Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 53: Illegal fund raising


The masses who demonstrated the demonstration soon discovered that anyone who rushed into the factory was like a stone falling into the river, and soon there was no sound.

There is no fierce battle, no angry cry, no more confusion.

The Broken Blade Company is like a black hole that devours everything. It devours all life, anger and resistance, and the whole unity of the stocks, how much to eat.

The first thing to eat is often the existence of ulterior motives that are extremely inciting.

When the forerunners of these courage were cut off like the fallen thorns, the anger disappeared behind the high wall with the organizers, and the source of the violence/disorder was exhausted.

The world behind the wall became mysterious and speculative. It was like a parallel world. The fear of the unknown made the masses unable to enter easily. The masses who lost their leadership turned around under the wall like a group of headless flies.

At this time, the security forces of the empire finally arrived, they dispelled the crowd and began to speak to the factory.

The door slowly opened, and the people who rushed into the wall one after another were sent out.

They all fell asleep.

It only takes one kind of anesthesia fog to do it easily.

In the absence of bloodshed, Broken Blades has stopped large-scale violence/disorders that may occur in a simple and effective manner.

Of course, some people will never go back.

They are commercial spies sent by various arms companies.

No one admits their existence, and the Broken Blade Company will not admit that they have intercepted some people. The company that sent them will certainly not recognize the existence of these people. Not everyone can ask their hostile forces for their own spies like the United States. .

But things didn't end there.

After the parade, various forces in Arendt made various opinions on this matter, and they slammed the Broken Blade Company. The Broken Blade Company quickly fell into a situation of being embattled.

Public opinion is a powerful force, and public opinion is a weak force.

It is like an invisible knife that can attack you at the level of God, killing people without seeing blood.

But on the other hand, the invisible knife is no knife, as long as you have a strong enough heart, the reprimand itself will not cause any substantial damage.

For the Broken Blade Company, the center of the storm of public opinion is far more beneficial to them than their disadvantages. Their goods are not sold to civilians, and they do not need to consider long-term development. The influence of public opinion on them is minimal. The overwhelming accusation has pushed Broken Blade's reputation in this area to a higher level.

Now come to them to do business and seek more cooperation, and the orders have suddenly increased - businessmen and politicians will not consider the character of the partner.

"Unfortunately, this is a big business." Shen Yan feels a little headache.

Due to the war, a large number of arms companies flocked and the empire now has no redundant factories to rent.

With the existing productivity and production time of Broken Blade, it is not even a tenth of the order.

Looking at a lot of money is in front of you but you can't make it. This kind of pain can be imagined.

“Why don’t we consider outsourcing these businesses?” Shirley came over.

“Outsourcing? How to outsource? The technology of the Terminator cannot be released.”

"But it can be dyed. In addition, the Terminator technology is not all. We can completely transfer some of the parts to other manufacturers, and we will complete the production and assembly of the core parts. Finally, our Orders are not only terminators and dyes, but also include ordinary mechs and guns. This part can be subcontracted."

I can’t help but admire.

In fact, modern enterprise production is not all done by itself, but the situation of the adventurer in the past is special, and there are too many restrictions. It is unlikely to adopt this method. Shen Yu has lived in a **** city for a long time. He has been accustomed to thinking about himself. The result is that Shirley first thought of it.

He clap his hands and said: "Yes, we can transfer some orders, we can't make a production, we can also be a trafficker. In this case, the contact of each company is your responsibility, but the action is fast."

"Of course, but they may not be able to complete it within fifteen days. In order to avoid losses, we may wish to ask the purchaser to advance some of the proceeds... Speaking of prepayment, if it is a deposit obtained in the case of an uncompleted order, is it a legal income? ?"

"Of course this is OK. Wait!" Shen Yu suddenly jumped up. He cried: "If the advance payment is legal, then the loan should also belong to legal income?"

Shirley was shocked by the indulging action, but then reacted: "Loan? You mean... loan?"

"Yes!" Shen Hao was excited and called out: "I am stupid, why didn't I think of this? We can completely manage the debt! Raise a lot of money from the private sector, ask the bank for a large amount of loans, and can also ask for the ordering party. Prepay a lot of money... we can get a lot of money!"

Shirley heard it: "You... don't think..."

"Yes, I think so." Shen Yan smiled and said: "As you and I know, after more than ten days, it is the end of the world. You never have to worry about debt repayment."

"Oh, God!" Shirley patted her forehead.

