Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 59: plan to start

"Nice Loki."

Heisenberg stood there, not knowing whether to laugh or cry for a while.

He seemed to see countless people standing in front of him scoffing at him.

"You Kryptonian, too time!"

"You can't do it, you've been tricked!"

And he began to object.

"I beat the Hulk with three punches!"

"You were tricked by Loki!"

"I punched the earth to the center!"

"You were tricked by Loki!"

"Loki has been turned rice by me!"

"Yeah, then you were tricked by him!"


At that instant, the corners of Heisenberg's mouth almost fell to the ground.

As expected of the **** of deceit.

This man really has something.

But so what?

Teng! ! !

Heisenberg rose into the air in an instant, he couldn't let Loki escape just like that.

I saw him rushing up into the sky in a blink of an eye, instantly maximizing all his senses.

Sight, hearing, smell, everything covers the widest range he can search!

New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington!

Countless cities appeared in Heisenberg's information network.

Every person in every city, as long as he doesn't wrap himself up with lead blocks, Heisenberg can see his words and deeds!

In this way, the radiation range continued to expand, and Heisenberg could see half of the United States in a blink of an eye!

no? ! !

Unfortunately, Heisenberg's exposure to the sun for only about three months was not enough for him to directly cover the world with his senses, otherwise he wouldn't be able to find it.

But without such a large coverage, he also has other ways.

I saw Heisenberg on a tour along the United States.

Loki hasn't been to many places on Earth, and teleportation requires at least an anchor in your heart.

So if New York doesn't have one half of America, Rocky should be on the other half!

Suddenly, Heisenberg guessed where Loki was.

I saw him rush to New Mexico, when his senses covered the whole of New Mexico.

Loki's voice suddenly appeared in his ears.

Only at this moment Loki was panting and talking to himself.

"...and came to the place where you were exiled, brother, is this our destiny...?"

Since Heisenberg was just beginning to listen, these words are a bit inconsistent.

Heisenberg didn't care about the content of the words. He accelerated to 10,000 times the speed of sound in a blink of an eye, and quickly got rid of the satellite that was trying to track him, and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye!

A few seconds later, Heisenberg crept into an old gas station in a small town.

He looked at the sign two kilometers away, Pandy Antico...

His superhuman mind instantly remembered that this is the place where Thor was originally exiled in the Thor movie, and was picked up by Jane Foster, Selvig and others.

However, due to the battle between Thor and the Destroyer Armor, the town was completely abandoned.

In itself, this town is not an economic center, just a settlement in a peripheral area.

After being abandoned, S.H.I.E.L.D. arranged for the original residents of the town to move to other places in order to sample the battle between Destroyer and Thor.

In this way, after S.H.I.E.L.D. finished its work, the town has been deserted.

On weekdays, only stray hyenas would come to this town to run wild.

But today....

Here comes Loki!

Heisenberg walked towards the gas station that was still collapsing, and he saw Loki in the middle of the ruins of the gas station.

At this moment, Loki was leaning on a broken fuel tanker, humming with a wry smile on his face.

"It's you, you came so fast, it's like you own the Rainbow Bridge too!"

He greeted him freely, and at the same time stretched out his right hand and threw the scepter in his hand aside.

"This is the soul gem.

It's yours!

I can no longer have it. "

After he finished speaking, he continued to raise his left hand, only to see his fingers gently twisting, and the water-blue universe Rubik's Cube appeared between his fingers out of thin air.

"This is a space gem.

It's yours too!

However, if you have them, you will be targeted by an overlord in the universe, so stay vigilant! "

He threw the Cosmic Rubik's Cube aside, and then spewed out countless mouthfuls of blood.

His chest suddenly turned blue, which was proof that he was not an Asgardian.

Seeing this, Heisenberg walked towards Loki, then sat beside Loki.

Looking at Heisenberg, who was no longer irritable, Loki smiled indifferently.

"I thought you would kill me directly. After all, your style, ahem, your style is very direct!"

"Ha ha!"

Loki's words made Heisenberg simply laugh, only to hear him explain with a smile.

"That's because he wants me to be reckless, otherwise I'll make them uncomfortable."

Hearing Heisenberg's words, Loki was particularly surprised.

"Wow, I knew you wouldn't be an unambitious person. With power, you should have a position to match, right?"

"Should have it, it's just talking about it, the status has to be snatched by oneself."

"Yeah, I want to grab it too, and I even prepared an army qualified to attack the Nine Realms opposite that **** gem!"

"But you have no chance..."

Heisenberg lightly patted Loki on the shoulder.

The two suddenly fell silent.

After a while, Heisenberg asked.

"You just don't have any power to drive the universe cube?"

"No, because the use of power requires a price, not to mention that it's a cosmic Rubik's Cube!

It's completely unreasonable. Every time I use it to transmit, the energy mobilized during the period can destroy this planet at least once, which is also an extremely terrifying burden on me! "

I saw Loki slowly open his hands, lie there and smile at Heisenberg.

"Back then, that idiot Sol died here once.

