Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 50: Framed (below)

Early the next morning, Shen Yan routinely picked up the newspaper in his hand. Www. Dyzw8. m (no. bomb. window. small. said. net)..

It’s a big headline. “The law enforcement officers know the law and break the law, steal Encore, and brutally kill the company’s sales representatives.”

Sure enough, the style of the journalist is not surprisingly endless, and the case has not yet been completed. The reporters have already made certain determinations and affirmations.

The reporters are not without their minds, but the pursuit of the effects of the news makes them turn a blind eye to all of this and desperately advocates the killing of law enforcement officers.

Exaggerated reports, twisting black and white words, directly pushing zhèng House to passive, leading to zhèng House not to deal with seriousness.

Whether it is right or wrong, zhèng government must give the nationals an account!

Especially in a country with a strong dictatorship like Arendt, the result of power monopoly is that no matter whether he is doing good or bad, responsibility falls on his head and there is no room for shirking.

It is always easy for people to remember bad, forget about it, and the result is self-evident.

Therefore, the next thing you don't have to think about is that the imperial zhèng government, which is under the pressure of great public opinion, will immediately take Thunder measures to accept the two people, no matter whether they are really guilty or not, at least the night of Enke has formed a fact.

Of course, the trial still has to be interrogated, and both Morley and Alina will surely pick up the things about sinking.

But these things will not float on paper.

Because Enke does not allow it, zhèng is not allowed.

The chief representative of a company went to forcibly acquire a small company. This was a scandal; it was crucified on the walls of its own warehouse. It was a scandal; the security system sold, the arms company with strong internal security ability was free to come and go. There is no one, this is still a scandal; the huge statue of God of War was stolen and the whereabouts are unknown. This is still a scandal; the company who rescued two generals and signed an important arms agreement with the government of Zhèng turned out to be the first A murder suspect, this is still a scandal!

The last one even directly relates to whether the t000 agreement can continue to perform and whether the war can win.

This incident involved too many scandals, fully exposed the arrogance and incompetence of the Empire's largest arms company, Enke will not allow it to spread.

Of course, in private, whether it is the Empire official or Enke, you will definitely find him trouble.

But I don’t care.

He is not afraid of finding trouble in private, and he is afraid that you will have problems on the face.

As long as there is still a legal status, as long as the empire has not officially declared that he is a crime, then he is a legitimate businessman, a legally protected citizen, and their income can be converted into points. Even if you lose this legal status afterwards, the benefits before this will still be valid.

For adventurers, their awe of the law comes from the awe of the urban rules, which the plot characters can never understand.

But then again, the risks and consequences of doing so are still great.

Chu Sheng Shen Shen: "I don't understand why you are doing this. In fact, you have a better way to solve the problem. I mean that you can do it without killing people."

"But they have no chance." Shen Yan faint.

"What do you want to give to the two agents?" Shen Yu’s answer surprised Chu Sheng.

"Well, give them the opportunity to wash themselves... good people should have good results, although they have to fight for themselves."

"But they will eventually die, and the world will be destroyed."

"But at least not for me."

"What if they are really successful? We will be wanted."

"It's just me, it has nothing to do with you. Even if there is the worst result, I can put everything on myself. It's all my personal behavior, not related to the company. Arendt needs the Terminator, needs the second Legion, the company will still exist, Yi Yu can continue to lead it and earn everything to earn."

Chu Sheng understood a bit: "Come to think about everything, but is it worth it?"

"There is no value that is not worthwhile. People will always do stupid things, do something they want to do... They are all good policemen, and I have been looking for good police for some time... For good people, we I have to know how to cherish. Besides, they may not be able to catch me. So far, they have no evidence on their hands. They just went to a very similar person who was indulging in the car and came to the vicinity of Enke, and everything else left. Didn't arrive. We didn't come to me to enter Enco, didn't come to me to stun security, didn't kill me to Chipman, didn't come to me to take the statue of God of War, they even didn't even get rid of them... ...they have no evidence to accuse me!"

"So unless they find evidence, they are nonsense, filthy! And only 15 days left until the end of the mission."

He looked up, Chu Sheng: "This is a game, can our detectives catch me within fifteen days. But no matter what win or lose, we will not lose anything. If the worst result of one thing you are Can bear..."

Shen Yanzhan Yan Yixiao: "There is nothing wrong with making small mistakes occasionally."

At this time, he had already had breakfast and stood up: "Well, let's not discuss this issue. Are you empty today? Then they will do the task with Frost. Today, there is a level a task to be completed, and return. It’s two eternal hearts, you have to help. Bring the eternal heart back to me, everything else is for you.”

"You say so, there are definitely not many other good things."

"Don't say that, it makes me look like a little gas." Shen Hao haha ​​smiled, but think that Chu Sheng is also right, the main benefit of this mission is the eternal heart, Chu Sheng does not have much oil. Fishing.

But then again, are you not here to volunteer to help the old, but also pick what?

Sure enough, no matter what good things you do, is it shameless in nature?

Sinking and laughing, I went back to the office.

The Terminator has sent a new video of the war.

There is still a lot of fun on both sides, but so far, Arendt has not yet been able to win Salva, but the hole in the head of Salva is a little more, and the recovery is slower, so the battle is also It has become even more cruel...

With a flesh-and-blood battlefield, Shen Fu frowned.

