Infinity Armament

Vol 8 Chapter 41: decision

A sacred radiance is centered on gentleness, spreading around and bathing everyone around.

Arias only felt a warm and unspeakable comfort.

Along with this sacred glory, Frost and other five summoned soldiers simultaneously raised five sacred beams of light to the sky.

Then the five people got up in the light column, and you looked at me from each other, and the eyes were full of surprises. Obviously, I was surprised how I survived. The wounds in them gradually healed in the light column, but only after a short moment, the light column disappeared. Frost and others found that their injuries had not healed, but at least they finally survived.

Kafka touched his body: "What is going on? If I remember correctly, I should be dead... Am I dead? Am I dead?"

Faxi nodded with certainty: "I am not sure if I am dead, but I am sure you are a dead person because I saw you die."

"So what about you?" Michel asked.

Faxi replied: "I think I am dead too."

Lyle interjected: "Yes, I saw that you are dead, Faxi, I am very sure about this, oh, and my head is dead, even though he is standing by my side."

Frost's staller: "This is really interesting, maybe God is showing up."

"No, the chief is showing up." Arias replied: "I was saddened by your departure just now, but in a blink of an eye you lived again... Who will pay for my tears?"

The gentle brow is a wrinkle.

She noticed one thing: all five soldiers, including Frost, recovered only a hundred lives.

Yes, only one hundred points have been restored, but the maximum healing amount of the Twilight Angel's redemption should be one thousand points, and it should be two hundred points to be distributed to five people. Even if someone's vitality is not enough, at least like Lyle, people like Fessi can recover. But now everyone has only recovered a hundred points.

there is a problem!

A gentle heart is cold.

It was three minutes before she used Andalil's blood. The snakes behind her and the right handed beasts were all gone. It is reasonable to say that this lineage should have completely disappeared, but she still can feel the blood of Andariel raging in her body.

Although this power is no longer in conflict with the dawn of angelic blood, but its own redemption skills have weakened, which makes the nature of the problem significantly more serious.

However, gentleness is only a faint smile, and said to Frost: "This is my ability, but every adventure can only be used once. You can't die this second time, otherwise no one can save you."

"Yes sir, we understand!" Frost was respectful and respectful of a military ceremony.

However, after this military ceremony, Frost's hand did not give up, but stared at the gentle look, not only him, but other soldiers are also watching gentle.

"What are you looking at?" Gentlely, she looked down at herself and immediately understood.

It turned out that she experienced a series of hard battles, but also claws and fire, and your good quality clothes were also seriously damaged, causing serious leakage of spring.

Before he died, no one cares. At this moment, relax, a group of young soldiers see such a scene, how can they forget me for a while, blood and blood?

Gentle smile: "Look good?"

Frost's face suddenly turned red and re-established: "I am sorry for my rudeness, sir!"

In the end, he was an excellent officer. His mind was only slightly stunned, and he quickly recovered to lucidity. He stood at the same time and did not squint. Not only him, but all the soldiers stood up at the same time, and then dare not look at the gentle look.

"It doesn't matter." Gentle and faint: "There is no difference between men and women in battle, only the difference between life and death. Even this point can not be seen, or do not mix in this world. In the world before me, wearing more than this It’s not uncommon to go to the streets, don’t be too serious.”

She said that she took out a new dress from the **** coat of arms and took off the old clothes that had been ruined. She even changed her clothes to the new clothes. In fact, she didn’t have a better place to cover herself. It’s better to be generous. square.

For a gentle answer, Frost is full of admiration.

"You are a good warrior, sir!"

"Thank you."

Ten minutes later, Lao Meng came back.

"Beria is dead," he said, throwing a gentle box at hand.

Inside is a bottle of blood of the king of lies, two streaks, and a reel.

C-class magical body skill scroll: After use, it can increase the life limit and corresponding life by 10% for the specified target. Each level increases by 10%. The highest level is 5, which is limited to summoning life. Superimposed, lasting ten minutes, mental consumption 2, cooling time 3 seconds.

"It's a pity that it's not super-accelerated." Gentlely sighed, if Ivy is here, it will be more than a few times, and it may burst out.

