Interstellar Total Universe Fantasy

Chapter 506: Training Camp

Looking in the direction of the crooked drama, Leideka Dekosi also saw a pair of yellow eyes. Leideka Dekosi quickly determined that this should be a black Warcraft leopard, As for the one, you still need to see how it shoots and use that magic to attack people!

And the three people in front of it are really ridiculous! After I found it, I kept watching without saying a word. This one seems to be the most powerful of several people, right?

As a result, one started to tremble as soon as it was discovered, while the other didn't. My own mental power, but I found this World of Warcraft dozens of meters away, and the reason why I was stopped by these three useless people today is because I don't want to give the World of Warcraft a shot.

And these three fools just banged in like this, really stupid enough! However, these three fools are prepared to deal with themselves, so today they have no choice but to let these fools experience how they survived in that secret place!

I don't know how many of these three people can survive! Maybe all three will die! No idea! It's too bad for Warcraft! And these three people, hey! I can't help myself! Leideka Decosi calmly arranged a hidden magic circle and an obstacle magic circle around himself.

Three people and one World of Warcraft saw a person suddenly disappeared in front of them! These eggplants are gone! Shouted loudly: "People! Where did the people go! Come to Debianka Dekos, and you give me this long nasty name, and you need to pay more. Give me out!"

At this time, the eggplant had no idea of ​​the status of the other two people, and he knew that the guy named Deleka Decos would not be honest, this time it is his magic circle!

I heard that there is any hidden magic circle! That is to say I just can't see this abominable guy! And this abominable guy is actually alive!

现在 Now I need to stop here, as long as I do n’t leave this guy, I ca n’t escape, do n’t worry that the three of them have already sealed this place!

家伙 This guy wants to leave even if there is a hidden magic circle and dreaming, but the hidden magic circle does not move, this is very clear to him, and here is a cliff.

三 Three of them sealed this place unless this guy can fly away from the cliff, but it is impossible for a guy who hasn't entered the star ranks to fly, so don't try to escape as long as you keep it here! Huh!

The hoarse voice of Pi eggplant annoyed the Warcraft on the side of the tree, and saw a lightning directly accompanied by a roar. The eggplant originally wanted to continue screaming a few times, but was suddenly struck by a flash of lightning. At this time, he considered it to be a sneak attack by Leica Decos.

虽然 Although the whole person is a bit numb, he is really happy, but this time he grabbed the guy's tail! He can't deny such a thing as hurting him!

And open the terminal now to record all this, and then see how you resist. Haha! The happy eggplant in his heart just turned on the terminal's recording function, and when he looked up with joy, he saw a black cloud flying towards the three of himself.

This is Warcraft! Oh my god! Was it just this Warcraft attacking yourself? What should I do! I don't want to die!

Ledeca Decos watched this leopard highlight a flash of lightning and hit the fat man called eggplant. This fat man has a good system. It would be okay to receive this blow. It's a meat shield!

If you have a dangerous secret situation in the future, you can at least take a look at it, ah! He opened the terminal to record what he did! He wouldn't think he hit him by himself!

I also seem to be a caring fat man! But since he opened the terminal record, if he didn't take the shot, he wouldn't be able to explain it!

And here is the training camp of the Universe Network company after all, dead people will still be more troublesome, and it is said that this is the ubiquitous place of the Universe Network company, maybe there are some recorders hidden there.

This eggplant reminds me of this, it seems that my initial thoughts are a little too simple! And here is the training camp of the Universe Network company. How could a third-order Warcraft suddenly appear?

I'm afraid this is a test! What I need now is stabilization. I need stabilization. And it should be under surveillance now!

After all, if it is a test, it should be monitored. Thinking of Debica Dekos bursting a fireball, it flew towards the falling lightning leopard.

Although the Lightning Leopard is a third-order Warcraft, but it can't be raised by three meters, it is also strenuous to try to cross a distance of tens of meters. At this time, the sudden burst of fireball from the attack, the Lightning Leopard in the air can no longer escape !!

Lightning Panther worked hard to turn his head ~ ~ and let his back face the oncoming attack. At this moment, the eggplant saw the black World of Warcraft that was coming towards itself, the large mouth suddenly closed, and the head was tilted to one side to expose the back.

Then saw a black-red fireball hit this Warcraft, the fireball exploded directly after hitting Warcraft, the eggplant felt that something was sticking to his face as soon as the face warmed up.

The lightning leopard that was struck was rolled on the spot, and fierce eyes were staring at the place where Devilka Decos was hiding, and at this time the distortion was reflected! Turn and run!

The first three did take out their mind-flying knives at this time. In a moment, twenty-four flying knives began to fly around the first three, and the lightning panther realized that there was a powerful enemy in front of it.

The third-order lightning leopard immediately aimed his attack at the enemy he could see, and the first three flying knives spooked out behind the lightning leopard, rushing towards the lightning leopard that had no idea at all. The flying knife didn't rotate in order to avoid the attention of the lightning panther.

Attacked directly on the leg behind Lightning Leopard, but something unexpected happened! The flying knife's material is not good. If it is rotated, it may still cause damage to the lightning leopard, but inserting the flying knife into the hind leg of the lightning leopard at all. Instead reminded the lightning panther.

A thunderbolt fell, this was a lightning panther's range attack. Under a thunderbolt attack, there is no defensive magic circle protection outside, only a hidden magic circle that obstructs the magic circle is destroyed!

At this time, Lai Faika De Kosi appeared in front of the crowd after the hidden magic circle was broken. The lightning panther first stunned. At this time, Lai Faika De Kosi prepared a continuous attack spell that burst into fire. Just show it to the Lightning Panther.

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