Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 90: Tears in your eyes? !


After listening to Heisenberg's explanation, Tony was stunned for a moment.

After a while, he weakly shook his head.

"No one wants to hurt you, and..."

"They can't hurt me, can they?"

Heisenberg patted Tony on the shoulder while asking back.

"It can't hurt me, that's not why they don't respect me.

I want them to never dare to have bad thoughts on me.

Look, how simple my request is. Isn't being kind to others a basic quality that everyone has?

But that's how the world is.... "

I saw him talking, his eyes gradually deepening as he looked out the window.

"Amazing death, you will question my morals.

For the death of 174 people in a human trafficking organization in Los Angeles, you will condemn me for not going through the legal process.

But almost everyone didn't notice.

What is morality?

Not breaking the law is the most basic morality!

Look at those laws that tell us not to cheat, not to rob, not to be strong, not to kill, not to steal, etc!

However, it is these most basic morals that require the federal government to use the law to forcibly restrain the citizens.

And even if it is restrained, the perpetrators are always endless! "

Heisenberg sneered suddenly, while his fingers rubbed against Tony's window.

"Tony, there are too many immoral people in this world, and the law, especially your American law, is basically a toy in their eyes.

No deterrent!

Therefore, they need a stronger shackle to further bind them within the most basic morality!

Look at me again, Tony, I'm a… very capable person.

At the same time in my world, I have grabbed enough power, and I will continue to rule until my power is enough to create the future I want!

I have the right and the ability, so I take responsibility for it as a matter of course.

So I must be their shackles!

What the law can't do, I do!

People who the law can't control, I do!

What the law cannot protect, I will protect it!

And if the law cannot be fulfilled, I will fulfill it!

Just like the 182 people who died at my hands yesterday!

One hundred and seventy-four human trafficking gang members, six thieves and robbers, two male **** producers who force unspoken men! ! ! "

clap clap clap....

Heisenberg tapped the Audi's gear lever with his left hand.

"Isn't the most basic rule of unspoken rules your own will?"

"This..." Tony pondered, and before he came out of the silence, Heisenberg continued to speak.

"There are too many people who break the rules in the world, and there are also too many people who ignore morality and law!

Therefore, it is necessary for me to contain, contain, and even erase them!

Until I accomplish this, it is necessary for me to keep myself safe, which is also the cause of death by surprise, tsk tsk.

And in the process of accomplishing this goal, I will always keep my original intention and not let any **** that I see make me feel uncomfortable walk out of my sight alive.

And in the future that I'm about to achieve, there will be no more guilt and death! "

I saw that he finally patted Tony on the shoulder.

"I'm so brutal, so dictatorial, so I welcome anyone who's astonished to come to trouble me.

But the good news is ahead. At that time, they will sit on the moon and add to the safety of the earth! "

The voice fell, Heisenberg wiped the glass that his right hand had been rubbing, and then pushed the door and left Tony's car.

Before finally closing the door, he warned without looking back.

"You guys want to send me back to my world quickly, then come on, I will leave quietly on the day when the quantum channel is perfected.

As for the days before I leave, if I find any fun, come and clean up for me.

In exchange, I allow you to come back to my universe for my help when you encounter force majeure in the future!

For example, if there is a real strong person in the universe, if they are dissatisfied with the artwork I put on the moon!

Then come find me in my world, and I will make him the art he wants! "

Teng! ! !

Heisenberg took off in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

And after Heisenberg left, Tony stared at the car window he was rubbing before.

On that window, an inverted triangle S-shaped emblem is particularly clear.

However, there are countless teardrop-shaped traces on the edge of this sign.

Seems to be tears, maybe blood.


Two hours later, Tony returned to the temporary camp in the southwest outer ring area of ​​the New York crater with full of exhaustion.

Walking into the tent, Banner was the only one inside.

"Have you seen him?" Banner greeted him without looking up.

"I've seen it, it made my thinking a little confusing."

Tony replied weakly, and then sat limply on the chair next to him.

Hearing that Tony's tone was a bit wrong, Banner finally glanced at him, and the paleness on Tony's face also worried Banner.

"How could this be, he threatened you?"

"No no no, it would be great if it was just a threat!"

Tony kept shaking his head, as if he wanted to throw out something that was burning in his heart!

When he stopped shaking his head, he immediately asked Banner who cared about him.

"What are you all busy with?"

"Emm, the captain is searching for possible survivors within an 80-kilometer radius."

"Where's Natasha?"

"Wrangling with the council, because the disappearance of New York needs at least one thing to bear, **** it!"

"It's embarrassing for her, are those innocents in the Guardians of the Galaxy watching Sol?"