She looked at Lao Meng: "What do you want?"

According to the rules, except for the Hradic square, all other harvests are half of the old Meng, so gentle and honest.

Lao Meng looked at the black lightning that was almost burned into scrap iron not far away, and then looked at the gentleness, then replied: "I don't take advantage of you, this can be successful, you are much stronger than me. Even for the consumption of a bottle of Andalil's blood, this bottle of blood is your compensation. Others we are half-point, reel and streak stone. The saber and undead creatures make drawings for me."

Gentle brow wrinkles: "Do you really want that drawing?"

Lao Meng did not answer, just quietly watching the gentle.

Gentle sighed: "Well, I agree."

She waved her hand and Leyer handed the saber to Lao Meng.

Then gently said: "Is there a cigarette? Give me the root."

Lao Meng gave her a cigarette and said, "How do you think of smoking?"

"I am annoying." I took the smoke gently, and took a sip of the remaining flames on the ground.

"What's so annoying to win a fight?"

"Don't ask so much, you should be a big aunt."


Gentleness has put the black lightning into the coat of arms and said to the six soldiers: "Let's go, it looks like we have to go back to Lu Gaoin. This is also good, take a walk all the way, look at the scenery, don't forget to put John them. Called over, where did they go? For Lao Meng, let me tell you about the story of Singapore. I heard that the men there are very sissy?"

"Do you see me like a sissy?"




On the fifth floor of the Royal Prison, Shen Shen was thinking with a sullen face.

The time he thought was not long, just a short time of more than 20 seconds, but the waiting people seemed to have waited for three autumns.

Hong Lang jumped out with a battle axe: "What else to think, after a while you bring King Kong, Yi Yu and Ivy to help the fat man, and I stay with them to block them."

"You want to be beautiful! Six to fourteen, Lao Tzu does not do that!" Zou Yi yelled.

Sinking his hand: "This will be said, everyone will turn off the team channel first, don't let Luo Wei hear our words. Zou Yi, how do they know the location of the royal prison?"

"How do I know!" Zou Yi yelled: "Maybe they have already heard the addresses of other mission points. Maybe they just searched around after completing the mission, and the result just happened to hit!"

Shen Yan immediately shook his head: "No, no, they are directly directed here."

Zou Yi asked: "How do you know?"

Sinking refers to the time on the **** coat of arms: "Because it is not the closest mission point to the mysterious refuge. You look at the time, the mission of the mysterious refuge is only less than an hour before it is completed, from there to there is a hundred More than a kilometer away, they ran all the way and rushed to the place! The fourteen people were slow and slow, but now they arrive together, which means they have already made an appointment!"

When the words came out, everyone was shocked.

"Bastard!" Hong Lang yelled and jumped up, and the Tujiao axe rushed to Huang Tianyang and pointed them: "There must be a few of you to sell us!"

Huang Tianyang's face changed greatly, and Li Jianren violently screamed: "The surname is Hong, you are a **** good man, and I never do this kind of thing!"

"Oh, I think you are guilty and deliberately framed. Sansana that the **** just advised us to play Dyer Ril first. If you listened to you, we don’t know how we died..."

"Hong Lang shut up!" Shen Yan said: "This matter has nothing to do with them!"

"But it’s sinking..."

Shen Yu has already roared: "I said it doesn't matter if it doesn't matter. Do you want to question my decision?"

Hong Lang opened his mouth and finally reluctantly let go, but he did not forget to look at the four when he retired.

Although he could not understand why Shen Yu had to maintain these four people in this way, he did not dare to violate the orders of Shen Yu.

Shen Yu has already sighed and sighed and said: "There is no evidence to prove who it is, so I will not doubt anyone. Just now, Honglang’s words, everyone did not hear, heard no!"

"Understand!" All members of the Broken Blade team answered at the same time.

Sang Sansa coldly said: "You are very good, since your team members have not trusted us, then we..."

Without waiting for him to finish, Shen Yu suddenly interrupted: "piercings!"

