Infinity Armament

Vol 8 Chapter 34: altar

No Hradec Square!

This sentence is like a bad news, which makes the old man face a sinking.

He turned back and glared at him: "What is going on?"

Gentle shrug: "I don't know, there is only this thing in the box."

She took out a drawing - an undead creature making a drawing (low).

Class D undead creature manufacturing drawings (low): The ability to make low-level undead creatures after study. All undead creatures can only be made in the mission world, and can't bring out the world of missions.

The next step is a pair of drawings and text descriptions, including how to make ordinary cymbals, archers, scorpions, hollow corpses, and even ghosts.

"This is the best thing! How can the witch get such a good reward?" Lao Meng exclaimed.

It is possible to mass-produce undead in the mission world, and it does not need to spend any resources, and it can be done directly on the spot. It can be said that it adds countless fighting power, and its substantial significance can be imagined.

It’s just that such a good thing is D-class, so that Lao Meng can’t figure it out.

Gentle but sneer: "Do you not think that the method on this drawing is too bloody?"

When Lao Meng stayed, he realized that the undead creatures described on the drawings were made by living people. If they were to follow the methods provided in this drawing to create undead creatures for their own drive, it means they Will become like a **** witch, crazy blood, abnormal cruel.

Just a few minutes ago, they were still shocked and angry at the scene of **** scenes they saw. Was it the next moment they would turn themselves into such monsters for "powerful"?

Perhaps they can comfort themselves and say that every life here is not real, it is made by a **** city. But they are still life after all, can say that they will laugh, can walk and jump, will be embarrassed when they are in pain, will be angry, will be sad, will cry, understand love and hate, what is the difference with real people?

Is this a reason to let yourself feel at ease into the **** madness? Or is it to give up the powerful force for the so-called "sense of justice" and give up the opportunity to increase the life-saving strength?

Lao Meng does not know how to choose.

He didn't know, but he knew it.

"This thing is not harmful, or it is ruined." She picked up the drawing and threw it into the brazier.

Lao Meng was shocked, and an rushed out, grabbed the map before it fell into the brazier: "You are crazy? This is also a reward of at least double C. Even if you don't want to sell it... This... this thing is kept by me first!"

He said to put the drawings into his coat of arms.

Looking at the old-hearted look, gentle and gentle.

At that moment, her ear suddenly sounded the curse of the **** witch before her death.

She was cold and grabbed Lao Meng’s chest and said, "Old Meng, promise me not to learn this thing. If you really want it, sell it to others. Anyway, we are friends, I don't want you. Become the perverted killer."

Lao Mengli smiled: "Of course, how can I learn it? How about selling it to the store? This is a special item, so no one can learn it."


Items with at least double C-level value, but only converted to D-class, plus the store's exploitation, can get a few dollars to sell?

Gentleness suddenly has a bad feeling, maybe the curse of the old witch is not just a haircut before death...

But she didn't say anything after all, just nodded her consent - no matter what, she couldn't decide the life plan of others.

I thought about her loudly summoning the soldiers: "You look for it again. The **** witch didn't give the Hradec box. There must be a box here but you didn't see it!"

"Sir, we are sure we have searched every corner, including those bodies." Frost replied loudly: "There is really no box."

Gentle brow wrinkles: "Are you sure you have found it everywhere?"

Frost hesitated and replied: "Except where you have fought, sir."

Where did you fight?

Gentle and eager to look back, look at the **** witches at the front of the body.

When she suddenly remembered the previous battle, Lao Meng issued a sword-smashing attack. The first reaction of the **** witch was not to dodge, but to remove the altar.

Her eyes suddenly brightened and she pointed to the front: "Altar! The altar is a box! The Hradic Square must be in the altar!"

Old Meng Daxi rushed to go: "I am going to open!"

He rushed to the edge of the altar and saw that the man on the altar who was smashed by the old witch was still writhing in pain. Perhaps because the **** witch's surgery has not been completed, he is the only person here who has not become an undead.

Seeing the arrival of Lao Meng, he was still unable to reach out to Lao Meng: "Save... I..."

Lao Meng is going to talk, and the gentle face suddenly changes: "Old Meng quickly flashes!"

Her right hand is raised, and the dawning angel bloodline skills are launched!

At the same time, the man on the altar suddenly jumped up, and the palm of his hand turned into a fierce wind to grasp the old man.

Lao Meng’s reaction was also rapid, and the fish’s bow was squatting. I didn’t expect the man’s arm to suddenly bend a strange, bypassing the fish’s bow, and a palm hole pierced his chest. He shouted back and slammed his sword. other side.

This flesh and blood geek is only one-handed, and the slashing sword is cut in his hand. It is like looking into a pile of cotton piles. It is soft and unstressed. The man has already slammed into Lao Meng and flew out several legs. The power is very big, the old Meng bones are broken, and the dragonfly flies out.

