Facing the surging lightning under the sky, Heisenberg rushed up against the thunder pattern.

Boom! ! !

The incomparably dazzling thunder struck Heisenberg and Sol in an instant.

Saul's injury has slightly improved, because Thunder is his strength!

And Heisenberg... .


He couldn't help clenching his teeth in pain.

Thor's thunderbolt is not ordinary thunderbolt, especially after he regained his strength and forged the axe of thunder.

The thunder on him has long been filled with the original divine power that Asgard has inherited to this day!

Those thunders are all the original thunders that can ignite steel!

In just a short moment, Heisenberg's nano-time-space shuttle suit quickly dissolved, and his own biological force field, under the attack of the source thunder, gradually became disordered.

"Your thunder and lightning are quite energetic!"

Heisenberg gritted his teeth and sneered, then pushed Thor directly, rushing all the way to the ground in the distance.

Boom! ! !

Heisenberg pressed Thor on the ground, and the collision instantly shattered the ground over a five-hundred-meter radius.

The violent vibration sent the shattered earth and rocks flying into the air, and Heisenberg's bio-force field that was excited at that moment, but now gradually chaotic, made countless sand and rocks swirl around them like a tornado!

The sand tornadoes were so powerful that they could destroy everything in a blink of an eye.

And Heisenberg was in the center of the sand tornado, stepping on Thor's head one by one!



One foot after another!

Thor has no chance to escape at all!


Because Heisenberg is faster than him!

Whenever he wants to do any action, he will be greeted by ruthless soles, without exception!

With each stampede, extremely violent shock waves were continuously transmitted, and countless buildings collapsed in New York City.

And on the ground centered on Heisenberg, there were more dilapidated battlefields like craters.

He stepped down forty-seven feet, and the damage that was originally five hundred meters in diameter expanded to more than three thousand meters in diameter, and finally stopped!

New Yorkers are mourning their wives. This day has instantly changed from the resurrection day that should have been praised to the biggest disaster day in the United States since the Thanos incident in New York five years ago!

In the Avengers, when Heisenberg rushed out with Thor, Captain America had already called rescuers and prepared for the rescue that was about to be needed.

And those Avengers who are powerful enough, such as Iron Man and Hulk, they have already rushed to Heisenberg.

It's a pity that their speed was too slow. In less than five seconds, Heisenberg had already finished the battle. After all, they didn't have time to stop it!

The whole battle started from Thor's surprise attack and ended when he was stunned. It only took less than seven seconds!

But it was these seven seconds that almost made everyone watching it stunned.

The little raccoon, our cosmic panda rocket, opened his mouth sluggishly.

"I really didn't think it was Thor who fell..."

"I can't think of it even on a horse, but at least we have to do something!" Rhode put on his battle armor and flew directly towards Heisenberg in the distance.

The little raccoon quickly climbed onto Rhodes' shoulders before Rhodes finally took off.

He took out the big gun hidden in his belt and cursed viciously.

"I want to see if this battle is more exciting, or the battle with Thanos is more exciting!"

But when the two of them flew in front of Heisenberg, what they saw was not Tony and Banner who were fighting Heisenberg.

I saw Tony and the two standing in front of Heisenberg, as if they were chatting with Heisenberg.

Even when Rhodes and Rocket Raccoon approached, Tony waved to Rhodes to signal Rhodes not to act rashly.

Rhode suppressed the nervousness and anger in his heart, and landed safely beside Tony.

At this time they also heard the conversation between Tony and Heisenberg.

I just heard Heisenberg speak in a helpless tone.

"What the **** is going on here, man, why did you just give me this set when I just arrived?

What is this method called, dismounting? "

"No, we don't know what happened to Sol!"

Tony gritted his teeth and explained.

Hearing Tony's words, Rhodes was instantly furious, and then yelled at Tony.

"Are you crazy? Why did you tell him this? He almost destroyed New York. God knows how many people died here..."

"Shut up, Rhodes!!!"

Tony abruptly interrupted Rhodes.

"No matter what happens, no matter how much is lost, nothing will be more tragic today than it was five years ago!

What's more, no matter what happens, it all starts with TM's Thor!

Put down your anger and look at everything just now from the perspective of a bystander. Do you want to blame Heisenberg who was suddenly attacked by Thor? "

"Damn, are you riding a horse or Tony, that's Thor, it's our friends and comrades who were beaten to the brink of death!

But you are justifying an inexplicable person, you...! ! ! "


Before Rhodes finished speaking, Heisenberg had already rushed in front of him, grabbed his neck under the armor with his left hand, and lifted him alive!

The armor on Rhodes neck sank instantly, making Rhodes breathing more and more difficult.

And Heisenberg's right hand directly crushed the big gun in Rocket's hand.

As for the little raccoon Ben Bear, Heisenberg also lifted him by the neck.

I saw Heisenberg looked at Rhodes unhappily, and asked him indifferently.

"I am the Heisenberg you went to that universe, the collector of the soul gem, and the traveler who came to your universe in person to help you.

