Infinity Armament

Vol 8 Chapter 17: Dead battle (on)

This hitting Andalil caused a stun effect on Andalil. However, this is the second time, Shen Yu has already made four fists and three feet in Andalil, and the feathered dragon snake has its own special effects weak. Andalil only feels that the whole body suddenly loses most of his strength, and his heart is shocked. Pounce on and continue to launch the attack on Andariel.

The reason why he abandoned the dagger and the violent claws is that it is because the feathered dragon snake's own special effects can only be played normally in the empty hand state, such as Huang Tian Yang, silver wolf and other ordinary attacking powerful people, unless they do not like to use weapons. This is the truth.

To deal with Andalil's high-sensitivity opponent, we must find ways to curb her speed. Feathering Dragon Snake is the best choice.

When he first played against Andalil, he was afraid to go to the Dragon Tooth team because of his scruples. Therefore, he did not dare to fight hard. At this moment, the alliance reached a goal, and he let go of the war without any scruples.

In the left hand, the **** were slightly curved, and the double dragon spit the beads and grabbed the face of Andariel. The hand was used to divide the bones. The right hand and the palm of the hand slammed Andalil’s chest, the top of the finger, the fist, but it was learned. Xie Rongjun has one-handed four-shot skills. It’s just that Andalil is a woman. His second combo hits the chest, and the movement is gentle and fast. The purpose is not to hurt people, but to increase the chance to play the special effects of the dragon snake by quick and multiple contact, but it looks like I gently touched two on the chest of Andalil...

Andalil was inadvertently accidentally, and he was touched by the two sinkers. The special effects of the feathered dragon snake had not been launched, but they burned the anger of Andalil.

This **** actually touched her chest!

Her groaning screamed, her left arm slammed, and she punched Li Jianren's Tauren shield. She even punched Li Jianren with a fist, and then she couldn't see it. After kicking back and kicking, the leg seemed to be no. Bone straight to the rear, no body restrictions, kicking in front of Zhou Yiyu's chest, kicking his leg, four snakes behind him, two with the dragon silk, and two Then she was on the face of Ai Wei, and she took out two sharp and scary scars from her original good-looking face, and then the beast **** claws grabbed the sinking.

Hell Devil Andalil special ability to crack the claws to launch: the target launch has a defensive defense, separation of the body's blow, resulting in strong hole damage.

The previous ghost wind was the whole body that was scratched by her, and the heart was dug out. Other people were also attacked by this attack.

This cracked claw is Andariel's strongest melee trick, not only powerful, but also no cooling time hindrance, only the maximum number of uses in a period of time.

Sinking and elbows back, guarding the heart of his heart, the beast **** claws fell on his arm, the five fingers like the tofu-like protection of the deformed armor, did not enter the sinking arm, actually put five transparent holes in the sinking arm, Andalil was about to crush the entire arm of the sinking, and Shen Shen had kicked her to the lower abdomen, and by this kick, she broke free from the control of Andariel.

Only one right arm was caught by Andalil, and five blood-stained holes were **** and bloody.

"Go to death!" Andalil screamed loudly.

"You stimulated her, you touched her chest! Haha!" Zhou Yiyu shouted.

"Less nonsense!" Shen Wei did not expect that he still has the heart to care about this time.

It was only Zhou Yiyu’s concern that it was Andalil’s fury, and his body flashed, and he immediately rushed to Zhou Yiyu’s side, and he slammed him almost to faint. Ivy rushed to save, Andariel did not return, and the right leg again stretched back and forth, kicking in front of Ivy's chest. The backhand grabbed, and Li Jian’s face rushed over, and he even caught his flesh and blood, while his figure fluttered, and he had escaped Li’s axe. Li Jianren and an axe hit the air, the Tauren's own axe's own skills have not been issued twice - no matter how good melee skills can not beat the opponent is useless.

Zhou Yiyu and the three men joined hands and was kicked and beaten by her right fist. If it wasn’t for the indulgence that attracted most of her offense, the three could be tortured to death by her. After abandoning the weapons, Shen Yu took full advantage of his own merits. Unfortunately, this woman is faster than the silver wolf. He can't suppress the opponent after all.

