Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 126: cost

In the modern warfare, the key to determining the outcome of a war is not a clever military command, not a high-tech weaponry, but a strong military source replenishment capability and equipment re-production capacity. m (Baidu search:, see the novel fastest update)

In a war, even if there are a million people killed in battle, as long as there is enough manpower and material resources, the war will soon be able to pull up another team and continue to fight. Through this continuous input, the enemy will be consumed. Kill the opponent.

Because of the inability to take away from the world, the Red Police Corps has spurned many adventurers, but its strong re-production capacity allows users to create a steady stream of forces in theory, as long as they have sufficient resources. opponent.

Even if the adventurers are strong, under such a steady stream of forces, they will only be defeated.

And they will be defeated very wrongly - even the adversaries of the enemy can not touch, can not do it if you want to die.

For Edmund, if the three-zone alliance didn't run at the time, Edmund would definitely choose to attack one by the huge consumption of the adventurers at the time.

Since the three-zone alliance wants to use space for time and time for recovery, then Edmund does not mind letting them know that time is also on their own side.

Therefore, he is not eager to attack, but let the red police in the rear continue to put into production.

The physical exertion can be restored, the spirit can grow, the used medicines and props will not recover, and the adventurous war-torn can't live any more...

Some strengths disappear and disappear forever.

This moment, after understanding Edmund's mind, everyone's face became very ugly.

"What do we do now? Can't just wait here silly, until Edmund is building a big army to deal with us?" An adventurer hurried.

Shen Yuhua Tianrui and others are musing.

The current situation is that the offense is not, and the defense is not.

Offensive, the three-zone alliance ran so far, and now ran back to find someone to trouble, it is to toss themselves, the other side to wait for work, enough to kill them by surprise.

Defence, that is to wait for the enemy to replenish the troops, another wave.

Ankhed defensive warfare, the three-zone alliance is first and foremost, then surrounded by ambushes, and finally used the bloodline to kill most of the troops, thus paying the price of eleven adventurers.

This is going to be another wave, I am afraid it will be completely destroyed.

Everyone is thinking, but everyone can't get a good idea.

Wei Chibai finally got a little unsatisfied: "Can't wait any longer. In any case, the Inferno sect can't organize another legion to encircle us. We rushed back and smashed their battles and destroyed their base production line. ”

Shen Shen said: "We don't know where their base production line is. Second, even if we can find it, there may be a lot of troops there. Third, even if there is no army, there is a baby, as long as Edmund disarms the field, they can also Go back to support at any time. Rushing over is to send the sheep into the tiger's mouth."

"It’s better to die than waiting here!"

"Wait to die? It doesn't have to be." Shen suddenly said.

Hua Tianrui heard the meaning of this, he looked at Shen Yu: "Do you have an idea?"

Shen Xiaoxiao smiled: "I can't say any thoughts, there are a few doubts. Right, Huaying Wang, Lin Tianwang, have a question I always want to ask you."

"What?" The two are in the same channel.

"Why do you have only a few million bets in each district? I originally thought that with the strength of the four organizations, I have to bet on it. How do I have to press tens of millions?"

Lin Weisheng laughed: "Where are you all? Can you earn millions of **** points on the mission? Yes, the four organizations are big and big, but not the company after all."

Lin Weisheng’s words tell the biggest difference between the four organizations and the traditional companies – the relationship between the adventurer and the organization, not as dependent on the company as the employees.

Between the company and the employees, a multi-person force is used to achieve a certain profit goal. Employees create benefits for the company and the company distributes dividends to employees.

In a **** city, due to the limited number of tasks in the world, it is almost impossible for major organizations to perform tasks together. The tasks involved by adventurers are basically irrelevant to the organization, and their independence is extremely strong.

The major organizations have strengthened their ties through pedigree, mentoring, and so on. However, in the distribution of interests, there is no power for the adventurers to turn over the **** points they earned. (.)

They can only collect a small number of points by joining membership fees, religious dedication, mentoring and filial piety, but in the context of the society where money is life, even fanatical believers rarely hand over most of their risk-taking income, so the income is always limited. .

The income of major organizations is mainly concentrated in the wilderness, obtained by delineating some areas.

However, the wilderness is too big, and the major organizations can't eat so many places. The adventurer will not rush to the place where others occupy the place to pay the protection fee without special needs. Even the Broken Blades are in the wilderness, and the areas delineated by major organizations are basically detours.

Therefore, the four major organizations have always lacked obvious profit growth points.

The lack of a goal that can be operated for a long time is the congenital limitation of the four organizations, and it is not transferred by the will of the people.

Therefore, the four organizations are not essentially a united organization with the purpose of profit-seeking, but a loose alliance organization with joint self-protection, message sharing, and intercommunication.

For the same reason, in such a gambling game that is of interest to the interests of major organizations, millions of contributions have already been all gambles.

Really count, millions of dollars is the price of a four-level adventurer. After a war, the value of the adventurer of death far exceeds the gambling revenue.

But for the major organizations, the dead adventurers can recruit again, but the gains in the gambling are actually their own, which is quite a bit of a loss to the country and fat itself.