Just as he flew out, the man on the altar had brushed a dark red light, and the light and shadow passed through the throat of Lao Meng, cutting his half neck into two pieces without any hindrance.

This man was shot in an instant, and his situation was fierce. Seeing that Lao Meng was about to be killed on the spot, a halo of St. Mang suddenly flashed through him. It was the gentle morning that saved Lao Meng in time.

The throat that had just been cut was quickly closed under the action of the morning sun, and its powerful healing power was amazing.

"The blood of the angel!" The man on the altar laughed happily, but the laughter was fierce, but he did not know whether he was happy or angry.

As he roared, a black shadow shot in the altar was gentle.


"I said, how long have we been waiting?" Zou Yi threw a peanut into the air and brought it into the mouth when it fell.

"It's almost coming." Shen Yan looked at the time on the **** coat of arms to answer.

"You have said this three times." Zou Yi did not feel good.

They are now on the fifth floor of the Royal Prison, and the monsters in the entire prison have been completely cleared. Although there were small twists and turns during the period, it was still smooth after all.

Another way forward is the room of the Infernal Devil, Governor. According to the agreement, they will go to attack after they have arrived.

So everyone can only wait on the spot.

Zou Yi is a member of the Fenglin team that Zongtang sent to contribute points. Perhaps because of the fact that he did not show too much strength along the way, he was not too convinced of Shen Yu, and he couldn’t figure out why his own boss was right. He is so polite and gives the big part of the benefits to the other side.

Although he also knows that the stabbing team is defeated by the broken blade team, a captain who does not have any attack skills is really difficult to make him feel awe, so he can't say politely when he speaks.

I don’t mind if I sink into it. He knows that Zou Yi’s strength is OK.

Zongtang has obviously made a very careful comprehensive consideration on the issue of dispatching personnel. On the one hand, the strength should not be too weak, so as not to be looked down upon, it will be very passive in the latter cooperation. On the other hand, there must be a certain ability to escape from self-protection, and prepare for it. Zou Yi is the most comprehensive of the wind forest team. No matter whether it is a main battle or a battlefield, it is a good talent.

As long as you are a talent, you will be proud of your qualifications.

"Patience is the most reliable guarantee for us to succeed. Victory always favors people with patience, so don't worry." Shen Yan patted his shoulder and smiled.

"That is, your people are cleaning up this place and cleaning up another place, just like jumping in the market. The business is very hot, of course you are not in a hurry. To be honest, if there is no order from the boss, I would prefer to choose Nanhai. The team united with you to do one." Zou Yi threw a peanut into his mouth.

Not far away, Huang Tianyang sneered: "Then you will be completely annihilated."

He is not like Zou Yi, who knows how strong he is when he is worried. The reason why the Qingpu Royal Prison was in general was because he was obeying the agreement and consciously gave some of the contribution points to the Dragon Tooth team. Otherwise, with his magic gun hitting those mobs, one person can steal a third.

Of course, he does not know that there are only double-B bullet boxes in the hands of Shen Yu. The bullets are not enough. Only fighting with close-fitting melee is an important reason for limiting his play.

When I heard Huang Tianyang’s words, Zou Yi slammed his mouth: “I’m useless, don’t treat others as incompetent as you are.”

Li Qiang’s big eyes: "What the **** are you talking about?"

The four dragons screamed at Zou Yi was rude. Everyone is a person who came to the scene of life and death. Anyone who is a little level will not be easily scared by anyone.

"Enough!" Shen Yan and low drink: "Now everyone is in the same boat, what is it fighting? To compare, it is on the mission!"

"Oh!" Zou Yi sneered: "What's so good? According to the agreement, I can't rob you with Ryle. Since the periphery of the Royal Prison has been cleared, I don't mean to stay here. It's better to leave first, or else Staying here does not make a wedding dress for people."

He said that this is also a secret irony Huang Tian Yang four of them, but the four people ignore him, this blow is equivalent to an empty gun.

"I know how to be with you." Shen Yan did not mind: "But my team members are coming soon. It is better to wait for a while to say hello and then go."

"There is no need, I am not going to be friends with you, especially with a group of losers." Zou Yi said to stride away.

"This kid's mouth is really embarrassing." Sang Sansa sighed.

I don’t mind if I sink into it: "Don’t worry."

"You don't have to worry about it. Anyway, what he said is not you."

"Even if it is me, I will not mind. In this world, we can fight what difficulties, it is not fighting; what benefits we have to grab, but only verbally cheap do not have to grab."

Huang Tianyang: "You are very open-minded."

Shen Yu leisurely replied: "When you stand on a high point overlooking your opponent one day, you will be open-minded."

Listening to the side of the ear, Shen Xiao smiled: "Hong wave they are coming."


I once wrote the ant suit plus attribute all 13 points, that is a calculation error, 4 1 point full attribute, 1 point 2 point 1 point 3 points, add up to be 9, very low level math errors, please forgive me.

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