Interstellar Boss She Has Bugs

Chapter 241 Group Destruction

Lieutenant Colonel.

Sir. Jason saluted his superior and reported the situation on the battleship.

everything is normal.

Command me, don't be careless these few days. Not long ago, there was news from the First Army that these bandits can't bear it anymore, and it's only a few days before they launch an attack. Said to Jason with a serious face.

Yes. After Jason heard this, instead of being nervous, a look of joy flashed across his face.

For more than a month, the fighters have long been unable to hold back. They want to fight, so let's fight hard! After the fight, we can go home!

You boys! The colonel laughed, and a stiff smile appeared on his face that didn't smile often.

Next, Jason patrolled the main ship again. Although he was eager to fight the star thieves head-on, there was still work to be done, and he did not take it lightly.

At this time, he was on the deck of the main ship. When he turned back to the cabin, the corner of his eyes swept into the depths of the starry sky, and there was a flash of light.

When he woke up, turned around, and focused his attention, he found nothing.

You must know that although the fleet of the Seventh Legion is not afraid of some small meteorites, if they enter any meteorite group, their lives are still in danger.

Jason stood on the deck and looked again and again, confirming that the flash of light just now might be an ordinary meteorite, so he didn't care anymore, and turned around to go into the cabin.

...But the moment he turned around, two streaks of blue flashed in front of him.

Not good! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!

In an instant, a sharp alarm spread throughout the battleships of the Seventh Legion.

The last thing Jason saw in his life was a giant beast bigger than the planet...

Before falling into the darkness, he thought, it turned out that the flash of light he saw not long ago might be the eyes of this giant beast...

On this day, the seventh federal warship, the mother ship, and the sub-frigate, a total of 3,600 people, were all attacked.

The news was sent back to the military headquarters and to the Federation, causing an uproar from all walks of life!

When he heard the news, Mochizuki was about to go out and go to the eighth store to shop for treasures.

Yan Luan's courtyard was already filled with seven or eight senior military officers, and the atmosphere was very dignified.

Hearing this news, Mochizuki no longer had the desire to go out for a stroll, and simply stayed where she was, watching quietly.

Even though she has little sense of substitution in this world, out of respect for life, Mochizuki couldn't help frowning, with evil eyes.

The screen transmission of the accident has been sorted out. Since the second day of junior high school heard the news from space, the information has been collected immediately.

Let go! The usual gentle aura in Yan Luan's comments was gone. At this time, it was replaced by a chilling aura, like a peerless magic weapon unsheathed, showing its sharpness.

——This is the real general of the Federation.

As soon as the second day of junior high school beckoned, there was a light screen in front of everyone.

At this time, the situation of the Seventh Corps operating in space is being played.

This is the battleship record I collected from the battlefield. Since even the nano-robots have been almost destroyed on the scene, although the picture is a bit broken, it has basically restored the original scene.

The deep and serious voice of the second day of junior high school slowly sounded in the yard.

Mochizuki looked up at the light screen, where, in the dark and deep space, a huge battleship seemed to be slowly floating in space.

Around the mothership, there are many sub-warships responsible for reconnaissance wings, and the occasional green light flashing on the mothership indicates that everything is normal.

In the picture, on the first cabin, people in the battleship can also be seen indistinctly patrolling.


A strong blue light flashed, the first thing that appeared in front of the battleship was a shuttle, and then a wormhole appeared behind the shuttle...

When they saw what appeared in the wormhole, everyone present gasped.

It's that star beast! Chu San yelled angrily!

His eyes turned red with anger.

Quiet! Yan Luan's voice was still calm, but this time there was a faint coercion.

Mochizuki glanced at him, feeling that this guy is not in a good mood right now.

As a senior officer of the military department, even though the Seventh Army and the First Army have no intersection, as colleagues, they will always feel a little empathy.

Seeing so many soldiers sacrificed in front of him, if he is not angry, he is not worthy of being a qualified soldier at all.

Undoubtedly, Yan Luan is a qualified soldier, although his aura is very restrained, Mochizuki still senses his anger.

He turned his gaze back to the light screen.

I saw that after the star beast appeared, it didn't stop at all, it went straight to the main ship mother, stretched out a palm bigger than a mountain, and slapped the ship mother with one slap.


The 2S-level ship carrier in space was photographed torn apart.

There are also surrounding fender warships, and they were not spared.

At that moment, the area of ​​space burst into flames like fireworks.

The Seventh Legion didn't even have a chance to fight back, and was wiped out under the two palms of the giant beast.

It took 5 minutes from the appearance of the star beast to the departure of the star beast! The slightly trembling voice of the third grader of junior high school slowly rang out in the silent yard.

He trembled not because of fear, but because of anger, extreme anger. At this moment, he wished he could rush to the battlefield immediately, find that star beast, and kill it on the spot!

Then shred the corpse into thousands of pieces!

This star beast, earth type, we estimated its level wrong...

Although some soldiers' breathing became very messy after watching the video on the light screen, they still forced themselves to calm down after hearing Yan Luan's words.

Looking at the battle fluctuations, this star beast should be close to rank nine! Yan Luan said slowly.

Ninth level? Someone obviously didn't know what Yan Luan meant by the ninth level.

The highest level of spiritual power before our interstellar is 3s, there is no such thing as 4s, 5s... This star beast is obviously an earth monster. In the Blue Star Era, they divided the power level from the first to the tenth level...

Yan Luan obviously knew a lot about Lan Xing, so he slowly told about Lan Xing's ability level.

That is to say... the star beast that attacked the Seventh Legion is already beyond the scope of 3s... Someone couldn't help breathing hard.

It's not that they haven't seen star beasts beyond 3s, but this kind of creature is so strong that it already has its own IQ, and generally won't harass human beings, nor will they destroy human planets.

Because they know that once they do this, they will definitely be on the must-kill list of humans, and humans also have the strength to kill them.

And the star beast in the video has been in the evil star field for more than a month.

The military once dispatched destroyers, but later the fighting gradually tightened, and even troops were sent to encircle and suppress it.

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