With this sound, he suddenly turned back and forth, this foot was anxious and fast, and was kicking on the face of Sansa Sa, the other three of the Dragon Tooth team have not yet reacted, and the sinking shot has already been placed on the mulberry. On the head of Sansa, roaring: "Give you two choices. One: continue to maintain mutual trust, everyone is still their own. Second: no longer trust, parting ways, in order to avoid the trouble, I will kill now. Three seconds Time to consider, one, two..."

Huang Tianyang shouted: "Trust you!"

Sinking at Li Jianren and Hong Sheng.



Sang Sansa reluctantly snorted: "Trust..."


When he went to the side of Honglang, he said in a sentence: "The next time you are impulsive, you will screw up your mouth!"

"Know, head!"

"Then think about what you have done wrong! Bastard!"

Hong Lang lowered his head: "Know that the war is just around the corner, creating guilt, weakening the strength..."

He said that the sound is already low.

Although Honglang’s mind is simple, he is not really a fool, and he is stupid and realizes why he wants to defend them.

There are fourteen adventurers who rushed over. There are ten people on their side. Although the number is less than four, the strength may not be much worse. Honglang accused Huang Tianyang and other four people in the absence of evidence, and did not say whether they did it. In this way, the other four people were pushed to the opposite situation, which easily caused the pattern of six pairs and eighteen, and the strength of each other was very different. It is big.

If they really do, then they must pretend not to know, waiting for opportunities in the battle, creating opportunities. Perhaps the consequences are still a loss, but at least there is the possibility of escaping and killing "traitors."

Regardless of the angle of view, it is extremely stupid to openly blame "allies" without tangible evidence, even if their suspicions are indeed so large.

Honglang’s excitement jumped out and brought the problem to the surface, forcing him to take a strong force to suppress the four. He also knows that the consequences of doing so are actually very bad, but when the battle is about to start, he has no time to make more appeasement - violence may not be the best means, but at least the most efficient means.

No matter what troubles there are, at least the first difficulty is spent in front of you. Fortunately, he is now very prestigious. If he says it, others will not dare to fail.

It’s just that if the Broken Blade team is in a full-blown crisis, then it’s hard to say.

"What do you do now?" King Kong realized the problem earlier than Honglang.

"As long as they are not sure that we will lose, we will not dare to fight against water easily, so this battle must be quick and quick, and we must fight with the war. But before that, we must first say hello to Luo Wei... He is much more in it. Some time."



Regarding this chapter, I guess there may be friends who say that Honglang is stupid and always mess things up, so I want to defend him a few words first.

In fact, it is not a stupid Honglang, but it is too rational.

This is not something we can do in this world.

For example, myself.

I know that my swearing in my own books will only have a bad influence on me - no matter what the right reasons you have, there must be someone who supports opposition. Support will not add more readers to you, but opposition may make you reduce a group of readers.

From this point of view as an author, low-key and silent writing is the best choice, but I just can't do it!

Since I can't even do such a simple little patience, if someone is behind me, I think I can't possibly endure it.

Reason and emotion are originally conflicts. If rational choices can be made so easily, then it is not sensible, and outstanding people become no stranger.

So I am not good.

Of course, in order to comfort myself, I found a small excuse for myself: I will not be embarrassed, it will be very uncomfortable. I am not happy, I am not in the mood to code words. I got out of it, it’s cool, I don’t have any psychological burden, I can concentrate on my work. Because at that time, the anger was my enemy and not me.

This excuse is fairly plausible.

In JJ's statement, at least my thoughts are accessible.

But I also know that it is really not easy to be a rational choice, especially in such a short period of time.

Fortunately, my work environment is based on the online novel community with click and collection as the sole criterion. In this environment, achievement is the only criterion for testing everything. Social relationships are not important, even harmful to the author. Because that will only distract us.

But in a society where people interact with each other, these problems will become more important, and a person who does not understand forbearance is destined to go too far in social achievement.

So please take your time as a guide, don't learn me, think twice before doing anything!

Far away, let's get back to the topic, what I want to say is:

The necessary patience is not only a rational choice, but also a bridge to success. With my temper, the tower of the peak I can't climb, but I hope my readers can do it.

I wish every reader who likes my novel here, and I hope that your career will be successful and smooth sailing!

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