Batman left first, the rope gun fixed the building in the distance, and the whole person was dragged by the rope and flew off the roof, as fast as a swift, and as agile as an ape, he had to reach the clown's position one step faster than Superman.

Kent was in no hurry, he picked up Yoyo in his hand and looked at her.

Yunyou was finally able to face Superman, very handsome: "Hello, Superman." She beckoned, with a guilty smile on her face: "Looking at your appearance, I know that you are more pity than Batman, don't let go." She is now There was still a void beneath her feet, and Superman could drop her again at any time.

Kent smiled: "There are so many crimes, and it's hard to read." Yoyo is the clown's helper, and has done a lot of murder and arson, so Kent's eyes were red, and a hot gaze penetrated her chest, killing her.

Batman looked behind him in shock. He thought that Superman would at least not kill Yoyo after saving her, but he never thought that Kent would kill her if he wanted to. There was no hesitation at all, his cold-bloodedness was evident, this person was definitely not the heroic role model in the Flash's mouth, but a willful killer.

Hurry up, seeing Yoyo's body being dumped on the rooftop by Superman, Thomas only felt that Superman's next target was the Joker. The sense of crisis urged him to continue to accelerate.

The clown also read the news, but she still had to wait for the detailed information from Yunyou. When she saw the news that four robbers had died, she felt bad. I can't believe what that yellow guy said, saying that Superman will never kill people. Could it be that her subordinates will commit suicide?

It was killed by Superman, and that Superman was not the moral model Reverse Lightning said at all. But even if Superman is a killer, it can't stop the Joker's determination to kill Superman, because she is just a nosy Superman.

When his son died, Superman didn't come out. Now he pretended to come out just to draw hatred.

The long absence of return has made the Joker suspicious, so she is ready for the arrival of Superman, and she will definitely let Superman die here.

The Joker is hiding on the top floor of a five-story office building, which has not been renovated and has exposed concrete walls. In every corner, the clown has designed traps, just in case.

But before Superman, Batman was a step ahead.

The silhouette of the bat entering through the broken window makes the clown's smile less calm. The last thing she welcomes is the bat. Seeing him will only remind her of that night, and the memory alone will make her feel unbearable.

"Batman!" The Joker didn't say much to the window, raised his hand and shot, the Woods submachine gun released bullets, leaving a trail of bullet marks on the wall.

"Joker!" Batman rolled and dodged, hiding behind the concrete wall: "Superman is coming, he will kill you."

"I'll kill him first." He continued to fire, ignoring Batman's advice at all.

"Martha—" The other party was disobedient, and Batman would force her to regain her senses: "You will die."

Hearing his real name, the clown really stagnated, with a complicated expression and extremely unstable mentality. But in the end, the picture of her son's tragic death kept hitting her brain, making her eyes completely chaotic: "I want to die with Superman."

Batman understands the Joker, and if there was Superman when there was a robbery in Crime Alley, their son would not have died. The Joker's hatred of Superman stems from jealousy. She is jealous of the people saved by Superman and their good fortune. Then jealousy turned to anger, Bruce didn't have such luck, then neither should these people, so Superman has to die.

"Martha, Superman is not a savior at all, he is a killer, and he is not here to save mankind at all." Batman hopes that the Joker will listen to him, he believes that the appearance of Superman is definitely not luck for mankind.

Just when their husband and wife were 'exchanging their hearts', Kent interrupted their reunion: "I'm sorry, I stopped an arms smuggling on the way here, turned over a group of kidnappers, and caught an arsonist, Gotham. The city really lives up to its reputation and its folk customs are simple." "Batman, you are right. I really can't save a city with such a high crime rate." Kent said that Bruce Wayne is really hard work, and Gotham City is really not an ordinary hero to play. Yes, it's too easy to get angry.

"Superman!" The Joker finally saw Superman and immediately started fighting.

"No." But Batman couldn't stop the Joker. She pressed the button, and the homemade bomb surrounded by kryptonite fragments had detonated.

With the shock wave of the explosion, the finely broken kryptonite quickly spreads in the rough room inside the building, and will soon surround Superman.

The Joker felt that this would definitely kill Superman.

With the indiscriminate attack of kryptonite, Kent took a deep breath and inhaled the kryptonite into his lungs fiercely. After so many worlds and receiving the illumination of different stars, Kent felt that his physique had become much stronger. This time, he tried to see if he was immune to kryptonite.

The radiation of kryptonite is pure enough. Kent feels that there is no other abnormality except that his body is heavy. It seems that his immunity to kryptonite has improved to a higher level. It is estimated that kryptonite will be completely useless to him after a while. .

Seeing that Superman was madly inhaling kryptonite dust, but he didn't seem to be weakened or painful at all, the Joker secretly scolded himself for being deceived by the yellow guy. What kind of ghost kryptonite is useless to Superman.

He opened fire, changed the clip and continued to fire, the bullet hit Kent, sparks burst, the ricochet moved randomly in all directions, and the surrounding walls were damaged.

Batman saw that the Joker's weapon was useless, so he gave up his weapon and went behind Kent to fight Kent.

In the face of a powerful enemy, the couple are surprisingly in harmony.

Hey, UU Reading Batman is in the wrong camp, Kent said that the script was wrong when he saw Batman defect.

He punched, and then Batman's expression changed, because his hand seemed to be broken. It was obviously that he attacked Superman, but the result was very unexpected. He seemed to hit the tank. The result of hitting a tank with bare hands is obvious, and it is naturally a hand injury.

Sure enough, it's thick skin that can't be penetrated by bullets, so if you use joint skills, Batman won't give up. However, Superman's joints are also hard like the mechanism of an excavator.

Finally, Superman stood in front of the Joker over the hail of bullets, preparing to give the Joker his final judgment: "You shouldn't trust Reverse Lightning. When you see him in hell, hold him accountable." His eyes were red.

"No—" Batman was blown out of the building by a violent red explosion and fell onto the top of the van on the side of the street. He knew that the Joker was dead, and she died before he could leave a last word. Now his only hope is to help Barry get his timeline back to normal so that he can make up for Martha's spirit in the sky. So hold back the sadness and go back to the Batcave, and continue to find strength for Barry.

On this day, the top floor of an office building to be rented in downtown Gotham City was completely evaporated in a burst of red light. Everyone didn't know that the top floor disappeared along with the clown in their hearts.

Kent found that after returning to the DC universe, his actions came from the heart, and he let nature take its course regardless of the reason. Get the world sorted out before heading to the Forge of Poly, and then Kent needs to fake a fake signal to open the Forge. And this planet will enter the multi-element melting pot as Kent's "ship". Kent does not know what will happen then. Anyway, he came out to rectify the planet while the scabbard was being prepared.

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