"Fake Fake Fake!!!"

Sitwell on the side was almost scared to death by Rumlow.

I saw him jumping up from his seat in a hurry, and while stepping back, he kept cursing at Rumlow.

"Damn, why did you Fake do this, that's Pierce!"

"Yes, he is Pierce, and the only snake head that failed in this operation!"

Having said that, Rumlow turned around calmly and aimed his chest at the muzzle of Pierce's allies.

I saw him talking calmly and eloquently.

"Although our exposure was sudden, across the world, regardless of Europe and Africa, we Hydra achieved an overwhelming victory over S.H.I.E.L.D.

Only us, only our American branch was swept away by the remnants of S.H.I.E.L.D., isn't this Pierce's failure? "

"That's because of Captain America. If the other branches of the **** are facing Captain America as well, they will only lose worse than us!" Sitwell explained reluctantly.


Rumlow directly counterattacked.

"Why didn't you kill Captain America when he just woke up, knowing that he was the former Terminator of Hydra, but still confident in his own calculations to make him the Terminator of the new Hydra, is this him? Do you want destiny?"


Sitwell was not satisfied with Rumlow's statement, only to see him staring at the big eyes under his glasses, and roaring fiercely at Rumlow.

"No matter how you explain it, it won't change the fact that we won't be accepted by other branches without Pierce!

Pierce did lose, we did lose, but he was the boss with the other snake heads! "

"Hehe, is the dead boss still the boss?"

Rumlow sneered disdainfully, and at the same time he took out his pistol.

"Hey, put down the gun!"

"Don't move around, man!"

When the others were a little flustered, Sitwell roared at Rumlow.

"What else are you going to do, kill me, so that you can replace Pierce, uuuuuuuuuuuu...!?"

Rumlow inserted the muzzle into Sitwell's mouth.

This time, little bald Sitwell really panicked.

The cold and sour taste of Magnum's muzzle made the little bald head feel that there was nowhere to put his tongue.

And Rumlow's finger on the trigger is about to move...


Sitwell immediately clamped his legs. Seriously, he was willing to give up his virginity at this time, as long as he could survive.

At the same time, Rumlow continued.

"The Hydra once grew and grew because of the great Red Skull, but since the leader disappeared in the battle with Captain America, even if we are still prosperous, we have long lost our former glory!"

Having said that, he pulled the muzzle out of Sitwell's mouth and smashed Sitwell's head with the **** of the gun.

"But whether it's the Red Skull or Pierce, they all used failure to prove to us that wisdom is not enough to support us to the end. What we really need is a strong enough leader!"

As soon as the voice fell, Sitwell, who was fighting between the two groups, changed his attitude.

This time he carefully cooperated with Rumlow, only to see him ask softly.

"So, we should trust the elites of the action team like you. Only the operatives who can deal with all the enemies can deal with all accidents decisively and calmly, right?"


Rumlow shook his head helplessly, this fellow Sitwell is so stubborn.

Pierce is really a waste, how could such a guy be in a high position!

After seeing Rumlow shaking his head, he said mysteriously to all the elites around him.

"I'm not capable of being our leader, but I do know a suitable leader. Believe me, if he comes to be our boss, then we are destined to fail!"

As he spoke, he took the phone out of his pocket.

I saw him dialing the phone in front of everyone.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

The phone rang for a long time, this...

This made Rumlow extremely embarrassed.

The people around were also very embarrassed, the plot shouldn't unfold like this!

Shouldn't it be time to get on the phone, and the person on the other side of the phone let them know what a big shot is.

Then they defected with their families, would they make a comeback?

Why didn't the phone get through?

"Uh... I'm afraid the boss is resting. Even our failure is just a trivial matter in the eyes of the boss!"

Rumlow forcibly washed a wave, and then hit Heisenberg again.

This time Heisenberg finally took it.

"Rumlow, give me a reason to disturb my rest!"

Heisenberg was really angry, after all, he really fell asleep.

Hearing Heisenberg's tone, Rumlow didn't feel any nervousness, and the brief contact was enough for him to feel a little bit of Heisenberg's temper.

He knew that Heisenberg wouldn't blame him for this little thing.

So he quietly reported to Heisenberg.

"BOSS, I'm on a plane over the outskirts of New York right now. Alexander Pierce has already been killed by me. There are more than 20 Hydra elites here. They need your guidance!"


When Heisenberg heard the explanation, he turned over on the reclining chair in satisfaction.

"There are hackers among you, find a way to search for the video of my fight with the Hulk last night, and the next thing is up to you!"

While speaking, Heisenberg hung up the phone.

On the plane, Rumlow smiled.

He put the phone in his tactical vest and said to the crowd.

