Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 45: survey

After all, Wei Xu still sold those two skill reels to Shen Yu.

The adventurer can gamble on anything, that is, he can't be angry.

I don’t have to contribute to the skills of the two mechanics, so Zhou Yiyu is very satisfied.

Only the indulgent eyes are still full of sorrow: "Oh, unfortunately he does not want vases..."

Shen Yu and Wei Xu finally reached an agreement, 60,000 for 60,000, and bought these two skills at the price of 60,000 ordinary points.

The vase was not sold.

At this time, Zhou Yiyu still has 40 contributions.

There are also a lot of skills that Zhou Yiyu needs on the list.

Mech control: When using mech combat, it can make the mech action more flexible and is the basis for learning other abilities. Learning this skill requires 10 contributions.

Chain Strike: Mech Fighting Technique, which launches up to 12 consecutive attacks on the target during the melee, each half playing half of the power. Consumes 8 points of mental power and cools for three minutes. Learning this skill requires 20 contributions.

Large Earthquake Strike: Mech Fighting Technique, the shock wave generated by the ground attack caused one quarter of the power damage to all enemy targets within 500 meters. Consumes 8 points of mental power and cools for three minutes. Learning this skill requires 20 contributions.

Energy Compressed Cannon: Attacks opponents by compressing energy, doubles the damage of energy weapons. It takes 1 second to accumulate time before use, consumes 8 points of mental power, and cools for 3 minutes. Learning this skill requires 16 contributions.

Thunder Epee: Consumes armor energy attached to melee sword weapons, so that the weapon has the function of destroying armor, causing 1.5-3 damage (depending on energy consumption) after hitting the target, and attaching lightning damage, lightning damage without care cover. This skill does not consume mental energy, no cooling time, but the energy consumption of the mech is large, and it takes 30 points to learn this skill.

Energy Armor: Energy consumption adds extra defense to the mech, which can be used to resist mental attacks. Learning this skill requires 30 points.

Mech deformation: Deformation of the armor of the arm can be turned into different weapons and exert different power effects. Some other weapon skills need to be based on this skill. Consumes mental power 5, no cooling time, learning this skill requires 10 contributions.

Great Battle Axe: Inflicts additional damage to target attacks. Deals 2 times damage to the adventurer, 3 times damage to life in other plots, and 4 times damage to the shield. Consumes mental power 8, cooldown time is ten minutes, and it takes 30 points to learn this skill.

In addition, there are many warriors, instant kicks, mech strikes, whirlwinds and many other skills, most of which are released through mechs and technology weapons, mainly to enhance the fighting power.

"40 points, which one is better?" Zhou Yiyu asked.

"The armor is deformed." Shen Yu replied: "Add another Thunder Epe."

Mech deformation is the basis of using various mech weapon techniques. Although Thunder Epee consumes armor energy, Zhou Yiyu has completed the mental and energy transformation skills, which can transform energy by consuming mental energy, so there is no fear of energy. Insufficient problems.

After buying these two skills, Zhou Yiyu has energy grid, satellite positioning, mech transmission, mech deformation, Thunder Epee five skills, professional skills suddenly expanded to nine.

According to the plan, Zhou Yiyu will also purchase unparalleled warhammers, giant battle axes, energy armor, chain strikes, shock waves and mech strikes.

The first two are the corresponding weapon techniques used after the deformation of the mech, mainly for daily use, increasing the general combat power of Zhou Yiyu.

Energy armor is anti-spiritual attack. This is also the kind of attack that the fortress giant is most afraid of. It seems to consume a lot of energy, but since Zhou Yiyu has completed the skill of transforming mental power and energy, it doesn't matter what it consumes;

The serial attack is a continuous attack. It is mainly used to increase the frequency of the shot. In order to increase the terrorist power of the giant, it is no longer necessary to increase the speed and hit rate. In order to further exert the power of the fortress giant, the appropriate strength and strength are improved. The frequency of attack is the best way;

The large earthquake strikes were developed on the waves of the Honglang and the serial hits. The purpose is also to use the absolute power of the fortress giant to maximize the target. A quarter of the power is also three thousand points of damage. Even if the adventurer is not careful, it is also a life-saving kill.

The mech attack is a killing technique. It can also serve ordinary mechs and serve the fortress giant.

On this basis, if there are extra points of contribution, it is also possible to use it to learn some skills similar to large earthquake strikes. Anyway, they have made a lot of such group warfare techniques, and they are learning one by one. When the fortress giant changed, he came up with a group battle combination... It can only be said that there is no shame, only shameless.

In any case, once this series of enhancements is completed, Zhou Yiyu's professional development will be formally formed, and it will also become the most powerful and terrible trump card in the hands of the Broken Blade. At that time, you are entangled in space, swamps, illusions, or spiritual shocks, and it is difficult to escape the pursuit of the giants.

At that time, the only means to escape the giants of the fortress is probably to transmit over a long distance. There is no way for them to indulge in this. If the mech transmission is to reach the point of super-distance transmission, the investment needed will be even greater. One or two possible goals are not worth the effort.

In fact, the investment of the Broken Blade team has been unprecedentedly unprecedented. In order to make this four-minute absolute power, it has already reached millions of points.

It is estimated that it will take a week to complete the established skills, and they will not be in a hurry to go back all the way.

