Infinity Armament

Vol 4 Chapter 3: Collective reinforcement (on)

This Thunder Bracer can be said to be the best D-class equipment that has been seen so far except for the vampire touch. In addition to being unable to improve, everything else is quite good.

Knife said: "This Thunder wristband was obtained in a difficult mission world. It has helped me a lot. Unfortunately, because it can't be promoted, the current attack damage is slightly lower. But for a difficulty you should be just enough. But this wristband I can't sell you 3000 **** points, this is a special item, if you want, I will count you less, 5000 **** points."

Anything that is not in the store cannot be estimated according to standard pricing. This has long been understood.

However, for the price of 5000 **** points, he still shook his head.

"I just bought a skill, and now I have more than 8,000 **** points. This Thunder wristband is good, but my strength attribute is only 4, and I have never learned fighting specialization. In this way, the light is satisfied. Wearing the condition, I need to spend a **** point, plus some **** spots to reserve before entering the task, I basically have no money to upgrade the property. If your Thunder wristband can be cheaper, I Can be bought and bought."

This made the knife look a little hesitant.

It’s been a while since he said that the Thunder wristbands have been sold for a while, but the equipment is actually quite tasteless.

In a difficult world, it is a good thing, and it is obviously too powerful to go to the second difficulty. However, there are very few such wristbands that can be afforded in one difficulty. For a difficult adventurer, once a task is only enough to let them learn a skill, add a few attribute points. Some of the poor mixes may not even be able to afford a single skill.

Nowadays, this newcomer is obviously quite capable. Even after buying the skills, there are still 8,000 blood points left, and I am afraid that I can’t pick a few in the entire slum. Missed the village, there is no such store. Wait until the powerful newcomer looks at his Thunder wristband and doesn't know when to wait. Can't you throw the store? That can't even get two thousand **** points.

Thinking of this, the knife and the face said to Shen Yu: "Let's do it, four thousand five hundred points bloody, this is a fair price."

Shen Qian still shakes his head: "Four thousand blood points, I can only do so at most."

The face of the knife is a bit ugly.

The price of sinking bite on his psychological bottom line, he screamed: "Four thousand **** points are too cheap, I go to the slums, and certainly some people are willing to buy a higher price."

"If no one buys, you will lose two hundred **** transit fees." Shen Xiao smiled.

He thought about it and said, "With the attributes and skills of your wristband, 4500 blood points are actually not expensive, but I am now bloody. So, let's go back to the last agreement. I can agree. You are 4,500 bloody, but I can only pay 3000 **** points for the first time. When I am alive from the next mission, I will give you 1500 blood points, how?"

The knife licked his face and stayed.

This time, Shen Wei did not mention 5 times return, but simply agreed to his asking price, but asked for 1,500 blood points.

This knife has a bit of a mistake.

If it is still 5 times return, Knife Face will definitely continue to invest in sinking. But the return of 2 to 1 made him somewhat hesitant.

With the last risk trading, the knife face was a little more confident about sinking. However, while the confidence has increased, the rate of return has dropped, which makes him very unhappy.

Shen Xiaoxiao said: "You once trusted me once and got a return. Now I have reason and qualification to ask you to continue to increase your trust in me. Or sell it to me at 4000 points, or allow me to owe 1500 blood. Point, you choose it yourself."

Said, Shen Yan sent his **** coat of arms to the face of the knife.

The knives of the ranks of the top soldiers are straight.

Knife and face are the most clear people who have come to the fore.

A person who can give himself a rank of superior rank in two missions can only explain one thing - the opponent has two perfect performances.

Business for two people, which looks good twice in a row?

Don't look at the knife and face yourself. Now it is in the second difficulty area, the sergeant rank, but from no rank to the soldiers, then to the superiors, corporal, sergeant, he has experienced more than ten tasks, and it is quite good performance, I have received several excellent reviews in succession. A considerable number of risk-stricken adventurers can only get a general evaluation of their tasks. To know the task of completing five general evaluations, although it is equally possible to advance to the rank of one level, it is absolutely impossible to achieve more than a perfect task in terms of income.

To give the simplest example, in the market garden task, after the completion of the first and second mainline tasks, only 1500 and 1700 blood points can be obtained. Abandon the optional task back to the city, the evaluation is ordinary.

Complete the optional tasks and get an evaluation as excellent. The best performers are perfect – there are of course exceptions. The fat man has passed the optional task, but the task performance is very poor.

The basic reward for this excellent evaluation is 5700 blood points plus 1 potential point, which is equivalent to more than three times the ordinary evaluation return, and in the rank promotion, one excellent is only equivalent to two and a half ordinary.

A perfect return is a valuable double C-level reward – even though it’s unfortunately impossible to use it now.

Therefore, it is also a superior soldier. The value of the superior soldier obtained through perfect performance is the highest and the strength is the strongest.

The ability to perform twice in a row and fully demonstrate the quality of each other.

In places like **** cities, strength is the foundation of trust, followed by interests.

At this moment, I saw the rank of Shen Yu, and the knife immediately said: "You take 3,500 blood points. I will give you a thousand blood points, and you will pay after the next mission."

