Interstellar Boss She Has Bugs

Chapter 322 Eternal Star

It's just that this big brother has a good idea, he underestimated the aggressiveness of the plants in front of him.

Therefore, when the twenty or so people approached the moon, the plants in the ground suddenly exploded, and the vines rose up from the ground, and then divided into many branches in the middle.

And the leading brother, who was screaming in despair underground, saw a scene he would never forget. He saw those plants that could grow in the void, and instantly pulled the human beings who were flying in mid-air and tried to escape to the ground.

Bang bang bang...

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, the human beings who were flying extremely fast in the sky one second, were pulled to the ground by countless vines, bound tightly like dumplings the next moment.


At that moment, the person who fell to the ground felt that the continuous power in his body was being absorbed by those terrifying vines.

No matter how they run their powers, they can't plant matter. Those plants pierce the skin on their bodies and absorb their own energy.

Only then did they really understand why the leader screamed in terror, because they had also tasted that pain.

No! My ability!

Some people with relatively low-level abilities found that their ability level had dropped from 3S to 2S in just a few breaths, and the decline continued, and the level of ability was still falling...

How hopeless and tragic is it to watch one's ability level drop continuously?

You know, for the supernatural beings in this world, it takes them several years or ten years to break through the barrier every time they level up, but now, it only takes a few breaths to lose their supernatural powers.


Please, let us go. Even the always ruthless leader lowered his noble head in front of this terrifying plant.

However, Mochizuki just stood there quietly as if she didn't hear him.

There was even a sunny and gentle smile on his face.

The leader was instantly ashamed.

He closed his eyes in despair.

Mochizuki lowered his eyelids and looked at the time on the light brain, One minute.

The vine that was cut off from the big silver-white tree absorbed all these twenty or so 3s-level supernatural beings in just a minute or so, completely reducing them to ordinary people.

Mochizuki raised his hand, and the vines on the ground spread like a tide, and retreated.

In just a few seconds, there was nothing on the ground except for some sawdust, as if the vines all over the sky just now were the illusion of others.

Mochizuki didn't care about the ashes on the ground, she stretched out her arms to hug Xiaobai who jumped out of the darkness, and stroked its fur in a good mood.

Calmly asked Ling Lingjiu to restore the signal, turned on the optical brain, and contacted Yan Luan.

Soon the opponent's face appeared on the light screen.

I have dozens of people here. I will send you a location. If you are interested, find someone to take them away. If you are not interested, I will leave them here to fend for themselves.

Mochizuki wasn't very interested in killing people.

After all, Baiteng has absorbed all the abilities of these people, and Mochizuki believes that this is more painful than killing them.

After all, what kind of killer is a killer without supernatural powers?

Yan Luan was slightly stunned. Not long ago, he was still hesitating whether to send some people to support Mochizuki. He never thought that this girl would take care of so many high-level power users so quickly.

Glancing at Mochizuki's undisguised background.

Yan Luan had mixed feelings about those half-dead killers lying all over the ground.

If he remembered correctly, this girl had only been separated from him on Starnet for less than an hour not long ago, and in the blink of an eye she had cleaned up all the more than thirty 3S power users.

This kind of fighting speed, even the most elite troops in his hands, is not ashamed of himself?

Yan Luan couldn't help wondering, if he did it himself, would he be able to settle so many high-level supernatural beings in such a short period of time?

Huh? Seeing Yan Luan's silence, Mochizuki tilted her head with doubts on her face.

If you have something to do, just leave those people where they are. I will draw people from other galaxies in an hour.

That's fine. Mochizuki was relieved, and before parting, he explained Hans' intention to negotiate with him.

I think they have already suspected my identity and ability. If they want to negotiate, I have no objection. Mochizuki thought that her ability would not be hidden for long, so she mentioned it to Yan Luan in advance.

I see. Yan Luan pondered for a moment, and then added, As of today, the Interstellar Research Institute has agreed to cooperate with the Luoshen Research Institute to jointly study viruses.

Really? Mochizuki's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he changed his indifference just now.

Yes, now they have agreed to cooperate. To study this virus, it will take at least three months to get results. After taking the prescription you provided, Luoshen's symptoms have also eased, but she is still unconscious.

What Yan Luan didn't mention was that the Interstellar Research Institute was able to facilitate the research with the Luoshen Research Institute so quickly. Professor Zheng really contributed a lot.

Mochizuki curled her lips, It would be nice if there was no corpse change.

Heh... Yan Luan smiled again before cutting off the optical-brain connection.

However, Mochizuki looked at a message on the optical brain and fell into deep thought.

That message was from Master Gu Ling, and it was sent an hour ago.

In just a few sentences, it was nothing more than sending a set of coordinates.

Go, set off according to this coordinate! Mochizuki gave the coordinates in his hand to Zero Zero Nine, turned around and jumped on the spaceship...

N9 star field, this is already the frontier star field of the federation.

There are only two or three residential planets here.

And none of these three planets are purely residential planets, because two of them are adventurer stations.

However, with the instability of the star network signal year by year, there have been very few adventurers who have come to the frontier over the years.

To be exact, there is only one asteroid left in this desert, which is a real residential star.

But there are very few human beings on this planet.

If you count in detail, there are only a few tens of thousands of people.

However, although the people here cannot connect to the star network to understand the current news, their lives are still very simple and unpretentious.

At this time, on this planet named Eternal, the aborigines on it are happily welcoming their important guests.

After all, for a remote planet like the Eternal Star, it is very rare for a spaceship to land on the planet all year round.

Not to mention that no spacecraft has landed on this planet for many years.

Their planet is considered a primitive planet completely forgotten by the Federation.

So when people saw the silver-white spaceship appearing in the sky, children and adults surrounded it with novelty, excitement and excitement.

Stop, whatever you look like, go back and do your own thing!

When this group of excited people saw someone coming down from the spaceship and were about to swarm forward further, an old voice came from behind, making them stop in their tracks.

Grandpa Patriarch...

The Patriarch...

People, big and small, shrank their necks and gave way one after another.

At the end of the exposed road, there stood an elderly man with white hair and a cane.

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