Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 358: Apocalypse: I'm so looking forward to it!

Thinking of this, Tian Qi looked at the children left and right again.

Noticing Tian Qi's eyes, Orolo panicked, and she hurriedly yelled at the other children in the room.

"Go out, go out, don't stay here!

I have something to say to him! "

Accompanied by Orolo's words, the children obediently left the house, because Orolo was the oldest of them, and they were used to following Orolo.

That's why Orolo always steals things to bring back to these children.

In her heart, Orolo defines her as the parent of the children.

She's the biggest and she's the strongest, so she feels like she has a reason to take care of others.

After the children were gone, Orolo turned to look at Apocalypse, she whispered.

"You just killed someone, and... and you buried someone in the wall!

I'd rather you make him fly ashes too!

In short, it's not safe here, you have to find a way to hide yourself.

I'm very grateful for your help, although you've done a little too much, obviously I just need to be beaten up by them, but now we all have to take risks.

In short, it is impossible for me to take you here, and you can see that I have too many children here, and you will bring them danger!

I... well, I really don't want to send you off like this, anyway, I still have some ham here, I can treat you to some.

Then you hurry up! "

Orolo felt that she had achieved the ultimate, but in the face of Orolo's words, Apocalypse remained silent.

He doesn't understand!

So, Apocalypse gently stretched out his hand, and in Orolo's slightly wary eyes, he held Orolo's head.

The next moment, Orolo only felt her scalp go numb!

At the same time, Tian Qi's eyes gradually turned white, and he knew how to speak!


He said suddenly!

"Thank you for the language you gave me, so that I have the ability to communicate with you and with you!"

When the voice fell, Tian Qi looked left and right in confusion, and continued to speak.

"I remember what you just said to me, that I would bring you danger?

No no no! "

He sneered and shook his head.

"I have never brought you danger, but opportunity!

Look at you, look at the people around you, you are living in a dilapidated house, and you are struggling to survive.

But you obviously shouldn't!

Maybe those children, those poor people under your wing, are really weak.

But you are different, Aurora!

I see your talent, you have potential and power they couldn't imagine.

Tell me, why are you willing to be like this, are you enjoying the experience of living in hiding and living in hiding?

You deserve more than you are now, with nothing but sweet dreams lingering in the middle of the night! "

Having said that, Apocalypse patted Orolo on the shoulder, and facing Orolo's unconcerned eyes, he came to the TV on the side.

Watching TV, there is a documentary about the war playing.

Admiring the war in the human world, Apocalypse silently stretched out his hand, and he pressed his hand on the TV screen.

Suddenly, the TV flashed a white spot, and Apocalypse's eyeballs became more and more empty.

His actions puzzled Ororo, so Ororo asked.

"What are u doing?"

"I'm studying!"

Apocalypse replied indifferently, and at the same time, he relied on his ability to control electromagnetic waves to let his mind wander in the network of the human world.

In just a few seconds, he saw everything he wanted to see through the Internet.

"History began when I fell asleep, at a mysterious inflection point.

We, or unusual people like us, not only failed to occupy a favorable position in society, but fell into a situation of hiding in Tibet.

Immediately after that, the weapons of war of mankind are getting more and more powerful, and I have seen nuclear weapons, space-based weapons, and sonic weapons.

These can hurt us, and while they can't hurt me, they can hurt most people except me!

You are afraid, you are hiding, but I am back!

We shouldn't, shouldn't! "

Having said that, Tian Qi opened his eyes fiercely, and he looked at Orolo, whose heart was beating continuously.

Facing the panicked girl in front of him, Tian Qi opened his hands and made a godly gesture.

At the same time, he smiled and said to Orolo.

"You are the first compatriot I have met in the new world, and you are also the most potential compatriot I have ever met!

Follow me, be my strength, be my knight.

And after that, you will follow behind me and completely own the whole world!

What they took from us, the untouchables who put me to sleep and then stole from me.

Status, power, everything.

Your master is back! ! ! "

When the words fell, Apocalypse didn't care whether Orolo agreed or not, he put his hand directly on Orolo's head.

In the next instant, before Orolo could struggle, she felt an incomparably mysterious force entering her body.

In the blink of an eye, Orolo's eyes turned white, and lightning and storms continued to appear in her eyes.

At the same time, her originally jet-black cockscomb head also turned pure white!

After a while, Apocalypse let go of Orolo's hand, and then he said to Orolo with a smile.

