Interstellar Total Universe Fantasy

Chapter 561: Independent person

I'm so guilty, I feel very happy after speaking, and I have never been so happy. How much reward this crooked drama wasted!

Like this barbecue rice! There will be only five servings after 250 people! After 300, there will be only two copies for each person, and for 400 to 500, there will be only one copy.

And five hundred will be gone! And the same is true of other resources, and this crooked drama always runs by itself, has never paid attention to other people's ideas, and sometimes does not intentionally leave.

I looked at the finish line and deliberately embarrassed the first three. Although I was very annoying at this time, I really did not realize the resources that were lost.

A gap of several places can make people lose a lot of resources. The eggplant now feels that this crooked drama owes too much to itself! Seeing him look like eggplant want to sting him.

At this time, the crooked drama was also very surprised. The first crooked drama felt that its previous behavior was simply a fool, and those resources wasted by itself!

For a moment, the crooked drama raised an impulse to catch the self at that time and ask, yeah! If I walk from the left by myself, I am afraid that I will still be on the road!

现在 Now they have entered 240 places, and the gap is so large. I'm afraid if you know the result, if you come here, you will carry yourself away! Hey!

Why did I suddenly feel that I had been ridiculous! Crooked drama, once I felt that I might have been really wrong before! Weird drama, the first time I found out what I did, it was a bit inexplicable, yeah!

This may be the reason for the main brain to turn itself into an independent person! If I had successfully left today, in accordance with my personality, I might march for a while first, and then take some time off.

I ca n’t help laughing at the crooked drama here, yeah! I do n’t even think about ranking in the competitions at all bases at all, I just think what kind of speed can make my heart go smoothly.

估计 Estimate this, I guess I might be here tonight! After all, I don't like people who sleep outside at night. If so, I'm afraid I can't reach this time now!

It is estimated that around 38:00 in the evening, it will be the time of your arrival! The absurd drama suddenly felt that it was its own attitude. If an independent person set out on his own every time, I'm afraid that he would never get any ranking from now on!

I will take care of other people ’s emotions when I have a team, or I may meet them temporarily in order to have a good rest at night, but if there are no restrictions on these people.

I am alone, and I do n’t even know what will happen! Suddenly an idea flashed, and the crooked drama remembered once asking itself how long the wind spell could last. Yes indeed!

If you can maintain the detectable wind spell for a long time, can you not be safe in the wild alone? WeiYu decided to try it out of the base tomorrow. I can maintain how long I can detect the wind spell. I am a bit pleased to think about WeiYi here.

When I was no longer an independent person, my heart was full of despair, but a mood of meeting challenges was raised. Crooked drama, for the first time I felt that I never wanted to have a team, but always longed for a person.

现在 Now that I'm finally alone, I feel that I should feel lost, but why don't I feel any loss?

Come to one. At this time, I have come to the restaurant with the first three, and I saw that the two eggplants slowly eating there did not bother, but went to receive their rewards, and then sat with the two and started eating Own barbecued rice.

Of course, these barbecued rice is nothing for Laiyi! For the first three, you will often eat barbecued rice, because the first three can often get good results in personal competitions in the virtual world, naturally you can often eat barbecued rice.

However, since they have been eating high-level nutrients and energy pills for dozens of days, the two of them still feel delicious when they eat barbecued rice. They are very happy to eat and talk to the first three: "We will not tomorrow Are there any training arrangements? Those who arrived early like this would not have any arrangements for those instructors? "

I came here to see the situation in the Coke Valley tomorrow morning. If the instructors would make any arrangements at this time, it would not be good to go out alone tomorrow morning!

After all, this is still the base, and it should be normal for those instructors to follow the base! And if there will be no arrangements until the end of the game, you don't need to apply for it!

Since there will be other arrangements after the game, I can explore the power of Coke Valley in the past few days! So at this time I will ask these three questions.

The first three ~ ~ After listening to Laiyi ’s question, I knew that he would not ask himself until he had experienced it for the first time, so the first three came together: "Relax! There will be no arrangement But we can already use the dodge room for training!

And the special gravity room is also good. I did not expect that the first reward of the 20th base would be two. It is best to try it too. The effect is very good. I think you will like that special gravity room! Ha ha! "

For the first three, I feel that I should introduce the special gravity chamber for this award, so that I wo n’t lose money because the special gravity chamber cannot set the gravity by myself, one minute after the person enters.

The special gravity chamber will suddenly impose the limit that the entrant can withstand, so many people will lie down directly by the sudden increase of gravity.

Think of the top three here and think that you do n’t have to introduce yourself to the boss, let the boss personally experience it! Isn't it like this anyway?

不是 Aren't everyone going through some setbacks? So the first three decided to leave this frustration to themselves to experience it! How pitiful it would be for you to feel alone if you were not hurt by others!

For the first three times, the little devil in his heart instigated his wings and nodded his head, so he didn't tell this important one. Thinking of the first three here can't help laughing!

I looked at the first three laughed with a little doubt: "Why are you so happy! Is there anything happy about these things?"

I came to one and didn't understand why the first three laughed suddenly! Is there anything funny about the special gravity chamber? However, it seems that the reward is very good, but why does he laugh suddenly? This top three is really strange! Come and think in your heart.

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