Infinity Armament

Vol 8 Chapter 23: Negotiation (on)

The words of indulging are like a thunder, and the fat man is confused.

Not only him, but even gentle people and others dare not look at sinking.

The king of pain, Druil, Lu Gao, because of the most powerful task BOSS, the **** of the Devil, who is stronger than Andalil, and let the fat man go to single with him?

Is this guy crazy?

The fat man looked at Shen Yan: "Old... boss... you... you..."

He was so scared that he couldn't even tell the words. He could only look at his boss with a pleading look. He smiled and looked at the fat man: "How, fear?"

The fat man bit his teeth and does not speak.

He knew that he could not say the word "afraid".

Joining the Broken Blade team for so long, he has gradually understood a lot of truth.

In a **** city, a person can be incompetent, can be arrogant, or even stupid, but he can't be afraid to wince. To survive in a place like a **** city, the basic quality that adventurers need is to dare to fight.

Without this foundation, all good qualities are shit.

At the beginning, he was able to join the Broken Blade team, because in the X-Men mission, he stood up and bravely fight at the last critical moment. Although his role was small, the explosion at that moment allowed Shen to see the potential of the fat man and accepted him.

If today the fat man said the word "fear" and said that he did not dare to accept this task, then Shen Shen may not force him, but he will certainly be disappointed.

He didn't want to let Shen Shen down, didn't want to disappoint the team, and most importantly, he also believed that Shen Yan would never push him to death.

So paused, he said: "No, boss, I am not afraid. If you want me to be a halo warrior, I can try."

Shen Xiao smiled at him.

The fat man in front of his face is so thick that he is afraid of dying, but he is hard to support it. This is also the place where he is most admired.

There is a class of people in this world who usually have poor performance and are extremely timid, but they can often excite amazing power in desperation.

The fat man is obviously this kind of person, but unfortunately he has been under the wing of Shen Yu for too long, and he has gradually lost his knowledge of how to fly solo.

Satisfied nodded, sinking the fat man: "Very good, this is my brother. Rest assured, I am not so easy to let you die."

The fat man snorted, he did not know what arrangements for Shen Yu, but the long-term inertia has gradually let him learn the unconditional trust.

Shen Hao looked around his teammates and said: "I know that you are very strange why I want Luo to choose the halo warrior profession. There are three reasons for this. One is strong enough to guarantee the overall strength of the team. The improvement of the second. With the halo effect, it is better to attract the adventurous opponents. Otherwise, it is impossible to play his real value by simply blocking the chain. The professional mission of the three halo warriors takes the shortest time and the easiest execution process. We don't have much time to waste, and challenging it is the best option."

King Kong immediately replied: "I admit that you are right. If there is a halo warrior in the team, it must be good, but the question is, can he do it? That is the **** devil, Druid!"

"You don't have to worry about this issue. Since I dare to let Luo Hao go to play, of course there is a way to make him survive. When he really fights, I will put the T1000, the ant suit, the star necklace and other things that can help him. The equipment is handed over to him."

When you heard the words of Shen Yu, everyone was obviously relieved.

It turns out that it is necessary to use the method of equipment transfer to instantly strengthen one person and achieve the goal.

With the strength of the fat man, even if there is such equipment, it is impossible to be the opponent of Dowler, but in turn, if it only supports three minutes, there is much to be done. What's more, the Broken Blade team now has two big killers, the team assembly order and the space door. Even if you can't beat it, the escape can always escape.

However, King Kong is still worried: "The question is how do we face competition from other sources?"

“Which competition?” Shen Yan asked.

This made King Kong a glimpse: "Those adventurers..."

Shen Yu has quickly interrupted him: "They won't be a problem! Believe me, time is good, adventurers are good, it won't be a problem!"

Everyone was dizzy, but Shen Qiang had strode to Dika Kane and said: "Respected elders, we can accept your request. We will protect Lu Gaoin and defend this beautiful land. Last effort."


The **** coat of arms sounded: "You accepted the entrustment of Dika Kane: Retrieve the lost staff. Mission execution time: The main line of the second competition field is officially launched until the second competition field is fully completed."

“The mission was successful and the friendship increased by 200 points. The mission failed, deducting five thousand blood points.”


The most central part of the city is the most prosperous commercial area of ​​Lugao.

They are here to find a hotel to stay in - the task will not begin until tomorrow, they have to find a place to eat and live.

Interestingly, most of the other adventurers chose to settle in the same hotel, and the adventurers who fought each other a few hours ago became neighbors at this moment.

In the room, Shen Yu is standing in the window and looking out. Some adventurers are walking around the street. They should be trying to find out the news and see if they can get the official address of the task point before the start of tomorrow's mission.

Hong Lang is playing computer games with Zeus. His simple nerves can't contain any extra ideas. Anyway, everything is done by Shen Shen.

