Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 16: Rescue

The gunshots started, and then Atkins’s anger was low: “Carmela!”

The entire Major General’s House shines in an instant and lights up the entire night sky. Floating astronomy

Shen Yufei rushed into the mansion, I saw two figures in the mansion are shaking, it is Carmela and Atkins, but Atkins did not wear his energy armor this time, only holding one in his hand. The lightsaber, even without a gun, fought with Carmela, with a scarlet blood stain on his shoulder, apparently under the sneak attack of Carmela.

This is still a step forward, so that Atkins will be aware of it in advance, otherwise Atkins without the protection of the armor may be killed by Carmela.

Shen Qiang was about to rush, and the four soldiers in the oblique spur suddenly rushed over to sink into a few beams of light, while more guards rushed toward Carmela.

"Hell!" Shen Yu knows that the soldiers of the General's army mistakenly believe that they are also assassins, rushing to dodge, and shouted: "Own people, I am here to save the general!"

It’s just those general guards who listened to him explaining that no matter which bodyguard, they suffered the assassination of such a big event, they met all the strangers and then they won it first.

If you are in the ordinary, Shen Yan will let them take it. Anyway, it is just a few arguments. The problem is that Atkins is in danger now.

Although Atkins’ strength is strong, it is ultimately a combination of technology and force.

Now that he has no guns on his hands and no armor, his strength suddenly weakens most of his life, and he is injured, and it is even more unlikely to be a Camela opponent.

Therefore, Shen Yu is desperate to take care of all the escorts.

I didn't expect the four people to raise their hands at the same time. Several beams were formed on the hands and connected in series. It turned out to be a piece of optical network in the forefront.

Sinking and swearing: ",!"

He is the clearest but this is something.

This is a unique product of the technology continent, a block-type optical network, mainly used for distributed interception of the battlefield, just like the active barbed wire, mainly used to divide the battlefield, create local advantages, and provide assistance to the defending party. You can also actively capture the target. The optical network is formed by a beam emitter, which can be carried by a single soldier. The power and interception range of the optical network is directly proportional to the number of soldiers. It is exactly what Shen Yu has created for the summoning soldiers.

Shen Hao did not expect that he had not yet enjoyed the benefits of his own design. To try it first, it was also a self-restraint.

In fact, there are too many ways to deal with this optical network. The easiest way is to bypass the optical network and directly attack the user, or directly use the blasting step to ignore the collision volume. Only the former will cause damage to the escort, and the latter will expose their own strength, so they will not want to adopt it.

At this moment, the light net opened, and it was already facing the sinking cover. The sinking of the net was tumbling and escaping. More soldiers had already rushed over, and two of them were shot in two pairs.

Although they use only ordinary standard weapons, but the risk of the adventurer's ten-fold bonus, even if they are indulged, they can't resist hard. They can only evade quickly, and the scarlet blade continues to sway, blocking a beam of light emitted to themselves. The huge impact of the sinking of the whole body trembled.

"All said that it is your own people!"

"Then let go of the weapon!" said a military officer. He let Shen Shen put his weapon, but he was a sword and cut it to the top of Shen.

Shen Yu was mad at him, and watching Atkins was dangerous to the extreme.

At least 20 guards rushed to Carmela at the same time, but Carmela just snorted and waved, and a dark whip had swept across the square like a snake and rolled to everyone.

Fenghua waltz.

When designing the ability, in order to cooperate with the broken blade team, many important plot characters have similar abilities to the broken blade team. Since the beginning of the design, everyone has not yet experienced the world of Xianjian, gentleness has given this ability to Carmela, and increased the attack effect. At that time, it was planned to improve the waltz by Camerella.

Unexpectedly, the world of Xianjian, gentle self-understanding of Fenghua waltz, although this understanding is likely to be related to the original design, but an undeniable fact is that gentle now no longer need to learn this ability, Carmela borrowed This ability to force back a guard.

The whip shadow waved and hit the group of guard armor, shocking the piece of energy flash, the dark holy sword held high, and Atkins, a sword will fly Atkins' laser sword.

Seeing Atkins can no longer support, Shen Shen is about to launch a mirror to separate the attack and save people, suddenly saw Atkins eyes flashed a strong light.

He glanced in his heart and saw that Cameron’s holy sword was kneeling. Atkins not only did not hide, but instead progressed and bullied, and his left fist slammed: “Progressive strike!”

