Infinity Armament

Vol 7 Chapter 41: Mutation (below)

The raids from highly risky adventurers are so unexpected, and so swift.

They suddenly appear like ghosts and then attack.

Six adventurers from the three difficulty levels simultaneously released their skills to the priest. From the point of view of their fierceness, the six people apparently have been cooperative for a long time, and the combat experience is extremely rich. Despite the violent raids, it still carried out the offensive spirit of hurting the enemy's fingers.

The most important thing is that they have no strong style and conscious, even for those who are obviously weaker than their adventurers, they are also the means of assassination.

Fortunately, the priest has a self-contained equipment called a power ring, which can automatically resist three attacks every day. The biggest downside of this ring is that it is triggered automatically and is not dominated by the adventurer. Therefore, once the war is started, it will be consumed as soon as it comes up, so the value is not high.

But also because it is triggered automatically, this time saved the priest's life.

Six adventurers attacked him at the same time, three of whom used skills and three were unused. In their calculations, dealing with a two-level adventurer, such a blow is enough. As a result, in the six attacks, the power ring actually blocked two skills and one ordinary attack for the priest. The remaining three hits, although hit, failed to cause fatal damage to him.

The priest's reaction was also fast, and immediately launched his own bloodline - the power of angels, which was able to withstand the killing of six people.

Later, the leader advocated the establishment of the military and other talents.

However, it is still a step late.

After seeing the priest's bloodline, the raisal adventurers knew that they couldn't kill him for a while, but at the same time they turned to change their opponents, leaving only a slender adventurer and a female adventurer to fight with the priest.

A short, stout adventurer first rushed over and punched the black lightning car. He obviously hit the car, but the engineers on the car blew out of the car. The stout adventurer jumped and leaped into the air, short legs like an iron column to the engineering.

This leg swept the engineer directly to his own adventurer teammate, a tall, mountainy, naked giant.

The giant man raised his hand and punched him on the engineer, right in his chest. The heart of the engineer was shattered, screaming and falling back into the car, spurting blood out of the mouth.

The rough adventurer still wants to kill the engineer in the first step. Fortunately, the gardener finally reacted, raising his hand to play the vampire, entangled the engineer and pulled it to his side, and finally escaped the last fatal blow. Lan Meier’s flying knife has already been issued, and the adventurer is fired. The adventurer sneered, apparently not at all concerned, did not expect Michelle to raise his hand, the mental impact on the disillusioned bracelet has been launched.

The adventurer's body was stagnant in the air, and Lan Meier's bursting knife had hit him on his chest and blew a smashing blood. The adventurer vomited a blood, slammed his hand, and made a curved air wave, and shouted: "The soldier has a problem!"

With his cry, Habib has rushed up, and the Tutan Tomahawk has fallen.

At the same time, Zhang Jianjun was about to rush to his opponent, only to see a flower in front of him, a man with a thin body and a sullen expression was standing in front of him.

The right hand refers to the claws. The man grabbed Zhang Jianjun’s face. Zhang Jianjun turned his head and flashed. He didn’t expect the speed of the other party to be much faster than him. The backhand had a foot and the claw tip had passed over Zhang Jianjun’s face. He slammed on his face. The belt flesh is torn off.

Then the man rushed forward, one knee on Zhang Jianjun's lower abdomen, his left hand was raised, and the second finger was convex, hitting Zhang Jianjun's heart.

Zhang Jianjun knew that he was not good and he quickly bowed his elbow. According to the habits taught in his original military, in the face of the close attack of the other side, the best way should be to use the forehand to fight back. This is a famous name in Chinese martial arts called "same move near", that is, you Hit me, I will hit you too.

But since listening to Shen Yu’s words, he learned to know that past experience no longer applies. When the attribute difference between the adventurer and the adventurer is too big, if you fight against the opponent, the only thing that will happen is your own. It is best to take self-insurance when necessary. Especially at this moment, the adventurer hits his heart, and he quickly bends his elbow guard, which is hitting his arm.

A violent chilly force hit him in a row, so the lord and the nurse rushed over and attacked the thin adventurer.

With an enemy three, the thin adventurer did not care, his body shape was like a ghost, even a punch in the east, a finger in the west, with a strong lethality.

To say strength, this thin adventurer is clearly the leader among the six.

Compared to the slow shots of the lords and others, the speed of the summoning soldiers is faster.

As soon as the six adventurers appeared, Frost and other ten summoned soldiers had already lined up. When they flew the priests, they summoned the soldiers to lock one of the targets and fire.

They are aimed at a female adventurer wearing a white coat and glasses. The white-haired woman flashes in a round of rain and the bulletproof props are quickly consumed. The white woman slammed a fireball and wanted to rush to kill.

In her opinion, this fireball can kill at least one person and injure other people. I didn't expect this fireball to be sent out. One of the soldiers actually played a hockey puck.

Under the impact of the ice and fire, the scene of the white woman shocked appeared.

The fireballs disappeared, but the ice hockey still existed, but it became smaller and continued to fly to itself.

This time it became elbow, and the white woman was caught off guard and was caught in the hockey puck.