"Who knows, Quill and Gamora are in Asgard Village, and the raccoon and the tree are taking care of Thor."

"Ant-Man Hank Pym?"

"The first generation of Ant-Man is more stubborn, we have to understand, after all, he and your father are of the same generation, and they have experienced too much. It is normal to look down on us."


After Banner explained, Iron Man immediately laughed in dissatisfaction.

"I suddenly understand Heisenberg!" he said.

This remark surprised Banner: "Don't mention that name...?"

"No need!"

Iron Man interrupted Banner's words and sighed with a heavy face.

"Recall everyone, I want to show you a dialogue, a dialogue... that touched me very much!"

As he spoke, he patted his watch.

"I have to admit that Heisenberg's philosophy convinced me to some extent, especially when Earth was attacked by Thanos twice, and our strongest Captain Marvel always left us to help the universe after."

Speaking of which, Tony slapped the armrest of the seat next to him.

"We need solidarity that cannot be bound only by our morals and our sense of responsibility.

I think we need to restart the superhero registration system! "


Five hours later, the Avengers temporary camp, the Avengers gathered here like never before!

Even white and big....

Ahem, it's Wanda.

Even she had a bitter face and sat on a chair in the makeshift conference room.

Except for Flying Thor....

Almost everyone was seated.

At this time, Iron Man played the video of Heisenberg's conversation with him in the morning.

When Heisenberg's words struck everyone's heart...

Some people are outraged, like Captain America.

But some people's eyes flickered, and it was Black Widow.

And Iron Man, who initiated this impromptu meeting, sat there in deep thought.

He doesn't know if he's doing the right thing, but he believes that if he's successful, what he's doing must be meaningful.

But before everyone started to discuss, Wanda, who had a bitter face, suddenly thought of something.

Seeing her jumping up violently, she said uncontrollably.

"Why am I so stupid, isn't the soul gem in his hands!

With this gem, I can revive Vision completely! "

boom! ! !

The impatient Wanda broke through the tent and flew away in an instant, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

And this change directly made the Avengers who should have been talking about it for a long time panicked.

Even Iron Man can't take care of the big plan in his heart.

"Damn, has no one talked to Wanda about Carol?"

"Stop him!"

"Catch up with him, **** it, the earth can't take more twists and turns!"

"What are you chasing, that's Wanda, go find Strange!"

The prepared meeting was instantly destroyed, and Iron Man's mind, in his constant thinking, drilled deeper and deeper.


Meanwhile, Los Angeles.

Heisenberg is in the cinema watching a movie with a third-line model he just met.

Of course, the phenomenon that the heroine of the movie is completely inferior to the people around him also made Heisenberg focus more on the model.

Soon, the third-line model had wet eyes, got up and pulled Heisenberg to the bathroom.

Heisenberg smiled and took the model's hand, and followed her to the women's bathroom in the belly of the surrounding audience.

As soon as they got to the sink, the model couldn't wait to kiss her.

Heisenberg casually placed the model on the sink, leaning against a huge mirror.

Before he could do anything further, he….

boom! ! !

The wall next to him was directly opened with a huge crack, and a stream of red energy bodies kept rushing in!

As the energy body became more and more condensed, Wanda instantly appeared beside Heisenberg.

Seeing Wanda's face full of anger (anxiety), the little model was instantly blinded.

"Ahhh, I didn't seduce your man, no ahhh!!!"

The eyes on the poor model's head were almost scared to tears, and the ones below her were already weeping.

Seeing this, Heisenberg reluctantly pushed her away, leaving the smelly area without saying a word.

Then he said speechlessly to Wanda who looked pleading.

"How did you come here, what the hell?!!"


Wanda immediately suppressed his anxiety and lowered his head nervously.

"I'm going to borrow from you..."

"OK, I get it, it's a **** mind gem again, right?!!"

Heisenberg angrily grabbed Wanda's hand, and the two broke through the sky in a blink of an eye and left downtown Los Angeles.

Moments later, the Hollywood Hills, above the huge but broken Hollywood sign.

Heisenberg pulled Wanda and sat on the sign.

I saw that he took out in his pocket and took out the huge spiritual scepter.

Looking at the crystal gem above the scepter, Wanda burst into tears on the spot.

Heisenberg didn't interrupt her either, but let her sit there crying silently.

It wasn't until Wanda's cries gradually stopped that Heisenberg sighed deeply.

"Don't explain your request to me."

He said regretfully to Wanda.

"Because I can't give it to you!"

boom! ! !

Wanda, who was crying, suddenly burst out with bright red energy, but Heisenberg put the scepter of mind directly on Wanda's chest before she could fully explode!

After a while, the Mind Stone gradually shone, and Wanda gradually calmed down.

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