"There are many of us who can be called excellent hackers. Find the video of the Hulk's battle last night, and the answer I want to give you is there!"

As soon as the words fell, the hackers immediately began to work.

In just a moment, they found all kinds of Youtube videos, but they were all messy and fragmented videos, most of which were photographed and uploaded by citizens, of varying quality.

The hackers further searched for satellite cameras, and then processed and edited all the video footage.

Finally, the whole process of the battle between Heisenberg and the Hulk that shocked the whole world was restored by them.

In the video, accompanied by the exclamations of countless live citizens, Heisenberg's powerful fist shocked all the agents.

And when Heisenberg knocked the Hulk out of New York with his second punch, the agents on the plane simply started cheering!

Until the Hulk broke through the sky, simply skipped the satellite and smashed it on the moon, and was smashed back to the earth again...

The whole plane was completely silent.

At the end of the video, when the Hulk was beaten back to Banner, and Heisenberg raised his **** to the satellite.

"This is my current boss, everyone!"

Rumlow said to everyone excitedly.

"He is the real **** on earth. There are no words to describe his greatness. He will lead the Hydra to rise again with a new attitude!"

When Rumlow spoke, he blushed from being too excited.

But no one minds his rudeness, because most of the people present are tempted.

As for the few people who are not tempted.

They seem more excited than the really tempted ones.

I can't turn a blind eye to the one who should cooperate with your performance!

Rumlow continued in such an atmosphere.

"Heisenberg, you may say that he is an alien, but he has the same characteristics as us, has the same image as us, and apart from his strength enough to make us look up, he is a part of us.

Of course, he is destined to be higher than us, he is aloof, like a god.

Is there anyone else who is more suitable to lead the Hydra forward than such a strong man? "

Rumlow patted the little bald Sitwell on the head.

"The Hulk can't even hold the boss's three punches and kicks. Do you think Captain America, who you've always been afraid of, will bring trouble to our new boss?"

Well, Heisenberg has become the new boss in his mouth.

And this statement was actually recognized by everyone present!

Looking at the ex-colleagues who were silent, but with wonderful expressions, Rumlow knew that his short-term task had been completed a little bit.

I saw him pick up the walkie-talkie and commanded softly.

"We're not going anywhere, we're not going to Europe, we're not going to Asia, let's go back to New York and start over where it all ended!"

"Follow your orders!"

The pilot excitedly obeyed Rumlow's instructions, the plane immediately returned to New York, and finally landed at a port airport owned by Kim and before his death.

With his excellent senior agents, Rumlow quickly integrated into the atmosphere of the Nuke Gang.


After Heisenberg was awakened by Rumlow, he took a nap with his head covered.

When he woke up, it was already eleven twenty in the morning.

He got up from the reclining chair and first glanced at Banner, who was still in a coma.

Tsk tsk... Did you sleep or not.

Frowning in disgust, Heisenberg grabbed the tapestry and threw it on Banner's naked body.

It was a bit silly last night. What was he thinking, how could a naked man appear on his roof?

If this is seen by his subordinates, wouldn't he misunderstand his own orientation?

Heisenberg murmured in his heart, then hurriedly went to the closet to get a suit and threw it beside the unconscious Banner.

In this case, he can see the clothes as soon as he wakes up, so he shouldn't be misunderstood by others.

After finishing Banner's little trouble, Heisenberg went downstairs to the nightclub~www.NovelMTL.com~ and sat down on his own sofa to enjoy the lunch brought by the chef.

While eating, he checked his harvest.

And this sight made him lose his attention!

"The host obtained 625,477.262 of the origin material yesterday, and I hope the host will make persistent efforts!"


Heisenberg scolded it outright, what did he do yesterday, how could it have such a big impact?

The 620,000 squares of origin material means that he has at least slightly changed the fate of 600 million people!

This is not 60,000 like a joke, but a full 600 million!

But on second thought....

The Purple Man exposed Hydra, which led to a full-scale war between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra nearly two years ahead of schedule.

This wave changed the original fate of hundreds of thousands of agents.

These agents also have their own family and friends, and this radiation network has more than tens of millions of people!

At the same time, with the exception of the United States and China, the Hydras in most countries have won.

Just this one victory can almost change the fate of most of the citizens of those countries.

And although Aegis of America won the war, it was just a tragic victory.

The U.S. has even taken the president on a leash. It is conceivable what this country has become.

The chaos will probably continue for a long time.

As for China....

I'm sorry, but China is a restricted area, so you can't say it.


Heisenberg laughed. He really laughed. The Earth in the Marvel Universe has only about 10 billion people.

In this wave, he washed out almost one-fifteenth of the origin material!

The purple man is really virtuous! ! !

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