Infinity Armament

Vol 4 Chapter 17: talent

Killed this adventurer from the North District and indulged them to say that everyone was hurt.

The most serious injury is the Honglang. He uses the violent skill, and the vitality itself is reduced by half. After fighting with the adventurer, the vitality drops below 30%, but the damage he gives to the adventurer is also the highest. The next step is Shen Yu. He was shot by the adventurer with a shock arrow. The bow and arrow attack itself was extremely powerful. Adding 50 points of shock damage, Shen lost more than 100 lives. However, he has a mean medical technique and can quickly recover his injuries. The unfortunate thing is that the force-off effect of that skill was originally very small, but it was triggered at that moment, which made it impossible to join the battle for the time being. The gentle situation is not much better than the business, and the adventurer also caused some damage to her.

In contrast, King Kong is mainly using continuous use of mind, vitality is overdraft, but fortunately, the medical bullets gave him time to recover, and then this guy has been waiting for the opportunity to wait for the moment to build merit.

The lightest one is the fat man. He is attacked by a shock wave to save the little guy, but with his physique, this damage is nothing. It was only the huge dust generated by the shock wave that shrouded him, and the surface seemed to be the most lonely.

This battle can be said to be the most thrilling since I entered the **** city, but it was also the most shocking one.

The mighty, fierce and brave of this adventurer from the North District is one of all the adventurers I have seen in comparison.

One person dares to challenge the team of five adventurers, and is always in an active offensive situation.

Obviously, this adventurer is a fighting fanatic. As long as the battle begins, then either you die or I live. In his dictionary, I am afraid there is no concept of communication, negotiation, and concession.

From the beginning to the end of the battle, he didn't even say a word.

Even if he is dead, he is squinting at each other, in addition to hatred, anger, and no fear in his eyes.

"What a **** is a madman." Hong Lang snorted at the wound and sipped at the ground.

This battle today is also a good experience for everyone.

Even King Kong, I have only heard of the mighty bravery of the North District adventurers, and it was not until the first time that I really saw it.

Shen Yan patted the fat man and praised him a few times for his performance.

Although the fat man was still afraid of not participating in the battle, he first saved the King Kong with his mental armor, and then saved the little boy. The performance and the past have been qualitative leap.

At this moment, Shen Yu can only encourage and reward him, but not reprimand.

In fact, encouragement is always more effective than blasphemy.

The fat man smiled with satisfaction.

Gentlely looked at the leaderboard, the third-ranked adventurer has already disappeared, and the blessing of this battle, Honglang is entering the tenth place on the list.

The reminder from the **** coat of arms sounds:

"Kill the number N1572 and get a random heritage piece."

A box appeared on the body of the adventurer.

Hong Lang took the lead and picked it up, making a smirk.

"Open it and see." Shen Yan smiled and said: "But don't do anything to count."

"Maybe it is a good thing." Hong Lang did not believe.

However, the facts quickly proved that Shen was right.

The box is a D-class bulletproof jade, the bulletproof effect is the same as the sinking, it is also forty times, worth a thousand blood points, but has consumed more than ten opportunities.

"Just this broken thing?" Hong Lang roared and screamed.

Shen Shen shrugged: "Do you think he can have something good?"

The adventurer has four skills, a D-class bow, and an expert-level fighting specialization, and the attributes are not low. His strength is entirely the exertion of his own strength, not relying on equipment, so Shen Qiu guessed that this guy is a poor ghost at first, and it is too difficult to make a fortune from the poor.

It is no wonder that for these primitive and savage guys, they are more advocating the growth of their own strength, without resorting to foreign objects.

But for the adventurers, killing such adventurers is the most unlucky and uneconomical deal – the battle is hard and dangerous, but not much benefit.

King Kong threw the bulletproof jade to gentleness: "Just you are not, you wear it."

Gentle and rude to take over: "I want to use this guy's things, I feel too uncomfortable. Hong Lang, I will change with you, I can use you to prevent thirty times."

Hong Lang is happy to change.

Sinking and King Kong are shaking their heads and laughing, even if they are rational, there are times when they have feelings.

But the next moment, gentle and reached out to Honglang: "You have to compensate me for 250 points."

Hong Lang madly turned his eyes: "I have served you, Missy."

Gentle smile: "Just kidding with you. For Shen Shen, how can you ignore the bulletproof props?"

"I am specializing in extreme rifle." Shen Yan shrugged helplessly.

Just when the adventurer used the mutating skills, when the three arrows were bursting, he concentrated all the attention on the arrow. At that moment, his mind was clear and seemed to understand what it was. His gunwork had been hard to practice for two months, and it was not far from the promotion. At this moment, all the attention was focused on shooting, and his understanding of the use of guns was soaring. As a result, he broke through the final pass and succeeded. Promoted to the advanced class.

After mastering the specialization of the class gun, the D-class bulletproof jade can no longer play a role for him, so the sinking spirit gun can easily hit the adventurer.

The ability to enter the class of guns: further increase the ability to use guns, achieve 100% hit rate for standard long distance targets, increase the accuracy of shooting for moving targets, use guns to fight more flexibly, learn guns, etc. Middle and low level gun skills.

Hong Lang asked: "How long can it be upgraded to the expert level?"

The adventurous fighting skills just made Honglang an eye-opener. Even ordinary attacks have a strong effect like a skill.

Shen Yu faintly said: "There is no hope for three or five months of hard work. The cultivation required to upgrade to the expert level is more outrageous than the promotion to the advanced class."

"How can this guy be an expert fighting expert?"