"How does it feel to completely free yourself from the shackles of your own power?"

"I feel curious, Master!"

As Orolo replied, she showed a completely different smile from the previous second.

This smile is full of ambition and the pursuit of power, as well as recognition and obedience to the apocalypse.

That look is almost no different from Apocalypse!

Seeing Orolo like this, Apocalypse smiled happily.

"I just woke up, our forces are in vain, and there is still a lot we need to do, so let's move.

Tell me about any other talented compatriots you know who are worthy of our admiration.

I will give them glory, the glory they deserve! ! ! "

Aside, facing Apocalypse's inquiry, Orolo thought for a moment.

After just a moment, Orolo gave the answer.

"If there are some strong people among our compatriots, then I recommend two people!

One is Magneto who attacked the White House five years ago, Eric Lanschel!

One was Professor X who stopped Eric Lanschel five years ago, Charles!

I don't know where they are though, it's been said that Charles has a mutant academy, which may be traceable.

But Magneto, I really don't know where he is now! "

"So, we already have the right people, but we're just struggling to find them, right!"

Hearing Orolo's words, Apocalypse smiled gently.

"Then tell me, my knight.

Do you have any compatriots who are good at searching for others that you can recommend to me.

Everywhere, I guess, there will always be some well-informed people who know more, right? "

The voice fell, and Orolo on the opposite side nodded lightly.

"Of course, I've heard from those intelligence dealers, and like their vast sources, they promote themselves perfectly.

In my mind, I remember a man whose subordinates had advertised his abilities to me.

If I wanted to smuggle from Egypt to America, they would help me.

As for his name and his address, if I remember correctly.

His name is Caliban and he is in Berlin, Germany! "


Apocalypse nodded, then put his right hand on Orolo's shoulder.

"I have already obtained a detailed map of the whole world through the Internet.

Berlin, right, here we go! "

With Apocalypse's smile, the two of them disappeared in a blink of an eye, and in just a moment, they appeared in Berlin at this time.

At this moment, it is about four o'clock in the afternoon in Berlin, the sunset in the sky is about to fall, and the night will soon come.

At the same time, Apocalypse and Orolo quietly flashed into the hidden streets.

They swaggered out of the street, and then saw a picture that made them particularly puzzled.

In front of them, countless Germans were marching through the streets of Berlin with banners and signs.

As for the content of their parade, it can be seen from their plaques.

Those signs were filled with words like the following.

"Awakened people are also human beings, and they should have the right to be fair and above!"

"They are not mutants, but awakened!"

"They're just stronger us!"

"I want to awaken, I want to be an awakener!"

"Mutation is an insult, Awakening is what it really means!"

That's right, what this group of people is doing right now is to speak out for mutants by marching.

As for why they marched?

We have to believe in the power of the mind of Emma the White Queen.

At the same time, looking at the parade crowd, Apocalypse just shook his head indifferently.

"Stupid ways of trying to gain status with your mouth are always the choice of the weak.

In reality, the strong prey on the weak, we can only get back what belongs to us by showing our strength! "

The voice fell, Tian Qi looked left and right, and asked Aurolu softly.

"Remember well, Orolo, remember the address about Caliban that the person who contacted you left you with.

Let's find him first, then gather more knights! "

"Okay, master!"

Orolo nodded, and then searched the corner of her memory for the contact address that Caliban's intelligence personnel had left for her.

After a moment, Orolo smiled.

"Come with me, my lord!"

The two of them suddenly turned into the alley, and then moved forward quickly.

Soon, they came to the dugout where Caliban was staying.

Going all the way down the stairs, they finally stopped in Caliban's hall.

Seeing the sudden appearance of two more people, Caliban showed a look of astonishment.

"Wow, look who this is, isn't this the storm that made my eyes shine, Orolo?

What, have you finally decided to leave your slums and go through me to those big cities that are more suitable for you? "

When the words fell, Caliban smiled grimly, and at the same time turned to look at Apocalypse on the side.

He wasn't curious about Apocalypse's blue face.

After all, he had seen too many messed up mutants.


Looking at the apocalypse, Caliban frowned.

"Sir, I have never smelled you.

You really make me curious! "

"Similarly, Caliban, I admire you so much, I need you!"

Facing Caliban, Apocalypse simply took two steps forward.

"I am Apocalypse, the king of the lost era, and the **** who has awakened from his slumber!