This scene shows that everyone is anxious, but the four people are not allowed to act, can only watch Andalil as fierce. Lao Meng is like a serious patient with SM. The fish sausage is desperately stabbing himself. The snake venom of Andalil is too violent. Even the fish sausage can not be sucked up for a while, and can only sit on the ground and wait.

At this time, Andalil's violent walk was really terrible, and there was a glimpse of her figure above the hall. Although she was a human being, she automatically plunged into hell. Her body structure is no longer better than that of human beings. She is completely soft and boneless. She can freely attack from any angle. The attack angle is very different and the movement is fast and fast, although it is a pair of four. However, it did not fall into the wind, but instead of defeating everyone, Zhou Yiyu was even slap in the face of Andalil, apparently annoying his mouth.

"Mom, it’s impossible to force the old man out!" Zhou Yiyu sighed. He suddenly raised his hand and called out the black lightning.

The fifth floor of the catacomb is a large hall, so the terrain is relatively spacious and spacious, but it is obviously not suitable for the car to be used. But Zhou Yiyu can do so no matter how much, jump on the black lightning, the throttle is stepping on, it is rumbling to hit Andalil. This car has a strong short-distance acceleration capability, and it rushes to Andalil at a speed of sixty yards.

The people of the Dragon Tooth team have seen this scene. I didn’t expect this guy to drive in such a small place. Even the seriously injured Sang Sansa and others were scared to avoid.

Although Andalil has never seen a car, he knows that this thing must not be underestimated, and quickly jumps to avoid. Zhou Yiyu took a shot of the body, the whole car smashed up and swayed, and rumbling to Andalil, the skill spiral turned back and launched!

This downfire was fierce, and Andalil slammed out and slammed her into the wall.

The black lightning turned two laps in the air, and it stopped. Zhou Yiyu hit the steering wheel and rushed to Andalil in the distance. At the same time, he called: "Xunzi, now know the power of the brother!"

There was a trace of anger in Andalil’s eyes, she slammed the wall, and the man had left the wall and flew out, just in Zhouyi.

While driving, the feathers rushed to the top of a temple. Zhou Yiyu took the body again, and the skill lifted the dragon to start. The whole car reversed and rushed to the top. Andariel jumped to the ceiling with a force. On the top, he was surprised to walk a few steps on the ceiling, and went around Zhou Yiyu, kicking Zhou Yiyu.

Screaming: "Back!"

Zhou Yiyu pressed the button, and the black lightning rear body raised an alloy steel plate, blocking the foot of Andalil. At the same time, the rear launcher of the car shot two rockets, and it was in the middle of Andalil, which caused her to burn.

Andariel shouted and fell, Ivy's dragon silk has been rolled up again, D-class skill rainbow bound: start with a whipping weapon to target, bind the target, priority 20, duration 1-7 seconds , 3 damage per second during the bond.

At the same time, Li Jianren's Tauren Tomahawk smashed over, and the Tomahawk brought its own skill to cut gold. It launched two horizontal and vertical attacks on the target, and the cross-attack attacked 60 points, 120 degrees range damage, and erected. Attack 80 points, single damage.

This gold cut hit Andalil, immediately cut a cross scar on her body, the entire face was scratched by the blade, deep visible bone, the half face mask was even more fallen by this axe. The other half of the exposed Andalil's face was actually a half-burnt face.

Half-faced glamorous half-faced!

This face shows that everyone is staying for one, and Li Jianren is blurted out: "It turned out to be an ugly woman."

"My mask!" Andalil screamed. Looking at Li’s tough eyes is full of hatred.

Indulging in a few shots hit her, she did not know, but just stared at Li Jianren.

"Li is tough and careful! This woman is going to worry!" Screaming.

Regardless of whether or not Andalil is a BOSS, since she appears as a woman, as a woman, the most concerned is her own appearance. Li Jianren shot down her mask, and said "it is an ugly woman." It definitely stimulated Andalil. Sinking can be sure that Andalil's next attack will probably be her most fierce attack.