Shirley can imagine what it would be like to be in the midst of what Shen said. The Broken Blade Company borrowed heavily and got tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of assets. Because of the reasonable procedures, the money is completely legal. . At the end of the mission world, all the adventurers returned, and Shen Yan exchanged all the proceeds from the borrowing into **** points...

This is simply unimaginable.

"But...the city doesn't seem to say that."

"I didn't say no, or it was a system loophole." Shen Yu said shrugging indifferently: "After all, borrowing money is not so good, you have to have fixed assets."

"It seems that we don't have it."

"But we have technology, aren't we? We still have vases... I finally know how I should deal with it." Shen Xiao laughed.

Shirley rolled her eyes.

But you must admit that this is indeed a good way.

The most important thing is that even if the Supreme Council does not recognize it at the end, there will be no loss to the Broken Blade.

So, Shirley began to run around.

She will transfer the orders received to other companies, and go to the bank to discuss the loan matters. Of course, the more money, the better. In private, Broken Blade Company also promises to make some funds for private placement in China, which is called Illegal fundraising – don't worry that people will not invest because they hate broken companies. For most people, the choice of conscience is always better than the choice of interest.

In fact, those who were tempted by the thick profits, after joining the private placement behavior of Broken Blade, quickly shifted their direction and turned to help the Broken Blade Company.

For example, the Broken Blade Company is secretly helping the country. It is they who have made the Imperial Soldiers have more powerful power, using cheap guns to exchange precious blood medicines, Broken Blades have made great contributions to the Empire, etc. .

A person can always find a reason if he wants to find a reason.

Broken Blade's funds quickly expanded under a multi-pronged approach.

It can be said that if a company does not need to be responsible for the results after a period of time, then it does have too many means to use, even if there is no core technology, you can easily raise large sums of money.

In just a few days, Broken Blade has raised hundreds of millions of funds.

Sinking is not sure that all of this money can be turned into a **** point to give to himself - to be honest, they have done a lot of business this time, many of them are breaking the law, and more are directly swimming on the edge of the law. .

But he didn't care. He knew the details of the world. He also knew about the Supreme Council. No matter what the Supreme Council thought, they would still have to let go.

The only question is what is the ratio of release.

This is not the decision of Shen Yu, but if you can't solve the problem, you will try to raise the upper limit. The Broken Blade Company is almost frantically taking all resources and profits in this world, even if it is 20%, and 500 yuan. They are also doomed to make a lot of money.

During the time when Shen Yu and Shirley were still rushing around for their money making, the front battles finally showed some changes that could make people feel excited. After seven days of fighting, Salva City was finally Take it down.

The continuous wars of the Rì have already exhausted El Salvador’s alchemy array, lost the protection of the big array, and the battle became more cruel and fierce.

Just one day, the tall walls were hit hard and flat, and Arendt’s army was attacked.

The Second Legion officially embarked on the battlefield. Under the leadership of Zhou Yiyu, he took the lead in taking a strategic location and took this opportunity to defeat the army of the Lionheart Kingdom.

The domestic people are still arguing over the behavior of the Broken Blade Company. The army affiliated with the Broken Blade Company has become the vanguard of Salva, which undoubtedly gave the opponents a loud slap in the face.

The arms dealers who tried to incite the people to attack the Broken Blade Company completely failed.

The siege could not be effective, and the people who were bound by the interests began to protect the broken edge company spontaneously, but the public opinion has begun to turn. The Broken Blade Company promised to the major media newspapers that it will soon launch a large number of advertisements through major media.

For the media, nothing is more important than the will of advertisers!

Therefore, the major media soon began to use the opportunity to sing praises for the Broken Blade Company, as if they had attacked the Broken Blade Company to make money regardless of national interests.

The wonderful pen flower can reverse black and white, and the Broken Blade Company began to transform from the notorious to the conscience company.

It’s all happening so fast, it’s so fast, it’s hard to understand.

Of course, there are many other things happening in this gradual process

Such as Enke.

One day ago, a factory in Enke suffered a fire and explosion.

This is a core factory of Enke, and the explosion caused Enko to directly lose its ability to produce the God of War.

That night, the company's chairman was found hanging from his own office.

Forensic identification is suicide.

Of course, Enke does not believe this.

They realized that this was Shen Qian’s revenge on their previous actions.

So the third contact started soon.

When Enko's chief negotiator came to the Broken Blade again, he waited for three hours in the company's hospitality hall.

Because Shen Yu is busy meeting an important guest - General He Ruzhen from the Tianlu Dynasty.

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