Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 95: Come to Zhenglian


Odin rarely strolled on the unrepaired Rainbow Bridge, following the half-extinguished rainbow light, and came to Heimdall.

"His Majesty."

Heimdall bowed to Odin, who nodded slightly.

He seemed to want to say something, but after hesitating for a while, he just passed Heimdall, his eyes turned to the broken bridge of the Rainbow Bridge, and the boundless universe in the distance.

Looking at it like this, Heimdall asked softly.

"Your Majesty, are you worried about Prince Loki? He disappeared shortly after he appeared on Earth."

"It's not..."

Odin responded with a long sigh.

"I just have an ominous hunch, it seems, related to a past enemy.

I dreamed again last night of Fenrir, the wolf that devoured me, and it always seemed to remind me that the Ragnarok was coming. "

He said, shaking his head helplessly.

After hearing Odin's words clearly, Heimdall said in a soft, calm voice as before.

"Your Majesty, Fenrir has already been killed by you, and it will never be able to get out of the realm of death. You can rest assured."


Odin nodded, completely speechless.


As for Sol, who is staying on Earth at this time, he may never be able to imagine what kind of pressure his father has been carrying all these years.

I saw that Sol at this time had long since lost the frustration and pain of a few days ago.

In the Heisenberg nightclub, Saul has become the number one regular, staying in it all day and all night to revel in the carnival.

Now the No. 1 spot on the nightclub drinking chart has long been refreshed by Saul.

When Heisenberg came here, Sol was dragging the two members of the Nuke Gang, and he was enjoying himself!

He didn't have any special reaction when he saw Heisenberg. He drank a large bottle of wine, and then asked Heisenberg with a laugh.

"It's you, man, how about you come and have a drink with me?

The Midgards are so bad at drinking, haha, I've never seen one better than me! "

While talking, he handed Heisenberg a bottle of beer, and Heisenberg was not polite, and flipped the bottle cap off.

"Come, cheers, for Midgard!"

Sol skillfully touched the bottle with Heisenberg, and then blew the whole bottle neatly.

Like Heisenberg, the bottle was empty in an instant.

Putting down the wine, Saul continued to drink heavily, which made Heisenberg helplessly shake his head.

Ignoring Thor, who was drinking constantly, Heisenberg looked towards the edge of the nightclub, where there was a large circle of people at this time.

Even Bullseye, now standing there, looking toward the center of the crowd.

Heisenberg came to Bullseye and patted Bullseye on the shoulder.

Bullseye froze, looking behind him.


"Well, what are you doing here, still want to pick up Thor's Hammer?"


Bullseye, who was asked about the key point, looked at Sol, who was drinking heavily in the distance...

"I just think that if this thing really needs qualifications, then the damned drunkard Sol can pick it up, why am I not qualified?!"

Speaking of which, Bullseye shook his head helplessly.

"If only Thor can hold it, after all, he is an Asgardian, the **** of thunder in mythology.

But Captain America can also pick it up, that's a real normal person! "

"So, are you very unwilling?"

Heisenberg asked with a smile, and Bullseye shook his head helplessly at his question.


Bullseye said.

"Of course I am unwilling, but... it is more of a thirst for power.

It's like a woman taking off her last piece on stage, but she refuses to take it off.

No matter how much I spend, she will never satisfy me....

That only proves that it's not about the money, it's about me.

It's not that I'm sad that I can't have her, but that she thinks I don't deserve it.... "

Speaking of which, Bullseye walked out of the crowd in despair and took a gulp of wine.

On the other side, Barbara, who has always been paying attention here, saw that Heisenberg was rarely out of the theater, so he also walked towards the neighborhood with a drink.

It happened that Bullseye was drinking in a depressed mood, so Barbara simply came directly to Bullseye's wine table, she knew that Heisenberg would come soon.

Sure enough, Heisenberg sat next to them and opened a bottle of wine like them.

"Tsk tsk, Barbara, I haven't seen you around me for a long time."

Heisenberg smiled and had a drink with Barbara, who muttered helplessly after drinking.

"No way, you've moved, all your people are around the theater, it's not convenient for me to sneak in there!"

"Hehe, have you ever thought about why you can't be my people?"

Heisenberg said, pointing to the communication patch that Barbara was wearing at the base of his ear.

"I know Hill should be able to hear you, after all you care about me...

So, give me that patch and let me chat with Hill? "

While speaking, Heisenberg, regardless of whether Barbara agreed or not, mobilized the force field to send the patch behind Barbara's ear to his own.

Although he can hear the sound from the patch from far away, let's respect the backward technology of the earth.

Seeing this scene, Barbara shrugged helplessly.

"Your Excellency, do you have to chat with another woman in front of this woman? It's so rude."


Heisenberg casually patted Barbara's blond hair.

"Women?" He laughed. "No matter how knowledgeable you are, you are still a girl at best, tsk tsk."

Heisenberg said while glancing at Barbara's legs, which made Barbara startled, and then helplessly put both legs together.