"You are attacked by the Frostball. The Frostball deals 20 damage to you and deals 3 damage per second. You are affected by the slowdown."

The white woman was shocked, her eyes almost broke through the frame, and she shouted: "How is it possible?"

However, with her impossibility, it was followed by two soldiers, Knight and John, rushing forward, one holding a violent claw, one holding a thorn, and hitting the white woman at the same time.

The white lady screamed and jumped up and raised two black iron balls.

Just as the iron ball was about to hit two soldiers, the white woman’s right hand was empty and the black iron ball suddenly exploded.

This is the explosive remote control that the white woman is best at.

The black iron ball is a special explosive made by her. Each damage is fifty points. Although the damage is limited, once it is continuously thrown, it can form a continuous explosion within the range, which is powerful.

Although she was surprised at these summoned soldiers, she still habitually used an iron ball to deal with a soldier. Unexpectedly, the two explosions did not allow the other party to suffer much. John had already rushed over, and the violent claws brought their own skills to crit. The white woman screamed and was beaten and fell, and a trace of blood had been found in the corner.

"Hey?" The slender man who was battling the priest made a cry: "Is it hurt that you were injured by several summoned soldiers? Why is it so useless?"

The petite female adventurer around him immediately interfaces: "How much can a woman who can only play an explosion?"

The tone is full of disdain.

"Shut up!" The white woman who was called off the screaming screamed: "These soldiers are all strengthened!"

"Yes! These soldiers have been strengthened!" The dwarf in the distance also shouted.

In the face of the joint efforts of Habib and Lan Meier, the dwarf was surprised to see that he was facing the two adventurers. The current Habiria map has a stronger strength than when it was played with the Red Tiger.

And this time, he does not leave the rest of the goods, all the power to use.

As he pulled out of the axe, a black ghost on the axe suddenly floated out.

It is the killing spirit of the slaughter.

When the murderer just came out, he took a bite on the rough adventurer.

After this bite, the dwarf did not feel any pain, but he was shocked to find that his mental strength was a little less.

The rough adventurer was shocked, and the man jumped back and forth: "Mom, is the sucking demon! How can the summoning soldier possibly make a second call? They can't learn the summoning skills!"

He didn't know that it was the self-contained spirit of the slaughter, and he thought it was some sort of summoning monster. Habib did not say much, and the slaughter axe suddenly slammed out, it was the skill of the maneuver.

The rough adventurer has both hands raised, and a thunder has already been thrown out. He is playing on the Tomahawk. This attack was extraordinary, and it actually blocked the maneuvering axe, and the two phases offset.

Habib jumped fiercely, took over the battle axe, and hit a thunder with a steep hand. At the same time, the killing soul has released a dark kill.

Dark Killing: Create a large black cloud of 100*100, and the field of view can reduce the degree to 0 and create a spiritual illusion. Users and tagged comrades are not affected.

The Tutan Tomahawk only marked four people, such as Shen Yu, but none of them were marked by M7 and others. All of them were caught in the darkness, and the battle was glued up for a while.

It was at this time that the lord finally found the opportunity to talk with Shen.

But this glue is only a short moment.

For the M7 and others who are in a weak position, everyone can't see it, far better than everyone can see.

But it is unbearable for these three-difficult adventurers.

As the black smoke filled, the former thin man screamed loudly: "Dispel!"

The petite woman who was fighting with the priest steeped and stepped back, releasing a hot sun in the palm of her hand.

This sun rises like the rising sun, and all the black smoke is dispelled in an instant, and the earth is bright, even more than once. Under this sun shining, the spirit killing soul suddenly makes a scream and screams, and instantly turns into a fly ash and disappears.

This woman's dispelling of the big move, but not only can restore the light, but also has a strong killing effect on the undead.

As the first battle of the scorpion spirit, only one skill was used, only a little spirit was absorbed, and only a few seconds of fighting, it was easily eliminated.

If the killing soul is wise, I am afraid that it will be shy.

Seeing that the killing spirit disappeared, the woman snorted: "It’s not a sucking demon! The sucking demon is not an undead creature. What the **** is going on?"

The former mountain-like giant screamed: "Less nonsense, kill them and say it again!"

He rushed out, as if a high-speed train crashed into the staff.

The gardener shouted: "The staff is careful!"

With one hand raised, dozens of enchanted vine seeds flew out of the palm of your hand, just growing into a dense plantation, tangled toward the giant. The giant man smiled and slammed into the ground, and an invisible shock wave spread out from all sides with him as the center.

Those bound magic vines broke instantly and the pieces flew.

The power of this giant man is like Smith's black scorpion, and it is purely brute force to break through the dual role of the wicking vine and winding skills.

The staff shook hands and pulled out dozens of dolls. They were resurrected under the influence of his powers and attacked the giant man. Only the bullets hit the giant man, and they jumped back and forth, even if they hit his skin. To.

"Useless! This kind of attack is a joke in front of my diamond armor!" The giant man screamed and rushed to the staff, and the muscles smashed up, showing a crystal clear light, watching the staff stay, the giant It has to be rushed to the ground, and the big hand is pressed like a mountain.