"Good!" Shen Yan immediately agreed.

The two signed a good agreement, and Shen Shen finally got the Thunder wristband after paying 3,500 **** points. With this wristband, Shen Yu really has a powerful attack skill.

That knife is a good face, just the self-skills on this Thunder wristband, in fact, it is already stronger than many D-level skills, but because it is not upgradeable, it is easy to be eliminated.

I bought the Thunder Bracers, and I was satisfied and hurried back to the slums.

Just back to the slums, I saw a gentle face to face.

Seeing Shen Yan, gentle eyes lit up, ran over to the chest and gave him a punch: "I am looking for you everywhere."

"What's the matter?" Shen asked.

"Hong Lang and King Kong are going to strengthen. This time everyone has earned a lot and is ready to pull you together."

Strengthening is a very private matter, and no one wants to expose what he is good at in front of others. But this time, regardless of Honglang, King Kong is still gentle, but they all hope to strengthen together with Shen.

Did not ask too much, Shen Hao nodded and said: "Good."

When I came to the store with gentleness, Honglang King Kong had already waited for them for a long time, and the other three adventurers did not see it.

After the conversation, I realized that the four people strengthened together. It turned out to be King Kong’s proposal.

According to King Kong's idea, although strengthening is a very personal matter, it is precisely because the adventurers are jealous of each other, and they are arrogant about their respective directions of reinforcement. Therefore, there are many times when the phenomenon of reinforcement is repeated. This kind of reinforcement repetition is most obvious in the last World War II mission. Most of the adventurers are capable of strengthening melee. They have obvious deficiencies in auxiliary, logistics, reconnaissance, etc., and the long-range killing ability is also very general. In the world of World War II, it caused heavy casualties. If the adventurers pay attention to each other when they strengthen, then many tasks will be much easier.

King Kong can't call all the adventurers in the Eastern District to be open, but he hopes that at least a few of them can make an agreement to strengthen, and the combination is more powerful, instead of 1 plus 1 and less than 2.

However, behind this proposal, King Kong has another purpose, which is to strengthen the four people in front of them and truly bind them together to form a cooperative team.

Shen Yan certainly understands the motive behind his proposal, and he has no opinion on this proposal.

Shen Yan looked down for a moment and said slowly: "Your opinion is good, but have you thought of a problem? Since **** cities can have a teamwork mode, it is very likely that they will have their own mode of combat. Killing mode... What if our next task is not a teamwork model?"

"At least I won't choose you to be an opponent. No matter what mode, it can't be the reason for us to be an enemy." King Kong is very serious.

Hong Lang also said with a scorpion: "The teamwork model can kill oneself and kill each other, and it is not necessarily impossible to cooperate. As long as we want to be friends ourselves, there is no reason to make us an enemy. Shen brother, you are not Will you look down on my old Hong?"

Sinking and laughing: "I didn't mean it. I originally wanted to ask. Our ranks are different. The time to enter the ordinary district is definitely different. How to cooperate at that time. Now it seems that this is not a problem. King Kong is right. As long as we want to be friends, what kind of reasons and design can't make us an enemy. I support King Kong's suggestion, and we will strengthen this time together."

King Kong is overjoyed: "Since you agree, it will be much easier. First of all, everyone should be open and honest, publicize their respective attributes, skills, and mutual understanding. Can't be friends, don't even know what the other party has? This time Can't be hidden like the mission world."

Said, King Kong first opened his energy screen, opened the full property visible.

"No. E4528, Zhou Lin, the first class. Attribute: Strength 15 (20) Physique 30 Agility 10 (15), Spirit 25 (30), Will 15."

"Abilities: Read control. Energy is 100 points. This ability cannot be used on living things."

"Skill: Corruption attack level 2, hits the target and causes 1 point of defense reduction effect, cumulatively reduces defense up to 10 points. Skill effect priority 14."

"Equipment: Wind Gloves, D. Attack power 9-18, comes with skills: gusts of wind. Hit the power of the wind on both hands, increase the attack speed by 20%, last for 1 minute. This skill Can be combined with some other skills, consume 3 points of mental power, 1 hour of cooling time. Upgradeable, can not be promoted, skill priority 16."

"Equipment: Bagpipes (wearing position at the waist), boosting power by 5 and agility by 5."

"Equipment: Energy Ring, 5 spirits."

In the end, it is a veteran adventurer, regardless of skills, equipment, and attributes. Especially rare is that he still has a spiritual ring, which is the same as the mentally responsive medicine.

Honglang also opens his own property bar.

"No. E3216, Hong Lang, the first class. Attributes: Strength 30 (36) Physique 20 Agility 10 (12) Spirit 15 Will 7 (10)."

"Skill: Strong impact level 3, 1.6 times power attack damage to individual targets, 10% chance to produce double attack effect, D level skill. Use this skill to consume 3 points of mental power, 1 minute cooling time. Skill effect first Degree 12."