"This is hard to say. This adventurer is a goodman. I have estimated that with his combat style, the perfect kill rate will never be low, so his time to enter the city will not be too long, I guess the most I have completed one or two missions. This guy should be an indigenous people in somewhere in Africa and be brought into a **** city. You know that people like them, fighting is a commonplace, fierce, with absolutely rich combat experience and Ability. But the biggest problem is that the brain is not working, and I don’t know how to advance or retreat. It’s clear that we haven’t beaten us yet. With this guy’s ability, he has to run, we’re really few people to stop. He can Quickly expert-level fighting specialization, it is possible to get a reel of combat ability."

Indulging in his own hands, there is a scrolling ability to raise the scroll, which remains useless.

However, the fighting ability lifting reel can be much hotter than the gun lifting reel, and the price is far from being comparable to the shooting ability lifting reel.

It is the most expensive of all the ability to improve the reel, a reel can even sell tens of thousands of blood points, after all, for most adventurers, melee combat is the most powerful attack.

King Kong interjected: "You just said that this guy's first three-shot shock wave skills are mutation skills?"

"Well." Shen Yan nodded. "I am wondering, how can he have mutation skills so quickly?"

"I suspect that this guy may not be promoted by the scroll, he is likely to open the talent." King Kong replied.

Open talent?

Everyone is a glimpse.

Talent is the most special ability in a **** city. It is not a fixed ability, but it appears entirely according to each individual. Different people have different talents. Generally speaking, once a talent is turned on, it will have a corresponding additive effect on a certain aspect. But what is the effect of the bonus, which is reflected in which aspect, everyone is different. Some people's talents may be amazing. They must double the effect when training, or directly assist the increase of skill damage, or have auxiliary effects on multiple aspects, but maybe some people may not appear in their lifetime. talent.

King Kong Road: "The scope of influence of talent, aiming at the target, producing effects, is completely different from person to person, and everyone is different. But no matter how different, its role is actually to enhance the effectiveness of a certain aspect, or training. , or fighting, or something else. I think this adventurer's talent is close combat, and it is especially brave. It is very likely that his talent is to help him improve the efficiency of combat training, so that can He has been trained in expert combat specialization so quickly. However, this guy's talent for archery is not bad, otherwise it is impossible to produce mutation skills."

Honglang said coldly: "I see this guy's talent is two scorpions plus dead brains, killing into madness, **** into madness."

He is a melee-risk adversary. He has been forced to use his ordinary fists and his skills are not dominant. His face is very unbearable, so he is ridiculed.

Sinking a few laughed at the same time.

After thinking about it, Shen Yu suddenly said: "I think the five adventurers who died in the Western District may not have been killed by the mutants in the competition..."

"You mean, they are being this guy..." Gentle and puzzled looking at the gentle.

"Maybe not him, but it is probably also a guy who acts alone like him." Shen Yan replied faintly.

Everyone has a cold air at the same time.

Instantly killing five adventurers with one person is an incredible thing for everyone here. If they change to the past, they will never believe it. But after fighting this adventurer just now, Honglang King Kong and others have begun to believe that there are absolutely many fighting geniuses in this world. And their strength is absolutely powerful to terror.

Perhaps it is to see everyone's scruples, Shen Xiaoxiao said: "Don't worry, the personal strength of the North District is strong, but as we have seen, they are never united. As long as we unite, we are not afraid of them, let us say I don't necessarily have to run into such a guy anymore. Well, the battle is over, there are still a lot of battles to fight behind. Honglang, documents?"

Honglang stayed and looked at his own hands.

His face changed dramatically.


The off-road vehicle has been burned into a mass of scrap iron, and the ground is full of parts that fly out when the car explodes.

A piece of wolf.

After they had been looking for a long time, they finally found a piece of burnt paper, which was dropped from the document.

"This is the last harvest." Looking at the small piece of the page, he sighed helplessly.

"It's all my fault." Hong Lang said.

Seeing Honglang’s face blaming himself, he patted him: “Well, don’t worry, suddenly, no one can think of it.”

As he said, he took the broken page to the sun and faintly saw some handwriting on it.

"Can you see what is written on it?" King Kong asked.

"It seems to be 198 Street, the back is burned, completely invisible, it should be one of the many addresses." Shen Wei answered gentle and quickly took out the map, found 198 Street: " This street is almost two kilometers long and there are at least one hundred shops along the street. There is no specific address to find. There are more clues?"

"No." Shen Yan sighed. After thinking about it, he suddenly said: "Maybe the child knows something."

Not far away, the little boy is talking to the fat man, perhaps because the fat man saved his life, or the fat man is good at dealing with the child, or because the fat man did not rush into the building to kill the adventurer, anyway, small The guy is very fond of the fat man. However, when looking at Shen Yu, his eyes are still fierce and full of hatred.

"Give it to me." Hong Lang smiled: "A little boy, I promise to let him spit out all the knowledge."

Sinking and grabbing him: "Don't be rude to the child, this is not anxious, or I will deal with it."

"What do you do now?" asked tenderly.

Shen Qian looked up at the sky, the sun was becoming weak, and the sky was gradually dimmed.

It is the 10th hour to enter the world, 6:32.

He said: "The time is not early. Today is a lot of trouble. Let's find a place to take a break and continue tomorrow."

"Don't you act at night?"

"What are you in a hurry? When you are not desperate, ample rest can guarantee plenty of energy." Shen Yu replied: "Do you really want to sleep for three days? If you don't want to lie down at noon tomorrow at this time because of sleepiness. If you have been sleeping there until the end of the mission, it is best to rest now. Don't forget that we haven't eaten dinner yet."

"Okay." Hong Lang yelled at the distance: "Fatty, work!"

"What about this child?" the fat man asked loudly.

"Take him with us."

The pedestrians left in the whistling sound of the distant siren.

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