Even if Heisenberg knew that if Heisenberg wanted to see it, nothing could block Heisenberg's sight.

But at least in this position, Barbara will feel more at ease.

As for Heisenberg, he had already withdrawn his gaze from mocking Barbara, and turned to Hill, who was opposite the communication patch.

"Recently, there have been more spy activities in New York. You should know better than me about this!"

"Yes, I have to admit that the weakened S.H.I.E.L.D. has been unable to completely stop the United States and the world's secret service organizations!"

Hill simply admitted the weakness of S.H.I.E.L.D., which made Heisenberg sneer.

"Are you sure those aren't yours?"

"Of course not, His Excellency Heisenberg, the SHIELD agents who are still active in New York are the only three action teams of Coulson, Barbara, and Natasha, with a total number of no more than 40."

"Well, you can be sure, because there are so many mosquitoes that annoy me next to my theater.

I'll be cleaning them up tonight, so weigh the pros and cons for you.

in addition……! "

Heisenberg's tone gradually became serious.

"Find a time to see me, I need to talk to you about something important!"

"No problem, sir, I think I'll be at your theatre in two hours!"

Hill replied simply, but Heisenberg did not agree with Hill's meeting place.

"It's not my theater, it's the apartment at 177A Brick Street, within two hours, meet me there!"

Having said this, Heisenberg took off the communication patch and flicked it, and the thing flew back behind Barbara's ear.

Before Barbara could speak, Heisenberg patted Barbara on the shoulder and greeted her with a smile.

"No accident, you will be my subordinate from now on, Miss Mockingbird!"

After finishing speaking, Heisenberg didn't care how nervous Barbara and Hill opposite the patch were, he left the nightclub directly and came to Gu Yi's site.

After he left, Sol, who was still drinking heavily in the nightclub, had a sour nose.

Heisenberg, ha!

That's a guy that makes Thor extremely confused.

Does Thor hate him?

Of course, hate, because his hammer was destroyed in the hands of Heisenberg.

But as a fighter, what qualifications does Sol have to blame the strength of his opponent?

First, he rushed into the country of ice on impulse, and was educated by the frost giant Wang Laofei.

Then he was banished to the mortal world and let his younger brother educate him well.

Then he took back his power, and before he had time to show it off, Heisenberg gave him a good education.

Immediately afterwards, he discovered that Midgart really had someone who could replace him and was qualified to pick up a hammer!

All of this, Sol doesn't think he has the right to blame others, because he is too weak!

"drink wine!!!"

He raised his glass again, and after drinking it all, he continued to brag about his two thousand years of fighting the Nine Realms to the drinkers around him.

As for love….

When a man feels that his career has disappeared, how can he still have the courage to pursue love?


Leaving the nightclub, Heisenberg did not choose to fly.

Since Tony took off his steel armor and chose to get married, he has been obsessed with making a daughter all day long.

And Heisenberg was too lazy to fly around.

New York is free from the environment of superheroes flying around in a blink of an eye.

And with the rapid expansion of the Nuke Gang, there is not much need for superheroes in New York now.

At least Heisenberg walked through the streets without seeing or hearing any vicious crime.

Let real gangsters clean up the streets, and that can really wipe out most of the evil on the streets.

Just because gangsters don't speak the law with sinners.

When the cost of crime changes from going to prison to being castrated, or even directly sinking into the sea.

Potential offenders also need to consider their income and expenses.

There's no need to take the risk of sinking the sea, just to rob a few thousand dollars in a small shop, right?

Of course, compared to castration, sinners generally want to be submerged in the sea….

In short, today's New York has truly become a city with the best security in the United States!

I just don't know if the little spiders will make their debut in this city in the future.

If so, then he may never have the chance to deal with any major cases...

After walking all the way for more than forty minutes, Heisenberg came to the Temple of the Ancient One in time.

Sure enough, when he arrived, Hill's car was parked just in front of Apartment 177A.

Hill and Natasha got out of the car and greeted Heisenberg from a distance.

"Long time no see, Your Excellency Heisenberg."

"Hmm, long time no see, come in and talk!"

Heisenberg nodded, then pushed open the door directly, and walked into the room that instantly stunned Hill and Natasha.

From the outside, it should have been an ordinary duplex single-family house.

But as soon as you walk this house is like a castle full of mystery!

At the same time, the young and beautiful Mage Gu Yi was taking the two young disciples she had just accepted, and the caretaker of the New York Temple, gently salute Heisenberg.

After Heisenberg returned the salute, he pointed his right finger at Hill and Natasha beside him.

"The people you've seen, S.H.I.E.L.D., I always think they should have learned a lot!"

"Indeed, Mr. Heisenberg!"

Gu Yi nodded with a smile, looked at the two Hill with deep meaning, and continued.

"In the future I've seen, Earth's first rainstorm is coming, so...

It's time for S.H.I.E.L.D. to join our Justice League! "

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