Edmund is first angry, but the next moment has quickly returned to calm, and said: "Stop the spaceship!"

At the same time, Hua Tianrui also called: "Stop the spaceship!"

Lin Weisheng, Master of Goodness also called at the same time: "Stop the spaceship!"

The three districts that had previously died and refused to board the ship for killing, at the same time issued this order.

To get on the spaceship, you have to cross the entrance, enter the space shuttle, and then fly directly into the nacelle of the spacecraft.

At this moment, with the three-party command ringing at the same time, all the adventurers rushed toward the channel, and the three streams of people gathered together in an instant, and the arrival of the waves ignited a wave of blood.

"Get out of the way!" Augusta has shouted loudly and rushed into the crowd. In the interstellar world, he was a ruthless warrior. In the torrent of the worms, he was seven-in and seven-out. Meng, this moment comes to an environment where the level of difficulty is lower, and it is even more courageous. At this moment, the battle axe was thrown out. It was an axe cut at the waist of an adventurer, and the adventurer was cut into two pieces. The adventurer yelled at the ground and yelled, and was about to give himself medicine. I saw a lot of skills in the air flashing, hit the adventurer, and instantly blasted the unlucky to pieces.

Augusta has rushed into the passage like a heavy tank, but he just rushed into the passage. Tu Qianqian has raised a purple crystal and is blocking the passage. Augusta slammed into the purple crystal, and an explosion of energy had blown him up.

He had just been blown up here, and when Wu Jing was awkward, Affleck had rushed at the same time. When Wu Jing slammed his hand back to Affleck, Affleck had just flashed sideways, and the side arrogant had stabbed him a sword. Forcing Affleck to take another step, the arrogance is already the first move, the footsteps have rushed into the passage, but he just entered the passage, next to the Chang Changhe suddenly kicked him and rushed toward the passage Just a few steps away, Rhodes’s boneless arm has caught him and slammed him back...

The three parties fight for me, and instantly enter the white-hot stage, and you can't play.

Only the North District boy who provoked the war stopped moving.

He didn't move, and all the North Zone adventurers around him didn't move together.

Wei Chibai reminded him: "No more hands, no chance."

The young man licked his head and replied: "That is not a chance... it is a trap."

Wei Chibai is amazed.

However, he did not doubt what he said to this boy. This boy is really terrible. It is not his terrible fighting power, but the instinct that is arrogant and unreasonable.

He almost never cares about the outside world, he only acts in his own heart, and his instinct for danger is already keen and horrifying, and therefore, he can survive from life and death. Otherwise, he is as rampant as he is, and he has died many times before.

This is why he can be the root cause of the North District team leader.

At this moment, he said that it is a trap, it must be a trap, whether it is Wei Chibai or other North Zone adventurers are convinced.

"What do we do now?" Wei Chibai asked.

The boy replied: "kill them."

Wei Chibai was speechless.

The biggest problem for this boy is that although he can find the problem, he never knows how to solve the problem, or the only solution to his problem is killing and killing!

This is also the biggest difference between his way of dealing with insults. Intuition can only give answers, but can't give a solution. The advantage is that the speed of finding problems is very fast. The downside is that the way to solve problems is very brainless.

In this respect, Shen Yu is a natural layout, and the teenager is a natural break, Shen Jian is the builder, and the teenager is the destroyer.

Judging from their intensive methods, the facts are also the same. Shen Yan is keen on strengthening, developing, and building. The teenager is keen on wrestling, stifling, and blood/scraping.

It can't be said that who is better and who is worse. Destruction is easier than construction, but people who don't understand construction are hard to become big.

But at least for now, this solution may not be bad - East and West Districts are fighting hard to fight, grab the channel, and have revealed the back to the North District.

So after saying this, the boy’s gaze has reappeared as a wolf-like fierce look, and his body was lightning-fast, rushing toward an infernal sect.

The adventurer didn't think that there were people attacking him at the back. The boy had stabbed him into the back. He was also quick to respond. He returned with a backhand, but he didn't expect the boy to grab the blade and the Shuro knife slammed. Almost the other's internal organs will be smashed, and the **** of the left hand will rise together, facing the opponent's throat, and the crystal light on the fingertips is obviously a skill with strong killing ability.

The adventurer screamed, his body shape disappeared in an instant, and when he appeared again, he was already at the other end. After two fights, everyone was very clear that the boy had extremely strong ability in close combat melee, and his toughness was strong. The brilliance of the attack is even more horrifying, so it will never be entangled with his life.

However, he just teleported to the past, only to see that the boy’s backhand was a knife, and he went straight to the adventurer’s teleportation. The man was again slashed, and the whole person was almost opened by him, but Just as he flew back, he also quickly released a crystal barrier. In the next second, a flying knife had slammed into the crystal barrier, and the crystal barrier created by the adventurer was crushed with only one blow. Shaped like electricity, has been chased up again.

