Infinity Armament

Vol 5 Chapter 37: Jedi counterattack (below)

This is a thrilling battle.

From the beginning to the end, Shen Yu is like a flying trapeze, looking for fighters in the constant movement. In the face of powerful enemies that cannot be defeated at all, even in the after-the-fact memories, Shen Yu has to admit that although he can survive, he still has 80% of his own efforts, but still has 20%. The luck component.

Although he never relies on luck, it is undeniable that without this 20% luck, he is already a deadly person.

This is a crazy fight against heavy artillery.

At the same time, the two reapers were fighting against the sinkers and the reapers under his feet. The sky was filled with rumbling sounds. The fire was like a fireworks in the festival, which exploded in every part of the sky.

As long as there is a heavy artillery hitting the sinking, it will die on the spot in the current state.

But they just didn't hit.

At least three heavy artillery pieces passed by the sinking side, and seven heavy artillery shells hit the reaper at the foot of the sinking, and the reaper was torn apart. Shen Yu also shot five cannons, hit one of the reapers, and completely blasted the reaper's chest armor. Then, a pair of armor-piercing bullets passed through the steel defense, and it was hitting the energy crystal, and the reaper collapsed.

When the reapers at the foot blasted under the mad fire, the main robot in the entire chasing army had only one half reaper left.

Huge waves of air will sink in the air, people in the air, indulging in themselves and two consecutive medical bullets, quickly make up for lost lives.

The fourth reaper was hit by a heavy gun in the air.

At this point, Shen Yu can no longer dodge.

A paratrooper suddenly appeared in midair and was in front of Shen.

Heavy artillery hit the paratroopers, and he was blown into a ball of fly ash. The heavy guns were not lost, and they swept toward the sinking, but the sinking hands suddenly had a huge jagged piece, which was previously harvested. The spoils collected by the people. This serrated piece is extremely large and can be used as a shield when it is held on the hand.

Indulge in it and the whole person huddled again in the tooth, the air wave bombarded the gear, and pushed the sinking into the air again.

Shen Yu throws his flying claws and suddenly grabs himself below. He is grabbing a T650 Terminator and pushing it up, bringing the Terminator into the air, and he is turning at the same time, turning from Gao Fei to Low.

As he passed by the Terminator, he slammed the Terminator into the distant reaper while the Spiritgun turned.


A series of seven armor-piercing bullets hit the T650, ignoring the defensive effect and quickly hitting the T650's armor to the bottom.

The Terminator's chest glowed red and flew into the reaper's legs.


The explosion of up to 320 damages blasted one of the reapers' legs, and the reaper could no longer stand, half-squatting on the ground, and the heavy guns on the shoulders fired aimlessly, hitting the air everywhere. The small terminator was smashed into pieces.

At the same time, Shen Yu finally fell from the sky. Just as soon as he touched the ground, there were more than a dozen airborne battalion ordinary soldiers and two level 3 elite soldiers who had been paralyzed by him. They surrounded the indulgent group and ended up with several rushes. The guns were fired again and again.

Sinking and rolling over to King Kong, they ran, and they groaned in their mouths: "Mom, finally returned to the ground."


Looking at the scene before him, everyone including King Kong, Zhou Yiyu and Marcus was watching.

In this battle, they are always in sight.

From high altitude to the ground, just a few minutes, Zhou Yiyu Jingang and others experienced a process of going from **** to heaven, and then from heaven to hell.

They watched Shen Shen being pulled up to the sky by the fighter plane, then fell, fighting in the air with the fighters, then falling, and then fighting, and constantly changing the paratroopers like a juggler, then falling into the reaper's encirclement, but repeatedly Using flying claws, paratroopers, and even seized weapons, they are freed from the dangers of danger.

Not only did he succeed in surviving himself, he even killed two or two terrorist reaper robots with dual C-class strength.

Of course, there are not enough reapers for the raisers. Because of the self-inflicted attacks, there are reasons for indulging in luck, but more importantly, Shen Yu always grasps the opportunity of the millennium at a critical moment.

At that moment, sinking is like a machine, not a person. In a huge adversity, it is hard to use his calm and sensitive reaction to resolve the crisis of being killed once and for all!

In just a few minutes, in the situation that ordinary people seem to be dying, Shen Yu has experienced more than a dozen times, but they have all resolved one by one.

This may be the most perfect and extreme battle since he entered the **** city. Even if he only moves a little slower, he will die immediately.

But at that time, the indulging mind was rather calm and the movements were more calm and accurate.

The sophisticated talents have greatly increased his ability to use his limbs, so that he is not distorted in the critical moments, ensuring the ability to plan for execution.

This point, regardless of King Kong or Zhou Yiyu, can not do it.

Even if they have the Medal of Honor, the flying claws, the same non-conformity and responsiveness, they also clearly understand that even if they give them ten chances, they will not be able to complete half of them in time.

And as long as one failure, it is mortal.

No one's success is fortunate. This may be the most important foundation for why Shen Shen can stand and be strong in this difficult world, and the most important quality for most adventurers.

"Mom, this guy... he is not a human!" Zhou Yiyu murmured.

He was carrying Xi Xiaofan at this time, and Marcus was unable to lift his head with the powerful firepower of the Terminator. These Skynet robots are not high in AI, but they have strict operational procedures. Release the high-speed motor terminator and release a large number of small terminators only when approaching the target.