When the staff of the staff took a shot, the person turned backwards. Although he was inconvenient in his legs and feet, his movements were still flexible with his enhanced strength.

It was just that the giant man suddenly had a huge bang, and the huge voice blew his ears. The staff of the earthquake suddenly trembled, and the movement stopped slightly. The giant man has rushed to kick him on the spot and will kick in the air.

Then the giant leaped high and an elbow slammed to the staff.

If this elbow strike is a sham, it will be abolished if it is not dead.

The figure in the air flashed, and the giant man saw a flower in front of him, and the figure of the staff suddenly disappeared. Not far away, Ford took the staff step and stepped, and escaped the elbow of the giant.

At the same time, Dabinit and Evans rushed up and shot at the same time against the giant.

Their guns were indulged, they could only use ordinary assault rifles, and the bullets hit the giant man, and even the lowest damage could not be caused.

The giant man looked at the failure and his heart was angry. He was not interested in studying how these summoned soldiers would be so strong. The right hand stretched out and a super machete nearly two meters long was already in hand.

With a chopper, the giants fiercely swept Dabinit and Evans.

If this is the next sweep, it is really possible to stop the two men.

However, the two soldiers rushed back at the same time, and the flying backpack behind them had already ignited into the sky.

All the assault adventurers whispered at the same time, apparently stunned by this scene.

At this point, the battlefield has been unknowingly divided into five parts.

Zhang Jianjun, the lord, and the nurses worked together to fight the thin adventurer. It was only the three who were upholding the wind, but the thin adventurer.

Lan Meier and Habib face the stout dwarf, although it is at a disadvantage, but can barely support.

Then the priest took the power of the angel to transform himself into two adventurers. He is the only person in the M7 team who has a bloodline, and this moment is also full of strong temporary support from the bloodline. Once the ancestry turns into aging, I am afraid that I will not be able to support it.

Frost took the soldiers around the white woman. It’s just that their chosen opponent is too bad. This white woman is a blasting feat, and the best person to deal with is the group. After eating the loss at this moment, don't underestimate the opponent. The blasting iron ball in the hand flew in one after another, and the soldiers who were bombed at the time were very embarrassed. In this way, they can support a miracle for half a minute.

Finally, the gardener staff and Dabinite Evans withstood the giant.

Of course, they are less likely to be the opponents of the giants, so they are only hard-pressed.

Fortunately, although Dabini and Evans did not attack enough, their flight at high altitude attracted the attention of the giant, which reduced the pressure on the two.

In contrast, the least dominant is the rough adventurer.

“Is there anything wrong? How is this soldier so difficult?” The rough adventurer cried.

Although it was only a short-term battle, Habib had already used the maneuvering axe to kill the soul and thunder. This moment, the Tomahawk was thrown up, even the crazy slaughter was used, plus Lan Meier. With the help, this rough adventurer was beaten. In particular, the destructive power of the crazy slaughter was super strong, and even he cut down more than 200 lives in an instant, forcing him to drink a bottle of potion, which made him surprised and angry. And he hit Habib twice, but the other side seems to have the same body protection skills, the damage is obviously not heavy.

As a challenger of his three difficulty, he dealt with a summoned soldier and an ordinary adventurer. He even let himself hang up, injured, and was beaten to fight back. This shame can be considered a big loss. If there is a sneak peek at the former car, the only one who laughs at the priests who fights the priest is him.

"The speed is fast, the boss is still waiting for The thin adventurer has been yelling impatiently.

"Understand!" The stout dwarf yelled.

Suddenly he took a crystal flashing stick from the **** coat of arms and raised his right hand. The lightning bolt on the scepter was wrapped around his hand. He slammed and thundered to Habi.

A series of twelve electric lights were fierce to Habi.

Not only did the dwarf begin to prosper, but even other people increased their attack intensity.

The difference between the high and low difficulty strengths is undoubted at this moment.

It’s no wonder that the main reason is that Shen Shen must not come back here.

For them, this is a battle that is impossible to win.

At this moment, the dwarf took the lead in powering. He was a thundering mage professional, a thunder beast, and the martial art was a royal thunder. The weapon was a B-class weapon. However, there was no major breakthrough in the property, but it was a lightning flash. The same is true for thunder and lightning. The Red Tiger is a firefly compared to the sun and the moon. He tried his best and the lightning skills were greeted one by one.

His lightning skills are not many, a total of five, two of which are group battle skills, although the level damage is limited, but under the influence of his Royal Ray and the scepter, he played Lan Meier and Habib. .

The thunderbolt scepter obviously has the effect of lightning skill bonus, and each skill is released, and the power is unusually large.

This moment of watching the opponent is about to support, the short fat man proudly smiled and yelled: "The beast attack!"

In the air, an image of a thunderous beast wrapped in electric light flashed into the air, fiercely rushing to Habi, but this is his bloodline skills.

Habib could no longer block this fierce blow. A figure suddenly appeared next to Habib, and his hand was heavy. The roaring thunder beast hit the heavy shield and ignited a splendid starlight. The thunder beast disappeared without a trace.

It is sinking!

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