On the road, Shen said: "The war mobilization has been completed and the war is about to begin. The Bulls and Ye Jiguang have received notices of enlistment. I don't see you going with them."

"You let me also go to the battlefield?" Zhou Yiyu was a little surprised.

"Well." Shen Yan nodded and said: "There is enough for me here. You go to the battlefield and lead the Second Army with Michelle. Michelle is very capable, but his personal strength is still weak. Someone, relying on him alone, I am afraid that I can't shake some people. Don't forget that most of the adventurers are going to the battlefield this time, I don't want our team to lose too many people."


"In addition, we signed with General Atkins to share the agreement, and the necessary military skills can also give us more benefits."

"You won't let me use bloodline on the battlefield to transform myself?"

"It's time to use it, don't be polite, anyway, we still have blood in our hands to restart the pharmacy, as long as you don't use the warship to transform. You can grab more battles and contributions, and fill in the skills that the fortress giant needs as soon as possible. We have completed one." Big goal."

In this unparalleled world, if the eternal heart is the first goal, the fortress giant's strength is the second goal, such as the gun of the soul, the inner dragon of the monster, the giant statue of the **** of war, the armband, the technological advancement of the terminator, etc. Goals, even those outside of this goal can't be counted.


"Remember to listen to Michelle's advice and don't crush yourself as an adventurer."

"Do not worry." Zhou Yiyu respected Shen Jun with a military ceremony.

At that moment, he looked at Shen Yan’s eyes with extra seriousness, and even Shen Shen was slightly surprised.

"How come it is so serious."

Zhou Yiyu replied: "Without you, I am not today."

After sinking into it, I finally smiled and gave Zhou Yiyu a punch: "Let's do it, dawn is in sight."


Imperial Bureau of Investigation, Office of the Chief of Action.

Alina looked at Bernard Jencks in surprise: "Are you kidding, head?"

"This is not a joke, Elena." Bernard replied very seriously: "After two-way comparison, there are a total of sixteen people who visit the Carmela list and the church is 120 meters away. General Atkins, General Alfred, Count Alexa Coffey and an arms dealer named Shen Wei, they all went to see Carmel, and later appeared in the Earl of Conet. At the reception, there are another 12 people who are under the top three. These people need to be investigated."

"Why do you have to give priority to investigating General Atkins?"

"Because he was the biggest beneficiary of this incident, after Carmela escaped from prison, General Atkins responded quickly, and a group of officials were unlucky. Atkins himself was rewarded and promoted. And we have confirmed that In this incident, there must be people inside the empire to cooperate with them. Since it is a conspiracy, there must always be beneficiaries, so it is not unusual to lock the first suspected target to General Atkins."

"But he is the general of the empire, why should he do this?"

"In the face of the interests, there is nothing that can't be sold. Elena, I have seen political betrayal / more than you, more disgusting than this. Of course, I am not saying that Atkins must be like this. Dry, but there is no doubt that we have doubts about his reasons. Don't forget that Atkins escaped two assassinations before Cameron's assassination, which is incredible in itself, to know that Carmela is a Lionheart. The best assassin of the kingdom. In addition, the hatred of the enemy is the glory of our soldiers. The reputation of General Atkins is therefore higher in the civil society. The capture of Camela has further enhanced his reputation."

"And Carmela’s escape once again proves that Atkins is outstanding. Do you think this may be a trick from the beginning? It is also because of a conspiracy that Atkins can successfully escape the assassination and seize Camera. And he is a good gunman himself. It is not surprising that he can make such an attack. In order to avoid the suspicion, he attended the reception, but at the reception he received news that he knew that Camela was out of danger, so he temporarily went to the church. Sniper?"

"There is this possibility, isn't it?"

"But some people have proved that Atkins has not left the Earl's House from beginning to end."

"Who's testimony? His men? Or those who are in the Earl of Cornet? Who else? If the general wants him to have too many ways to cover up his whereabouts."

Alina took a deep breath: "In any case, you are accusing a general."

"I didn't make any charges against anyone, Aleini, just doubt!" Bernard said: "To be honest, I don't want to doubt a lieutenant of the empire, but in any case, he does have a major suspicion."

"how do you want to do it?"

"I have entrusted some of our friends in the 12th Army to deal with this matter, you don't have to ask. Next you are responsible for the second suspect."

"Second suspect?"

"Of course, there is a second, isn't it?"

Bernard Jencks handed a photo, and the young face was on the paper.

“This person is Shen I just came to the center city a week ago.”

"Yes, I know him, that is, he saved General Atkins."

"Yes, and he also helped to crack down on Carmela's super stealth and presented white phosphorus sand. The empire has completed the test of white phosphorus sand, confirmed that it is effective, and will give him a batch of contribution rewards. Compared with Atkin General Stan, in fact, I am more willing to doubt this person. Do you know? I got the news that this person only spent one night, and he developed a white shale that cracked the super stealth..." When it comes to this, Bernard laughs. It’s up: “Don’t you think this is a genius?”

"It's really interesting. If it were me, I would list him as the first suspect."

"I didn't list him as the first suspect because I haven't found his motive for doing so. But if he is seen as an accomplice with General Atkins, then there may be many explanations for this."

"Do you think that the two rescues are a drama?"

"That needs you to confirm, Alice."

Elena picked up the photo and the face of the sinking was in sight.

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