Infinity Armament

Vol 4 Chapter 49: Sleepless Night in New York (3)

The 63rd hour.

Land Rover and Ferrari are driving wildly on the street.

Xiao Jerry drove, sitting softly in the pedestal, and Shen Wei placed Wei Na in the back row.

Lake and Feller yelled on the Land Rover: "Why is she doing?"

"She was hurt and hurt very much!" Shen Yan replied loudly.

Lake hurriedly said: "What happened? Why didn't you save her?"

"Shut up!" Shen screamed: "Don't see that I am saving her?"

The sinking hands and feet kept stuffing the intestines that Weina had flowed out.

"Why don't you have treatment?"

"I used it, but that can only restore her vitality, can not let her damaged parts return to normal. Her heart has been opened!" Shen Yan full of blood screaming.

King Kong jumped up from the Land Rover and saw Weina's injury. She couldn't help but breathe a cold breath: "Hell, she is equalized in two."

Angelica is so fierce.

From the chest to the lower abdomen, almost all of Vera's entire body was opened, and the knife edge was extremely deep.

It can be said that this knife has opened all the important organs in Weina's body.

If Weina is not an adventurer and has been killed, she is already dead.

However, the cancellation of the deadly part does not mean that the basic function is cancelled.

Losing one or two functions, such as simply unable to breathe, the adventurers will not die, but will feel very sad, dizzy, but the basic functions of the heart, liver, lungs are all lost, it is much harder to live. Because it is the life that these functions form.

The life of a normal person is like a structurally complete precision instrument. Each component is closely connected. When an important part is damaged, the whole machine will be paralyzed, that is, dead.

The adventurer's life is like a combination machine, the components are connected to each other and can operate independently. When a component is injured, the injury is only this component, it will not affect the whole, but the unilateral function is reduced. But if all the parts are damaged, it will still be finished, because all the functions that make up life have disappeared.

An Wen died because all the functions of the body were exhausted.

Verna is the same now - Angelina's knife is too fierce.

Shen Qian is now desperately using the healing technique and medical bullets to hang her life so that she will not die immediately. It is like trying to release water in a leaking pool. The pool will never be full, but it will not bottom out.

The problem is that the spirit of indulgence is limited, and it is impossible to support this situation indefinitely.

Looking at the terrible injury of Weina, King Kong muttered: "Can you save it?"

“Difficult.” Shen Wei quickly replied: “Her injury requires the use of Shengji San, bone paste, hemostatic agent, recovery agent and other several restorative drugs. We only have Shengji San, and it is low-grade, and She needs advanced."

"So we can only watch her die like An Wen?"

"No." Shen Yan immediately said: "She is different from An Wen. She was injured shorter than An Wen. She still hopes to be saved!"

When I heard hope, Lake and others were in a good spirit: "How to save?"

"Send him to the hospital." Shen Yan said with certainty.

Feller screamed: "Are you kidding? Hospital? Hell, we are all adventurers, we can't do anything, how can the hospital solve it?"

Indulge in anger and shouted: "Only the hospital can re-sewn her. She is equal to being split in half. Do you understand? You stupidly don't talk to me again, gentle, how far away from the hospital. ?"

"One minute." The gentle breath replied weakly.

She was also injured and she was not hurt.

The car rushed all the way, rushing to a nearby hospital, banging open the door, and slammed into the front desk in countless screams.

King Kong and Hong Lang carefully lifted Verna down.

Lake rushed to grab a nurse's neck and shouted: "Where is the doctor? Give me all of your best doctors!"

The nurse did not show much shock. She swept Weina with a cold eye and then answered with extreme calmness: "Have you ever seen a doctor looking at his neck?"

When Lake's hand was loose, the nurse quickly picked up the microphone: "Doctor Anderson, Dr. Peter, Dr. Marianne Lara, please come to the operating table on the 4th, please go to the operating table on the 4th!"

Putting down the microphone, the nurse told Lake. "Now trouble you to let go, we have to send the patient to the operating room No. 4."

Two staff members pushing the stretcher rushed over and placed Verna on the stretcher and pushed it toward the operating room. Lake is about to follow, suddenly remembered something, look back at the nurse: "Hey, baby, I am sorry for the rude."

"Nothing, I can understand." The nurse did not raise his head.

“Looks like you often come across this kind of thing?”

"Since the introduction of the Twelfth Amendment, it has been changed twice this month."

"Wow." Lake whistled and he walked toward the nurse: "It seems that you need to change the iron gate."

