Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 81: C bit dead whole family

Thinking of this, Iron Man quickly shook his head to dispel the absurd thoughts, and at the same time he pointed to Black Panther and others in the distance.

"In the case of safety, support the Wakanda people, their sacrifice is really too great!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Stark, no problem!"

The little spider hurriedly agreed to Stark's request.

Then he quickly shot two spider silks and rushed into the center of the enemy in a blink of an eye. He had at least thirty to fifty tons of power with each punch and kick. This kind of attack can often kill a pioneer with just one punch!

Soon, he came to the Black Panther.

Speaking of Black Panther himself, he actually has no problem at all.

After all, his kryptonite armor...

cough cough.

It's Zhenjin.

After all, his vibrating gold armor was worth billions of raw materials alone. When Thanos was taken away, Strange did not shoot, and Crimson was not too big of himself.

It is basically equivalent to opening the invincible hang!

Not only is he invincible, when he is attacked, the vibration gold armor will also absorb the impact, and when the accumulation reaches a certain level, it will be released in a concentrated manner.

In other words, the Black Panther is simply a top kryptonite tycoon with anti-injury armor and invincibility!

He is diligent enough to travel to and from the battlefield to provide support to every teammate in need.

If he was lazy, he would just lie there and let the **** pioneers attack wildly.

Maybe he will attract more enemies to attack him because he is more conspicuous.

And under the effect of his anti-injury armor, if he can't be like that, the victory will be even greater than now!

However, no matter how much he hung up, the Black Panther alone could not save all his clansmen, and the arrival of the little spider undoubtedly provided a considerable help to the Wakanda people.

that is…….

"His Majesty T'Challa, here I come!

By the way, do I need to bow down to you, do you have such a tradition?

But I heard Mr. Stark say that's not necessary.

So we high-five? "

In this way, T'Challa helplessly looked at the little spider in front of him during the battle.

His dark skin made his rolled eyes extraordinarily clear...

"Okay, don't say hello, as expected of His Majesty T'Challa, full of majesty!

After this battle, can I visit your country, Your Majesty, I heard that the vibranium in your place is the raw material of the captain's shield, I love that shield! "

"Of course you can, but you still have to end the battle first!"

T'Challa reluctantly interrupted Little Spider's words, and then tried hard not to listen to Little Spider's magic voice, and continued his great cause of killing the enemy.

But he was playing, and suddenly found out.

The little spider's words actually have a bit of rap flavor, and his punching movements gradually bring a little rhythm, really TM Fake! ! !


On the other side, Strange landed violently from the sky, and countless tiny cracks suddenly appeared in the ground around him.

Dark energy spewed from the cracks all the way to the hundreds of Chitauris.

After a while, the energy tentacles recovered and pulled all the bound Chitauri into the ground.

At the same time, those cracks disappeared without a trace in a short period of time.

And Strange, he looked carefully at the nearby earth.

"Ebony throat has built a fairly solid dark space below, so who is it locked in here, could it be our beast?"

I saw Strange reach out and slide in front of him.

After a while, a huge magic circle appeared in front of him.

With the formation of the magic circle, his whole person gradually floated up, and the ground directly below him also cracked quickly.

In the past five seconds or so, Strange saw the dark space constructed by Ebony Throat.

After observing for a moment, he shook his head and muttered to himself.

At this moment, Captain America, who was constantly killing the enemy with Thor's Hammer, suddenly heard Strange's voice.

"Come to me, I need time and space to release the big guy who was imprisoned by the ebony throat, that is, the Hulk!"

"Hold on!"

Captain America picked up the hammer and spun it for a moment, before rushing to the sky in a blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the conspicuous magic circle.

So he slammed down next to Strange.

Facing the vanguard guards who gradually gathered around, the US team threw the shield high, and at the same time hit the shield with a hammer.

boom! ! !

The violent shock wave directly sent countless vanguard guards flying, and while the US team retracted the hammer and shield, he said earnestly to Strange behind him.

"Don't worry about doing what you need to do, I can protect you like this..."

"Guard me all day, I know!"

Strange interrupted Captain America's words with a blank expression, and then devoted himself to the analysis of the dark space.

In the past five minutes, he finally completely cracked the space in front of him, and Banner's huge roar also came out from the crack!

Finding that he had left that dark place, Banner quickly grabbed the rock formations around him and jumped to the ground in a blink of an eye.

The moment he saw the Hulk, Strange quickly put on a friendly gesture, and said to Banner with a gentle smile on his face.

"Hey, Banner, in the future I see, you should be controlling this body right now, right, you can control your anger, right? Do you know who the enemy is?"


In the face of this kind of coaxing a silly child, Banner smiled disdainfully.