He raised his coat of arms: "Gentle, why is the Lionheart Kingdom still not using the Ares Colossus?"

In the image, gentle and vertical jumps, long whip waving and pumping out an air ripple, she replied with a slight pant: "The guy who just sent it, has not yet mastered it. And the kingdom generals hope that you can send more. Wait for more giant images and then use them...

...they said it was a secret weapon, to be used at the most critical time, giving the enemy a fatal blow! ”

"I don't care about this. They must use the Ares Colossus immediately. I need enough time to solve the company. I don't have time to wait for the event to slowly ferment. If they don't want to... they don't want to get any benefit from me. !"

"They won't like the proposal."

"I don't care if they like it or not. I just need them to do it. If they still want to get enough weapons from me, don't forget to remind them that this giant statue is selling very cheap!"

"The problem is that I have no power to mobilize them."

"You have a way, right?"

"Oh... yes, I have an idea." Gentlely, he left the battlefield and rushed toward the rear of Salva.

A moment later, a tall statue of God of War appeared from the rear, rushing to the battlefield, facing the army of Arendt in the distance, and then rushing to the front with an air jump, punching a mech soldier.

"Damn, what's the matter? Who did this?" A general of the Lionheart Kingdom angered.

The Great God of War, originally intended as a secret weapon, was now opened by people, which made him not angry.

"It's me!" A gentle voice came from the statue of God of War: "Is it easy for the old lady to get a lot of God of War statues for you, but it is not for hiding, I am tired, I want to play this big guy to play." !"

This sound is very loud and spreads through the megaphone.

"Oh, my God!" The general shot his forehead.

"Dry beautiful." Shen Yan laughed.

Gentleness cannot mobilize the army, but it can mobilize itself.

As long as there is a statue of God of War on the battlefield, other God of War statues will naturally appear soon, and even if it does not appear, it does not matter.

As for the consequences... She is really not afraid of how the Lionheart Kingdom dares to take her.

"Women have the privilege of being unreasonable and ignorant, right?" He smiled softly at this moment.

“I prefer to understand that the biggest difference between a smart woman and a stupid woman is knowing how to use her waywardness.”

"I am afraid that in their eyes, I am already a stupid woman who is stupid." Gentle laughter.

Sighing and sighing: "Let you be wronged."

Gentle snoring: "The crocodile's tears."

My heart is sweet.

The appearance of the Great God of War made the battlefield boil, and the soldiers of Arendt exclaimed that the weapon of war in the country actually fell into the hands of the enemy, which is really terrible.

One soldier after another died like this, but the heart of the sinking was the old well.

People's feelings are sometimes so strange.

A person is dead, it is a living life, a tragedy.

Ten thousand people are dead, that is just a number.

When Shen Yan faces the male and female agents lying on the ground and unable to resist, his conscience will attack, and he is willing to risk the debunking and let them go.

But when he sat on the sofa and the war images sent back by the Terminator, the dead lives could hardly make his heart linger.

At that time, his only consideration was how to get more benefits from this war.

All he wants is to control the direction of the war.

In fact, he did.

Since entering the **** city, there may not be a world like this one that makes Shen Yi feel so relaxed.

There are no powerful enemies, possession of time, place, and everything is in control. Although there will be small changes occasionally, it will not affect the overall situation.

Everything is so smooth and smooth.

It should be so smooth and smooth.

But with the appearance of the Great God of War, everything will change.

How long will it take for the guys to find themselves?

Indulge in thinking.



The cold cry rang in prison.

Elena raised her head.

The obese female prison guard opened the door: "Follow me!"

Elena stunned, and the female prison guard had been impatient with the stick and hit the door: "Come on!"

Eleanor went out of the door and followed the prison guard to the office.

"Okay, sign your name on this, and then you can go." The prisoner threw a stack of paper to Elena.

"Go?" Eleanor was surprised at the prison guard.

"Yes, someone bail you out."

"who is it?"

"It's me." There was a heavy voice behind him.

Huo Ran turned back, and Elena was standing behind him at Bernard.

"Head!" Elena whispered, tears could not help but flow out.

"I am sorry, head, we have not been able to..."

"I know... I know..." Bernard came over and hugged Elena.

"It is sinking, he killed Chipman, and also framed us!" Elena suddenly screamed with all her strength, as if she had no chance to say this in the next moment.

"Don't mention this now, go back and say."

"No, we must catch him immediately, and he may run away later!"

"Shut Ellie!" Bernard's face is already serious: "You don't have any evidence to accuse a businessman who is contributing to the empire, understand? You and Morley are this. The only suspect in the case, what you have to do now is to find a way to elute yourself, instead of climbing others!"

"What are you talking about?" Ellie stunned. She was staring at Bernard: "You don't believe me?"

Bernard sighed.

He came over and gently hugged the girl: "I don't believe that you are not important. Do you know? Ellie, just this morning, the Lionheart Kingdom used the Great God of War."

Ai Lin couldn't speak without a word, and the news completely shocked her.

Bernard said this: "Now do you know that it is not easy for you to bail? If you rush to find sinking at this time, you will be sent to prison immediately, and even the director will Can't save you!"

"Let's go, boy, we are faced with a very fierce and cunning criminal, but in any case, we already have goals, right? This is progress!"

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