The adventurer screamed and jumped, and had already recruited a mire, waving and touching the teenager. Other people's monster summons are used to attack. This quagmire is the best at defusing attacks and fixing opponents. It is used to save lives.

As soon as the quagmire had appeared, several mud whip had been entangled in the juvenile, and the teenager had to touch the other side of the moment, dragging him back.

The adventurer escaped from the dead and finally breathed a sigh of relief. He did not expect that the young man’s arm suddenly stretched and was grabbing his head.

The adventurer’s head was low and he had already hit the boy’s hand. It was the iron head.

He has an iron head protection body. On the basis of the same reinforcement, the adventurer is almost impossible to break open. On the contrary, the boy is entangled in the quagmire and is in the stage of malfunction. Therefore, he is ready to collide with each other and is ready. Launch your strongest killing trick.

Unexpectedly, the young man’s wrist was lifted and unloaded, and the five fingers opened to grab his head. Suddenly the whole person volleyed up. Although he was caught by the mire, he could not advance or retreat, but the movement of the volley can still be done. At this moment, he grabbed the adventurer's head and swung three times in the air, only listening to the sound of karaoke, and the adventurer's neck bone was broken by him.


The adventurer spit out a blood, and the juvenile Shura knife passed back. The head of the adventurer was flying up, and the mire was sorrowful and disappeared.

"Kingsley!" Edmund screamed when he saw a man dying.

His right hand pointed at the boy: "The Lord said that those who offend the majesty of the Lord will eventually be wiped out!"

At the same time as he pointed out, the boy suddenly screamed with a screaming scream, his body slammed back, and his right hand slashed his knife to his left arm.

A knife fell and half of the arm rose into the sky. At the same time, Edmund’s finger was already on the boy. I saw that the young man’s body would go out of Huarui’s mirror in the Kunlun mirror, and the old and the wind would become a gray. Dissipated without a trace, and Edmund himself had a layer of gray gas on his right hand, withered like a bark.

At the same time as the juvenile ash, one of the twelve blood repairers has summoned a mercenary. The broken arm was already on the mercenary, and the whole body was drilled into his body. The mercenary immediately made a painful call, and the face became distorted. The layers of flesh and blood flake off him, and finally a bang It was fried into countless pieces of flesh and blood, but it was seen that the boy had re-entered from the mercenary.

"The body regeneration?" Edmund's eyes shrank a little: "No wonder Calif is so optimistic about you, you are indeed like him. But ... with the Lord as an enemy, will eventually endure the wrath of heaven!"

He said that he was pointing out again, but this finger is pointing to the sky.

The fingertips emit a large ray of light, forming nine beams of light, twisting and whirling in the air, as if the nine snakes are smashing in the air, invisible, nine black dragons, and a huge roar against the sky.

"This is..." There was a horrifying thought in everyone's mind.

Called by the devil!

To be exact, Edmund summoned nine black dragons of the demon level!

This is simply incredible.

With the appearance of the nine black dragons, Edmund's entire arm became as thin as a trunk, but his mighty momentum was increasing.

Right hand pointing down: "Destroy them!"

Nine black dragons have screamed at the same time and rushed to the southeast and north three districts.

"Different space, exile!" Hua Tianrui lifted his hand, and the hall whistled again, and the Senro Vientiane launched, but this time, Hua Tianrui no longer used the ghost of the real illusion, and It is a different space for direct exile. A huge black hole appeared in the sky, and a black dragon was instantly swallowed up by the black hole.

"The Buddha blessed!" At the same time, the master of the good master changed his mind again. From the wickedness of the past, he has changed back to the image of kindness and goodness. After the brain, the Buddha’s light is flourishing. A golden light has supported the sky and blocked the two impacts. Black dragon.

At the same time, the 12 army chiefs in the North District raised their weapons at the same time. One of the soldiers’ heads pointed to the sky, and it was hard to fly a black dragon directly.

However, they can only do this step. After releasing nine black dragons, Edmund no longer looks at the rear, and the big sleeves say: "Let's go!"

I have turned and walked to the No one can stop them this time.

More than 30 Western adventurers rushed through the passage at the same time. The space shuttle started and flew toward the rover in the sky until they flew out of the atmosphere, and the black dragons disappeared.

This scene also falls in the eyes of the broken blade team that has been watching.

Hong Lang couldn't believe his eyes: "Oh my God, this... how is this possible? Can this **** be able to summon a dragon?"

"This is incredible. How can his big prophecy be strong enough?" gentle and muttered.

"No." Shen Yan said with a sullen face:

"That's not a dragon call, not a big prophecy, not a time stop... I think I know why Edmund is not willing to use his power."

There is a sharp and sharp man in his eyes: "That is the power of the rules, the dreams come true!"

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