"Not only do I know who the enemy is, but I also know that your teacher is called Gu Yi. She has an excellent temperament, and her boyfriend is very strong!!!"

After that, Banner stretched out his hand to lift up a huge piece of soil and threw it directly at the approaching violent giant ape.

Strange was simply choked by Banner's reaction.

I saw him staring blankly at Captain America, and shouted and asked.

"Damn, what happened to you in 2008?!!"

"Well, it's probably a love story between your beautiful teacher and Superman...

Trust me, Heisenberg deserves your teacher, the two of them get along so well! "

"I'm not asking this..."

Strange suddenly showed a sad and angry expression.

At this moment, Iron Man, who noticed the return of the Hulk, slammed down next to the two of them.

"Hey Strange, I have something important to ask you!"

"You said!"

"You said before that in 14 million futures we only have one chance to win!

So, is it this time? "

Iron Man's voice fell, and Strange's expression suddenly changed.

"I don't know, because all the futures I see don't have the guy who beat Thanos into a dog!"

With that said, Strange turned his head helplessly and left, and before he was completely gone, Iron Man chased after him and shouted.

"Well, it looks like we can win a little easier with him.

By the way, your teacher is so beautiful, Heisenberg is so lucky! "



On the other side, Barton, the poor little arrow man...

cough cough.

We generally call such players who are good at pitting teammates as archers.

After all, the words can't be too straightforward.

And at this moment, Barton miraculously got the most important job in the audience!

That is the crazy development in the early stage, and the carry audience in the later stage....

cough cough.

Well, he's just an archer, not an ADC, he really doesn't have Kerry's full-court strength.

But he is so ordinary, but he has the most important job at this moment.

Guard the **** Infinity Gloves.

I saw that Patton had been fighting hard, and he had to flee frantically with his gloves in his hands. Thanks to his halo possession, he would have died at the hands of the Vanguard Guard!

I saw that he was holding a glove in his right hand, and holding a knife in his left hand, hacked to death the vanguard who approached him, and then ran non-stop.

The next moment, the sound of wings flapping suddenly sounded in his ears, and the Wasp swooped out from his side.

At this time, the Wasp was obviously a little confused, and I saw her looking around, frowning and constantly searching for something.

After a while, she muttered to herself.

"Huh? Where's my husband?"

So it's really not a good thing to be able to get smaller, banging on...

"Where is my husband?"

Can't find it!

Hearing the words of the Wasp, Barton quickly said to the Wasp.

"He should be looking for the quantum tunnel in his van, we need to send the gem back in time!"

"OK, I'll go to him, you pay attention to safety!"

"Do not worry!"

Barton nodded confidently, no matter what, you must be confident enough to play ADC!

And as soon as Patton is confident, there will usually be problems with the reunion.

I saw that the Wasp had just left for less than half a minute, and the Barton effect had already appeared.

He was running and killing people, but he actually floated up out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, the Infinity Gloves slid out of his embrace and rushed into the distance.

Barton hurriedly looked in the direction of the Infinity Glove, and then he saw the glove floating into Ebony Throat's hand.

But before he could call for help, he was smashed into the sharp rock formation on the ground by the ebony throat!

Just in the nick of time, someone will always save our poor C-scorer.

Of course, Quicksilver couldn't climb out of the grave, so this time the one who saved Barton was a green-skinned Gamora!

Throwing Patton aside, Gamora immediately looked at Ebony Throat, who was admiring the Infinity Stones, and cursed.

"Damn, I'm still late!"

When she said this, she called out her little sister with the contactor that Nebula had given her not long ago.

After all, she is a good sister. After determining that the future Nebula is worth her saving, she directly let go of the future Nebula, and together with the future Nebula, killed the stubborn Nebula in the past.

At this time, the role of the contactor is reflected.

Just listen to Gamora shouting at the contactor.

"I've been staring at Ebony Throat, there's definitely something wrong with his sneaky look, but I'm late, he's already got the rough stone gloves!"

As soon as the words Nebula and Quill took action in a blink of an eye, and the two rushed towards the ebony throat opposite Gamora.

While flying, Quill shot at Ebony Maw with the energy gun in his hand, but Ebony Maw just waved his hand and stopped all his attacks.

Then he looked at the gloves and shook his head regretfully.

"Only four rough stones?"

As he spoke, he put the glove on his right hand.

"Although there are two less, but these are enough for the adults, now just wait for the adults to return from the universe!"

Speaking of this, he looked forward to the universe, but when he just raised his head, he saw a red light suddenly flashing from the sky!

In the next moment, his intuition belonging to the mage made him instantly activate the space gem in his glove and move himself away from the battlefield.

At the same time, Strange found the clue in an instant, and saw him slam open the mirror space and drag in all the allies he could find!

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