Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 419: Prometheus

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On a steep cliff, the heavy iron lock, once forged by the **** of fire, Hephaestus, was constantly slamming against the stones that already had imprints on the cliff.

Jingle Jingle!

And the only thing between heaven and earth that reconciles with this clanging sound is the eagle crowing that keeps coming from the sky!

This is the Caucasus Mountains.

Where Zeus used to imprison and torture Prometheus!

It seems that there is always something close to the myths of countless countries.

Just like Brahmetheus at this time and the sand monk in the quicksand river.

It seems that the gods love to torment those who displease them with a constant, daily affliction!

Monk Sha suffers from piercing the heart every day.

And Brometheus, he was chained to the Caucasus Mountains, and his liver was eaten by the eagle sent by Zeus every day!

For a day, even if Prometheus didn't take the initiative to recover from his injuries.

As the grandson of Gaia, the physique of the second-generation Titan gods can also allow him to grow a new liver.

And in this way, he can only endure the pain of a liver being eaten by a condor every day!

And in this, one thing has to be said.

Why did Zeus send the condor to peck at Prometheus' liver, and not some other heart, or kidney or something?

Because the liver, in the eyes of the Greek gods, represented the source of the emotions of a person or god!

And Zeus, he felt that Prometheus's emotions were too rich, so rich that because of his sympathy for human beings, he lost the respect for his god-king!

In the earliest days, Prometheus was still Zeus' comrade-in-arms.

Of course, Prometheus, unlike Zeus, was not a child of Cronus.

He is the second-generation Titan God, the grandson of Gaia and Uranus.

As for the second-generation **** king Cronus, it stands to reason that he, who is also a Titan god, should not have a conflict with Cronus, let alone become a comrade-in-arms with Zeus, and deal with Zeus' father and other Titans together.

Everything, precisely because Prometheus is so sympathetic and so kind at the same time!

He really couldn't bear the madness of Cronus eating his own children, and the sympathy he raised for the children of Cronus who were eaten made him join Zeus' camp without hesitation. The dynasty sounded the horn of attack.

At that time, Zeus and Prometheus had a good relationship.

It was only later, when humans appeared....

Prometheus is known to be a fire thief, which is why he was bound and tortured in the Caucasus Mountains.

But few people know that, before Prometheus was on fire, he had a conflict with Zeus for the sake of mankind.

At that time, human beings were just born, and the gods held a meeting between the gods for the rights and obligations that human beings need to undertake in the future!

The gods, including Zeus, unanimously demanded that human beings believe in them and respect them as a condition for the gods to protect human beings.

Especially Zeus, his pride and arrogance, even made him ask the earliest humans to dedicate all the spoils they got to himself!

Prometheus was dissatisfied with Zeus' request. He who had personally walked into human beings to observe human life, of course, knew what kind of miserable life would be brought to human beings by sacrificing all the spoils and prey.

That means that humans will lose the right to eat meat from now on!

After all, all prey needs to be sacrificed. If there is no prey, can humans only eat grass?

So, Prometheus, who sympathized with human beings, fought against Zeus in that meeting against Zeus' wrath.

It was only after a long quarrel that, as two of the top three powerhouses in Olympus at that time, neither Zeus nor Prometheus could convince the other.

So, Prometheus is determined to use his wisdom to help mankind!

Facing Zeus, he came up with a solution!

It's up to him to sacrifice two piles, and then it's up to Zeus to decide what he needs!

After Zeus agreed, Prometheus cut off Zeus's observation and secretly slaughtered hundreds of cattle.

After dissecting the cows, Prometheus divided the various parts of the cows into two piles.

In a pile lay beef, beef offal, and then he covered the meat and offal with cowhide.

In another pile, Prometheus piled up all the bones of the cow, which he wrapped in the suet of the cow.

Moreover, he deliberately piled the pile of beef bones much larger than the pile of beef.

Then, when Prometheus pointed to two piles of things and let Zeus choose the one he liked.

The greedy and arrogant Zeus undoubtedly chose the bigger pile!

In this way, Prometheus announced with a smile that the god-king likes animal bones and suet.

Therefore, after obtaining the prey, the future human can keep the meat, internal organs and fur for themselves, and only wrap the bones of the prey with the fat of the prey and sacrifice it to Zeus!

