Interstellar Boss She Has Bugs

Chapter 265 Preliminary Plan

Oh! I'm thinking too much! Mochizuki saw that Sister Leng became serious, and hurriedly apologized.

There is no way, the wrong party kneels first, this law is never wrong.

Then let's talk about the serious thing. What important secret do you want to tell me? Do you do it so seriously! Sister Leng stared at her and said formally.

I... have a batch of grain... Mochizuki took a deep breath, and told Sister Leng that he had five thousand catties of wheat on him.

And also said the possible effects of wheat. my plan is to put these grains in the city of sin for the civilians to test, but you also know that such a large plan requires a large organization to do it. The first thing I saw was the first Eight shops...

Mochizuki confided his plan in one breath.

So what you mean is that you want to sell these grains from our Leng family to the eighth shop? Sister Leng said slowly.


Girl, don't mention, where did your wheat come from and how did you grow it? Have you ever thought about it? If you sell these wheat, they will definitely become the seeds of those rich people...

Mochizuki chuckled, Did I ever say that what I sell is wheat? What I sell is flour...

Luoshen's shop, if there were no accidents, would have opened two weeks ago.

According to Luoshen's influence, those foods and recipes should be learned by many people.

At this time, the appearance of flour will greatly provide convenience for many people.

So... Sister Leng pondered, Do you have to promote these things?

Yes! This is just my preliminary plan. On my planet, a large number of seeds have been planted, and the next batch will be harvested soon...

Mochizuki's gaze was firm, the gathering of superpowers mentioned by Yan Luan last time, and the purpose of the Star Bandits attacking Sin City this time.

It made her more eager to make these things public.

Soon the secret of the restricted area will not be a secret. When everyone in the world knows what happened in this world, Mochizuki hopes that before that, let people see hope.

Of course, those superpowers will definitely find fluctlights when they enter the restricted area, but fluctlights are not something they can control, and Mochizuki is not worried.

Even Mochizuki felt that it was a good thing that the fluctuating tree had been guarding the entrance of the restricted area.

After all, Fluctlight can absorb infinitely, and even purify those mutated substances.

Also, when Mochizuki entered last time, a large number of fungi were planted, which may also be discovered.

Therefore, before those things were discovered, Mochizuki first introduced things like flour to make those fungi plants normal.

Of course, as there are more and more pure plants, her vest may not be able to hide them.

But at that time, according to Mochizuki's plan, those people would need her seeds and would not attack her.

When they discovered that only the seeds in her hand could have the purification effect, no matter how curious those people were about her, they couldn't afford to bet...

I think you should try to trust Yan Luan in this matter. Sister Leng pondered for a while on the other end of the video, and then arrived.

Yan Luan? Mochizuki frowned, What's the reason?

Although Mochizuki didn't want Yan Luan to get involved in this matter, if it was Sister Leng's suggestion, she still wanted to hear it.

After all, my impression of Yan Luan is good, if Sister Leng gives a suitable reason, it is not impossible.

With the influence of the military department, your plans will be implemented more smoothly. You also know Yan Luan's strength... Sister Leng sighed softly in her heart.

Mochizuki's cautiousness made her heart ache.

As for where Mochizuki's seeds came from, since the girl didn't say anything, Sister Leng couldn't bear to ask her anymore.

She believed that Mochizuki had already told herself such an important thing, and she didn't care about the source of the seeds.

Sister Leng knows better than anyone what the food produced by such pure plants represents.

But Mochizuki didn't want to sell these things to the upper class when he got them, but wanted to promote them among the lower class civilians in Sin City.

This is bound to be difficult...

Without the support of the military...

Well, if you don't want to contact Yan Luan, leave this matter to me, and I won't confess you. Seeing that Mochiyue was still hesitating, Sister Leng smiled lightly.

To be honest, in her opinion, if Mochizuki personally negotiated with Yan Luan, she might gain more benefits.

Maybe the Yan Luan that Mochizuki saw was very easy-going.

And she had never seen another side of him, so she thought that this man was actually just like that.

That's good! Mochizuki agreed without thinking.

If he makes any other requests, such as the source of the seeds, you have to be careful and don't let him fool you.

Mochizuki said worriedly.

Ha! Sister Leng laughed directly, Got it.

Afterwards, the two had a lot of discussions about Mai Mai before they cut off the call.

After chatting for more than an hour, Mochizuki stretched, walked slowly to the balcony, and looked at the sea outside the window.

Yan Luan... Sister Leng admired this person so much.

Thinking of that man's space ability, Mochizuki felt that he had to re-evaluate the man's strength and role.

First of all, Yan Luan will have to take action on the broken crack in the forbidden zone in the future.

Moreover, in her heart, Yan Luan is a tool person through and through.

In the early stage, he was generous and solved many of his financial problems.

Later, although there was a little friction, which made my sense of him biased, thinking about it carefully, it was not a big problem.

After all, the positions are different...

Up to now, even Mochizuki (including the scumbag author^_^) feels that he is forcibly whitewashing Yan Luan.

But no matter how much I think about it now, it all depends on how the negotiations with Sister Leng are going.


After Sister Leng hung up the call with Mochizuki, she thought for a while, and clicked on Yan Luan's name on the communication...

Yan Luan was in a meeting, a meeting belonging to the military department. When the call notification sounded, the meeting was noisy like a vegetable market.

As the lieutenant general of the First Federation Corps, Yinghao is good at talking, so Yan Luan only acts as a mascot in this conference room.

Everything is done by the hero.

About the star beast that Admiral Yan of the First Legion picked up in the Sin Starfield, according to my meaning, it should be handed over to our technology department...

This is the people from the Science and Technology Research Institute. They heard from somewhere that Yan Luan had pulled back a star beast from the sinful star field, and they wanted to come and study it.

How could it be handed over to your science and technology department! This is the spoils of our first army. You have never seen a star beast in your life, have you? They want to steal from us! Yinghao sneered mercilessly.

This star beast is not an ordinary star beast. It has been artificially domesticated. Isn't this very valuable for research? We just took it back and studied it for a few days, and it's not that we want to snatch it for ourselves!

Oh! I'm afraid that some people will kill this star beast under the banner of research!

Yinghao, what do you mean? The man on the opposite side who had been asking for the star beast finally couldn't help but stood up. Glaring at the hero.

What do I mean? Don't you have any points in your mind? Where is the Science and Technology Research Institute? The dean didn't come forward to ask our boss for things. Who are you? Who doesn't know, some people in Star Pirates belong to you relatives!

Not to be outdone, Ying Hao drank his saliva slowly and said mockingly.

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