Interstellar Total Universe Fantasy

Chapter 724: Feeling of being crushed

  Now I'm in my spirit sea, I have prepared more than a dozen magics, watching three people who have been attacking for two hours and showing some fatigue, come to decisively withdraw the guardian magic circle.

   directly attacked dozens of advanced fire magic to three people, and the three were blinded by the sudden appearance of a sudden and a bunch of fire magic.

  At this time, the attack had directly hit three people. One of the three people who responded quickly was caught up by a magical fire magic.

   These three people died in almost a short time! And all of them were burned to ashes, and at this moment I felt a little bit sighed, thinking that I was almost dead!

   And now these three people who want to die are already dead! At this time, one thing came to mind again and again, that is, in the future, even when attacking other people's magic circles, you have to protect yourself several times.

   If these three people were attacking their magic circle just now, they opened the defensive magic mask. It's estimated how long it will last! Let's cast water magic and earth magic, erasing the battle marks.

   This is the experience that has survived on this training planet in the past few years, if the traces of battle have not been erased. Well, once discovered, this kind of killing each other will attract the punishment from the training base. Although I don't understand why this is the case.

   But the first one is a person with strong execution, so over the years, one has learned to hide traces skillfully. Come to finish this game as soon as you have done these!

   Now I have received a reminder to complete the game request, I want to come to get the items required for this game, but have not been prompted to complete the game.

   It should be because of these three hidden teammates! Only one person can get enough items to complete the game, and the system must determine that he is still in the same team with these three people, so that he will not prompt himself to complete the task.

   And I didn’t know that the three swindled teammates were still alive. Seeing the system without prompting me, I thought the system was broken? But now I know that if this happens again in the future, then I will go to find those who swindle. Since people all think of fraud, then it is better to die! Come to a vicious thought.

   Once I finished this game, I got the ranking of 123, and I thought it was a little ridiculous. However, this game gave me a lot of insights. It can be like this for teammates, which is really funny!

   But Yiyi also realized that there seemed to be an instructor targeting himself, and these three people were fooled by this instructor. He didn't believe that someone would talk about his own things unintentionally.

   And it was heard by a few people who didn't enter the star! How is this possible? A constant star talk will not be heard by a group of little guys who have not entered the star rating unless they are willing, then it means that the instructor deliberately let those few guys who will become their teammates hear this Things are up!

   But who is this instructor who calculates himself like this? If you don’t think that a little guy like yourself will offend those instructors, if you have nothing to do with yourself, then you have a relationship with your own team of instructors!

   It is said that instructors often compete with each other because of the performance of the team they handed over, and this time the person is obviously in order to lower the ranking of his team. Some things are true in this way, it can be said that it is a disaster!

   Come to one, while reporting these things to your own instructor, come to think that since it is a matter between instructors, then it is not something that should be intervened!

  Let these instructors solve it by themselves! And a few minutes later, I really received a message from my instructor, the message is only two words, know.

   Come to understand that his instructor is very angry, and the main expression of anger is that he gives himself very little information. The head of this team of instructors is a person who gets angry and talks less, so it seems that the message sent by himself should be read by several instructors of his team.

  As soon as I knew that the instructor was angry, I was relieved. I believe that this cunning instructor would handle this matter. However, I still feel that I need to improve my space and time magic, otherwise how can I make a perfect breakthrough?

Fadiq Fort wheel, already know that Lian Ling. Dika has completed a perfect breakthrough, and Meikemei has also broken through to enter the star rating, two breakthroughs into the class of classmates, let Fadi Ke Fort feel Under some pressure.

  If you want to attend the same academy as Lian Ling. Dika, then you must break through to enter the star rating within ten years. And now all the equal ranks are basically in the eighth rank. Fadiq Fortn felt the urgency of Cadiz Dirk looked at the dark valley in front of him and made up his mind. Now he must break through himself in order to make a breakthrough in the divine and demon refining!

   The valley in front is the Dekeling family, a place to prepare for the children of the family, and now Cadiz Deke is preparing to enter it for cultivation.

   This valley is not only a place of cultivation for the children of the Declin family, but also a place where the children of the Declin family have the most casualties.

   can be said to be dangerous and terrifying, but for his future, Cadiz Dirk is no longer prepared to promote in a gentle way!

  Since it is a divine and spiritual exercise, what is needed is cruel cultivation. Cadiz Dek resolutely approached the valley in front of him.

   Just stepped into the valley, snap! After a while, Cadiz Dirk fell directly to the ground. Cadiz Dirk felt that a giant mountain directly pressed himself, and now Cadiz Dirk could not move at all!

   Although Cadiz Dirk feels very painful now, but Cadiz Dirk has already started to work, and the demon and the body are determined! Before Cadiz Dirk entered, Cadiz Dirk knew that it had to run from the entrance, and the divine demon refining the body, and only by continuously running the divine demon refining the body, could it be in this valley Survive.

   And as long as ten steps from Taniguchi to enter the star rating, Cadiz Dirk had some doubts about these before, but now Cadiz Dirk has completely believed!

  Now, Cadiz Dek doesn't say that he has taken ten steps, even if he stands up, he can't do it. Cadiz Dirk even felt that he couldn't even touch a finger, it was completely crushed, and Cadiz Dirk had already felt that his bones had begun to crack!

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