And this is the source of Zeus' dissatisfaction with Prometheus!

Zeus was angry that he had been deceived, so he decided to take revenge on Prometheus.

Don't you sympathize with those humans, then I will destroy them!

Thus, Zeus refused to provide the most important things to mankind.


Without flames, human beings can only live a life of drinking and drinking blood, and this kind of treatment suffered by human beings is finally unbearable for Prometheus!

On that day, when Helios's sun carriage drove through the sky, Prometheus took a sprig of fennel, and with this branch, he stole a little on the trail of the flames that Helios' sun carriage passed by. One!

When Prometheus planned to send the flame to the human world, Zeus, who had been paying attention to Prometheus, discovered his behavior.

So far, Zeus and Prometheus, the former main **** of war of Olympus, fought for the first time!

On that day, the thunder was great, and the whole sky was filled with the anger of Zeus and Prometheus.

Their battle lasted three days and three nights and ended in the defeat of Prometheus.

Accompanied by the thunder of Zeus, Prometheus smashed to the ground, but even if he was shot down by the thunder, he clenched the flame he had stolen in his hand.

When fighting Zeus, in order to protect this flame, Prometheus just hid the flame in his heart!

After the human beings noticed the thunder and Prometheus, more and more flames lit the earth.

And Prometheus hid the fire he stole in his heart. As long as Prometheus doesn't die, the flames of the world will never go out!

Without the ability to withdraw the flame, Zeus was furious.

In this way, all his anger swayed on the seriously injured Prometheus!

At this time, on the Caucasus Mountains, Prometheus, who was firmly bound by chains, was naked and waiting for the condor to peck at it.

All his misery is only for human beings!

Looking at the condor approaching in the distance, listening to the gradually approaching, increasingly louder eagle cry.

Prometheus gritted his teeth and spat in disdain.

"Come on, **** bald eagle, you greedily devoured my liver again like the past countless years!

One day, sooner or later, there will be that day!

Me and my flame will escape from this **** prison!

Sooner or later I will kill you stupid bald eagle, sooner or later, hehe. "

After sneering, Prometheus opened his eyes, and he planned to endure the pain of being pecked at his liver as he always did, while staring at his future target.

If he has a chance to escape this mountain, then his hatred must be vented, sure! ! !

Only while Prometheus continued to wait….

The hawk call from afar suddenly changed its taste!

"Whoa, whoa?!!"

"Meow meow meow!!!"

The bald eagle's cry suddenly seemed to be mixed with another voice!

Since the condor at this time was flying on the back of the Caucasus Mountains, Prometheus, who was suppressed by the chains, could not see what happened.

It's just that he listened to it and finally remembered it.

That kind of sound similar to meowing, maybe it was the call of a peacock that he hadn't heard for a long time? ! !

So, this is a fight between the condor and some peacock who broke in from nowhere?


Prometheus's eyes suddenly became serious.

He knew that perhaps an uninvited guest had just come to the mountain where he was imprisoned! ! !

And at the moment when Prometheus guessed, Hera's handsome figure just stayed in front of Prometheus.

Before Prometheus could speak, Hera couldn't help but sigh.

"My God, my old friend, I didn't think that Zeus, the bastard, wouldn't even give you a dress!!!"

While cursing, Hera turned sideways and threw a scarf on Prometheus without looking at it.

The scarf grew bigger in an instant, completely covering the naked body of Prometheus.

After doing all this, Hera turned her head and smiled at Prometheus, who was on guard.

After looking at the smiling god, Prometheus's face was full of disdain.

"Tut tut, Her Majesty the Queen of Olympus, the beloved wife of the great, just, and merciful Her Majesty Zeus.

What the **** are you coming to see me, what new game you guys thought of, bitch! ! ! "

After cursing, Prometheus turned his head and didn't bother to look at Hera anymore.

Aside, after being scolded by Prometheus, Hera sighed helplessly.

That's right, she wasn't angry, she just sighed helplessly.

After sighing, Hera said softly.

"My old friend, benevolent Prometheus, the cold wind of my Caucasus mountain has not blown away the heat of your heart, and the pain of being eaten by stupid birds day and night has not taken away your pride .

I'm so happy to see you who is exactly like the past, I'm really happy! "

Having said that, Hera waved her right hand, and the chains that bound Prometheus' body were immediately left with the last one.