The fat man is holding his face in a daze, apparently still worried about his upcoming task. Fortunately, Shen Hao did not ask him to pick up the task immediately, just want him to wait first, as for what to wait, but did not tell him. . For him, this task can not be missed, although Shen has already made careful arrangements for him, but when he thinks he has to face the **** devil, Druil, he can’t help but always have some heart. fear.

As for Zhou Yiyu, I went to the next room and asked Ivy to speak. Gentle and King Kong were discussing how to go next.

King Kong is holding a pen and paper, painting on the top, and muttering in his mouth: "If you want to complete a continuous task, you must complete the second and third mainline tasks. In addition, we have to send people to the death temple, but also Bringing Drill to your hand... this is four points."

"We have twelve people now, and each one has three. The number is not enough. It is impossible to win it all." Gentle sighed, squinting at the window and whispering: "Really I don't know what he thinks, but even we have to put the equipment together and give it to the fat people. People can't be together, how to give it? Give him, what do we do?"

The more they analyze, the more they feel the hope of success, the sigh of sighs together, the plan of indulging is good, and it is too difficult to implement.

Shen Yan smiled and said: "Hey, don't you have such a hard face? Have a little confidence in your captain, OK?"

King Kong spreads hands: "I don't have confidence in you, but I can't find any solution to the problem under the current situation. Yes, our current strength can be regarded as the strongest among all, but you The appetite is more powerful than ours. The main line mission is three points, one point in a row, which means we have to eat half of the second competition."

Sinking lazily replied: "Are we not getting half of the mission before?"

Gentle and immediate answer: "That can be different. The first competition we have to face is only the threat of adventurers, and Zhou Yiyu's speed advantage. As long as you rush to the place to kill the special kill, it is not half mission. At least the contribution score of the Andalil mission is not our share. But in the second competition, we are not only facing the adventurer, but even the target monster will become no better to deal with. Shen Shen, we may only be able to Use three people to clear the mission points, but it is impossible to ensure that you can grab the reward points in the case of other adventurers watching and messing up. You want too much, I am afraid that you will not get anything when you arrive."

"In this case, don't let other adventurers become our stumbling blocks."

King Kong was gentle at the same time, they looked at each other.

King Kong’s tone is stunned: “You don’t want to kill them?”

Sinking and laughing: "How is it possible? Don't say that you can't do it, even if you can do it, you can't do it."

He turned back and looked at the sky outside. After a while, he said leisurely: "You are still used to violent thinking. When you encounter problems, you always want to solve them with killing. In fact, killing is always the worst way to solve problems. The best. The solution to the problem can only be and should be at the negotiating table."


"Yes, negotiation!" Shen Wei looked back at King Kong: "Why do you think that the **** city should keep the buffer time between the competitions? It is used to negotiate with us."

"Who is talking with?" asked tenderly.

"Of course there are strong targets... Wind Forest and South China Sea."

"How to talk?"

"Talk according to the rules we have set!"


The problems followed one by one, fast and urgent, and the indulgent answer also did not think.

"By the first competition, we defeated the Dragon Tooth team and won half of the mission. From now on, we are the boss, and we are qualified to decide how to launch this competition!"

King Kong, gentle and look at Shen Yu, even the fat man in the game and the painful thinking also put his attention on Shen Shen.


The members of the Broken Blade team finally understood the insulting intention also really understand what is the co-opetition mode.

First show the fist, confirm the strength, and after having enough power, and then strive to become the maker of the game rules, this is the core meaning of the competition mode.

Cooperation is never fair, and the strong can never share the benefits with the weak.

Therefore, because the first racer is unfamiliar with each other, the negotiations have no basis. It is only a matter of starting a battle between life and death. After the second competition, with the display of everyone's strength, they have more understanding of each other, and the foundation of cooperation has begun to sprout.

In this case, blind confrontation, fratricidalism has become meaningless.

The participating parties divide the site according to their strength, share the interests, and formulate the rules of the game. The strong and weakened are the better choices. The previous barbaric competition mode will become a big country game like the United Nations, the weaker ones either choose to attach, or are directly ruthlessly eliminated in the brutal competition.

Sinking is very clever and has no choice but to continue to tyrannical killing. Instead, he has made plans for the joint parties immediately after properly demonstrating his own strength, which gives him more room to display and thus avoids taking risks. Internal internal pressure and threats.

Of course, in the upcoming negotiations, how the rules are formulated, and who can get more benefits from it, after all, it depends on who has a harder fist and who has a higher level of negotiation.

In this regard, both Shen Yu and his team members have full confidence in their captain.

King Kong Huo stood up: "I will go to the two team bosses."

"Nothing is necessary." Gentle and suddenly said: "They are already here."

There was a knock on the door.

A nice female voice rang: "Is the captain of the sinking?"

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