On the wrist of Carmela holding the sword, Camela's offensive was blocked. This slashing was not able to fight. Atkins had once again deceived this step. This time, the whole person was face to face with Carmela: "Iron shoulder!"

One shoulder slammed into Carmela's chest, and when she crashed into the air, she suddenly jumped up: "Swing kick!"


In the middle of Carmela's chest, Camera screamed and flew out.

Atkins, who had no armor and guns in his hands, was able to fly Carmela, and he couldn’t help but see it.

Unlike other plot characters, Atkins is a rare undesigned character. As a presence in the plot, it is impossible to spend a lot of effort and design. So at the time, only this major was designed. With powerful energy mechs, powerful power guns, and a deputy skill of progressive strikes, as for others, they are free, and anyway, they are dying.

But even they are neglecting one thing, the Atkins plot will die, the mission world will be alive...

Therefore, the ability of Atkins in the mission world is a gap to be filled, and eventually the city will complete this part of the work.

This unexpected change caused the misunderstanding of Atkins' strength and even caused Carmela's misperception - she did not expect Atkins's close combat ability to be so fierce.

At this moment, Atkins has laughed and said: "Let him come, he is his own!"

This shout is said to Shen Yan.

With him, those guards finally stopped the sinking, and Shen Shen had rushed over and said: "Adult, are you okay?"

"Thanks to you, save me once again!" Atkins took a gun from the guard in his hand and shot at Carmela: "Three times... Gathering!"

The brilliance of the muzzle flashed, and a thick ray of spurt rushed out to Camerai. Just at the same time as the gun was fired, the gun burst with it. Atkins did not care. A handful.

Carmela screamed and rolled on the ground. The man has disappeared. It is her super stealth. This skill not only has a high priority, but also has a shorter cooling time.

It’s just that she just concealed, Shen Shen has raised a hand to create a white fog: “White Phosphorus!”

A piece of white phosphorus sprinkled, and some of them were stained on Carmela. Some light was shining and Camerella’s figure was directly photographed.

This is the real weapon that Shen Yu used to deal with Carmela.

Although thermal imaging can find Carmel, it is only based on heat source imaging. Under thermal imaging, everyone is a red dot, and it is impossible to tell who is who.

When Camera has only one person, there is no problem with thermal imaging, but now there are a lot of people here, jumping around, even if you can see Carmel with thermal imaging, it is difficult to tell who is who.

If you are dealing with adventurers with rich anti-breaking experience, you can even cope with this method by actively creating heat sources and reducing your own heat source. Therefore, thermal imaging is essentially a skill-based method of breaking, not The ability to rely on the ability to break.

White phosphorus sand is more reliable. It is an adhesive luminescent powder. Its characteristic is that it will not hide with super sneak, but will emit white light in the dark, which in turn will illuminate the target.

This kind of hidden props is indulged in the design of the dust according to the development. The advantage is that only a few kinds of herbs can be synthesized, and the cost is low, but there are also great restrictions, and it is necessary to grasp the timing of the shot.

Premature use, the other party is in a state of invisibility, can easily shake off the white phosphorus sand; too late to use, the other party has been hidden, regardless of the collision volume will not be attached.

Therefore, for the hidden skill that has the ability to ignore the collision volume, it must be used at the moment before it is launched. At this time, the other party just enters the hidden state. Once the attack is launched, it will lead to the appearance, even if the white phosphorus sand is shaken.

Carmela's super sneak is because they are designed to indulge them, and it is clear that they are clear before the launch. Therefore, although they have the effect of ignoring the collision volume, they are still being caught in the key moments.

"You?!" Camera is now in a shape, shocked and angry, glanced at him and ran away.

It’s not so easy now that she wants to run again.

Dozens of escorts surrounded her, and more soldiers were coming in from far away.

Atkins and Shen Hao were not in a hurry to see the light of the white light flashing on Carmela. Atkins snorted: "Interesting, what is this, can actually make Carmela super Sneak failure? Also, how did you know that Camera came?"

Shen Yan said that he had happened to meet Camera halfway. This is the truth. He didn’t bother to make up. Of course, he didn’t say that he knew Carmel’s face. He just said, “I remember her eyes, that’s It’s a vicious, sinister, murderous look, I will never forget..."