But what did I get?

An inexplicable attack, and an inexplicable insult from the two of you? "


Heisenberg directly threw the two of them on the ground, and Rhodes' armor was instantly shattered, but Heisenberg ended up taking another wave of his life for him, leaving him with only the injury that he couldn't get up from the ground.

The little raccoon was the same, but he could barely get up, and after that, he slapped the dirt on his body and kept mumbling.

"At last someone didn't see me as an animal at first glance, and I was very happy that he actually scolded me.

He called me that guy and called the two of us two guys, not one and one raccoon haha! ! "

Rocket's words made the hateful Rhode unable to keep his expression, and Heisenberg even more so.

I saw him leisurely come to the little raccoon, reached out and rubbed his head.

"Man, you are very interesting, what's your name?"

"Ha, that's great, just call me that, call me buddy, don't call me a raccoon!

Besides, I'm Rocket, that's my friend Sol, wait! "

Rocket finally remembered the crux of the matter, so he quickly clapped Heisenberg's hand away.

"Don't try to flatter me, Heisenberg, I know what you've done!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Banner asked him with a frown.

"Rocket, I'm also very puzzled about the reason why Sol suddenly attacked Heisenberg!

Didn't you go back to Asgard for 13 years to get the Reality Gem?

Why did Thor attack Heisenberg as soon as he came back? "

Hearing the question, everyone looked at Rocket Raccoon, but Rocket's ears suddenly fell down, and he said helplessly to everyone.

"Saul and I got the reality gem, but the process was not very happy, and Saul said that the past we went back to was completely different from his original past.

In the past we go back to, Thor's father died in a battle with Heisenberg, and Thor's sister Hela took over the throne of Asgard.

Also, Saul's mother wasn't very happy, she wouldn't allow us to mention the name Heisenberg in front of her.

I think it was because he killed her husband, but Sol thinks it must be Heisenberg.... "

Speaking of which, he gave Heisenberg a careful glance.

"Does Saul think that Heisenberg is the winner, and he will humiliate the relatives of the losers, so the reason why his mother is unhappy must be the insult from Heisenberg.

As for his sister, Thor felt that a cruel person like his sister would never maintain a friendly alliance with Heisenberg after his father was killed by Heisenberg, so friendly that we saw them on the throne...cough cough.

So Heisenberg must have used something to control his sister, and then Asgard....

Especially Shusol's younger brother, he disappeared for more than five years, and I'm afraid he was also exiled.

And the past Sol, he actually turned into a fat man in 2013!

As for the reason, that is, his hammer, this is the problem of the hammer at all.

Because in the past we went back to, his hammer was pinched out by Heisenberg's handprint...

And all of this made the past Sol lose his fighting spirit, and also made the current Sol... a complete explosion? ! ! "

In a short period of time, Rocket told everyone about his experience with Sol in as concise language as possible.

But it was this simplicity that made Tony, Banner and the others grit their teeth in unison.

"Because of this inexplicable reason, the battle he caused almost destroyed the whole of New York, and almost destroyed our hope of making up for everything, what the fuck?!!"

Tony cursed fiercely, which made Rocket rub his head helplessly.

After a while, Rocket retorted softly.

"Don't say that, at least Heisenberg really killed his father!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Heisenberg suddenly laughed.

I saw him pointing to Sol, who was not far away, to everyone and said.

"I suddenly had an idea. When I go back to 2008, I will kill this bastard's father right away!"

The voice fell, and everyone's heart froze instantly~www.NovelMTL.com~ They instantly thought of countless closed-loop theories in time and space.

So next, they looked at Sol with pitiful eyes.

Perhaps the reason why Thor's father will die in the future is really because of Thor's attack on Heisenberg today!

And the rocket also roared loudly after a brief sluggishness.

"Fuck, I just remembered, where did you come from?"

"I invited Heisen to this universe, and he brought the Mind Stone and Time Stone we need!"

Iron Man rushes to answer from the side, and at the same time, he also beautifies Heisenberg's reason for coming here.

His explanation surprised Rhodes and Rockets. After a while, Rhodes sighed with a bitter face.

"Hey, so Saul brought it all on himself?"

"You brought it on yourself too!"

Heisenberg answered Rhodes' words with a smile. At the same time, he took out the necklace around his neck and the scepter on his back.

"If I were you guys, I'd definitely hurry up and save the half you lost.

As for New York's loss just now...

With these Infinity Stones, you can even revive half of the universe, so why can't you revive them by the way, right? "

After speaking, Heisenberg didn't care whether they listened to this suggestion or not, he immediately got up and flew to the Fulian Building in the distance.

Behind him, the four Tony looked at each other.

Tony reluctantly took Rhodes and Raccoons to Heisenberg.

Banner, on the other hand, sighed and came to Thor's side full of thought, and carried the fat man on his shoulders.

However, there was no other way, his hammer and axe had to be put in place first.

After all, no one can pick it up.

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