Feeling the change in himself, Prometheus was really stunned for a moment. He quickly freed up his now free hands and feet, and scribbled the whole body with the scarf that Hera threw to him.

Immediately afterwards, although he had no divine power, he still relied on his own body, along the last chain that tied his right hand, and climbed to the top of the cliff that once bound him.

As soon as he came to the cliff, Prometheus instantly lay down.

"I don't know what your purpose is, and I don't even know what conspiracy you have.

But anyway, **** Zeus woman, if you come with good intentions, then you don't mind me lying down and talking to you.

As for you coming with deeper malice, haha!

That's enough for me to lie down for so long! "

While enjoying the hard-earned feeling of lying down that he hadn't experienced in countless years, Prometheus said to Hera with his eyes closed.

Hearing Prometheus' words, Hera slowly flew up, and then stood about five meters beside Prometheus.

After landing, she explained to Prometheus.

"Old friend, believe me, now I really don't have any malice in my heart anymore.

Before meeting you, I thought about using what I am doing now, which is to make your life more comfortable, as a weight to negotiate with you.

But after meeting you, I suddenly realized that Olympus owes you too much! "

The voice fell, Hera raised her hand slightly towards the distance, and her favorite peacock mount just happened to send the dead condor's body back to the cliff.

While letting the peacock throw the condor's body aside, Hera continued to speak to Prometheus.

"So, I'm not worthy to use everything you should have to negotiate terms with you.

You're a hero, my friend, I shouldn't be blackmailing you with those things, and you're not meant to be blackmailed by me.

So, whether it's the little bit of freedom you have now, or this **** condor that tortures you.

They are my gifts to you! "

"Ha ha!!!"

Suddenly, Prometheus, who was lying just right, jumped up from the ground.

He rushed to the side of the dead condor with a single stride.

Even if the divine power is still sealed by the last chain, Prometheus can easily swing the condor weighing dozens of tons with his body alone.

After torturing the Condor's body dozens of times in a row, Prometheus was so excited that he let the Condor out.

Then he suddenly tore off the feathers from the condor's abdomen.

"Fake, where is your liver, let me see where your liver is!!!

Didn't you eat my liver, then I'll taste yours today!

I want to see if my liver tastes better, or your liver tastes better! ! ! "

When the words fell, Prometheus relied on his Titan God's physique and ripped apart the body of the Condor with both hands.

The huge liver of the condor was directly pulled out by him!

No flames, and no cooking!

Facing Xue Linlin's bird liver, Prometheus ate it directly.

He hadn't eaten for too long, for someone like him who had been hungry for countless years.

Of course it still tastes like shit.

But as long as it's not shit, it's the absolute delicacy in his heart! ! !

Aside, Hera quietly waited for Prometheus, she did not urge, nor was she dissatisfied.

On her face, there was only three points of shyness, three points of anxiety, three points of anticipation, and one point of sympathy for Prometheus.

Holding this sympathy, Prometheus ate the whole condor's liver for more than 20 minutes before sending the whole condor's liver into his stomach.

After that, Prometheus, covered in bald eagle blood, finally turned to look at Hera, who was waiting silently.

"Tell me about your purpose, Hera, what do you want from me?

If what you want is not too much, then I can basically meet your requirements.

After all, you have fulfilled my greatest wish in my tormented life all these years!

I really want to go back and eat the liver of this dead bird, it tastes so good, hahahaha! ! ! "

In laughter, Prometheus picked up the eagle feathers that he had plucked, and decorated those feathers on the scarf that Hera threw to him.

Looking at Prometheus who made simple clothes for himself, Hera nodded slightly and explained.

"I admit I did come to see you with a purpose.

But don't worry, my old friend.

I will not continue to hurt you, nor will I deceive you, or continue to torture you.

All I want is to borrow a fire from you.

That is, the great flame that you once took off from the Helios solar car and then buried in your heart and sent to the world because of human sacrifices and your emotions for many years!

Of course, I don't need all of them.

I just need you to lend me a small part of that fire!

I don't know what you need, but I promise.

As long as the reasons you put forward are not excessive, then I can definitely meet your requirements.

At the same time, you will also receive my heartfelt thanks! "

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