Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 257: Women's Union

Looking at the woman who looked like a black cat in front of her, Barbara Gordon nodded slightly.

"Are you all ready?"

"Of course, otherwise why would I appear in front of your family?"

Catwoman smiled and turned behind Barbara, grabbed the armrest of Barbara's wheelchair, and continued to ask.

"But are you sure you're ready to stay in the **** Gotham in front of you in today's environment?

If you want me to say, your father is still very responsible, at least he wants to send you away as soon as possible, and the position he arranged is also very suitable. "

"But I'm Gotham, and I've lived in this city for so long, maybe I've gotten used to it, right?"

Barbara explained noncommittally, then stretched out her right hand and tapped on the armrest of her wheelchair.

"Anyway, take me to the place we've prepared, this city is in big trouble, and I'm not one to run away."


Listening to Barbara's words, Catwoman nodded, but just as she was about to push Barbara away, she couldn't help but ask.

"By the way, are you sure you don't talk to your dad?"

"He knows me better than myself, let's go!"

Barbara said without hesitation, and the two left the room lightly. Catwoman's footsteps were extraordinarily light. Even though she pushed the wheelchair, she didn't make any sound.

Until seven or eight minutes passed, Sheriff Gordon in the kitchen brought out a passable plate of omelettes and toast and returned to the dining room.

Obviously, he did not see his daughter.

However, Gordon didn't have any unexpected expressions, and saw him turn around and go to his daughter's room with the plate, and briefly glanced at her daughter's luggage.

A few items of clothing were missing, as well as the gadgets that my daughter had been fiddling with.

"It's not bad, at least I know how to bring everything!"

With that said, Gordon picked up the breakfast and ate it by himself.

As for Barbara….

Gordon sighed silently as he ate his breakfast.

"You are exactly like your mother, you don't seem to care about anything, but you are extraordinarily determined and strong.

Didn't like leaving Gotham and didn't want to let me down by rejecting me.

Hey……. "

Gordon sighed again, his daughter seemed to have made up her mind to stay.

So as a father....

Especially as the father of a genius like his own daughter.

What I can do at this time is to believe that my daughter can handle everything about her.

Thinking of this, Gordon swallowed the fried egg with difficulty, while frowning at the TV in the distance.

There was only one channel on the TV at this time, and after the Met massacre, Bruce shut down all satellite channels around the world and switched to playing his own Wayne Channel.

As for now, the Wayne Group officials on the screen are talking eloquently.

"No matter what the world becomes, humans will always be humans, there's no doubt about that.

So you don't have to worry at all, even if the sun **** likes cute animals like cats or puppies, he won't let those little guys suddenly have the wisdom of our human beings.

Even if the current world belongs to God, the status of human beings will remain unchanged. We only need to learn to be humble, and we can live well, even better than the ones we lived in the past!

So, here I want to remind everyone, no matter what you see or hear, don’t be influenced by others.

Be humble, be quiet, stay home, don't go out.

His Majesty Heisenberg is watching you! "


Gordon turned off the TV directly. The recent TV shows are all this kind of meaningless things. Gordon can understand Bruce's plan, the former Batman, which is now the Earth Archon.

He's just using TV to get people accustomed to the current changes in the world.

He knows that human beings cannot resist at this time, and he also knows that there is no Internet, only TV, and there is no platform for people to refute.

Even if people don't want to do some things, but after listening to more persuasion, they can't help but implement and change.

Bruce is exercising a similar effect on human beings today.

As for the effect of this influence….

Gordon thought about the life in which he had to cook, and then thought about the various shops on the street.

In any case, most people are afraid that they really choose to stay at home, they loot the supermarket, and then they become very well behaved.

It can be seen that Bruce's plan is extraordinarily simple, but extremely effective.

Thinking of this, Gordon gritted his teeth. He really deserves to be the heir to the Wayne Group, and he really deserves to be the Batman!

Seemingly so upset that he couldn't eat anything, Gordon put aside the toast he had taken a few bites of, and lay back on his sofa instead.

His subordinates went their separate ways on the day they were disarmed, and now he can't even pull out a team that wants to do something.

Only himself, a lousy old man in his fifties.

What can he do, is he going to work hard, even if he really works hard, what can he change?

Start a parade?

That doesn't exist, and no one in Gotham is stupid enough to take to the streets to parade.

There were 300,000 marchers in the metropolis, and more than 38,000 people died directly. Although Americans are crazy, they are not stupid. No one will continue to take to the streets in groups at this time.

So, Sheriff Gordon took two sips of wine and lay back on his sofa in silence.

Whether he is satisfied with the changes brought about by Heisenberg, whether or not he is satisfied with the **** brought about by Bruce.

No matter what he wants to do, he can't do it now, so all he can do is save himself and live well.

If the future is really as Bruce and Heisenberg said, the world without weapons and nations can really be a better place.

That Gordon was happy to take shelter in that world and enjoy his old age.

But if the future is only more chaotic and dangerous because of the madness of the sun **** and the rule of Bruce.


Gordon, drunk on the sofa, gritted his teeth.

At that time, he, the old Gotham sheriff, may be able to find a new meaning in life!


Meanwhile, on Gotham Street.

Catwoman, wearing a conspicuous tights, pushed Barbara's wheelchair down the extraordinarily empty street.

At this time, the streets of Gotham have long since lost the hustle and bustle of the past, and there are not even a single car on the road.

The wealthy people who can escape Gotham have all fled to the West Coast far away from the Metropolis and Gotham when they have become hot eyes in the next-door Metropolis.

And most of the remaining villains in completely lost the courage to resist face to face on the day when the Kryptonians destroyed weapons.

And just like that, Catwoman pushed Barbara next to an Aston Martin on the corner.

Fold the wheelchair and toolbox on the roof at will, and the magnetic suction device installed by Barbara for the wheelchair is perfectly attached to the top of the car.

Then he carried Barbara into the co-pilot, and Catwoman came to the driver's seat and smiled at Barbara as she lit the fire.

"There's no point in a world like this, I don't even need to hide and design, there's a lot of stuff at my fingertips.

If I were a thief, I might be satisfied, but all I want is excitement, and my life isn't exciting at all! ! ! "

The voice fell, Aston Martin started fiercely, and the whole thing rushed out like a sharp sword.

Meanwhile, Catwoman introduced to Barbara while driving.

"As you said later, I'll take you to our safe house, all the people in the Owl Council died at the hands of the Kryptonians, and now we don't need to worry about someone watching us.

The wealthy people in Uptown have left dozens of manors unoccupied. I chose the best two of them, and asked the Swamp Freak to help build the basement and the tunnel.

It's just me, the poison ivy girl, Pamela, and the black canary who live there. With one more of you, we'll be four of us.

But you might regret it because there are no men there, so you're still single, little Barbara? "

"Uh, stop talking about this, aren't you single too, Serena!"

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