The nurse looked up and looked at Lake: "Are you seduce me?"


Operating room.

A gray-haired old doctor looked at Weina's wound and took a sigh of relief: "How could she still be alive?"

"This is not what you need to study, doctor, we need you to stitch this person up immediately." Shen said.

The doctor screamed: "Are you kidding? She lost a lot of blood, almost all the vital organs of the body ruptured, the heart hematopoietic function has completely failed, a lot of tissue necrosis, I don't know how she can survive until now, but I Know that she is not likely to be saved! She should have died at the time of such injury!"

Shen Yan sighed and shook his head.

He took out the spirit gun and pointed it at the old doctor's head: "If you don't save her, then you are a dead person now."

"Okay, okay!" The doctor hurriedly said: "Peter, take the heart rate monitor right away. We need to monitor her blood pressure, and you have to do some preoperative preparation..."

Shen Yan interrupted: "No need for it, you will put all her damaged organs together now, and put her wounds together, so that they can maintain the most basic normal operation."

"That's not a problem that can be solved by suturing!" the doctor yelled: "I can't detect her life without the instrument, and all surgical instruments need to be disinfected, otherwise it will cause infection. In addition, she needs blood transfusion and needs to call her." Adrenaline..."

"I said that it is not necessary! Every time you drag it for a second, she is closer to death. Immediately surgery is performed to repair all damaged tissue, and it can be removed without repair. No disinfection, no instrumentation, no blood transfusion is required. Do not need adrenaline, do it now!" Shen Yan impatiently screamed.

The doctor stared at Shen Shen and finally nodded. "Well, it seems that you are hoping she will die on the operating table."

He turned back and said, "I am ready for surgery!"

"And my nose! My nose! Find a few more doctors to fix my nose!" Feller shouted at his two noses.


When Shen Yu came out of the operating room, it was busy and hot.

From the room, the surgeon said: "The third hemostat... the fourth line... enter... Oh no, no blood transfusion, damn, I don't know how to do the surgery..."

As the door closes, the complaints/sounds stop.

Hong Lang and King Kong are smoking a cigarette, sitting leisurely in the waiting chair.

"No smoking in the hospital." Shen Yan took one hand and took off the two people's cigarettes and annihilated them.

"No one told us that we can't smoke." Hong Lang muttered.

"That's because you have a gun in your hand." Shen Yan sat in the middle of the two, a long breath.

"How is the situation?" King Kong asked Shen.

"The heart is sutured, the basic hematopoietic function is recovering, the kidney, spleen, liver and lung are also being processed... Their sewing technique is good." Shen Yan smiled.

Verna's vitality stopped falling and she finally had no need to use medical techniques to maintain her vitality, but it almost exhausted his mental energy.

King Kong also laughed: "The doctors must be surprised to die."

"That's right." The answer is gentle.

She came out of another operating room.

King Kong and Honglang greeted them at the same time: "How is your situation?"

Gentle helpless answer: "The arm muscles are broken, the bones are cracked, and the pain is dying. The doctor gave me a shot of anesthetic, but it is useless. Shen Shen gave me the use of my muscles, but this low-level muscles scattered. The recovery effect is limited. Even so, the doctor does not believe what he sees."

She tried to move her left arm and smiled bitterly: "Some are not very flexible, but at least they can be used. The doctor has to give me a bandage and I refused."

"That's good." Everyone was relieved.

As long as there is no problem at the moment, then after going back, no matter what kind of injury, the treatment of the gods can be restored as before.

Only sinking.

He is standing at the window and looking at the people inside.

His eyes are a bit stunned.

"What's wrong with you." Gentlely leaning against the window beside Shen Shen, he looked at him strangely.

After thinking about it, Shen Yu said: "The operation will take at least one to two hours. After the operation is completed, in the case of Weina, she can definitely drag to the end of the mission. For the adventurer, as long as it is not dead Then all the damage is not a problem. This is something that doctors will never understand."

"Yes, but what about it?"

"The problem is here. I don't know if we are still human. When we suffer the harm that human beings can't bear and survive, what kind of reasons do we continue to survive? What is life?" Form of expression?"

The problem of indulging makes everyone feel a little confused.

King Kong thought about answering: "The reason why people are human is not only the difference in the body. Yes, our current body is different from normal human beings, but that does not mean that we are not human, we still have people. thought of……"

Sinking immediately said: "Thought? You mean that we are now thinking about **** and not be killed, so that our body becomes harder than iron, faster than the wind, you think this idea is normal. Should humans have ideas?"