Sure enough, Andalil suddenly floated in the air, his red hair was erected, and his body was full of bleeding. Indulge in her "tune", Zhou Yiyu's "insult" to her, this moment is no longer important, in her eyes, only Li Tough.

She shouted madly: "Shameless humans, bear the punishment from hell! Endless curse! The pain!"

With the voice of Andariel, Li Jianren suddenly found that his skin was falling like a piece of rotten.

Infernal Devil Andalil's Special Ability Endless Curse: Cursing a single target, depriving him of his flesh and blood, causing 1 damage per second to the target death or the death of the caster. When the target is cursed to death, the bones will become a demon warlord.

This skill is not very lethal, but it is extremely vicious. As long as it is wrapped around it is an endless pattern, and after death, the body is still enslaved by Andariel, and most of them are another small BOSS like ashes.

At the same time, there were countless sharp nicknames in the hall. This voice is like the innumerable souls crying, crying, and screaming, and piercing into the minds of others.

The ghost wind was the first to resist this screaming, and the sky was mad, followed by Sansang, his throat was broken, and he used a traumatic drug, but he still could not fully recover. Can roll on the ground with pain. Huang Tianyang and Lao Meng also yelled at the same time, and the five summoned soldiers yelled.

Their voices echoed with the sharp voices in the hall, making the sound waves more and more harsh, even Zhou Yiyu and Li Jianren could not help but scream.

Hell's Demon Andalil's Special Ability Pain: Inflicts undifferentiated sonic attacks on all targets in the 15*15 range, dealing 5 damage per second. This skill can absorb the painful wailing of the attacker and turn it into a self-attack. Each time you absorb one person's wailing sound, it increases the damage by two points. The target being attacked has a certain degree of mental confusion.

The sound of the sound in the hall suddenly rises in the madness of the crowd. It is like a countless big bell roaring in the ear, and the shocking person is dizzy.

Sinking in his head, the voice shouted like a thunder in his ear, not only shocked his eardrum, but even his heart trembled.

He rushed to take out the mute charm, did not expect the coat of arms tips: the temperament priority is not enough, can not resist the pain.

Andariel is known as the Queen of Torture and Depression, and this inexhaustible curse and pain is her title.

She is the king of torture and depression, so the two major title skills are to torture and weaken the opponent ~ ~ can absorb the opponent's strength to enhance themselves. There are thirteen people in this hall, and ten of them have become the source of her sonic attack. Shen Yuqiang endured the pain and cried Frost: "Go back to the fourth floor!"

Frost and others ran back to the fourth floor in disregard of everything. Fortunately, they were very close to the four-story hole, barely struggling and finally ran out.

Sinking at Andalil is a shot. It was only this shot that went out, but the bullet did not know where to fly. He was affected by the pain, and his cognitive ability to the surrounding senses was greatly reduced.

It seems to be that Shen Shen is still trying to resist, Andariel looks straight into the sinking, half of the blood red and half of the blackened lips open, as if the tangible sound waves pass through one layer, directly hitting the heart.

"Ah!" Shen Yan can no longer restrain himself, arrogantly.

As soon as he slammed his hand, the T1000 turned into a sharp arrow and stabbed Andalil.

The Andalilian floated in the air, his left hand gently waved, blocking the T1000 attack, the beast claws had been caught on the T1000 chest, and they were pierced on the spot, and then several consecutive claws hit the T1000. Although the liquid metal terminator has undead special effects, it has limited means of attack. After leaving the body, the combat power is much worse, and Andalil is incomparable. However, it was so obstructed by it, and the harsh sounds in the hall were also weakened.

Just then there was another voice in the hall.

Compared with the fierce horror of the tragic sound, this sound is crisp and sweet, as if the spring flows into the heart and spleen of the people, and makes people feel like a peace of mind.

Andalil stayed and looked around.

I saw that Ai Wei was looking at her, her mouth was slightly open, and a strange note was pulled out of her mouth like that, and her power of pain was offset by most of her.

Skills: Scorpio!

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