Therefore, for the loss of adventurers, the Supreme Council is actually more painful than the major organizations. If we regard the major organizations as state-owned enterprises, the Supreme Council is regarded as the central government, and the heads of the major organizations are the executives. The adventurers themselves are the interests, and they can understand all this.

Suddenly asked this question, Lin Weisheng did not understand, but he knew that Shen Yan would not ask questions without reason, so he just looked at Shen Yu.

Shen Hao has nodded: "That is to say, for the Inferno sect, in fact, the investment of millions of **** points is not a small investment, right?"

"Of course, no one can be a small investment... Well, it’s normal for you. I heard that your big universe plans to invest tens of millions of dollars." Lin Weisheng laughed: "Even for an organization, It is not easy to do this step."

"That would be easy." Shen Yan nodded. "As long as Edmund is not extravagant enough to take millions of points, I am sure that he will not have too many troops."

Hua Tianrui understands what he means: "The construction of the Red Police Corps requires resources, but it also needs **** points. The consumption of points depends on the resources obtained on the spot. The more resources you get on the spot, the less points you consume. But no matter what, the most basic point consumption is still there. Tatum is not a rich mine planet, Edmund wants to build such a force in a short period of time, and the number of points invested is not less than three or four million."

Lin Weisheng also understood the meaning of Shen Yu: "The advantage of the purgatory sect is actually based on Edmund's unwillingness to bear the blood. As long as he can win, the proceeds from the gambling will naturally make up for this account."

"Not only that!" Shen Yu replied: "Before the death race, the Inferno sect suffered three major attacks, paying a heavy price, and the prestige fell. Edmund urgently needed a war to make up for the lost. So for him, It’s the first priority to save face, and **** is the second best. If I’m Edmund, I would choose to make a comprehensive estimate that would include all the gains that might be made in the gambling on the cost of this action. Expenditure!"

"Yes, Edmund is actually making money by taking advantage of the gamble to make an advantage for himself... This guy is really willing to pay the cost!" Hua Tianrui could not help but admire.

Other organizations hope to take advantage of this opportunity, Edmund is gambling on the basis of giving up all the profits, so that the three districts can be beaten.

"Why can't it be more?" Lin Weisheng asked.

"Because investment and return are not directly proportional. Edmund can win prestige by giving up profit. At least this war purgatory sect has no loss, and because of the victory, the strength of the four organizations has changed, and the purgatory sect is equivalent to earning However, if the Inferno sect is victorious in total, it will invest as much as tens of millions. Not only will it not gain the expected profit, but it will pay a lot. This kind of victory is absolutely unacceptable to the church. I asked you why the major organizations only invested in it. Millions of people just want to know that these millions are not important to the major organizations. Since it is important, Edmund can't just burn it!"

“Yes.” King Kong also agreed: “So he has to play with us first after collecting the first unit. Look at the gap and decide on the follow-up investment. Otherwise, why should he produce it in batches? Isn’t the Apocalypse more useful than three hundred?”

"The problem is that millions can't just burn, hundreds of thousands are still OK. At least Edmund will get the money himself." Gentle reminded.

“No!” Shen Yan immediately shook his head: “The cost line is a psychological watershed. If the investment does not exceed the cost line, then the infernal sect is just a question of earning more or earning less. Once the cost line is over, even if it is a **** point. It is also equal to the infernal sect doing the loss-making business. Edmund will not control the investment below the cost line, or simply throw out everything for victory. In the last battle, we died eleven people, the situation is already We are greatly disadvantaged. He doesn't have to go out and just be crazy."

"I support Shen's view." Hua Tianrui immediately said that he is the heir to Longmeng, and it is clear that Edmund's status in the Inferno is not indispensable. The war in the **** city is not a real-time strategy game. There is no such thing as spending all the money for victory.

The military serves politics.

In any case, Edmund could not accept, win a war, but lose the results of internal support.

So now he is full of money, is to put the remaining expected profits into production, but will never cross the cost line that Shen Yan said.

"But if he finds that he still can't win, he will definitely go crazy." The good-natured monk is finally interfaced.

Not exceeding the cost is based on the victory. If you can't win the three-zone alliance, you can't even get the expected gambling revenue. It is already a loss. Going that step, I believe that Edmund will not worry about the cost line again. Just like a red-eyed gambler, the only way to get him back to his capital is to increase his investment.

"So in the next battle, we are afraid that we can't run. We must never give him another chance to build a soldier." Shen Yan sighed. The plan for guerrilla warfare, because Edmund’s arsenal, is completely abolished, and some things still have to be solved by fists.

Everyone is still talking about it. In the distance, Frost came over and made a gesture to Shen Shen.

Sinking and understanding, said to everyone: "I still have things, leave first."

He went to Frost and asked, "What is it?"

Frost whispered: "Michelle has news."

Shen Hao quickly stopped Frost, and the two went together toward no one.

Seeing indulge in leaving, everyone has no interest in discussing it. While Edmund is still building troops, everyone should hurry and rest.

The unfavorable situation makes everyone have little confidence in the victory.

