Interstellar Total Universe Fantasy

Chapter 519: Stop suddenly

Filigree was thinking about it and at the same time began to pay attention to those who were wearing old clothes. What were they doing? Soon silk cloth made a discovery that was not a discovery.

While looking at a person, Fang Sibu inadvertently captured that person's mental power was condensing into a line, which stretched to make a person's ears close.

This discovery made Silk feel fear. If it wasn't for his own spiritual power and spiritual knowledge, in this situation now.

I dare not find out the mental strength, that is to say I can't find out what these two people are doing? And now my own consciousness is the only one here that can capture the movement of spiritual power.

A person who is stingy and not to be found, but feels like he is like a sheep in a wolf pack! Watching the surrounding wolves discussing about how to eat yourself, really uncomfortable, right!

But how can this be? If I choose to follow the suspended bus directly after completing this task, will it attract the attention of those people?

Let's watch it change now! It is better to arrange a hidden magic array when you get off the car, and then hide yourself in the car with a wrapped cloth!

You can try it this way, but when you enter the city in Ruilan City, you won't be able to get over it! And maybe these people will still hold this thing to themselves, which is hard to say!

And if you go down by yourself, then you will be divided into groups, depending on what these people want to do! But now when these people do nothing, if they say that they sprinkled powder on people, nothing happens now.

These people can change to other methods, but what if people accidentally find powder on their bodies? For example, the guy who has a clean habit at first glance.

Maybe this is a problem, maybe some people will remove the powder from their bodies? Yes, try it first! Is there time anyway?

Filigree thought of taking out a handkerchief from the space ring, and began to approach the person with cleanliness. When he came near him, he began to wipe his clothes with a handkerchief.

The cloth worn by the filigree cloth happened to be black, and those powders were light-colored, and the fall on the clothes was very obvious. The silk cloth was holding a white handkerchief, and everything could be seen very clearly.

While wiping her clothes with a handkerchief, the filigree cloth softly complained, "What are these! When do I have them on my clothes? It's really dirty!"

While wiping his clothes, the silk cloth continued to shake off the powder on the handkerchief. The movement of the silk cloth immediately caught the attention of the man with cleanliness.

And when the silk cloth really shakes off some powder. Some people in dark clothes could not help looking at their clothes, so one after another found that they had some powder on their bodies. In fact, the number of people with cleanliness on this car far exceeded the expectations of silk cloth.

Like silk cloth, most practitioners have slight cleanliness, and those who have serious cleanliness are not very few. Everyone who started to organize their clothes, some also used spells.

The small movements of filigree cloth disappear quickly in these people's movements! Those in old clothes were surprised to watch the people around them start to sort out their clothes and remove the powder, and then some of the powder even fell on the clothes of those in old clothes.

Fangsibu watched those who wore old clothes deliberately, and found that if powder was dropped on these people, those people who wore old clothes would wash their clothes immediately. Some people who do not know the magic of the water system even let their companions help themselves to clean.

now it's right! I ’m wearing old clothes, so it ’s necessary to wash them. Are those powders stained only a little? This thing is illogical!

Filament cloth can not help but think, it seems that these powders should be some tracking powder, must be washed with water! So the silk cloth also quickly cast water-based spells to wash their clothes, and at this time, many people in the compartment also began to wash their clothes with water-based spells.

And that person with cleanliness is repeatedly cleaning the clothes on his body, that kind of silk cloth is afraid that the clothes will break! This is the place where you can't change clothes, otherwise this person may be the first person to change clothes!

Hurry up and look surprised at the situation in front of you. Why do these people suddenly find powder on their bodies? I didn't hear anything!

I just saw some people start to find the powder on their body, and then they cleared the powder, but it seems that only some people have done so, and some people don't care about these powders.

But why? Has anyone started washing their clothes with water? What is the situation now? Wouldn't it be a bit abrupt if I didn't learn the movements of those people in this corner?

If people find that they don't have powder on their body, will it look awkward? I thought that here quickly learned to start cleaning their clothes, and the commotion of these people naturally attracted the attention of the star powerhouses on the second floor.

But these star powerhouses are also confused. And some people also started to check their clothes and found that there was no problem and they would ignore the movement of the first floor!

丝布 looked outside thinking about what to do next ~ ~ God observes his surroundings. Now that you've made your move, let's see how those people will continue to do it!

At this time, Sibu focused his observation on Kuaishou and the person he found at the beginning. Sibu felt that this Kuaishou had a big problem. Perhaps this one who has not entered the star ranks is the leader of this group of people!

A thin line of mental force flew from the fast hand toward the silk cloth, and the sound of the fast hand sounded in the ear of the silk cloth: "Is this what you did? The effect is good, but it is a little bit scary! Now we cannot find out what they want What did you do! "

Quick hand, this is to test whether the matter is caused by the silk cloth, but also to test the spiritual scope of the silk cloth. At first glance, silk cloth is less than 30 years old. If you have a mental strength of 50 meters, you should be careful!

如果 And if you don't have such far-reaching mental power, you can feel relieved about him! That's why the fast hand will send a voice to Silk Cloth 50 meters away, but this is also a simple test!

The silk cloth shook his head towards Kuai. Now Kuaisu is fifty meters away from the silk. Under normal circumstances, the spiritual power of the silk cannot stretch so long.

So Silk now chooses not to answer quick questions, just shakes his head at him. He quickly understood the meaning of the silk cloth, and walked towards the silk cloth.

At this time, Sibu considered that if he did not doubt he should talk to him about some issues, but now he did not want to ignore him.

现在 And now he clearly wants to hide from him, does he come to want to watch him? It seems that I have to find a way to get rid of this person! Silk was thinking about how to get rid of the fast hand, and then the flying bus suddenly stopped moving forward.

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