I need your strength, I need you to gather more soldiers for me, and I need you and me to create a new era that belongs to us! "

When the voice fell, Tianqi stretched out his right hand and aimed his palm at Caliban on the opposite side.

But at this moment, Cali sighed deeply.

"Ah, the world of our Awakened is really about to come, maybe only then will I be glad that I joined the Hellfire Club!

After all, you don't look like an ordinary person. Spirit Butterfly is now being transferred by Magneto to fight, and I can't stop you myself.

Fortunately, I can ask for help! "

The voice fell, and facing the apocalypse who was waiting silently out of curiosity, Caliban gently pressed the help button on his watch.

In the next instant, a cloud of red mist flickered beside him!

"Caliban, what happened, who is the enemy, and who do I need to bring here?"

As soon as he appeared, the red devil showed a gentle smile, and then he turned to look at the interested Apocalypse opposite.

Facing the mysterious smiling face of Apocalypse, the red devil took a deep breath.

"This detached temperament and mysterious feeling actually makes me feel somewhat similar to His Excellency the White Emperor!

Wait a minute, I'll find Magneto! "

As soon as the voice fell, the red devil disappeared instantly, and the opposite Apocalypse showed a surprised smile.

"Oh, Magneto, I heard a name worth looking forward to!"

As he said that, Apocalypse looked at Caliban.

"If I heard correctly, will Magneto appear later?"

"Of course, sir, so it's not too late for you to escape!

Unlike me, Lord Magneto does not have my good temper, you, take care! "

"Haha, take care, yeah, you've long forgotten my story.

But I have to say, it's never me who needs to take care, never! "

With Tian Qi's words, the red fog appeared again not far away, and Magneto followed the red devil out of the red fog.

Standing still, Magneto looked forward with a cold face.

"I am presiding over the excavation of the underground passage, so call me at this time. I hope the opponents you will face will be worthy of my delay!"

The voice fell, Magneto suddenly raised his hand, and the steel around him suddenly gathered around him.

The steel was spinning rapidly, but Magneto's momentum was far from enough to make Apocalypse take seriously.

Facing Magneto who was ready, Apocalypse just stretched out his right hand.

"You are Eric Lanschel!

Ah, this amazing, infinite power to control all the metals on the planet!

I appreciate you so much, be my knight!

Feel the power I give you, then use it, control it, let it lead you to grow, and let it give you the qualification to change the world!

Now, look at me, Magneto! "

When the voice fell, Tianqi stretched his right hand to Magneto.

In the face of Apocalypse's actions, Magneto certainly wouldn't stay there quietly.

In just an instant, he also waved his right hand, and the metal that was constantly rotating around him rushed towards the apocalypse.

But when those metals were close to Apocalypse, they immediately dispersed into harmless powder, and drifted out from Apocalypse's side.

Meanwhile, Magneto could no longer be shocked by his failed attack.

Somehow, countless kinds of consciousness suddenly appeared in his brain!

Those consciousnesses are like countless him, and like countless him who have been carefully taught by the apocalypse!

Those consciousnesses broke into his own brain, and his control of his abilities jumped countless times.

But in the same way, those consciousnesses also made him seem to have been controlled by Apocalypse for hundreds of thousands of years!

Obviously getting stronger, obviously he wants to fight the blue-skinned ghost in front of him!

But the next second, Magneto half-knelt on the ground in incomparable resistance.

Looking at the smile on his face, he thought he was in complete control of his own apocalypse.

Magneto gritted his teeth fiercely, and then shouted to Asazoo fiercely.

"This guy has some problems, go and call the White Emperor!"

As he spoke, he looked at him with difficulty, but he really didn't want to see Asazo being controlled.

But who knows, when he turned around, there was no one behind him at all.

After all, Asazo is a human being who has lived for thousands of years, how can he not be able to distinguish the form in front of him?

He had already run away with Caliban!

Opposite Seeing that Magneto can actually resist the changes he made to his subconscious, Tianqi showed a funny smile.

"What did I hear, my knight?

Are you expecting another person to reach out to you?

Are you still not the apex of the world today?

Above you, there are other people's positions, haha! "

While laughing, Apocalypse showed an expectant face.

"Hurry up, hurry up and let him come to me!

White Emperor, your master, I really look forward to his abilities.

But no matter what, I believe that the guy who can make you willing to surrender is definitely the most suitable knight candidate for me.

I can't wait to see him, hehe! "

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