He stood up as a mortal and told me to stop killing mortals, because that would not bring me glory!

So I only killed him! "

He looked at Heisenberg casually.

"And today, I'm not a mortal, killing me will be your first honor, the new **** of Midgard!"


Hearing this, Heisenberg smiled. He got up and stood in front of Loki, his eyes suddenly lit up red.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Rocky's screams are indescribable. With the deserted towns and the dim night around, I am afraid that there will be another folklore in New Mexico in the future.

And Loki completely curled up into the shape of a shrimp after the extremely severe pain.

He clutched his chest with difficulty, but he looked at Heisenberg with a puzzled look in his eyes.

"Why... why?" Loki asked.

"Why, why do you mean to stop the bleeding of your internal organs?"

Heisenberg smiled.

I saw him sit next to Loki again and lightly lift his right hand.

His force field suddenly controlled the universe Rubik's Cube to slowly float up and came to his hands.

Heisenberg played with the Rubik's Cube and said to Loki.

"For a person in a desperate situation, I only have two solutions. Would you like to hear it?"

"Kill him and release him?"

Loki didn't seem to want to listen, he answered directly.

But Heisenberg shook his head.


He lightly weighed the universe cube and said with a smile on his face.

"Murder is indeed my favorite method, it will make everything clear.

His relatives came to the door and continued to kill.

His enemies came to him and took advantage of them.

In short, that is the most straightforward method! "

"What else?" Loki asked.

At this time, Heisenberg smiled particularly cheerfully, and I saw him grab Loki's shoulder casually and said.


Achieve him! "

Heisenberg's empty hand suddenly pointed to the sky, and his mouth spoke softly to Loki.

"You are in a desperate situation, Loki, as long as I move casually, you will die!

Your father in heaven may not have planned to save you, otherwise he should have appeared in front of me long ago.

Death is very close to you, but the closer it is to you, the more you should think about it.

Is death more terrifying, or failure more terrifying?

Your failures have carried through your whole life, and even your last chance will be gone because of your arrogance.

but me……!

I choose to forgive you, support you, achieve you, and let you have what you want most! "

Heisenberg slapped Loki on the shoulder violently. This action made Loki's organ that had just stopped bleeding extremely painful, but he didn't care at all.

Heisenberg continued to question him.

"What do you want most?





What you need is a chance!

It's a chance to show your father your strength!

It's your chance to prove to him that you have a way to defeat him!

It's a chance for him to regret it! "

I saw Heisenberg slapped the Rubik's Cube in Loki's hands.

"Now, I'll give you this chance!"

Before Loki could react, Heisenberg suddenly stood up and looked at Loki from above.

"Take the space gem and summon your army, right on this ancient planet, to your father, your brother, and your kingdom of God....

Declare war! "

The moment the words fell, Loki smiled with satisfaction, he endured the pain and got up from the ground, and then stood opposite Heisenberg with difficulty.

I saw him holding the universe Rubik's Cube with his right hand and his left hand on his chest, giving Heisenberg a light salute.

"What's more terrifying than being used is the value of not being used. I'm glad that I still have value that you can see!"

Loki said this, then he took out the dagger and placed it directly on his neck.

"But before that, I have to make sure of one thing!

Your Excellency Heisenberg, no matter what you want to do to Asgard, don't forget that it is my hometown, my country, and the territory I briefly owned!

So say your purpose, otherwise the pawns have the right to destroy themselves.

If you just want to be detrimental to Asgard, then I..., emmmm..., I.... "

Loki was stunned, because Heisenberg, who was opposite him, was holding the psychic scepter in his hand.

Facing Heisenberg's slightly mocking smile.

Looking at the constant flickering light of the scepter in front of his Loki swallowed hard, then put down the dagger and smiled slightly.

"Then I will lead the charge!"

"very good!"

Heisenberg retracted his scepter with satisfaction.

"No matter what method you use, I must see your forces confront the Asgardian forces on Earth.

The battlefield is dominated by the country under my feet. I hope that the self-proclaimed ruler of this planet can look up to see what is truly powerful!

But I still have a request. The city where I live must not have any wars nearby, understand? "

"No problem, Your Excellency Heisenberg, there are just a few things I must remind you of!"

Loki humbly explained to Heisenberg.

"These two gems belong to Thanos, he will be dissatisfied with our actions, because in my agreement with him, his army should not be used in the war with Asgard!

The other is my father, Odin, although he is old, but still strong, I can't guarantee victory! "

When he said this, he glanced at Heisenberg expectantly.

Unexpectedly, Heisenberg slapped him on the shoulder.

In the blink of an eye, Loki was sweating in pain.

And then, he heard Heisenberg speak coldly.

"Don't think of me as your knife, Loki!

Whether you fail or win, that's what you need to consider!

I give you a chance, but you can only be yourself.

And all I need is the birth of this war. "

After Heisenberg finished his last words, he disappeared into the air with the scepter, leaving Loki to grit his teeth in place.

Heisenberg's proposal to him was like poison, but he couldn't refuse.

He needs that achievement!

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