"Skill: Axe combo level 1, using axe weapons to cause a powerful attack on the target, increasing the affiliation damage by 20. When the enemy uses the weapon block, it will cause a damage of 5 percent of the opponent's weapon. Use this skill to consume 2 points of mental strength, 1 minute of cooling time. Priority of skill effect 18."

"Equipment: Spike Ring, Increase Strength 2 points and 2 points."

"Equipment: Ring of the Skeleton, 4 points of strength, 3 points of will."

Gentle grinning: "Hong Lang, do you have an axe without an axe?"

Hong Lang's face is red: "This skill is not bought, it is obtained in the mission. I want to buy a good weapon, but think about the stage of using the gun at the moment, you can only put it first."

Gentle and happy, she shouted: "I thought I had such a jealousy."

When Hong Lang stayed, she saw her gentleness and publicized her property bar.

"No. E3325, gentle, Pvt. Attribute: Strength 4 Physique 12 (15) Agility 10 Spirit 10 Will 10 (18)."

"Passive skills: Auditory enhancement, which captures the various sounds in the wind and produces auditory memory that clearly distinguishes the source."

"Skills: Wrap 2, use whip weapons to entangle the target, so that the target can not use the skill attack temporarily, while causing 3 damage per second to the target. The skill maintenance time depends on the spiritual gap between the two sides, skill level and opponent's willpower The larger the gap, the longer the maintenance time, the upper limit time is 18 seconds, and the mental energy is consumed by 3. The skill effect priority is 12."

"Equipment: Undead Will (Necklace), 3 points of physical fitness, 8 points of will."

Compared to Honglang and King Kong, the gentleness of only one novice task has obviously been a big difference in all aspects, but considering that she has only experienced one enhancement, she already has two skills and a good equipment. It can be seen that her performance in the novice task is also good. Since she is now a soldier, it is certain that gentleness is an excellent rating in the novice task.

"My two skills and one piece of equipment are all in the novice task. The luck is not bad, but there is almost no **** point." Gentle and helpless: "Adding some attributes and then buying guns and auxiliary items will completely go bankrupt." It is."

"It turns out that you have a 100% difficulty in the task of novices." Shen Yu blurted.

Only 100% difficulty, the **** city will first reward you with a D-level skill.

Gentle and very serious nod, then very helpless sigh: "Unfortunately, the task is completed without you, barely completed the main line task, the optional task failed, can escape is a fluke."

Sinking and laughing: "It's already very good. When I finished the optional task, I was dead for a lifetime."

This is true. If the holy water did not destroy Dracula at the beginning, the only thing he could do at the time was to immediately use the stealth pill to escape. The consequence was that all the rewards were halved. Now, the prestige is also prevailing. 00

No more words, Shen Kai opened his own property bar, the above attribute skills and equipment to see everyone stunned.

Gentle and shouted at Shen Shen: ""

Shen Yu spread the staller: "Don't misunderstand, the curved ballistics and Thunder wristbands I just bought, and still owe a thousand points."

"That's enough to make us envious of death." Hong Lang muttered, he looked at the vampire dagger on the equipment display bar, the saliva must flow down. This dagger should be used by agile adventurers, but Shen Yan used it as a deputy equipment, even in the eyes of veteran adventurers. King Kong is staring at the Medal of Honor and the Undead Coat of Arms and the Crystal Pendant.

Gentle is more concerned with spiritual exploration of this skill.

Gentle Q: "Psychic exploration is your novice reward skill?"

Sinking nodded gentlely called: "It's really mad, why can you get the skills of spiritual exploration, I can only get hearing enhancement!"

King Kong immediately said: "It should be related to the difficulty of the world. Gentle your novice task is a biohazard. Fan Haixin is indulged. Do you still remember the qualitative aspects of the **** cities? The background of the gun battle is the least difficult, so the world of the biohazard is difficult. It is also less difficult than the magic world, and the rewards are worse."

This is the fact that when the first main line mission was indulged, it was almost dead and was almost killed by the silver wolf. If he had not borrowed a knife from his knife and had special bullets to help, he would never survive.

The five difficulty areas of the **** city, the first four are mainly gun battle background, magic background, sci-fi background and Xianxia online game background. When it comes to the fifth difficulty, it is a free background. It is said that the difficulty is extremely high. The area where a small soldier is placed below is BOSS level.

However, Shen Wei is still faint: "In fact, your skills are also good. Don't forget that after all, it is a skill that does not occupy the skill bar. And different skills also correspond to different needs. In the scene of Resident Evil, in fact, listening enhancement makes more sense. Otherwise, you use the spirit to explore the zombie sea... Hey."

It’s also gentle, but this is a grin.

Hong Lang asked: "Which one is your highest reward?"

Sorrowful smile: " one is."

When everyone stayed, Shen Shen said something about what happened in the previous space.

When I heard that Shen Yu had the feather dragon snake power but had no money to learn, the three people laughed together.

Hong Lang patted his shoulders and said: "You finally calmed my jealous heart. Brother, I wish you all the best for the 18,000 points."

Sinking and suffocating: "Have you ever been a dragon? The mouth is so poisonous."

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