As a result, Zhou Yiyu and King Kong were crushed by the small terminator, but they were killed by the reapers. The stimulation that they brought to them was extremely shocking.

At this moment, I saw that Shen Yu could no longer attack, and Zhou Yiyu’s heart suddenly burst into flames.

Before he entered the city, he was a racing driver. The people who can play the car are mostly passionate and calm, victorious and adventurous.

To say that you dare to take risks and pursue the quality of excitement, Zhou Yiyu is definitely among the best in the **** city. This moment was stimulated by indulgence, and the winning heart rose.

He rushed to the side of King Kong with a Vulcan gun and yelled: "Get off!"


"Go and kill those guys!" Zhou Yiyu shouted.

At this moment, he only had the reaper whose leg was injured.

King Kong held Kellys and jumped off the motorcycle. He rolled on the spot and escaped the bullets shot in the air. Zhou Yiyu had already jumped onto the motorcycle. In the rapid roar of the motorcycle, Zhou Yiyu turned the body and rushed toward the machine.

At least 12 Terminators simultaneously fired at Zhou Yiyu, woven the entire space into a rainy day. Zhou Yiyu slammed the handlebars and the motorcycle body glimpsed like a car running out of control. He slammed into one of the Terminators, slammed the Terminator into the air, then the body stood up and the rear wheel slammed into another Terminator.

The speed of the motorcycle is not reduced, and it continues to rush out. The route is very different and the speed is very fast. At one time, it attracts the attention of all the robots.

King Kong hugged Kyle and ran to Shen Qiang, yelling at Shen Yan: "Mom! I thought you were dead! You can survive in that situation, how do you feel like flying trapeze?"

Shen Qiang took a sigh of relief, and after the medical treatment was cooled down, he used his medical skills and shouted: "The height is not cold!"

A Terminator jumped over, and four airborne battalions were smothered. King Kong rushed over and rushed to the end of the Terminator's head. He also said: "You, he/mother. Why don't you say that invincible is too lonely!"

"I have always been modest!" Shen Fu bluntly retorted, and took out a new hand with a gun.

The newbie used a gun and a half-smoke smoke bomb. He indulged his hand and shot it in the distance near Zhou Yiyu. The large smoke suddenly filled his body, and some of the Terminators could not find his whereabouts.

But the next moment, Zhou Yiyu's motorcycle has whizzed out of the smoke, and suddenly shot into the sky, the young man shouted in the air: "You don't have to help me! See me to get this guy!"

Flying over the head of the tall reaper.

"It’s a dead guy." Shen Yan shrugged: "piercings!"

An armor-piercing projectile penetrated the head of a Terminator.

Then he opened the **** coat of arms and dumped all the temporary heavy weapons he had collected before: "Change equipment!" he shouted.

The 2nd Airborne Battalion soldiers have thrown away their outdated WWII weapons, picked up new heavy equipment, and swept them against the Terminator.

Zhou Yiyu was in the air and swept through the reaper to pierce the sky.

At the moment of crossing the top of his head, Zhou Yiyu’s car suddenly fell out of small things and slammed into the reaper.

Magnetic mines?

King Kong and Shen Yan’s eyes straightened at the same time.

I did not expect Zhou Yiyu to bring such things.

More than a dozen magnetic mines fell to the reaper at the same time, and instantly attached to the upper part of the reaper. Zhou Yiyu’s motorcycle fell to the ground and stopped moving forward. He only heard a huge explosion, and the tall reaper was torn apart by the explosion of more than ten magnetic mines, such as a large pillar. It fell heavily.

Zhou Yiyu kept moving at a speed, and a rapid drift turned back. He slanted to a reaper who fell to the ground not far away. While passing by it, he bent over and picked up one on the ground. The thick steel rope, grabbing the steel cable, came back.

The huge steel rope suddenly turned into a terrible fat chain under the drag of Zhou Yiyu, and suddenly swept out a large number of Terminators.

The 2nd Airborne Battalion summoned by Sinking took the opportunity to cover up.

These soldiers are not good at facing the hard battle, but they are quite easy to use when cleaning the battlefield and cleaning up sporadic enemies.

Zhou Yiyu threw a steel cable in his hand, and after raising a terminal to the terminal, he raised his fist toward the sky and shouted loudly. It seemed that he had been chased and eaten everywhere and finally vented.

Just then, King Kong suddenly yelled: "Be careful!"

He rushed out and pushed his hands outward.

Zhou Yiyu on the motorcycle was pushed into the air by him, and at the same time, he had previously set up a red light.

Not far away, the previous reaper who was insulted and ruined was trying to climb up and fire again against Zhou Yiyu.

Sinking and shouting: "King Kong!" Meng smashed out a piece of saw gear.

King Kong pointed at the saw gear piece, and the gear whistling and flew to the reaper, cutting off the heavy gun on the reaper.

At this point, Zhou Yiyu fell heavily back to the ground, but also was stunned by his own motorcycle, wow spit out a large blood.

Everyone rushed up at the same time, facing the robots that fell to the ground, whether they were dead or alive, as long as they could move, they fired indiscriminately and ended the chase with a terrible metal storm...

The **** coat of arms reminds the sound: "No. E2213, E4292, E5371 solve the second round of killing, get an extra reward of 1600 points. No. E4528 solves a round of chasing and get an extra reward of 800 points."

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