Active people think hard about countermeasures, negative people drink alcohol, and the action faction is tightly guarded. The optimist encourages morale. Of course, there are also big nerves. They don’t care about the threats that are coming, but their minds are wandering in other aspects.

The enchanting enchantress is backed by the rock, the right leg is against the wall, and the left leg is upright. The nail is being repaired with a small nail clipper. After repairing, she stretched out her hand and looked at the sun, reflecting the light of the sin.

Then she took out a cosmetic case and dressed it up against the small mirror above.

Hong Lang came over.

On the stone beside the demon Ji, the big model said: "Sure enough, your women are always at ease, and in this case, they don't forget to dress up."

There is a smile on the face of the enchanting enchantress: "You guys are not bad, in this case, don't forget to pick up the girl."

Hong Lang Yang Tian hahagan laughed a few times: "Which there is, just idle is also idle, see you alone very lonely, to talk with you."

He raised his hand and stretched his waist, and when he put his hand down, he naturally fell into the neck of the enchanting enchantress.

The temptation of a standard man to seduce a woman.

The enchanting enchantress did not push the left arm of Honglang. She just said faintly: "I like the man who directly points."

Hong Lang immediately said: "I want to go to bed with you."


Not far away, gentle and suddenly laughed out.

Hong Lang gave her a look.

A woman who loves to listen to the wall is really the most annoying.

The enchanting enchantress also smiled, and looked at Honglang with a brow: "Why are you looking for me?"

She used her jaw to point to Jin Shengji in the distance: "Isn't she not bad?"

"You are not the same..." Honglang coughed softly. He leaned close to the ear of the enchanting enchantress: "Can you not be deformed? I heard that you last turned into a little girl skin of Eva? If you have one, it is equal to I have women all over the world."

So this is ah.

Feelings are about hearing about myself and Boss, this **** thinks that he also has a chance...

The enchanting enchantress looked at Hong Lang with a playful look: "So, ah... who do you want me to change?"

Hong Lang glanced at the gentleness, only to see the gentle gaze screaming at himself like a knife, a glimpse of his heart, and then look at Zhao Linger, I saw Zhao Linger also coldly looked at him, and was shocked in his heart, thinking how everyone is prepared for himself. What? Had to whisper: "You are very good."

The enchanting demon smirked and said: "I want to go for a walk, are you interested in accompanying me?"

"Happy to accompany you!" Hong Lang knew that he had already got a good start.

"Then come with me." The enchanting enchantress throws a wink at Honglang and has taken the lead to the mountain.

The Hong wave is eager to keep up.

Looking at the back of the two men leaving, Zhou Yiyu said with a vinegar: "I bet on the washing of the day, he can't get the woman, he is just being played by the woman."

"I bet on him, in fact, in the eyes of women, the wave is still attractive, the action is always more attractive than the language." King Kong interface.

"Shen Yan certainly does not support your argument, so I bet he can't, three days." Gentle also laughed.

"Then let me also come." Hua Tianrui suddenly came over: "I bet that Honglang will be half successful."

"What does it mean to succeed half?" Everyone is puzzled.

Hua Tianrui smiled and said: "When you know what it means, if I win, I want you to tell me, in this place, in addition to the broken steel Great Wall, what other arrangements and backhands?"

Everyone is discolored at the same time.

At the same time, not far from the jungle.

Hong Lang and the enchanting enchantress are tumbling with enthusiasm.

Honglang ran on the woman's body with the wildest gesture, and the white and delicate skin showed one red halo under his greedy big mouth attack.

The woman screams under the sorghum, and the more exciting the nerves of the waves.

She was distorted in excitement and turned into Jin Shengji's appearance and doing / love with Hong Lang.

This makes Honglang more excited: "I know you can do it!"

The ever-changing demon Ji smiled more and more happy: "What do you want me to be like?"

"Audrey Hepburn, she is my goddess!"

So the next moment, the enchanting enchantress has become the way of Audrey Hepburn and the Honglang enjoyment.

Honglang was more excited to smoke/plug: "This is so wonderful. Today I know that the original magical woman is the most valuable power."

"It is a pity that I will also let myself have a layer of blue skin that can't be undone forever..." Variety demon Ji sighed.

"Are you not solving this problem?"

"Who said that I solved it?" Amazing enchantress Ji Bai took a look at Honglang: "People just never want to use this embodiment!"

The speed of the pumping/plugging of Honglang was obviously slowed down. He looked at the enchanting enchantress: " mean...the original...the..."

"That is my usual form, but it took a long time. Everyone thought that it was my original image." The enchanting enchantress looked at Honglang and said It turned out to be like this.

"That... then you... your body is... what is it like?" Honglang asked curiously.

"do you want to see?"

"of course."

"You won't like it." The woman replied yo.

The stunner in front of him began to change, and the beautiful face gradually disappeared, and the heart of Honglang gradually fell into the bottom.

He felt as if something had topped him out.

The beauty of everything is broken in my heart.

"Oh, no... no..."

In the small jungle, the screams of the swells like the pigs screamed and echoed in the wild:

"Man... my god... you **** is a man!!"

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