This is used to deceive the ghosts, but it is the most appropriate for deceiving the plot characters... Who is the memory of the plot characters is so wonderful, those who have lived together for more than ten years may not be covered with veil I got to know, and I didn’t even see a face, but I could remember the eternity only by looking at my eyes. Atkins nodded and said: "Yes, this woman’s eyes are unique..."

God knows where she is unique.

In the end, Shen Yan told the situation of white phosphorus sand. Of course, he did not forget to explain that this was the method he thought of in order to arrest Camera. The reason why he could make it was also a coincidence factor. Yesterday, he just took over the task of light grass. Grass can shine under the moon, it is the best luminescent material, so he tried to make it, and then it became.

As for why the experiment was successful overnight, it can only be explained as a genius of talent, a talented person, and a great destiny for the people... Believe it or not, I believe it anyway.

Fortunately, Atkins is a very pragmatic person. He is not interested in the interpretation of Shen Tian’s character. He only feels excited when he hears that Bai Phosphorus can break the super sneak: “Would you like to make the method? Teach me?"

The magical mainland will be super-sneaked more than Camera. The assassin who comes to the mainland is also more than Camera. Due to the designer’s “shamelessness”, the technology continent has not found any way to deal with super stealth for many years, let alone white phosphorus sand. There is no basic technology such as thermal imaging.

Nowadays, I suddenly heard that there is a way to break the super stealth. Atkins’s excitement can be imagined.

If you can get this method, the threat of assassination of the gods of the mainland is not so big, although the use restrictions are relatively large, after all, better than nothing.

"Of course." Shen Yan promised.

For him, the sale of the white phosphorus sand method was originally a part of the plan, but it was ahead of what he expected - who called Camera an unexpected second assassination.

However, this is also true, and as a result, his performance is more normal.

For the indulgent answer, Atkins was very satisfied, patted the sinking shoulders: "You saved me twice, and invented the method of dealing with super stealth, I will not forget your contribution, the empire does not Will forget your contribution."

Of course, I know that you will not forget, I even know what you will reward me, and I will smile in my heart.

However, at this moment, he suddenly realized a problem.

In the original plot, due to the death of Atkins, the reward for the white phosphorus sand mission was issued by another general.

But now, he has saved Atkins twice, and the white phosphorus sand seems to be handed over to Atkins directly. As a result, the original set rewards may change.

In this way, it is really hard to say what it will reward yourself.

The wings of the butterfly have been fanned, and some things are no longer carried out according to the original system. What will happen in the future? Even Shen Shen himself cannot see clearly.

To understand this, Shen Yan feels that it may be necessary to speed up the pace of the plan.

At least until you can't recognize yourself in this world, you should get everything you need.

The battle with Carmela is nearing the end.

Although the shadow assassin is strong, but the endless reinforcements of the soldiers have made her fall into the dead end, she is like a mad tiger, it is full of blood.

"Ah!" Carmela screamed, and his body suddenly shone with a red light.

"Everyone is careful!" an officer shouted: "This woman is peddling!"

The high-level plot characters of the Devil's Continent are also capable of bloodlines.

And Carmela's bloodline is the blood angel blood, the only difference is gentle, that is, she has no tentacles behind her.

At this moment, with the wings stretched behind Carmela, a hurricane hurricane slammed around.

The powerful assassin from the Devil's Land finally unfolded her unparalleled speed and flew into the air.

Atkins, who has already put on his general armor, looks at Kamela, who is flying to the sky, but dismissively: "On the land of the Arendt Empire, he said that he would come and say Go and leave?"

His right hand glimps: "Five times... Gathering can shoot!"


The stout white light seems to be rushing toward the sky like an energy is hitting Carmela, splashing red rain.

At the same time, the four tall figures appeared around the mansion at the same time. It was like four huge mech giants, as if they were as high as usual.

The eight giant hands were lifted at the same time, and Camera was photographed heavily. The huge palm of the hand was like a mosquito, and Camerella flew.

The chest of the four steel giants has also stretched out the heavy muzzle and locked Carmela.

"General, if you can, it is best to catch her alive." Suddenly said.

Atkins stunned for a moment and finally nodded: "You are right... catching her!"

The next moment, a huge optical network was created in the hands of the four giants, and they were overwhelmingly facing the Carmela.

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