King Kong is stunned.

Shen Yan continued: "I know what you want to say. I have discussed this topic with my friends when I was in college. I even wrote a paper for this analysis, if the machine has self-will, in the end It is not life."

"Conclusion?" asked tenderly.

"There is no conclusion." Shen Yu replied: "We can't make any decisive conclusions about things that haven't happened. But now, this kind of thing is starting to happen. You see, we came to this world, our body is not normal. People, it looks like ordinary people, but it is getting closer and closer to the machine. As we step by step, it will not be long before our body will be stronger and more terrible than the machine. But with this change of body Our thoughts are changing too..."

"...We are indifferent to the life around us. We kill, chase, destroy, and use all means to achieve our goal. Today, we still have the principle to keep it, and the bottom line is not willing to go beyond, try to make yourself live like Personally. But in the future, as we enter the mission world more and more times, we need to face more and more killings, we have more and more difficult choices, and our beliefs will gradually disappear. We will Become indifferent and become ruthless..."

“It’s like plants growing in the soil, and thoughts are rooted in the body. When the environment changes, the life that it breeds will inevitably change. As we become stronger, our thoughts also change unconsciously. Don't say anything, we still have normal human thinking, we are human beings. In fact, from the day we entered the **** city, we are moving in the direction of non-human. If I let me write the paper again, I will say that machines can never have human thinking. Even if they temporarily possess human thinking ability, they will have great ideological changes in the process of existence because of their own unique conditions, and gradually generate their own. Wisdom... Thoughts and cultures that suit their own conditions!"

Everyone is silent.

The feeling of indulging made everyone feel a little upset.

Yes, as they battle, their hearts are getting colder and colder, and their bodies are becoming more and more non-human.

What are they in the end?

If there is such a day, some of them can return to Earth and return to the place where they have lived, then can they adapt to the living environment there?

Soldiers who once had battles in the sand field experienced countless times of **** rain and returned to their hometown as heroes, but committed suicide because they could no longer adapt to their hometown life.

So what about them?

What they are facing, what they encounter is a more bizarre and more dangerous task than soldiers.

Their mortality rate is higher than any team, and their physical changes are stronger than any of the special forces.

How do they adapt to the life after the return?

This question may have been thought too far.

But what if it was not the hope of returning, what made them support the struggle now?

Do people always have a hope?

Simply to survive?

That is not enough.

Shen Yan long sighed: "I don't think about it anymore. Thinking about these things has no benefit to us. Too long-term goals will only obscure our vision. It's better to think about how to deal with the next." Three waves of impact. Right, what about other people?"

Gentlely replied: "Xie Hongjun is at the door to watch out for the raids of the mutants. The fat man is resting with Xiao Jerry in the ward. As for Lake, strange, where did the others go?"

"Mother and gentle, I went to find Lake, King Kong and Honglang stayed behind, optimistic about the child, don't let other people get along with him alone!"

"Understood a ward door quietly opened.

Lake probe came out with a sneak peek.

After looking at the left and right, I sorted out the clothes and walked out.

Followed by a small nurse with a ragged shirt.

Lake kissed the little nurse and was about to say goodbye, one hand on his shoulder.

Lake was scared to shoot, but found it to be indulgent and gentle.

"What a hell, you scared me, how about Weina?" Lake didn't swear.

"You still know to care about her." Gentle and unsatisfactorily replied: "Your two partners are doing surgery on the hospital bed, but you still have the mind to pick up the girl here? It’s amazing how hard you are in this situation. stand up?"

Lake retorted: "Because of this, you have to be happy in time, understand? Who knows when we will die next time? I don't want to die in tension and fear, which has nothing to do with the relationship between me and Weina! Yes, this is what you taught me, sinking."

Said that he turned and left.

Far away, Shen Yan heard the little nurse say, "I guess you won't pay for that patient, right?" Lake replied: "Don't worry, baby, if you need, I can meet you again... ”

Sinking and gentle are opposite.

For a long time, gentle and suddenly sneered out: "In fact, he said it makes sense, isn't it?"

She suddenly grabbed the sinking collar and slowly approached his face. She said softly: "Is the machine not doing / love right? I don't want to be a virgin when I die."

An inexplicable impulsive oil on my heart.

Sinking and clinging to the gentle, looking at the delicate red lips in front of him, as well as the bright eyes like a star, finally could not help but kiss up.

Very enthusiastic response.

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